The Greatest Showman

Chapter 563: to seek perfection

Tony knew that he was a lunatic, he never denied this, but now it seems that Lanly is a crazier perfectionist. In the scene just now, in Tony's opinion, it is already a hundred points, and it can't be better. Even if it is repeated a thousand times, it may not be able to show such an excellent effect again, but Lan Li is still there. Keep improving...

So people always say that true talented artists are perfectionists, and are they all crazy?

"Look, your eyes here are to seduce Henry, but you haven't really experienced these things, so the expressions and movements are relatively clumsy. This is understandable, normal, and in line with Erica's image." Lan Li's outspokenness made the little girl blush, and even Lan Li lowered his eyes, coughed twice, and then said, "But you can adjust with your eyes. Don't let your eyes fall on Henry's cheeks. It’s on Adam’s apple."

Adam's apple. This is the American slang term for the Adam's apple, with a little witty ridicule, which successfully enlivened the atmosphere.

Sammy raised his eyes to look at Lan Li's Adam's apple and nodded seemingly. The underage girl was still too young, which made Lan Li feel a little guilty. A shyness flashed between her eyebrows. She avoided her eyes and focused on serious work. "If a man swallows saliva, it means that you succeeded."

Sammy nodded suddenly. It turns out that there are so many mysteries in the details of the performance, just relying on a capital/capacity, using a methodical performance method, these details will pass through the lens, but the expressionist can be accurately and delicately presented. Sammy doesn't know what expressionism and methodism are, but she knows that there are countless things to learn about Lan Li, which makes her eyes flash with a look of worship.

Lan Li turned his head and looked at Tony, "You'd better give Sami a close-up here."

This is Tony’s job. Without further explanation by Lan Li, Tony’s thoughts diverged and nodded in affirmation. In addition to Erica’s eyes, Henry’s Adam’s apple and even the details of his fingertips and mouth You can add some close-ups, just a flash of camera switching, but you can use montage-style editing to express the silent communication between two people.

After the three people had communicated with each other, they quickly went into shooting again. This time, there was no sound from the entire crew. Everyone focused on their work in obscurity. The efficiency of all filming work was significantly improved, and the filming was repeated twice. In the end, before the sun rose, in the 71st shot, Tony finally raised his hands high and gestured to everyone, "No problem! That's it!"

But Lan Li was still standing in front of the monitor with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He thought about it for a while, and then pulled Tony, "Tony, but I think I can adjust it here. You see, here My body language still seems a little stiff, not soft enough, if we take another shot..."

"Then we are going to vomit collectively." Tony cut off Lan Li's words, said bluntly, and then showed a big smile, "I know, you want to pursue perfection, and then pick the details better. But I I don’t think it is necessary. Your performance is already 100 points. If you adjust the details, it will appear too deliberate. Your state just now fits 100% with Henry. What's more, we are in this scene. I’ve filmed too many times, you don’t care, but I can’t hold on anymore.”

The self-ridiculing tone made Lan Li burst into laughter, his shoulders shrugged lightly, and then Tony patted Lan Li on the shoulder, "This is perfect enough."

After that, Tony stopped paying attention to Lan Li, turned and left, announcing that the crew could call for work, but Tony unexpectedly discovered that none of the crew members had moved. He couldn't help but froze, "What's wrong? The shooting is finally finished. Now, what are you doing here?" Tony was dumbfounded and looked at Jeremy. "Should we not all cheer at this time? After shooting so many times in a scene, even I would vomit, you don’t feel ?"

Jeremy chuckled and smiled, but with a hint of lightness in helplessness, he gestured with his eyes, and Tony looked around, only to find that everyone's eyes were in the same direction: Lan Li.

Lan Li did not leave, still standing on the spot with his hands on his waist and a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. The nascent morning light pierced through the haze and morning fog of New York and fell on his shoulders, and his entire face was hidden in the shadows. In the middle, I can only vaguely see a side face, a focused and devoted side face, a tired and pale side face.

Everyone's eyes on the entire set were focused on him, holding their breath and making no move. That piece of tranquility was even more focused than the clearing before shooting.

After waiting for a short while, Lan Li let out a sigh of relief, straightened his waist, took the cigarette down, the smile on the corner of his mouth raised slightly, turned around, raised his hands high, and applauded the staff. , Cycled three hundred and sixty degrees, "Everyone has worked hard." Then he started to walk towards Roy and Nathan.

It was like magic. All the staff suddenly became alive. The giggling laughter and frivolous discussions began to sound, nodding to each other as a sign that everyone began to pack their tools and prepare to get off work, with expressions in their eyes. Send out a cheerful message.

Watching this scene, Tony couldn't help but froze, then laughed dumbfounded. Turning around, he saw Jeremy’s brilliant smile head on. Tony patted him on the shoulder and said, “This is a good thing. I’m more confident about the subsequent shooting. In addition to Lan Li, honestly Say, I can’t think of a more perfect candidate."

Jeremy deeply agreed.

The time of midsummer passed quietly in the midst of the busyness, and the "detachment" crew finally entered the high-speed operation mode. Every link seemed to find the most suitable rhythm, which made the filming work gradually smoother and smoother. This is always the case in summer every year. It seems that the first second has just welcomed the arrival of summer, and the next second has seized the tail of summer reluctantly. This is true for the "detachment" crew, and for the busy Hollywood. ,is also like this.

The scorching sunlight penetrated the window of the car and fell on the black leather chair. There were waves of heat. Andy Rogers temporarily put the phone down, took out the handkerchief in his jacket pocket, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and glanced at it. I glanced at the driver's seat and asked, "Sorry, is the air conditioner turned on to the maximum?"

"Yes." The taxi driver raised his eyes and looked in the rearview mirror. The sweaty head looked really horrible, and then he burst into laughter, "Brother, are you sure it's okay? You need to get to the air-conditioning outlet. Is there a cool breeze here at the tuyere?"

Andy wiped the sweat off his neck again. The shirt was soaked. He leaned to the window and looked at it. There was not much left to the destination, so he waved his hand, "No, I'm early. I'm used to it. I thought that after the hottest July, the temperature dropped. I didn't expect it to be even hotter in August this year."

"There are only two weeks left in August, and the temperature will drop soon," the taxi driver said with a smile.

Andy shrugged and sighed long, "Hope, the summer vacation is about to end, and the heat wave should be over." Then folded the handkerchief again, put it in his pocket, picked up the phone, and continued to bow his head. Flip through it.

This year’s summer file was unpopular and ups and downs. After experiencing the excitement and chaos of the opening battle, the situation did not stabilize until the release of "Transformers 3"; and then "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2 "It even broke the box office record for the premiere weekend of film history with a terrifying score of 169 million; unfortunately, the next box office of "Captain America" ​​and "Cowboys and Aliens" are far from good. Stunning.

The highly anticipated works failed to meet expectations, which became the main theme of this summer's archive, which also made the victory of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" even more commendable.

Compared with the "Transformers" with robots as the protagonist, and the "Harry Potter" whose series finale is destined to sweep the box office, the blue gift, which made its debut with outstanding performance, is undoubtedly more topical; plus The blockbuster on the cover of "Vanity Fair" aroused heated discussions on the Internet, and Lan Li became the most watched actor in July!

The hot release of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", the topic of "Luke Hobbs" continues to heat up, and there are even relevant discussion posts in the Yahoo community. UU reading discusses the origin and background of this role As well as the story, the tough guy charm he showed in the movie is impressive. More importantly, under the interpretation of Lan Li, the story of the character is full of excavability, giving the movie a deeper connotation, which undoubtedly detonated. People's curiosity.

But it is a pity that due to the text content of the script and the director's main line restrictions, there is no more room for the role to play, and all clues come to an abrupt end. This has also become a great regret. Netizens in the Yahoo community have said that if the producers are willing to be bolder and stronger, they will share some of the pen and ink focused on Dominic on Hobbes, and Lanly will definitely be able to give this role more color.

After experiencing the ups and downs during the broadcast of the "Pacific War", the polishing and precipitation of the two films "Buried Alive" and "Crazy Love", and a series of disturbances during the filming of "Anti-Cancer Me", it seems that netizens Gradually developed a persistent belief in Lan Li, and this trust was fulfilled through "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". Therefore, even though "Love Is Crazy" has not been officially released yet, the word of mouth is only in Sundance. It has been spread, let alone the "anti-cancer me", but everyone still gave praise to Lan Li.

As the box office of the movie broke the 200 million threshold and hit the 300 million box office by leaps and bounds, there was a voice on the Internet: Why not shoot a rumored movie for Hobbes?

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