The Greatest Showman

Chapter 559: Strong outbreak

"No, that's not what I want. [No Pop Window Novels] The direction is correct, but the details are too blunt, and the traces of the performance are too obvious. Let me do it again, I now know the whole rhythm and scale ."

"Are you sure? In my opinion, this time is correct, at least more correct than the previous time. I can use this one."

"You can, but I can't. Do it again. Believe me, okay? I can do better. The importance of this scene is far more important than the opening scene on the first day. All afternoon, what about this scene? Are you satisfied like this? Don't you want to see a more complete and appropriate performance?"

"Good guy, you can talk. Then do it again and let me see the true essence of the performance. I believe you!"

"No problem, trust me!"

After that, Tony turned around and shouted again to the crew, "Do it again!"

"Oh!" The complaint was no longer hidden this time, and it broke out directly. Ninety minutes, another ninety minutes passed. The shooting of this scene just now still failed to make a breakthrough. Lan Li and Tony are still spinning around. Now it is going to be done again, and many crew members are already on the verge of collapse.

Because it's already past four o'clock, and it will be dawn in New York in another half an hour or an hour, that means that they still got nothing for the fourth day of shooting? This is a torture for anyone.

This time, even Jeremy had no energy to comfort the other staff.

If he can choose, he also wants to stop work now, go home to sleep, and more importantly, officially end the filming of the scene. But obviously, he is not the one who has the right to speak. Tony and Lan Li are two out-and-out madmen. When a madman meets a madman, it is these common people who suffer.

He doesn't like Renly. Or to be more precise, Lan Li didn't like him.

To be honest, Jeremy couldn’t see a reason for the performances in the previous scenes. He always thought that the performance before Renly interrupted the filming was almost the same. He couldn’t tell which was better or which was bad, but he was certain. Yes, the quality is very good. Therefore, Jeremy did not understand what the persistence of the two lunatics was. What's more, even Tony had already nodded and passed the test, and Lan Li was still reluctant. This is really letting people...

An anger was stuck in his chest, and he was too stuffy.

The restlessness outside the bus seems to explode at any time, and the scene will be ugly by then. No one would want to see this scene; but the calm inside the bus does not seem to be affected at all.

Sammy looked at Lan Li, who adjusted his breathing and settled down. He sat where he was reading the script carefully. This page of Lan Li has been torn apart, and the content is so slap-sized over and over again, let alone Lan Li. , Even Sami can complete the recitation fluently. But Renly started reading again.

Lan Li's calmness and stability calmed down Sami's irritability and anxiety a little bit. He sat quietly beside him, a little ecstatic, and then Lan Li's voice suddenly broke the stability, "Okay! Let's get started!" "Sami quickly came back to his senses, took a deep breath, took another deep breath, kneeled on the ground again, facing the other extra actor, set his position.

This time, Tony did not get on the bus, but stood behind the monitor and watched the whole scene from the overall perspective, including the photographer’s lens and the pre-set lens. Make sure that the actors are ready. After preparing, Tony shouted again, "Go!"

If it weren't for the dazzling record on the clapperboard, the 69th shot, it is estimated that even Tony himself would not be able to remember the number of times. After finishing hitting the board, he shouted, "Start shooting!" Then he bent down and ran away in a hurry, and the bus began to move forward staggeringly.

Henry exhaled slightly, but he got stuck in the middle of the spit, and got stuck in his throat. He didn't swallow or spit it out. The eyebrows were full of fatigue, and the heavy sleepiness pulled the eyelids down. , And then he raised his left hand, pierced through the hair, combed the hair back, such a simple action made his entire head lean back, and every detail of the body was filled with struggling. After the fatigue, the remaining half breath was spit out, and the whole shoulders were drooping.

The heaviness dragged the whole person down, and a faint Y shadow leaked from the brows and corners of the eyes. The seemingly calm eyebrows had a lingering gray, as long and boundless. In the rainy season, the white shirt that has been wetted by wind and rain over and over again, the heavy dark gray from the white bottom scale, is damp, cold, yummy, and heavy.

Forcibly trying to lift the shoulders, but only slightly invisible, as if you can see that the invisible weight is pressed down like a Mount Tarzan, magnifying the effect of gravity ten times, one hundred times, the shoulders The line collapsed like this, and he sat on the spot dumbfounded.

The eyes seemed to have lost their focus, and they looked straight ahead blankly. The dark brown pupils showed a painful look, and they disappeared for a moment. The frowning eyebrows struggled twice in pain, the kind of desperate torture and suffering. It is surging in the depths of the eyes, like being in the burning of hell's purgatory fire, the pain deep in the bone marrow is licking the soul frantically, tearing it into pieces bit by bit, R's eyes seem to be able to see clearly When it was turned to ashes, the despair was so extreme, the pain was so extreme that there was no sound at all.

Without warning, the tearing pain and boundless despair collided together, and a tear flashed deep in his eyes. Henry closed his eyes hurriedly, the crystal teardrops hanging on the long eyelashes, did not fall, shook out the dangling light in the bus, and cast a heartbreak.

Even if he didn't open his eyes, the slightly entangled eyebrows still revealed a deep torment, and the forbearable bitterness and oppressive pain were surging.

He gritted his teeth and seemed to be suffering from unimaginable torture. The lines of his face began to become stiff, and there was depression in the bitterness, but after the endurance to the extreme, tears still slipped from the tightly closed eyes. At the instant of collapse, a muffled cry came from my chest, pressed firmly under my throat, but still leaked a trace of muffled, the kind of forbearance, the kind of depression, the kind of despair revealed by the convergence, in The corners of the mouth that was shaking slightly swelled away.

Repression, repression, or repression, desperate suppression but still unable to stop the fall into the dark abyss, the huge pull of free fall, ruthlessly destroying all control.

Tears, the big ones fell down, even if you closed your eyes, even if you clenched your teeth, even if you clenched your fists, you still can’t stop the tears from rushing out, but the whole cry is silent, even thin. The thin breathing seemed to disappear, only the hot tears continued to fall, silent shouts, silent accusations, and silent roars that outlined endless despair.

He just sat quietly on the spot, crying quietly, as if he could clearly see all the lines of defense, all the armors, and all the outer shells falling apart, the shattered pieces in the crystal tears, like the sky and the earth.

Quiet, the surroundings are quiet, only the sound of the engine of the bus rumbling lowly in the middle of the night, but the world of one person is falling apart.

This is so cruel that it makes people unwilling to keep watching.

Jeremy was completely stunned. Before his mind realized it, tears had blurred his vision. He hadn't even had time to wipe off the water stains and conceal his embarrassment. The tears had burned the back of his hand. Raising his hand, his face was already wet. He opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. He just froze in place, as if he had lost control of his emotions and his sense of emotions. He stood in the same place, crying bitterly. He didn't know why he was crying, but the tears just couldn't stop.

Such a picture was too unbearable, and it was too bitter to breathe.

The emotions like a volcanic eruption burst into the shock of mountains whirring and tsunami in the calm and calm performance. Throughout the studio, there was no sound, the spreading silence, like a huge wave crashing on the cliffs, one after another, making people panic, suffering, and even more desperate.

Breathe, take a deep breath, the turbulent mood seemed to calm down in an instant, the eyes finally opened The dark brown eyes were covered with a thin mist of water, deep Countless emotions such as bitterness, regret, self-blame, pain, sorrow, loneliness, loneliness, etc. cannot be accurately expressed. It is just a darkness, boundless darkness, surging with mixed emotions. Step by step towards despair.

He took a big breath, but all the oxygen was accumulated in his throat, and he couldn't swallow at all. The hot lungs began to burn, and then he coughed violently, dimly, as if he was about to take the entire lungs. They all coughed up, and then overthrew and destroyed the barriers that had been reluctantly built. With every cough, hot tears began to burst, almost scalding his cheeks, but couldn't stop at all.

He could only clenched his fists, frowned, breathing, breathing heavily, and his sweaty cheeks were a sickly ruddy, as if the lips were smeared with rouge, outlining the enchanting spirit of death. Then he slumped his head weakly, emptied his soul, and fell on a chair, the despair that bound his ankles quickly descending toward the bottomless abyss.

The impact and speed of the free fall began to accelerate the pace of destruction, the dilapidated soul was already riddled with holes, and even the last touch of persistence between the eyebrows was dissipating. Then, he let go of his fists, no longer persisted, no longer resisted, no longer worked hard.

The end of despair is to give up or accept?

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