The Greatest Showman

Chapter 540: Bronx

New York in midsummer is always restless, noisy, and bustling. The rolling setting sun and lively lanterns cast on the unwilling night to come, rendering large swathes of purple, magnificent and mysterious, just like Atlante Si's dome is like a dome, hiding an unknown country, interpreting a yearning but terrifying story.

However, no one would raise his head to look up at this sky, no one would calm down and look at this sky, no one would stop to admire the beauty. The busy rhythm urges hurried footsteps, hurry, hurry; the heavy pressure is pressing on the fragile shoulders with all strength, and the head can hardly be lifted...The expressions on the faces are numb and blank. , Occasionally caught a glance, empty and indifferent.

This is the Bronx. Not Manhattan, not Brooklyn, or even the Queen. It is also part of New York, but here is more like a corner abandoned by the world, becoming the world's first capital. Everyone wants to eat a bite of the big apple, which can’t be erased. A stain, like a moth, deeply connects New York with the continental United States.

This is one of the areas with the highest crime rate in the United States. It is one of the areas with the highest density of African Americans, Latino Americans, and illegal immigrants. This is one of the areas with the worst security police...It is also one of the areas forgotten by the people of New York and abandoned by God.

Dilapidated streets, old buildings, dirty roads, decadent vegetation, flashing street lights, and ruined storefronts make the whole area barren. Under the same sky as Manhattan, they have clearly become two worlds. It seems that as long as you cross that bridge, you will go from heaven to hell.

At this time, a black girl about 13 or 4 years old was standing on the street. She was carrying a pink schoolbag, and she was wearing a cheap white graffiti short-sleeved T-shirt. Water pink sequined shorts, there is a circle of bright pink fluff under the hem, a pair of thick heel sneakers are stepped on the foot, with a pair of pink foot covers, and one long black hair is tied into two big ones. Twisted braids.

She was swearing at a middle-aged black man because the other party seemed to have sneaked a glance at her just now. She strongly suspected that the other party was stalking herself and had an attempt against herself, so she broke the other party's tactics in the public.

I saw that she was bracing her waist confidently, and she cursed louder than once, and her unbearable vulgar words changed a lot. She cursed for five minutes, but she was not too surprised. The middle-aged man tried to leave, but she still reluctantly grabbed the other party's briefcase, seeming to have made up her mind. This matter is definitely not easy to let go.

It was less than nine o'clock at this time. Some people had just finished dinner, some were preparing to have dinner, some had just returned home from get off work, and the streets were crowded, not to mention turbulent, but it was really lively. But the crowds coming and going are not surprised, they don’t even have the thought of watching the excitement, not to mention stopping to see the unevenness of the road, directly bypassing these two entangled people, and straight away, on the street. Formed a unique scene.

The black girls gained the upper hand, and the middle-aged men retreated steadily. It seemed that things would go on like this, and finally ended with the man’s wealth and disaster, but then there was an accident. The girl suddenly stopped a passerby who was passing by, and then shouted, the other side glanced at herself, and then Just move away quickly. Is this racial discrimination?

The passerby was a white man about forty years old.

This white man was really innocent. After being stopped, he looked helplessly at the girl in front of him and defended a few words. Unexpectedly, this action completely angered her. She ignored the middle-aged man just now and became aggressive. The ground shouted, to report to the police, to go to court, to sue the other party for racial discrimination, and the regressive whites suddenly fell into a dilemma of irresistible retreat.

The pedestrians across the street stopped and looked at the scene in front of them, and then began to booze, "Teach this dog/mother/raiser, Hoo Ho Ho!" The swear words followed, and the street slang was uninterrupted. , Even local natives who have lived here in New York for many years don’t necessarily understand it.

Encouraged, the girl's aura rose to the next level, until the white man took out the police badge and pistol to prove his identity, and the situation on the scene was reversed.

The girl cursed babblingly, indicating that the police/chat was bullying ordinary people, and that she was still a minor, and she would never compromise. But, after all, the girl backed down after all, gave up the white man, turned around and caught the middle-aged man who hadn’t left. After blackmailing a sum of money, the excitement was over. .

The white police officer didn't stop at all, turned and left, leaving the mess behind him.

Twenty dollars. The middle-aged man gave the girl twenty dollars, and then the matter was completely wiped out. No one will investigate whether the middle-aged man has committed a crime or has been wronged; and no one has investigated whether the girl is truly in danger or malicious. Blackmail; to be precise, no one cares about the excitement.

Except for Lan Li.

Quietly, Lan Li sat cross-legged at the door of the abandoned warehouse across the street, his work jacket concealing the camera in his right hand, recording the entire process just now. Not for justice, but just for the record, to record the most authentic Bronx, rough and primitive, violent and dull, repressed and cold.

Under those vivid faces, the outline of the soul could not be seen, it was like a walking corpse. Life seemed to have ended long ago, but it was still walking, but there was no brilliance and charm in those eyes. The white police officer was like that, the black middle-aged man was like that, and so was the underage girl.

Lan Li looked at the underage girl seriously. After harvesting twenty dollars, she took it for granted. There was no elation or mood swings. She just stuffed the green bills into her pockets, leaning on the lampposts of the traffic lights, standing in place and chewing the gum in her mouth vigorously. Tossed his schoolbag belt.

The immature face with a stubborn rebelliousness, facing the light of the setting sun, you can see the cheap eye shadow applied on the eyelids, the large patches of purple are unevenly fainted, and the vividness on the lips The lipstick is free from the immaturity of age and is contaminated with the vicissitudes of life. The eyes hidden in the shadows can't see clearly, but can only catch the nonchalant between the eyebrows, a despair.

The girl’s eyes looked boldly and recklessly at the pedestrians around her, seeming to be looking for the next scapegoat. The petite and thin figure, set against the mottled and dilapidated gray building behind her, looked like she was standing in front of the beast’s mouth. The lamb still didn't notice the danger coming; or, he knew the danger was coming, but still didn't care.

This is the Bronx, and the younger generation living in the Bronx is in front of them. The younger generation who should carry the hope for the future has lost the vitality of vigorous and determined progress. The numb eyes and faces are like miscellaneous. Like grass, it grows unyieldingly, but it only grows, arbitrarily and disorderly along the roots of the wall.

Lan Li sighed softly, but there was no fuss before. This is his tenth day in the Bronx. This is not the first time he has seen such a teenager. Likewise, this will not be the last.

When he saw him for the first time, he felt a slight chest tightness, thinking of Heather, thinking of himself, thinking of the group of children at Mount Sinai Hospital. They lived so stubbornly against the entanglement of the disease. I hope to be able to persist on the road of life for a while, get closer to dreams, and get closer; but these young people in front of them choose to give up so easily, as if everything has lost meaning, he is angry, he hates, he With emotion, he is desperate, he hates that iron can't become steel...

But gradually, the feeling of heartache turned into helplessness and sorrow.

Behind this girl indifferently, there was an inescapable mire. Maybe, her father is a drug addict, with countless debts, squandering everything in the family, and even forcing her children to go out/***, if only this is the case, this is still good, and worse, maybe her father Will/rape/rape/own children. She tried to resist, but was beaten to the head. She tried to call the police, but nothing happened. She tried to escape, but there was nowhere to escape.

Perhaps, her story is even worse. Or, stories worse than her are everywhere.

The day before yesterday, there was an accident on the street. A motorcycle crashed into a large truck because of an emergency brake. The owner of the motorcycle flew out, **** and bloodied, and his brain was split. Lan Li just passed the scene and saw the moment when the ambulance arrived at the scene. Several teenagers standing on the side of the road looked like fifteen or sixteen years They were pointing to the already The dead body discusses trivial matters such as how to clean the road and how to deal with the dead body.

Lan Li didn't want to imagine deeply, he didn't know what they had experienced that made them face death so indifferently. Perhaps death is already a part of their lives for them; or, their hands are covered with blood.

Just lived in the Bronx for ten days-less than ten days, Lan Li witnessed the vicissitudes and despair of this area, as if falling into a bottomless abyss, falling continuously, slowly and quietly. But I don't know when it will land. Maybe, never.

The green light turned into a red light, and the vehicle started to move again, but the girl seemed to have seen her signal and stepped forward, as if a model passed a catwalk, and walked across the zebra crossing. The drivers sang their horns anxiously and frantically. Instead, I enjoyed this moment more and more, walking across the road, and then walking across Lanli.

He glanced down, then Shi Shiran walked over, muttering, "What do you look at, haven't you seen such a beautiful woman? Wipe the saliva from your mouth!" Rolled his eyes and continued Swaying his posture, drifting away.

Welcome to the Bronx.

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