The Greatest Showman

Chapter 538: Partnership

Abraham opened his mouth and shook his head helplessly after all. It was a willful choice, he knew it, and he believed Teddy knew it too.

Don't expect to make money with albums like "Don Quixote". If you lose less money, you can be regarded as a victory.

The music market in the world is now in a sluggish state. Even though North America is still the most prosperous region, the glory of one album that sold tens of millions a decade ago has gone forever. Now year-end sales champion albums may all be sold. No more than five million copies; even more exaggerated is that only two million copies are needed to make it into the top 20 or even the top ten of the year-end sales list. You know, the two million copies ten years ago, even the top 50 may not be able to squeeze in.

From Abraham's professional perspective, the North American sales of "Don Quixote" should be between 150,000 and 200,000. At least, the popular name "Lan Li-Hall" is still somewhat influential. With the addition of the two singles "Cleopatra" and "Ophelia", it is still possible to reach this sales figure.

Abraham is not nonsense.

As a reference object, Nora Jones's "Going High Flying" was only sold for 600,000 before the Grammys. That was the year 2002 when the market was still prosperous.

Recently, Bruno Mars released his first solo album "Doo-s" last year, and its sales have not exceeded 700,000 so far. These are two more than the Grammys in February this year. After the nomination, it led to the result of sales.

Based on comprehensive considerations, Abraham believes that the sales volume of Don Quixote is absolutely impossible to exceed 300,000. Even if a miracle occurs, it is extremely difficult.

To produce an ordinary album, $250,000 is now the lowest standard in the industry. For independent musicians, the cost may be reduced, but it is not much lower. Teddy also said just now that one hundred thousand US dollars is the upper limit. From this aspect, it can be seen that Teddy is clearly aware that this is a crazy gamble, and he is trying to minimize the loss as much as possible.

But the album is not finished when it is produced. The so-called "250,000" is only the cost of the recording production stage. After that, it needs to be designed, packaged, burned, etc., and then needs to be put on the shelf, released, promoted, etc., every time Every link requires expenditure. Although it is not that the higher the publicity cost, the better the sales, but it is certain that if the publicity cost is too low, the sales will naturally be difficult to create good results.

Record companies and distribution companies want to recover costs and even achieve profitability: sales are the first element, copyright is the second element, but the revenue of copyright must also be based on the outstanding performance of sales, creating more channels for the use of copyright Possible. But if the sales of an album are only 300,000, then profit is almost impossible.

This is why Abraham rejected George.

As a music lover, he likes the album "Don Quixote" and can't wait to see and listen to the full version of the album. He believes he will love it; but as the helm of Atlantic Records, he can't act arbitrarily. Knowing that "Don Quixote" is a loss-making business, he absolutely can't nod his head.

What's more, in the final analysis, Atlantic Records is not his company, he is just a wage earner. Teddy can be willful and shed blood for dreams and art, but he can't.

Think about it, maybe this is a good thing. At least one company is willing to release "Don Quixote", at least there is such an independent record company tirelessly supporting artistic creation, at least there is a producer who is willing to create an album like moths, at least there is music A person can keep calm and pursue the height of art... The most important thing is that at least his wish can be realized

After "Don Quixote" goes on the market, Abraham will definitely buy more than one.

He hopes that this will be another album worth collecting since the 21st century. In the past ten years, there have been fewer and fewer such albums, and it may be possible to count them without needing two hands. In the 1970s, there were more than 20 classic collections in a year. , After all, can't go back again. Therefore, he is more eager than anyone else that "Don Quixote" can be successfully listed. This is his simple hope as a music lover.

"Teddy, thank you." At the end of the mood, Abraham expressed his true feelings to Teddy at the moment, "I sincerely hope that this album can be successfully produced." It is not a polite, nor an acting, but a sincere heart. Wish and expect. "I think you still have a lot of work to be done next, so I won't stay here and bother. After I go back, I will quietly wait for the album to be released."

Immediately, Abraham left the room neatly and left them with work space.

The joy came too quickly and too unexpectedly. Before he had time to bid farewell to Abraham, he was about to enter into formal cooperation negotiations. George's mind was full of thoughts, and suddenly he didn't know where to start. He looked at Tai in front of him. Di, George was a little confused because he really didn't know anything about the Bell brothers, and there were many rumors, but he never really dealt with them.

"For this album, how many songs do you think are acceptable?"

While George was thinking, someone next to him spoke up, not Nathan, but the stranger who met for the first time today. He didn't even know the other person’s name, let alone the identity of the other person. George looked at Nathan and voted. Going to the line of inquiry, but before Nathan had time to speak, the other party continued.

"I'm talking about the upper limit. For example, for 20 songs, we only make a double-sided CD album. Is this acceptable?"

Don't panic, don't humble, don't humble, don't rush or slow, the most important thing is to be clear and steady, not too aggressive, but close to the theme. After only one conversation, Teddy was very impressed with the person in front of him. It can be seen that this is an old fritters with decisive and negotiating abilities. "Why don't you introduce yourself before we formally enter the subject?" "

Teddy is obviously not a soft persimmon either. His humble and polite words directly ignored the opponent’s offensive. The subtext is like "In what capacity are you talking? Do you have such qualifications?" In an instant, the two sides were brought back to the same position. A starting line.

"Roy Lockley." Roy didn't panic and introduced himself with a smile. "I'm talking on behalf of Lanly. Nathan can testify."

Nathan sitting next to him was full of question marks and looked at Roy in surprise. He obviously didn't understand what Roy was talking about, because Renly hadn't mentioned it to him at all, and Andy hadn't said it, so why would Roy be What do you say? Also, why does Roy represent Renly? He thought Roy was just Renly's friend.

Nathan could feel the sights of Teddy and George both projecting over, and the pressure on his shoulders made people breathless. What should he do? Deny or confirm?

Although Nathan didn't participate in the conversation just now, he heard it all the way. He doesn’t understand the interest and the corners, but that doesn’t mean he is a fool. He knows that Roy is fighting for more rights and interests for Renly and is also fighting for more opportunities for the album "Don Quixote". , If it weren't for Roy, the current situation is probably still a fog.

The last time I met Roy could not help flashing in my mind. At that time, Roy successfully rescued Lan Li from the circle of reporters, and Lan Li and Roy had a very happy conversation. Is this somewhat similar to today's situation?

Nathan clenched his fists secretly and made up his mind. Even if he couldn't help, he couldn't hold Roy's hind legs. Then he wore his own words for a while, "Yes, Roy is a very good friend of Lan Li." partner."

Partner, this definition should be correct, right? Partners can be friends, partners, or spokespersons. If you say this, it shouldn't be a disservice, right?

Deep down, Nathan was still a little uncertain. Subconsciously raised his head and looked at the recording booth, Lan Li was still preoccupied with recording. The conversation between him and Herbert sounded from time to time, completely ignoring the others in the recording studio; then Nathan withdrew his gaze~www.NovelMTL .com~ The spirit is highly concentrated, and he listens carefully to the discussion before him. This is the only thing he can do before Lan Li finishes his work.

"Before signing in black and white, I think Lanly will read the contract carefully." Roy added, this remark immediately relaxed the atmosphere, and George couldn't help but smile.

Teddy could feel that Roy's focused and condensed gaze fell on him, maintaining his politeness, but he didn't give the slightest retreat. He knew the meaning of this look: it's time to talk about business. Now Teddy is beginning to believe that this is indeed a master negotiating on behalf of Lan Li, "About the tracks of the album..."

Herbert wore huge earplugs, wrapped his entire ear in it, and listened to it several times. Finally, he raised his head and made an "ok" gesture toward Lanly, his tight shoulders relaxed and his face relaxed. A joyful mood also surfaced on the site.

The recording is finally coming to an end. The original plan was that they planned to record sixteen songs and select ten from them. However, during the recording process, the number of works that cannot be discarded is increasing. Now they have completed the recording of seventeen songs, and The last song, and then all the recording will be completed.

Next, Herbert will enter the work of post-production and selection of tracks, but selecting ten from the eighteen is a sweet and painful task, just thinking about it, He Burt felt a pain in the cerebellum.

"Huh, where are they?" Lan Li opened the soundproof door, walked out, and then saw an empty recording studio full of question marks.

"What?" Herbert didn't react either, turned around to take a look, and then also looked dumbfounded.

When did those people leave?

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