The Greatest Showman

Chapter 534: Artistic creation

Roy Lockley carefully looked at the eleven studio in front of him. The unique decoration maintains the original style of the building and at the same time incorporates the characteristics of the artist. Every corner is filled with individuality, free and unrestrained. Full of youthful vitality, savor carefully, but can capture the contemplation in the soul.

He couldn't help being a little curious. If the reporters recalled that the building that had always appeared in the background some time ago is the latest work that Lan Li is fully committed to now, their expressions must be very exciting.

As the hottest "new star" in recent times, Lan Li seems to always be covered with a veil of mystery. Reporters racked their brains to try to dig deeper into this new actor who turned out to be born. Netizens are also discussing each other. All kinds of topics, but Roy believes that the so-called mystery is just that people lack the eyes of discovery.

From "buried alive" to "crazy in love" to "anti-cancer me", from "Cleopatra" to "Ophelia" to "your bone", every choice of Lan Li You can see his pursuit and persistence. Especially the music of Lan Li. Those musical notes and lyrics from the heart reveal the perseverance and pain in the depth of my mind. If you calm down and listen carefully, you can enter the world of Lan Li step by step.

It is a pity that the current society is too vain and impatient, no one wants to slow down and listen carefully.

In fact, this is not entirely correct. "Cleopatra" is an exception, or even a miracle.

At the beginning of this year, thanks to the knock-on effect of the "Allen Show", thirty-two weeks after entering the chart, "Cleopatra" has made it into the top 20 of the Billboard Singles Chart, with an outstanding performance that fell below With countless people’s glasses, I wrote my own record. It’s such a ballad with no publicity, no entity, and no music video, but it has achieved such incredible results. I have to say that this is a miracle of independent music. .

But this is still not the end. After that, the Oscar craze and the topic of "anti-cancer me" were repeated, and the spotlights around Lan Li never ebb. "Cleopatra" has also made persistent efforts to further break the history he has created: entering the list. After forty-one weeks, officially ranked among the top ten!

Top ten on the bulletin board list!

And after forty-one weeks into the list! In the era of digital singles, many singles cannot stay on the charts for more than 20 weeks. Even those popular singles that have successfully reached the top and won the championship, only a few have stayed for more than 40 weeks. Now, when the other singles are already on the chart, "Cleopatra" not only still stays on the list, but also ranks in the top ten inconceivably!

Someone once joked that for independent musicians, for a top ten single, the royalties are enough for them to live their lives. They can make their favorite music regardless of care and worry. It can be said that it is. Dreams come true. From this aspect, we can see how incredible the achievements of "Cleopatra" are.

What's more rare is that after "Cleopatra" successfully entered the top ten, it was not a one-week tour, and it actually stayed in the list for five weeks. No one has forgotten that this period of time was precisely the stage where the "borrowing door" was raging, and it was also the hottest stage of the opening battle. The popularity of "Cleopatra" digital audio downloads has always been high, which also makes The singles' ranking on the bulletin board was slow but steadily rising.

In the second week of May, "Cleopatra" got its peak, sixth. This achievement equaled the highest record of Jason Mayez’s popular single "I am yours" and once again wrote the folk fairy tale since the 21st century. But compared to Jason, "Cleopatra" is even more shocking that Renly still has not launched any publicity!

This is the first since the creation of the bulletin board that has no physical discs, no radio playing songs, no music videos, no physical store shelves, or even any publicity methods, but it finally succeeded in making it into the top ten of the bulletin board list. Singles. To be more precise, there is no such record in the history lists of the top 50.

Although "Cleopatra" fell out of the top ten in the following week, it still ranked 14th, stayed in the top 20, and is still ranked 19th until today. , Has never been out of the list. This is forty-nine weeks after "Cleopatra" entered the list.

There are fifty-two weeks in a year. No one will doubt that "Cleopatra" can stay on the list for one year, but the only question now is that after fifty-two weeks, this single Can I still stay in the top 25? Can it break the "you are mine" record of 76 weeks on the list? Now, every week of Cleopatra’s journey is to create history, and it is also creating a history that is insurmountable, unbreakable, unprecedented, and possibly no one to come.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Cleopatra" is now a phenomenal single in the music field, even if it is a folk song that no one cares about, or it is precisely because it is a folk song that has been eliminated by the times.

In terms of performance, "Cleopatra" has achieved a height that many championship singles can't reach, and has won countless records. People should have heard about the news that Lan Li is recording his first solo album, but the facts are just the opposite.

Just look at the reporters who are besieged in front of the eleven studio. They never associate these two things together.

The miracle of "Cleopatra"’s singles chart is not because people understand the connotation of the song, nor is it because people understand the original intention of Lan Li’s creation, but only because of the topical effect, just because blindly following the trend That's it, just because of hype. Simply put, it is just a part of the additional function and has no real meaning.

Roy didn't know whether this was the sorrow of Lan Li, the sorrow of the music industry, or the sorrow of the entire society. Not only music, but not just movies, including people’s lifestyles, communication methods, and values ​​are all quietly changing. With the changes and turmoil in the Internet age, everyone is trying to adapt, but no one knows what the future will be. Where to go.

But under this background, Lan Li is still conscientiously focusing on artistic creation, from movies to music, especially after such excellent results in "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", this is even more commendable. . Roy knows that Lanly is unique. It was like this when he first met at the Screen Actors Guild of America, but he didn't know that Lanly was so different.

Looking at the recording studio in front of him, there was a "stupid" sign hung on it, Roy suddenly felt a little ironic, but also a little funny, with Lan Li's humor, he somewhat understood why Lan Li chose the 11th Studio Record an album.

Knocked on the door, waited for a while, and then gently opened the door, the probe looked in, and took a rough look.

In the spacious and bright recording studio, there are three people sitting on the sofa against the wall, one sitting in front of the sound console, and another sitting on the bench next to it. He only knew Nathan Press who was sitting on the bench. At this time, none of the five people made a sound, sitting in place very quietly, without even noticing Roy's coming in.

I heard the guitar sound in my ears. It was a wooden folk guitar. The clear and translucent strings danced under the light of lemon yellow. The faint sorrow was like butterfly wings. Once, again, it flopped, glittering and bright flashing. The powder fell down, and the whole world was full and hazy.

Roy couldn't help but raised his head and looked over. Then he saw Lan Li sitting in the recording booth, holding a guitar in his arms, playing intently, his slightly drooping face hidden in the shadows. Vaguely seeing the reflection cast by the thick eyelashes, his eyes fell on the vigorous and powerful slender fingers, listening to his singing.

"My hands (my-hands) gently touch your pain, just like the clouds before the rainstorm. Before taking a step, recall my story. I hope you can read the future through my eyes."

The faint sorrow is like a trickle, flowing slowly among the guitar strings, the gentle and moving warmth sweeps lightly, walking through the People can't help but gather their fingers, Touching it carefully and carefully, feeling the faint temperature to heal the broken wound little by little.

"Your heart is full of love, but there is nowhere to release it. So, wipe away your tears, they are devouring your dreams."

Roy could clearly see that Lan Li’s eyelids drooped slightly, and there was a touch of sadness and bitterness hidden in the shadow, gently spreading on the tip of his tongue, and the vicissitudes of life carefully plucked the strings deep in his heart. Every time I flicked, the golden light staying on the eyelashes trembled once, and before I realized it, the tip of my nose began to slightly sore.

"How many times..." Lan Li's voice raised slightly, not flat, but the stormy waves were set off, "How many times have I crossed boundaries, just to get close to you, no one loves you so much like I do. Listen to this melody from the heart, No one loves you so much like I do." The gentleness between Qianyin's murmur, ripples slightly.

Roy couldn't help spreading out his palm, his palm was filled with lines of pain and scars of pride, tears ran across, and the sore pain spread, but there was nowhere to put it; then he folded his palms, and the warmth of the fingertips was enough. I clearly felt the deep and shallow gully, the turbulent memory gradually calmed down, the tears still hung in my eyes and the smile on the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

Close your eyes, and the familiar and unfamiliar picture can appear in your mind, holding hands with big hands, standing silently behind you, unswervingly guarding, blocking all dangers, blocking all wind and rain, and walking side by side until the sky is old. The warmth of those palms is always the last harbor in the heart.

That's maternal love, that's secret love, that's a close friend.

Note: My hands (my-hands——grey-reverend)

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