The Greatest Showman

Chapter 530: Complain about each other

Looking carefully at the calm and dripping blue gift in front of her, Daisy couldn't help but frowned slightly, revealing a thoughtful look. Now, she is more and more interested in Lan Li, even more curious than the surprise in the first interview.

Mature, sophisticated, wise, calm, elegant, introverted... It's hard to imagine that these adjectives were actually placed on a 21-year-old boy, but thinking about it, it seems logical. The wonderful acting skills of "Buried Alive" and "Crazy Love", the courage of "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5", as well as the lack of humility or arrogance in several negative news before and after, the heart, the tolerance, the precipitation , Like a great book, people can't help but read it carefully, but they can't see the end for a while.

Daisy was a little excited, as if the climber had seen Mount Everest. The thrill of challenging the limit was quickly flowing in her blood. She couldn't wait to continue the interview and dig out more stories, but it came from behind. The voice interrupted her rhythm, "Morning, morning. How about? Is the protagonist ready for today? If possible, let's discuss today's shooting style and determine a keynote."

The voice from far and near, with a faint hoarseness, and the simple and neat syllables are like a vast plain. Looking around, it is a steep cliff and a rugged landscape, which hides countless mysteries waiting to be explored.

Looking back, you can see the owner of the voice, a bright orange T-shirt top, jet black shorts, a pair of white skateboarding shoes and black socks with printed patterns, a pair of sun glasses between the bridge of the nose, and one end is slumped down casually. , Unruly and decadent. There are not too many complicated accessories all over the body, just paint the nails black, simplifying the complexity, but blending with my temperament.

Daisy sighed lightly, regretful, but didn't hesitate. Today's filming has just begun. She has at least seven to eight hours to conduct interviews slowly. She has enough time to start this game of wits and courage.

Standing up, Daisy took the initiative to say hello, "Edith, you are late. Everyone is already in place."

The visitor is Edith Hall, the hottest photographer in the industry for nearly a year. Her works have been well received, and the sales of magazines have also risen repeatedly. There are even many top big-name artists calling for Eddie. Wire shooting. Gradually, Edith also gained a position in the industry. I believe that soon, it will not be the artist who named Edith to shoot, but the other way around. Edith will select the model and shoot the subject she is interested in.

This time, Daisy invited Edith to come over to film the subject of Lan Li. Originally thought it would take some time to move out of the "Pacific War" fate, but unexpectedly the other party simply nodded and agreed. This is really great. Up.

Faced with Daisy's jokes, Edith turned around, tilted her ass, and said nonchalantly, "So, is it time for punishment?" Such a simple but bold action killed Daisy by surprise, but instead I don't know how to respond. Edith turned around, looked at the embarrassed Daisy, laughed, and gently squeezed Daisy's cheek, "If you miss it, there will be no chance."

After molesting Daisy, Edith walked straight to Renly. Before she could speak, she noticed that Renly's sight fell on the cigarette that she hadn't had time to light up at her fingertips, and Edith turned it over. He rolled his eyes and didn't say much, so he put the cigarette on his ear.

As a biological sister, Edith naturally knew Lan Li's quirk of not lighting cigarettes. Usually they would avoid Lan Li if they were going to smoke—they here refer to her and Arthur. But the last time this happened was two years ago, and the memory was unfamiliar. Edith couldn't help but roll her eyes, seeming to dislike Lan Li's troubles.

The exchange of eyes between the two brothers and sisters was just a momentary crisscross between the eyebrows. It was too vague. No one could detect it, let alone think of the connection. If Daisy knew about the relationship between these two people, she wouldn't know if her brain was congested with excitement at this time.

"Congratulations. Good performance this time." Edith simply congratulated, but glanced to the side, and after making sure that the others hadn't paid attention to this place, the conversation turned around, and a mocking mockery appeared between the brows. "However, , It’s terrible for some people. I heard that they took a holiday in the Lake District."

Needless to say, Renly knows that he is referring to Elizabeth and George.

"Degree and Excitement/Love 5" has achieved excellent box office in the UK, and Universal Pictures' publicity is even more overwhelming, and it must have spread to the upper class of London long ago. George and Elizabeth went to great lengths to ignore Ren Li, pretending that nothing had been born, or even pretending that Ren Li did not exist at all, but now they can no longer pretend, no matter what social occasion they go to, those sights The suspicion and ridicule in the game will not disappear. This is definitely a shame for them.

Therefore, they chose to turn on the "Summer Vacation" mode in advance to avoid rumors in London.

Not only did Lan Li not feel guilty, but he also chuckled, "Lake District? Are they crazy? They didn't hit the gun by themselves. Instead of that, I might as well go hunting."

The lakes and mountains, the secluded, peaceful and cozy Lake District of England has been used by the British as their own back garden. It was once a holiday resort for the nobles, and almost every family had villas there. The Hall family is no exception.

More than 50 years ago, the government officially announced the division of the Lake District into a national park. As time progressed, the Lake District gradually opened up and became a tourist attraction. Not only ordinary families, but also foreign tourists, all flocked to enjoy The comfortable life here. Now, real nobles are actually reluctant to go to the Lake District. But after the loss of the Hall family, the Lake District is still a good vacation choice.

"Ha, they really planned to go hunting, but the Dunlops are busy in London and they don't have time to entertain guests." Dunlop, that is, Matthew's house. Edith's eyes flashed with a gleeful expression, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. Busy, this is just an excuse for the face.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows silently, "Even if Arthur described it in detail, it would be better to see it with his own eyes, otherwise, would you fly back to the Lake District and visit them once?"

Imagine the embarrassment and shame of the Hall couple, watching their exquisite masks fall apart a little bit, and even become irritated. This is indeed a very interesting thing. Just think about it with your knees. Edith must be entangled with Arthur, let Arthur repeat, repeat, describe the situation at home in detail, and enjoy it.

Edith twitched her mouth and shrugged with a nonchalant expression, "Maybe I will fly back next week. You know, I'm an official United Nations photographer." Compared to Lan Li, Eddie Silk still has at least one external "queen" status. Even if she goes back, she won't cause any disturbances.

"If you don't mind if a certain lady jazz calls Elizabeth to introduce you to young talents." Lan Li replied unhurriedly, and the snake hit seven inches, and Edith's eyes were immediately rounded— —

Blind date, such an ancient means of marriage, is still the most popular way among the nobles who pay attention to tradition, inheritance, family background and heritage. Imagine Edith wearing a long lace dress, tied around her chest, with a short and neat head that fits like a lady, and then having afternoon tea with a young talent. How funny it looks, you know how much Edith hates it.

"I think Arthur should be very happy to call me and describe the scene." Lan Li's words were always unpleasant, but they were sharp and sharp, which made Edith's teeth ticklish with hate.

"I think this movie is good." Edith didn't have the fire, but changed the subject, and put her elbow on Lanli's shoulder. "To be honest, this time, I finally feel your handsomeness. From now on. , You can make more commercial movies. Posing, being handsome, winking, that look, that expression, that mouth, tusk, isn’t that good?"

Edith did it on purpose. She certainly knew that Lanly's goal was to become an actor, a real actor. She just wanted to see the appearance of Lan Li jumping.

Lan Li raised the corner of his eye, with a teasing expression between his brows, "Do you really like commercial movies? Or do you like to see them cripple? Or... like to see me cripple?"

Edith rolled her eyes silently and muttered: It's not fooled at By the way, what's the matter with you and Chris? Does he have a crush on you, and hate him because of love? Lan Li didn't answer immediately, but took a look at Edith seriously. The straight eyes made Edith a little uneasy, and she pulled the clothes on her shoulders, "What's wrong?" "

Lan Li shrugged, "No, I'm just curious. When you chose to come to Hollywood, I should have guessed it. You must be because you can't control your gossip soul. How about, did Arthur have any plans? Came to Hollywood for a stroll. Not long ago I met Andre Hamilton in Hollywood."

"Lan Li!" Edith was like a jumping cat, her hair exploded, "Don't compare me to that **** Arthur!"

"I heard a few familiar names, you are saying..." A voice came in directly, interrupting the confrontation between Lan Li and Edith. The two of them immediately finished changing their faces, looked at them together, and then Seeing the figure of Eaton-Domer, Eaton became a stylist.

Eaton showed a look of surprise, "Edith!" Obviously he didn't expect to see Edith here, just wanting to sigh that it is really rare for the three people to meet in the workplace.

"Hush!" Edith and Lanly said at the same time, which shocked Eaton, and swallowed the words behind him. He looked at the two people in front of him puzzledly, and then saw that they were exchanging eyes. Questioning the other person, Eaton tried to ask, "What happened..." But he opened his mouth and was stopped again.

Edith put her finger directly on her mouth and made a zipper gesture; while Lan Li stared, her eyes sharp. Eaton felt that he had received one hundred thousand critical hits.

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