The Greatest Showman

Chapter 528: Stark change

The brain was still dizzy, and his eyes were a little bit unable to open. He raised his palm and rubbed it, joking casually, and then he heard a scream next to him. The sharp shout was almost out of control and he went straight. In the ears, the powerful power made his head suddenly sober, but the problem was that his eyes still couldn't be opened.

The hustle and bustle of people rushed forward and backward to surround the Blue Li, and the footsteps around him moved slowly forward, looking like a bloated honeycomb. The noisy shout tore through the tranquility of the morning, the golden sunlight floating in the air gradually began to boil, and Lan Li was almost swallowed.

Seeing that Lan Li was trapped in an encirclement, Andy and Nathan hurriedly ran over and tried to help. But Andy's chubby body really couldn't run, and he didn't have any strength. In the end, he could only stand outside the crowd, sighed, and watched Nathan squeeze in, before disappearing in the crowd. . However, groups of 20 or 30 people have the illusion that they can't see the margins at this time.

Andy hurriedly bypassed the crowd, walked into the warehouse, found the staff inside, and then a group of people filed out and started to maintain order. After all, he rescued Lan Li, the core of the encirclement, and was able to enter the warehouse. . However, those enthusiastic movie fans still stood at the door of the warehouse, shouting, screaming, and celebrating with excitement, the heat of summer filled with the sound.

Lan Li rubbed his eyes again, and he was sober, but his brain became more and more messy. He still didn't know what was happening, and cast his inquiring gaze with question marks on his face, but he didn't know who to turn to for help. Focus Floating chaotically in the air.

It's rare to see Lan Li's ignorant appearance, and Andy couldn't help but smile. Only at such a moment will he appear like a 21-year-old boy, "Why, haven't you felt such a fanatical girl's support? I thought You have already seen it in London and Seoul." How could Andy miss such an opportunity, and both ridicule and banter went online.

Lan Li was stunned, then couldn't help laughing. Opened his eyes and looked around carefully, only then did he realize that he had arrived at his destination, walked two steps forward, and looked around again, trying to find Nathan's figure. He now needs a cup of coffee to wake up his mind. But he did not find Nathan, but saw the staff scattered around him——

Everyone is like a security guard, standing three or four steps away, not approaching, but not leaving, just looking over with scorching eyes, which is really weird. Lan Li continued to walk two steps forward, and then found that everyone followed him for two steps forward. This scene was really delightful.

"Who can tell me, what's the matter with the satellite surrounding it?" Lan Li still didn't wake up completely from his sleep. After only three hours of sleep, he felt as if he had never slept at all. Between words, He felt that his throat was itchy and dry, and his hoarse voice made him miss the quilt again.

Listening to Lan Li's complaints, everyone couldn't help but laugh, "They are all admiring the hottest actors recently." A voice pierced through the noise and rang, and then accompanied by footsteps, getting closer and closer. Finally stood in front of Lan Li, "Long time no see, you look so handsome today."

Lan Li looked at the person in front of him carefully. The unawakened brain was a little slow to respond, but after about half a second, he recovered, couldn't help but chuckle, and replied jokingly, "This is for me. But new news.'Handsome' has never been my adjective."

Standing in front of me was an acquaintance, an old acquaintance, Daisy Lucas, a reporter from Vanity Fair. The first interview that Lan Li got with the "Pacific War" was from Daisy. However, it was a collective interview at the time, but this time it became an exclusive interview. If you think about it, it happened just a year ago.

Daisy's gaze fell on Lan Li's body, her hoarse voice with a trace of magnetism, softly sounding like a cello in her ear; the lazy smile at the corner of her mouth was like a cloud of clouds on the sky in the early summer evening, few The pen outlines a splendid sunset. Involuntarily and uncontrollably, the beating of the heart lost its original rhythm, and his eyes dodge in a panic.

"How many women will be heartbroken when I hear this." Although she avoided her sight, Daisy still did not lose her sense. A simple ridicule covered her thoughts, and then raised her head again and faced her. Lan Li said, "Did you not hear? The screams outside the warehouse?"

"Oh, did you invite you to spend money?" Lan Li showed a sudden realization, nodded solemnly in recognition, and seemed very satisfied. In an instant, everyone around him burst into laughter.

Between talking and laughing, I saw Nathan running over, panting, carrying a dark brown paper bag in his hand, jogging all the way to Lan Li, handing the coffee in his hand to Lan Li, and then lifting it. Lift the paper bag, "I put it on the dressing table, do I need to prepare a glass of honey lemonade?"

No wonder Nathan just disappeared. Obviously, Nathan has learned about Lanly's breakfast habits.

"Yes, thank you." The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth could not help but rose, and the strong coffee aroma could be smelled under the nose, not Starbucks, but freshly ground coffee, no sugar, and two spoons of milk. After taking a sip of coffee, I felt the hot and mellow aroma sliding down the tip of my tongue all the way to my stomach, even my fingertips relaxed.

Led by Daisy, Lan Li came to the dressing table and sat down. There were three or four people standing beside them before they could speak, looking at Lan Li expectantly. Lan Li, who has been educated as a gentleman since he was a child, will naturally not miss these eyes. He raised his head and looked at it politely, "Should I start putting on makeup now? I need a simple wash first."

But then Lan Li found that everyone's expressions were a little strange. Then I heard Daisy’s explanation voice coming over, “They hope to get your signature. If you can take a photo, it would be great.” After speaking, Daisy helped her forehead, “God, Can't you say it yourself? You want me to explain it? It's really shameful."

Lan Li did not conceal his surprise. He thought that this set was not popular in Hollywood, but then he saw several people handing over the prepared items one after another. Two of them took the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". Character posters—Len Li’s single-player character posters. One person took a poster issued by "Crazy Love" at Sundance, and another took...

"Oh? Did the DVD come out?" Lan Li took it in surprise. It turned out to be a "Pacific War" DVD. I looked at it carefully and felt the DVD set in my hand. This is it. This is the precious performance. The carrier of experience is always recorded on the CD, but the light suit is so heavy, the smile on Lan Li’s mouth can’t help but rises, “I talked about this when I called Lamy two days ago. What's the matter, I don't know if the DVD is out, is it already on the market now?"

no answer.

Lan Li raised his head, and then saw the girl trembling with excitement and eyes full of disbelief. She opened her mouth wide and stared at Lan Li intently. This made him laugh, "You look like you, others will Thought I took away your most beloved thing. Sorry, I just didn't see the disc, so I was a little curious."

The girl nodded, then shook her head again, unable to say a word at all. Lan Li turned his head to look at Daisy, "So, Robert Pattinson and Justin Bieber, do you feel that way?"

"Haha." Everyone clapped their hands and laughed, Daisy was also caught off guard, and then shook her head and laughed.

Lan Li raised his head again and looked at the girl, "May I ask what your name is?"

"...Beth," the girl stammered.

"Elizabeth (Elizabeth)'s nickname?" Ranley asked, and after getting the affirmative answer from the other party, he said again, "Elizabeth, can I make a deal with you? You give me this DVD disc, and then I Buy a new one and return it to you, okay? I want to make a souvenir. This is my first work and the first time I have seen a DVD in kind."

After all, Elizabeth-Peterson did not hold back and screamed. Then she quickly covered her mouth, her eyes full of joy surged out, and she nodded repeatedly nodded very hard, that The crazy and forceful movements clearly showed the inner surge.

"Elizabeth", he called himself "Elizabeth", Elizabeth just wanted to dance in circles at this time, only in this way could she vent her inner excitement and excitement.

Elizabeth is an extremely ordinary English name. Americans often call nicknames for simplicity, Liz, Ellie, Betty, Beth, Lisa, Lisbeth, Ella, Effie, Alisa, etc., more than More than forty kinds, even the Americans themselves complain about this name.

But for the first time today, Elizabeth felt that the full name of her name was so elegant and so noble, that pure London accent seemed like a lover's whisper in her ear. After waiting for the friends to sign, Elizabeth turned and left-they are "Vanity Fair" interns. There is still work to be done today, and then she beamedly announced to the friends, "From today on , You call me Elizabeth!"

What's even more incredible is that before all the shooting of the magazine was over, Elizabeth got her brand new "Pacific War" DVD set from Lan Li's assistant, which read in cool fonts:

"Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for your gift, and thank you for your gift. This is very important to me, this is my starting point as an actor, and it is always a memory worth cherishing. I hope you like this series. Of course, I also hope you like "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". Finally, I wish you a good day.

Yours, Renly-Hall. "

Everyone around rushed over and couldn't wait to spy on this special gift in Elizabeth's hands, but Elizabeth held it tightly in her arms with a happy expression, "This is mine, this belongs to me." "

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