The Greatest Showman

Chapter 520: Winning and losing on thin ice

"What can I do to help you?" The questioning voice in front of him interrupted Chris' confused thoughts, and he realized that the queue was already his turn, and his head couldn't react for a while. I was actually stunned, and the words whirled on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't make any sound. It was really embarrassing.

The other party had to repeat the question, and Chris finally came back to his senses and quickly said, "Thor, one, I am, two." After that, Chris nodded to confirm and repeated. "Two." It seems that this behavior can give myself a little confidence, and then hurriedly added, "My girlfriend is waiting for me next to me." Trying to hide his panic and mood.

Involuntarily, Chris wiped the palms of his hands. The hot and humid sweat made his palms slippery. The sweat on his back made his clothes soak. He quickly received two movie tickets. He almost ran away. Passing over and walking quickly, the voice of the staff gradually drifted away, sprinting all the way towards the projection hall.

Suddenly, a strong figure appeared in front of him. The speed of the two people was too fast, and they were almost about to collide with each other, and both braked suddenly.

"Sorry." Chris lowered his voice and pretended not to be himself. In a hurry, he quickly raised his head and took a look, and then he couldn't help but stunned that it was Van Diesel who was standing in front of him.

This is definitely an unexpected encounter. It is not uncommon to meet any actor here, but Fan?

Chris lowered his head reflexively, and glanced at Fan's movie ticket subconsciously: the same two, the same "Thor". Chris didn't know why he bowed his head, or why he wanted to watch the other party's movie tickets, but the result... Chris's eyes suddenly stopped, and his brain froze instantly.

Fan seemed to notice Chris’s hot sight, burned the back of his hand, pretended not to pay attention, but clearly stuffed the movie ticket into his pocket, and then saw the movie ticket in Chris’ hand. This simple action, K Reese also seemed to be pierced by an embroidery needle, and immediately put his hands behind his back, and involuntarily clenched his hands into fists, crumpling the tickets into a ball.

Fan looked to the side with an unnatural expression, concealing his embarrassment; Chris kept his head down all the time, and his gaze fell on the toe of his shoe.

Silence, neither of them spoke, but was silent, both seemed to be thinking about something, and they seemed to be hiding something.

Maybe it's a second, maybe it's a minute. I don't know who reacted first, or at the same time, the two people raised their heads and their eyes crossed. There was no conversation. They just nodded, and they couldn't even distinguish this. What was the meaning of nodding their heads, the two of them hurriedly lowered their heads again, stepped forward and drifted away.

Until the entrance of the screening hall, after checking the tickets, Chris's mind relaxed a little. Inexplicably, his nervousness was relieved a little, and his confidence in Thor's victory slightly increased.

When I think about it in depth, Lanli, which looks infinitely beautiful on the surface, is highly sought after by the media, but in fact, Lanli's position also seems to be suffering. After such thoughts took root in his mind, the corners of Chris's mouth rose slightly, and the pressure on his shoulders seemed to be relieved a lot.

Perhaps, "Thor" can really win this week's weekend box office championship. Who knows?

On May 8th, Fox TV produced a program to analyze the winning and losing trend of the summer opening game, focusing on the first prosperous era of the film market this year.

After "Thor" handed over a single-day box office of 23 million U.S. dollars on Friday, the prospect of the premiere suddenly became confusing. It has a very good market share with its direct competitor "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". It may be a development curve that ebbs and flows. The decline on Saturday and Sunday is likely to interact with the next week’s decline performance of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". This also means that the entanglement of winning and losing has entered. In the white-hot stage, this really makes people excited.

This opening battle is attracting more and more attention. According to incomplete statistics, the main theaters in the ten largest cities in North America have reached the highest value of this year's audience flow, and the attendance rate of movie theaters has also exceeded%. Sixty, it is certain that the film market in the first week of the summer vacation has exploded with amazing energy. The total box office in North America for the three days of the weekend is expected to exceed 200 million US dollars, which is a strong dose for the entire film market. Heart needle

You know, so far this year, the total box office of a single weekend has exceeded 150 million, only one week. It was the leading weekend of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" last week.

The Fox TV program came to the final conclusion that it will be a very narrow victory, with a deviation of 10 million, and it will eventually end with a narrow victory of "Thor". Comprehensively considering the entire momentum before, the more accurate term is: a tragic victory, a tragic victory.

But no matter what, to keep the weekend box office championship for a week, this pair of "Thor" is the last piece of fig leaf. Although they are still very shameful, very embarrassed, and very embarrassed, they need this cloth, urgently and earnestly, even A tragic victory is also not hesitate. Yes, no, this is a big difference!

At least, one-week champions can allow them to seize the commanding heights in the publicity offensive. Interviews with crew members and writing of official manuscripts can all win more leeway, maintain the posture of winners and competitors, and maintain the continued force of the subsequent box office. Posture; but if even the championship title loses, then... Paramount won't allow this "if" to appear.

This champion, for "Thor", is determined to win!

This episode has attracted more than 3.3 million viewers. The excellent ratings have made the Fox TV station overjoyed. It is also a news program covering box office battles. They originally expected to be able to With 1.5 million viewers, this is victory. Who could have imagined that the number of viewers was more than double the expected number.

What's even more rare is that the program was uploaded to the oil pipe, in just twelve hours, or, before the final results were announced at the weekend box office, the hit rate reached an astonishing three million.

It is no exaggeration that the opening battle has become the most sensational, grand and lively entertainment news event so far in 2011. Whether it is the audience supporting a certain work or the lively bystanders, everyone is curious: Who won? The simplest and rude, the most straightforward, the most straightforward, and the heroes are judged by success or failure alone, and they have won!

On May 9th, the North American box office statistics agency's participation in the exhibition was highly anticipated and announced the weekend box office rankings for the second week of May.

In North America, box office statistics are all done by independent organizations participating in the exhibition. They have a huge network of professionals, with branches in major theaters in various cities, to make statistics, forecasts and summaries of box office.

Generally, they will publish three sets of data. The first group is Friday box office, which is announced on Saturday; the second group is weekend box office forecast, which is announced on Monday; the third group is weekend box office, which is announced on Tuesday.

The reason for this is that considering the high profile of the North American weekend box office list, in order to be able to announce the news as soon as possible, the professionals of the exhibition relations will forecast the box office trends on Friday and Saturday as well as the audience flow on Sunday morning. Estimate the percentage of decline on a Sunday, predict a box office number, and announce it in time on Monday.

But as long as it is an estimated figure, there will be a slight deviation. After years of repeated evolution, in fact, there are fewer and fewer errors in the estimated numbers now, but occasionally when the box office numbers gap is very weak, the estimated box office error is within 2 million, which is normal. Not to mention the deviation of hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands.

In history, after the prediction of the box office champions were announced, after accurate adjustments, the champions changed hands, not many, but not many.

In the Fox TV program, the host ridiculed that this time the difference between winning and losing is really too small. It is very likely that you need to wait for the confirmation of the accurate box office. It was originally just a but After the exhibitor relationship announced the forecast of the box office, it gradually evolved into a reality.

In the second week of May, the menacing "Thor" made its debut in 3,955 theaters. Compared with the 3,600 theaters of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", Occupy some advantages, but these advantages are converted into box office numbers, but they are very weak.

Following Friday’s 23 million, "Thor"’s box office on Saturday not only did not rise, but also ushered in an 8% drop. From the point of view of the drop figures alone, this is not bad, at least better than "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is excellent; but considering that Friday’s single-day box office is really too bad, Paramount needs not only an increase, but also a substantial increase, which has now become a bubble in the water; finally, the exhibition relationship forecast Sunday’s single-day box office fell again by 27%, which resulted in the box office of the premiere weekend of "Thor"

59.61 million U.S. dollars.

Dead still. When the exhibitor relationship announced the box office data for the premiere weekend of "Thor", the entire North America was a dead silence, not exclaiming, not surprised, not sighing, but a dead silence, the silent silence, as if all life had disappeared In general, it really showed people's shock and consternation.

No more than 95 million, and no more than 65 million. The box office data for the premiere weekend of "Thor" has not even passed the 60 million threshold!

This premiere box office performance ranked only 26th in the North American May premiere box office rankings. Not only did it not break the record, it did not exceed 100 million, and it did not even reach 60 million. Such a terrible and horrible performance made people fall into the ice cellar, and returned from summer to winter in a second.

So, what about "speed and excitement/emotion 5"?

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