The Greatest Showman

Chapter 516: Strong bump

The opening battle, when this topic just came out, people in the industry regarded it as a joke; but with the advancing of time, now everyone is gradually unable to laugh: "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" defeats "Thor", This is no longer a "potential" possibility, but a reality whose chances are constantly expanding.

Only then did people realize that this is Hollywood, a Hollywood where everything is possible.

Previously, "Variety" magazine predicted the opening battle. The article stated that the box office of the premiere of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" should be between 75 million and 80 million, exceeding 80 million. The possibility of "Thor" is unlikely; and the premiere weekend of "Thor" is very promising to get 93 million to 98 million box office data, and retain the hope of hitting the 100 million threshold.

By the way, the reference object of "Thor" is "Iron Man".

Now, the box office of the premiere weekend of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" has been released, with 95 million US dollars, which is equal to the 98 million at the premiere of "Iron Man". In terms of media evaluation and audience reputation, the two films The works also show amazing synchronization. Does this mean that the North American box office of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is also expected to exceed 300 million?

In the 1990s, 100 million in North America was the benchmark for measuring the success of a work, so people would say that Tom Cruise's five consecutive works exceeded 100 million at the box office, establishing the box office superstar position; but after entering the 21st century, North America Two hundred million gradually became the average, and Will Smith relied on two works of "I am a legend" and "Superman Hancock" to reach the pinnacle of his career.

At present, 200 million is still the mainstream, but it is becoming more and more common and common. 300 million has gradually become a new benchmark. So far, a total of 36 works in North American film history have earned more than 300 million at the box office. Achievement, whether it can reach such a level, this is a sign of a box office explosion.

Just after the premiere, the major media have begun to discuss the possibility of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" hitting 300 million. From this aspect, it can be seen that this film from the b-class series has changed its appearance. After a change, it has become a giant crocodile capable of shaking the entire North American box office market.

"Thor" suddenly became under great pressure. Even according to the expectations of "Variety", it won a good box office for the premiere, but whether it can beat the 95 million of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is still an unknown number. The negative is likely to be within a few millimetres.

What's more, the premiere of "Thor" will meet the second week of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". Is it a strong performance of "Thor", leading to a cliff-breaking box office in the next week of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" Diving; or "speed and excitement/love 5" rides on the wind and diverts the audience of "Thor", which causes the latter's premiere box office to be lower than expected? This is still an unknown.

This is a war, a war of bayonet, a war of decay, a war of life and death. Any slightest negligence can be overwhelming. What's more, even if "Thor" narrowly defeated "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", it would be extremely embarrassing. After all, just a few weeks ago, the two were not of the same order of magnitude. They wanted to save face and win beauty. Then the box office of the premiere weekend must exceed 100 million, there is no other choice!

In addition to the box office battle between the two movies, "Ren Li vs. Chris" and "Ren Li vs. Natalie", the attention of these two duels is also continuing to heat up. With "speed and excitement/love 5", The name "Len Li-Hall" is rapidly rising in the form of a rocket.

Not only did he perform well in this popcorn movie, but more importantly, he was also an actor with outstanding acting skills. "The Pacific War", "Buried Alive", and "Insane Love", each work has received a lot of sought after! In this hot and noisy summer, a shining star is born.

I don't know if it was an accident or a coincidence. On May 1, hbo officially released the "Pacific War" DVD, which also means that those who missed the live broadcast, replay and on-demand, those who did not subscribe to hbo, now finally can enjoy this classic series of World War II. , Especially with this film won the Emmy Award as the emperor's blue gift.

Lan Li has already made a move. So, how will Chris respond? How will Natalie take the move? It was originally a duel of different magnitudes, but it has now evolved into a battle of strong confrontation. The box office trend of this summer season is becoming more and more interesting.

"You want a war, then I will give you a war. As you wish."

Before "Thor" officially debuted, the North American box office was released in the last week of April 2011. There is no suspense on the list. "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" stands out, breaking the record of a series of premieres in April. Swept the army, made a strong debut, and easily won this week's North American weekend box office champion! Other works have backed down and were convinced.

The cartoon "Rio Adventure", which had won the championship for two consecutive weeks, took the second place. The box office on the weekend was severely squeezed, with a 43% drop and only 14 million in three days on the weekend. However, this cartoon produced by Lantian Studio has reached 104 million in gross box office in the three weeks it was released, and it has performed well; moreover, the work’s overseas box office performance is even more outstanding, accumulating 160 million in three weeks. Ten thousand, it is eye-catching.

Black director Tyler Perry (tyler-perry) wrote, directed and acted the work "The Crazy Black Lady's Happy Big Family", which earned $9 million at the weekend and took the third place this week.

This director can be regarded as a wonderful work in the North American film market. Every time his works are scolded by film critics and audiences, they are vulgar, bad, boring, and the same and nothing new, but he does not want to repent. He didn't care, because his target audience was very single: the poor black group.

Thanks to ultra-low cost control and accurate market positioning, the miraculous thing is that each of his works is hovering at the box office of 50 million US dollars, and each of his works actually makes money, among them " The "Black Crazy Lady" series has been photographed all the way from 2005 to 2016, and it still hasn't stopped.

In addition, the big-name love movie "Elephant's Tears", which has gathered Robert Pattinson, Reese-Witherspoon, Christoph-Waltz, etc., encountered Waterloo. , The next week’s box office did not even rival the vulgar "Black Crazy Lady’s Happy Big Family", ranking in the third place this week with a disadvantage of less than half a million U.S. dollars.

After leaving the "Twilight" series, Robert's fan appeal returned to the original point overnight.

In fact, in addition to "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", there are three other new films released, one is Disney's youth campus movie "Class Prom", and the other is "Little Red Riding Hood 2" produced by Weinstein Pictures. , There is also a horror movie "Night of the Dead" starring the new Superman Brandon-Rose (brandon-routh). The first two works have more than 2,500 theaters.

But in the end, these three works all suffered a tragic massacre. The best-performing "class prom" had only 4.7 million at the weekend box office, so I couldn't bear to look directly at it. Obviously, in the face of the excellent performance of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", all other works have been reduced to cannon fodder.

The 2011 spring file finally came to an end with the best posture of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" to create the best history. Then, after the Arbor Day, the summer file officially came, and "Thor" appeared on the stage under the expectation of everyone! The other side of the opening battle begins to take the move!

If it is said that "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" has seen rapid publicity in the past three to four weeks, with a series of positive and negative news coming out into the public eye; then, "Thor" has been in the eyes of the public in the past six months. Over time, it has always been the focus of attention. This is another series of ambitions created by Marvel comics since "Iron Man". The level of attention even surpassed the "Captain America" ​​prepared in the same period.

From any point of view, "Thor" has the potential to create greater glories: the behind-the-scenes team headed by the producer continues the same lineup of "Iron Man", the director Kenneth Branagh, the starring includes Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Strand Skarsgard and other old dramas, including Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston (tom Potential new stars such as -hiddleston) and Kate-Dennings (kat-dennings) not only ensure the depth of the cast, but also the freshness of the crew.

In addition, the production cost is effectively controlled at around 150 million-"Iron Man" and "Captain America" ​​are both 140 million. Judging from Paramount's early publicity, it is undoubtedly confident and looking forward to "Thor" becoming the second "Iron Man".

In fact, Paramount did the same.

On Wednesday, May 4th, "Thunder God" held a grand premiere at the Chinese Theater. Just a week ago, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" started the miracle journey here. This time, it is the turn of "Thor" to debut!

As the grand opening of this year’s summer archive, Paramount spent 5 million to create the premiere. The scene was completely arranged in the style of Norse mythology, and a display stand was also set up on the scene to include all the costumes and props used during the filming. The biggest surprise on display was the live video interaction with the famous stan-lee during the premiere

More than 2,500 spectators arrived at the scene that night, and nearly 300 reporters formed the media team on both sides of the red carpet. The four streets around the Chinese Theatre were blocked, starting at 5pm and continuing. At ten o'clock in the evening, such a grand occasion was comparable to the Oscars.

As for the guests attending the premiere, they are even more star-studded.

Robert Downey Jr. was undoubtedly the biggest guest of the night. The appearance of two beauties, Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson, murdered the film of countless reporters; not to mention Chris Evan. Chris-evens carries Hayley-atwell, Hugo-weaving, Sebastian-stan and other major "Captain America" Actor Cast, appearing collectively on the red carpet, is completely dizzying.

The appearance of the new "007" Daniel Craig with his wife Rachel Weisz (rachel-weisz) is a red carpet egg-he and "Iron Man 1&2" director Jon- The "Cowboys and Aliens" collaboration with jon-favreau is scheduled for the fourth week of July this year.

This is definitely the most lively, grand and grandest premiere since the summer vacation in the past two years. Every detail inside and out has become a topic in Chang'an, making a sensation throughout North America with an extremely powerful posture. Announced the official attack of "Thor"!

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