The Greatest Showman

Chapter 504: Fast furious

Hope-Baez raised his head and looked at the interview area at the end of the red carpet, but the distance was too far, and he couldn't see clearly. Only a group of people were gathered around, chatting and laughing, full of joy, that was cheerful and happy. The warm atmosphere spread in the small square at the entrance of the Chinese Theatre. The reporters raised their hands enthusiastically, and the fans shouted with excitement. The enthusiasm for the premiere was always high.

Vaguely, she could see the outline of a figure. I originally thought that Van Diesel would be particularly eye-catching, but unexpectedly, all the flashing lights and all the lines of sight were projected towards the same man involuntarily. The only man wearing a white casual shirt among those wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

Hope is not sure, this is her own illusion, take it for granted, or it is the fact. However, she didn't care. Today is perfect enough. She is now extremely excited and extremely happy. She just wants to scream happily, not only because today is the premiere of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", but also because Lan Li recognizes it on the red carpet. She came out because she saw a healthy blue gift, a bright blue gift, and a sunny blue gift.

The man who was elegant and calm, talked and laughed, who was always focused on performances, and who was striving for performance, the man who brilliance of life in art movies, now finally appears in commercial popcorn movies, even if it's just a third protagonist. , But Hope still couldn't help getting excited, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The haze shrouded his head during the past period of time has all disappeared. Even with that, she began to look forward to the movie. Originally, she was not interested in such action movies at all; but thinking about it, William and Graham also went to Sundance before and watched nothing at all. The caring "love is crazy", but unexpectedly fell in love. So why can't she try it this time?

"Hope." There was a call from the side, and I saw William's face when I turned my head, "The staff is organizing us to go in. The crew will be interviewed here for a while, and they will take group photos or something, we Advanced field."

"Yeah." Hope repeatedly nodded, reluctantly retracted his gaze from the fuzzy figure at the far end, and then followed the torrent of the crowd and stepped forward.

The Chinese Theater is actually not big, with only 932 seats. Compared with the usual theaters that can accommodate 100 to 300 people, the scale is really good, but as a premier theater, it seems a bit narrow. Up. However, the historical significance is obviously an important factor for the reason why the Chinese Theater has become the first choice for the premiere of major commercial films in the summer.

This is where the premiere of "Star Wars" was held in 1977. After that, the "Summer Archive" officially entered the stage of history.

Of course, in addition, the location of this theater is also an important reason. It is located in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard, next to the Kodak Theater, opposite to the Captain Theater, diagonally in front of the Roosevelt Hotel, and at the same time surrounds the center of the Avenue of Stars. Obviously, this is the center of the entire Los Angeles. The annual award season and summer files will become the focus of the world's attention.

Unexpectedly, the movie tickets for the premiere of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" are not in demand.

When the premiere of "Star Wars Prequel" was held at the Chinese Theater that year, loyal fans set up tents at the entrance of the theater three days in advance, just to buy a ticket for the premiere and enjoy the work for the first time. Hope was even ready to line up all night, but in fact, there were only less than 300 people in line. Hope and his party waited for less than two hours before they successfully bought tickets for the premiere. .

"Variety" magazine's predictions seem to be working well. Compared with "Thor", the fan base of the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Affection" series is still too weak.

But Hope doesn't care, the point is not this movie, but that she will be participating in the premiere of a Hollywood movie for the first time, and it was Renly who will perform. that's enough.

Under the guidance of the staff, Hope and his party entered the Chinese Theater, sat down methodically according to the arrangement, and quietly waited for the movie to be released. This wait lasted for forty-five minutes. After the reporters, film critics, and guests and friends were all seated, the crew members entered the theater one after another. All the audience began to excite themselves, expressing with applause and whistles. Welcome.

But this is not the end. Or in other words, this is not the beginning.

Before entering the official screening, there will be a short interview session. This is also a benefit for audiences who have purchased tickets for the premiere. They can have close contact with the creators and even ask questions. This kind of interaction is rare in a lifetime.

The core target of the interview was Fan. It can be seen that he should be the spokesperson of the crew. Most of the questions were left to him to answer, but then the microphone was also passed on to other actors, such as Paul, Jordana, Gale, etc., popular The decent Chengkang also got a chance to speak, and Lan Li was no exception.

When asked about "expectations about the movie", Lan Li said indifferently, "Let's leave it to the work to speak." This concise and clear answer made the reporters very dissatisfied, but the audience blew excitedly. At the whistle, Hope laughed and clapped his hands rhythmically with everyone, expressing his approval for Lan Li and his urging for the movie.

After waiting and waiting, the interview session was over, the crew members took their seats one after another, and the film was finally about to start screening.

The lights of the Chinese Theater gradually dimmed, and Hope began to get excited again. The movie was about to begin again, and the journey was about to begin again, and she was also faintly looking forward to it. But this expectation soon calmed down.

The rhythm of the movie is very fast, just a court scene of less than twenty seconds, explaining the background of Dominic being thrown into prison, and then officially entering the explosive rhythm, the roaring engine sound, the deserted plain, the shocking drum soundtrack , The sky full of yellow sand, and the neat editing. In less than a minute, he explained a **** scene without any muddle. The audience did not even have time to enter the state. Dominic was in Brian and Mia’s With help, the escape was successful.

For Hope, this is a torment.

She knows that this is an action movie, popcorn in the summer, a typical commercial work model, following a set of assembly line standards, what the audience enjoys is the thrill of bursting adrenaline, that's all, strictly speaking, The first two minutes of the movie are satisfactory.

But, first of all, Hope has not seen the previous four episodes of the movie, and knows nothing about the characters and plots. After the screening, suddenly the amount of information is so great that she can't even tell who is who, and she has already explained her previous love. It's over, which makes her a little bit unable to keep up with the progress; secondly, lack of surprises, the narrative of flowing water and the sharp and magnificent shots fully bring out the essence of fast-paced popcorn and meet people's minimum demand for commercial movies. Less, but no more.

To be honest, Hope was a little disappointed, she thought Renly would make higher demands. But then Hope adjusted his mindset. After all, commercial movies are commercial movies after all, and classics like "Batman: The Dark Knight" are not available every year. What's more, the movie has only started for two minutes, and she is looking forward to a classic masterpiece? Is this rushing?

Thinking of this, Hope also laughed. "Buried alive" and "Crazy Love" really set high standards, and it seems that she has taken the picture too. After adjusting her mentality, she also began to enjoy the bucket of popcorn.

The beginning of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is really good. After a brief cut, the plot immediately entered the topic. Brian and Mia fled to Rio de Janeiro and temporarily lived in the home of Dominica’s old friend Vincent. Vincent convinced Two people participated in a major train robbery, stealing several luxury cars from the train carriage.

In the process of committing the crime, Brian and his party met another group of robbers led by Dominic. The two groups met head-on and decided to cooperate, but Dominic noticed something was wrong. His entourage seemed to have a clear goal and aimed at a car. Ford gt40, he gave birth to an eye, and explained that Mia drove the target car to escape in the other direction.

Sure enough This triggered a confrontation between the two sides, and then triggered the explosion of the train. Brian and Dominic drove directly down the canyon. When they saw two people flying in the wind, their clothes fluttering, and falling toward the emerald-green canyon, the whole theater made a low exclamation sound. The thrilling slow motion made the adrenaline burst for the first time.

The film critic Kyle Smith of the "Wall Street Journal" nodded slightly. Justin Lin's scene control and fast editing really gave the movie a sharp style, which interprets the two words of speed and excitement/love. Vulgar, followed from the fourth to the fifth, deviated from the b-class style of the first three, which is really worthy of recognition.

However, the movie still lacks a little surprise.

Commercial popcorn has always been like this. It is stable and structured. The plot setting and climax/tide are both rigorous and in place. The accurate rhythm control quickly introduces contradictions and directly brings simple and rude confrontation and explosions. In the opening fifteen minutes It detonated the first adrenaline within, firmly grasping the audience's mind.

From this perspective, the opening of the film is really good; but it is only the average level of a successful commercial film, and it is difficult to make people feel amazing.

For such a movie, it still lacks a little chemical reaction if it wants to fight Thor. But Kyle is not impatient, he is waiting, waiting for the sparks of Paul and Fan, waiting for the foreshadowing of the follow-up plot, waiting for Lanly Hall. This time, Kyle didn't wait long.

Amidst the impassioned soundtrack, a calm and powerful voice came from the roar of the aircraft engine. It was not hurried or slow, clearly articulated, but powerful. I couldn't see myself on the screen at all, it was just a picture of an airplane landing. , But easily sketched the image behind the voice.

who is it?

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