The Greatest Showman

Chapter 266: Absolutely strong

Quiet, the whole set is quiet, and even the sound of breathing seems to have disappeared.

No one expected that the filming of this scene would be in such a situation; no one expected that Lan Li's slender and tall body could hide such a powerful energy; no one expected that Lan Li's absolutely strong performance , Completed the crushing effortlessly; no one thought that Fan would be furious and wounded, but ended in embarrassment; no one thought that the first round of the duel between Lan Li and Fan would end in such a way.

At this time, the situation suddenly became interesting. Fan, who was in a rage, was splashed with a bucket of cold water, and then another bucket of ice water. He was aggressive and imposing, but now he is coming home. More importantly, even Fan, who is the client, is now blinded. It seems that some can't find North, and no one knows how things will develop next.

There was a weird restlessness in the studio. No one dared to make a loud noise, but couldn't help but talk in a low voice. His eyes avoided Fan who was sitting in the makeup area, but this deliberate avoidance made him more embarrassed. . Not to mention the onlookers, the expressions of even the crew members are really weird, and it's hard to say a word.

Alfred was excited, extremely excited!

As an experienced actor, Alfred is not a good actor, but a seasoned audience, at the same time a senior acting teacher-he teaches new actors acting skills in the college in his spare time and teaches Studio experience, this can be considered an extra hobby.

In the less than one minute scene, what he saw was not a duel between Lan Li and Fan, but Lan Li’s solid performance skills, precise emotional expression, neat body language, and straightforward acting style, tough and joking. The transition between the strong and the ridiculous temperament is easy, and it only took 30 seconds to outline the image of Hobbes.

Just as everyone is worried, Lan Li’s body shape is likely to be unable to form an effective confrontation, which will affect the overall style of the film; as a result, Lan Li has dedicated an amazing performance. Lan Li is more than just forming with Fan. It can be confronted, and victory was easily achieved in the confrontation. More importantly, that powerful aura instantly gave Hobbes vitality, becoming a more charming character than Dominic and Brian.

Audio-Technica? Obviously it's not just talking.

What makes Alfred clap his hands even more astounding is that his line skills!

In Hollywood nowadays, there are more and more actors from grass-roots backgrounds. As a direct result, even actors with acclaimed acting skills mostly use method-based acting. Method-based acting skills can be simply understood as substituting a role. After the whole person is integrated into the role, he will enter the performance along the emotional traction. This method emphasizes the resonance between the actor and the role, but often ignores the importance of the lines.

It can be said that the line skills of American actors are really terrible.

For a truly outstanding actor-an actor of the performance school, or an actor of the traditional academic school, his line skills are undoubtedly the most important basic skills. The same line, the emotional changes between the ups and downs, and the turbulent dark tide in the light and wind, can all demonstrate the actor's performance.

In the British Acting Academy, one of the most interesting basic skills training is to let the actors perform with the manuscript of the weather forecast. How to explain the different emotions of the weather forecast: grief, impassioned, ecstatic, etc., this The test of the actors is undoubtedly daunting.

Nowadays, under the commercial operation of Hollywood, people’s attention to lines has plummeted. This is true for actors, and even more so for scripts. This has also led to the fact that most of the lines in movies cannot withstand scrutiny, have no foundation, no reflection, and no Connotation. The direct result is that scripts rely more and more on the innovation of stories, but with less and less innovation, there are fewer and fewer excellent scripts, so there are more and more adapted scripts, especially comic adaptations and games. Adaptation and so on.

In fact, in the framework of a simple script, in-depth study of the line skills can also interpret an excellent story.

In this scene just now, Alfred witnessed Lan Li's line skills! With a few simple lines, Lan Li changed at least three to four rhythms and intonations to interpret. The emotions that affect the transition between the transformation and the transition easily control the initiative of the audience. This skill is really true. It's amazing with high fives.

Alfred tried to endure it for a long time, but after all he did not hold it back, and exclaimed, "Wow."

At the same time, Paul was so excited that he was about to jump straight up. He only knew that Fan was embarrassed and overwhelmed in the confrontation in the scene just now, while Lan Li was able to do his job with great momentum and was in this head-on confrontation. Undoubtedly, it has the upper hand, and the situation of today's farce has been reversed in an instant!

Paul ignored Fan’s embarrassment and the shock of other actors. He ran towards Lan Li and patted Lan Li’s shoulder vigorously. "I knew it, I knew it!" After repeated sighs, Paul was brilliant. He laughed, "No, I never knew that you are such an excellent actor!"

Upright, upright, upright, upright, and upright! Just now Lan Li used the absolute performance of absolute strength, not only to respond positively to Fan's provocation, but also to seize the advantage of the confrontation. This victory came in a hearty and hearty manner! Paul believes that no one has anything to say! As for Fan's embarrassment and uselessness, it can only be said that he is responsible for himself.

Looking at Paul, who made no secret of his excitement in front of him, Lanly laughed blankly, "I thought you had seen "Buried alive" in Telluride."

What Paul didn't notice was that Lanly twisted his neck slightly, his tight shoulders were slightly relaxed, but the muscles were still a little stiff. Although he was very calm just now, Lan Li was afraid for a while in his heart.

He still has too little fighting experience. Just now Fan attacked from behind. He shouldn’t turn around to meet the front. Instead, he should avoid him, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back. But before the brain makes a correct judgment, the conditioned reflex of the muscles has already been made. The response, after all, was caused by lack of experience.

Fortunately, the aura accumulated from previous performances still had a deterrent effect on Fan. Only then did he kill Fan by surprise, otherwise his current position would have to be reversed. Perhaps he was the one who lay on the ground and gasped.

What Lan Li is thinking now is, should he study Chinese kungfu seriously?

"I've seen it before, but the situation is still different..." Paul said with a smile, and the dancing looks like a child, making people smile.

On the other side, Justin was a little dazed. He is not a director who is good at tuning acting. His strength lies in lens scheduling and scene control, but he can still feel the huge acting aura, covering the entire studio, which is breathtaking. Now, he finally understands why Lanly can defeat Dawn and grab the role of Hobbs!

Although Dawn’s excessive demand for remuneration is the origin, Lan Li’s outstanding performance is the ultimate winning weapon. Otherwise, how can a newcomer who has been in the debut for less than a year be able to beat a lot of competitors and stand out?

Justin couldn't contain the excitement and excitement in his heart, and he had begun to rebuild the picture in his mind, overturning all his previous ideas.

He was originally worried about whether Lanly’s performance aura could be compared with Fan, not to mention Paul, the confrontation of the Iron Triangle, in fact, the two-to-one pattern presented in the movie, this is also their original situation. The reason for choosing Dawn, Dawn’s physical advantages and pre-existing qualities, even if Fan and Paul join forces, they cannot take advantage. In this way, the whole story can be balanced.

But now, Justin's mind is full of spirits. Take the scene just now, he can show the sparking confrontation between the two people more intensely, and set off the atmosphere of the scene more tightly. , The feeling of being triggered but stopped abruptly, can make the excitement of watching movies even further.

It was originally just a substitute player, but now it seems that this "substitute" is much more powerful than the original.

Because Dawn’s style is relatively he is purely physical confrontation, which also makes the focus of the script focused on the confrontation between Hobbes and Dominic, which cannot be regarded as an iron triangle in the strict sense; but Now, Lan Li can have the upper hand in both physical confrontation and mental confrontation. Then Lan Li can deal with two people alone.

Thinking of this, Justin was struck again-now that the script is revised, the project is too big, and it is estimated that at least a quarter of the scenes will have to be rewritten; moreover, if the scenes of Lan Li are added, then will Fan and Paul disagree? More importantly, the rewriting of the script requires the repayment of the screenwriting fees, and the producer probably disagrees.

I can only wait for the next one. If the sixth Lanly is still willing to continue to play, then Justin has countless ideas in his mind to use.

However, even if the script cannot be modified, Justin can make some changes in lens scheduling and atmosphere creation to outline the rivalry of the Audio-Technica more intensely.

However, Justin couldn't help being a little worried: Fan alone, can he stand it? Are you going to send Paul together and join forces?

Fan's current state is terrible, it's terrible! He completely lost control of his sanity. He swung up the chair and began to smash it to the side. After smashing the chair, he smashed half of the dressing table. Seeing everyone retreating, he felt a little more comfortable. Panting and staring at the mess in front of him, gritted his teeth.

Lan Li, **** Lan Li!

Just now because he was not mentally prepared, Lan Li had the upper hand for a while, and then he made enough preparations and would never give up easily. From the beginning, he would have the upper hand. He doesn't care about the checks and balances of the shooting, and no matter what the scene is beautiful, he wants Lan Li to withstand the lesson, and he wants to find the place well!


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