The Greatest Showman

Chapter 256: Dismount

Lan Li's brows frowned slightly, and she looked at the empty parking lot in front of her with a puzzled look.

At this time it is 8:20, and there are still ten minutes before today's start time. According to reason, the entire parking lot should be full, and there may even be no parking spaces. You must park your car in the public parking lot behind. But not only is it not full, but there is not even a car. This is really abnormal, it can be said to be incredible.

Nathan suddenly panicked. This unexpected situation really caught him off guard. He forced himself to calm down, but it was too difficult. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Lan Li, and noticed the confusion between Lan Li's eyebrows, but fortunately, there was no anger.

"You can confirm today's shooting information." Lan Li has experienced a large crew like the "Pacific War" and has relatively rich experience. After a brief chaos, he calmed down, opened the car door, and walked towards the studio. .

After being reminded, Nathan also reacted and quickly found the text message and confirmed it.

Standing at the gate of the studio, the huge iron gate always makes people feel small. In order to allow the tool cart to enter and exit smoothly, the gate of the studio is always high and wide, with only one in the lower right corner. The small iron gate allows two people to pass side by side. In comparison, it's like a gateway to the kingdom of adults.

Normally, this small door will be opened to facilitate the entry and exit of the staff; when the filming is officially opened, it will be closed. Anyone who wants to enter must knock on the door. The guard behind the door will open a mail and throw it. In a mouth-sized space, the identity of the visitor is checked, and the person can be put in only after it is confirmed.

Now that the small door was closed tightly, Lan Li knocked hard, but he didn't hear any response. There was no movement at all, and strangeness was revealed everywhere. Did they find the wrong place?

"Lan Li, I just confirmed the text message. It is indeed 8:30, Studio 23." Nathan temporarily parked the car on the side of the road to avoid getting in the way, then walked over quickly and said in a loud voice. "Then I called James-Currier (-Currier) and Julie-Irie (Julie-Irie) respectively, but neither of them answered. I left a message to explain the situation, but..."

Lan Li's composure succeeded in calming Nathan, and after he re-arranged his thoughts, his handling of things became more organized. James and Julie are the two crew members of the crew, and they are responsible for different tasks. As Lan Li's assistant, Nathan is mainly dealing with two people. It is the most direct and effective to seek confirmation from them.

However, neither of them answered the phone.

Normally, this is actually not unusual, because two people are very busy at work and it is common to miss a call. But today's situation is so special that people have to think more.

Lan Li didn't rush to the conclusion, "Before I left yesterday, James personally told you the time?"

"Yes." Nathan nodded again and again, because he was worried about making a mistake, he also specifically asked James to send a text message, confirming the language to the text. He doesn't want to be fired again.

Lan Li touched his pocket, took out his mobile phone, looked up Paul Walker's mobile phone number, and dialed it. It is less than half past eight. If there is no filming assignment, Paul may be exercising, but...

"Good morning, Lan Li." Paul answered the phone refreshedly, and the sunny and clear voice greeted enthusiastically, "Call me at this time. I'm about to have breakfast. Would you like to join me? Join?"

Lanly can hear the lightheartedness of Paul's words. There are only less than ten minutes left before the start of work. Paul still eats breakfast slowly? This makes no sense. However, Lan Li was not in a hurry, but responded with a smile, "Are you sure it's Los Angeles time? Not New York time?"

The pace of life in Los Angeles is always slower, and it seems that the three meals are also slightly later than in New York. However, the time that Lan Li stayed here was too short, maybe it was just his own illusion.

However, Lanly's ridicule still made Paul laugh, "I didn't go surfing today, otherwise I would have breakfast at 9:30."

"As soon as I hear it, this is not the life of the elite." Lan Li replied with a faint smile, successfully triggering Paul's burst of laughter, repeatedly saying yes.

Los Angeles and New York have one thing in common. It is generally believed that those who can enjoy brunch are either the elite or the rich, because they can take a nap, and come out at about ten or ten thirty, and Friends enjoy brunch leisurely.

Therefore, the brunch restaurants and coffee houses in Los Angeles are always overcrowded. Young people who aspire to be actors will also pretend to have brunch. Maybe they can meet a certain big director or producer.

After Paul's laughter calmed down a bit, Lan Li naturally cut into the subject, "What time does today's shooting start?"

"Twelve o'clock." Paul did not hesitate or doubt, and directly replied, "Today's main scene will continue into the evening, and it may be necessary to go out and shoot night scenes, so he joined the crew at 12 o'clock and used lunch. Time to meet and discuss, we will officially start shooting around two o'clock in the afternoon, and it is estimated that we will be busy until the evening."

Twelve o'clock. This is the answer.

No wonder the parking lot will be empty! No wonder the studio will be empty! Obviously, someone had to teach Lan Li a lesson by deliberately giving him the wrong start time and asking him to come to the studio three and a half hours in advance.

These three and a half hours are really embarrassing. If he goes back now, it will take forty minutes to an hour to go back and forth, and it is the peak period of work, and if he is stuck in the car line with bad luck, it is not unreasonable to spend two hours. It is possible; but if he chooses to stay, he will be staring here in three and a half hours, so boring that he is almost moldy.

This trick is really clever and harmless. Even if Lan Li protested through his agent, but the three and a half hours of waiting time was not painful, Andy couldn’t put pressure on the crew; but just swallowed his breath, but it was heart-warming. The anger was difficult to calm, and he was pranked for no reason, and more importantly, his self-esteem was ridiculed severely.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Paul asked smoothly, "Did your assistant not get the notice yesterday?"

The start of the crew will be different every day. After the filming schedule comes out, the assistant will go to the crew to understand the situation and make sure that their actors are ready for the next day's work.

"It's okay, just reconfirm with you." Lan Li smiled and shook his head, exchanged greetings with Paul for a while, and then hung up the phone.

Nathan, who was standing next to him, had already reacted. Yesterday, he didn't go to the crew to get the itinerary, but James, one of the heads of the crew, came to him in person to explain the itinerary. Nathan thought that it was because of the importance of the crew to Renly and the treatment of the third protagonist, and it was Renly's first appearance today. Naturally, he needed to be more cautious, so James came here to explain in detail, and he was sure that he could not go wrong.

But now it seems that this is just a trap, and some people deliberately want to give Lan Li a slap in the face.

"Len Li, I'm sorry..." Nathan panicked again, feeling very guilty. This is all his fault. If he is careful, don't take it for granted, and repeat the confirmation several times, then today's accident is OK? avoided. As an assistant, this is his responsibility, and he has no room for defense.

Lan Li smiled without anger, raised the corners of his mouth, and patted Nathan's arm, "You must know that if they want to fool you, you will not be able to see through."

When he was on the crew of the "Pacific War" before, Lan Li already knew the truth about the elves. If the staff wants to make things difficult for an actor, they don't need much power. They only need to manipulate some small details to make the actor miserable.

To take an extreme example, if a staff member deliberately blocked the toilet of Brad Pitt's carriage, and then released a rumor that Brad was constipated. Then Brad is really indisputable. This kind of rumors can't cause substantial harm. At most, people talk after dinner, but it has absolutely no positive impact on Brad's image.

The same is true today.

Nathan is just a small assistant. He confirmed the time through verbal and text messages respectively and double-confirmed through James and Julie respectively. He has no reason to be suspicious. Just now James and Julie did not answer the phone. Judging from this behavior, we can know that they are deliberately trying to let Lan Li learn a lesson, so Lan Li really has nowhere to escape.

Lan Li's comfort not only didn't let Nathan breathe a sigh of relief, but he became more guilty. He understands the truth, but still can't swallow this breath. Why would anyone want to target Lan Li? Lan Li has never offended anyone!

"Who the hell! Is it James?" Nathan only felt that his head was full of question marks, and he couldn't figure out who was against Lan Li. Is today's accident just a small prank, or is it the beginning of a bad life afterwards?

A figure flashed in Lan Li's mind, nodded thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "Yes, who is it?" This is also the most curious thing about him right now.

He is not a soft persimmon. He has eaten this mouthful of huanglian today. If there is a bitterness, he will close his mouth firmly, but it does not mean that he will not fight back.

"Then what do we do now?" Nathan scratched his head irritably, walked back and forth, looking at Lan Li eagerly, as if he was ready to fight back with iron blood.

However, Lan Li gave a different understanding, "Wait, let's wait here." How to investigate, how to respond, and how to punish the black hand behind the scenes, this is not what Lan Li needs to worry about for the time being. Today's shooting mission is. more important. "Bring me the script, and I will read it again."

"Len Li!" Nathan didn't expect Lan Li's response at all, and shouted depressedly.

Lan Li laughed blankly, shook his head lightly, and said again and again, "Script!"

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