The Greatest Showman

Chapter 249: Time and place

The smooth flow of the Emmy Awards, Toronto and Telluride made Andy a little overwhelmed, and he was full of expectations for the future of Lan Li; but then the "evil boss" and "Degree and Passion 5" encountered obstacles, but they sounded. After the wake-up call, Andy began to readjust his plan.

"Degree and Passion 5" is indeed a good opportunity, but if you focus on the film pay, the maximum is one million US dollars, and the cap is 1.2 million. This is actually not much meaning, even if you miss this one. With the accumulative reputation of the two works of "Pacific War" and "Buried Alive", Andy can win such a level of salary for Lan Li in any commercial film, hovering around 800,000. Then, he Why bother? And why does it have to be "Degree and Passion 5"?

What's more, Lan Li's filming of "Love Is Crazy" is only a salary of 20,000 US dollars, which is consistent with the salary of Lan Li's appearance in the "Pacific War" episode. It can be seen that the pay is not the most important for Renli.

Thinking carefully, what is the biggest positive impact of "Degree and Passion 5" on Lan Li?

Increase the blockbuster experience? Being the third protagonist is too low; is it a success in the box office of blockbuster movies? After the movie was released, if the box office succeeded, people would say it was due to Van Diesel and Paul Walker. If the box office failed, people would say it was the failure of Renly Hall’s casting. This is the reality; exercise acting skills ? This is obviously a joke.

Test the waters of action movies to open up the commercial potential of Lanli? This is a reason, but it is not enough.

In Andy's view, the most important role of "Degree and Passion 5" is exposure and awareness.

Next, Lan Li will enter the competition for the awards season. "Buried alive" is an independent work without roots and foundations. It can almost be said that grandma does not hurt, grandpa does not love, and there is no George Clooney, cloth A top-notch big-name producer like Rad Pitt does not even have Sundance’s Canada. He just relies on the breath of Toronto and wants to make a **** road in the fiercely competitive awards season. It is a crazy dream.

However, through the shooting of "Degree and Passion 5", creating a hot topic and attracting more attention, the name "Len Li-Hall" became familiar. Then, with the promotion strategy of Focus Pictures, it is possible to win the front line. Vitality-a weak line.

In the final analysis, the awards season is a public relations battle. If everyone hasn't even heard of this work or the actor, how can it be possible to vote? In the era of the information explosion, the calmness and elegance of waiting for the aroma of wine to attract customers is gone forever.

Therefore, if "Degree and Passion 5" cannot bring these attentions to Lan Li, Andy believes that it is better to reject this work and re-select it. There is no need to make a hasty decision. As an agent, Andy must make a more detailed and long-term plan for Lan Li's career. He doesn't want to encourage him.

Telluride’s small accident has a very obvious influence on the wavelength.

"Half-and-a-half percent dividend." Andy said unhurriedly, obviously a long time ago. "In addition, Lan Li must be the third leading actor of the crew and participate in the promotion of all programs throughout the whole process. I mean, Screening ceremonies in various places, as well as all talk shows and radio programs; in addition, there are locations for taking pictures on various occasions, magazines, screenings, and news conferences."

The Hollywood system is very mature, complete and intricate. It is only discussed in terms of actors——

During the filming of the crew, were they equipped with a RV separately, how many people were in the work team including makeup artists, costume artists, assistants, etc., whether there were chairs with their names in the shooting venue, and whether the transportation expenses for shooting were reimbursed...

During the publicity period, is it on every publicity itinerary, where is the location if you attend, where is the official press release photo—even the shooting angle, where is the location of the news conference, and whether you have the right to refuse to attend the show? , What will be the length and weight of the magazine interview, whether the accompanying team is officially configured or carried by yourself, and whether the promotional clothing is sponsored...

After the movie is released, do actors have the right to watch in advance, whether they have the decision to veto their own performance clips, and whether they have the right to modify the script...

What is the weight of the subtitles at the beginning and end of the movie, whether the list of actors are listed separately, which ones appear, what is the size and position of the fonts, and whether the background images are different from other actors...

All of these are different. Every detail can distinguish actors into different levels. The more big-name actors, the more requirements, and the more specific and detailed. Even the top big names can request that they refuse to share the stage with a certain artist, even if it is just an accidental encounter during the promotion period. All this can be clearly stipulated in the contract and treaty.

"Of course, there is also the location of the movie subtitles." Andy added that "Degree and Passion 5" is a huge crew with nearly ten core characters. In addition to the two absolute cores, the positions of other actors are The competition is bound to be fierce, and Andy must fight for a more advantageous position for Lan Li.

Although all of this is Neil’s expected answer, and it is understandable to ask for the corresponding treatment of the third leading actor, Neil still has to admire Andy’s ambition and execution ability, just like a net of heaven and earth. Waiting quietly for his arrest. Originally, they thought they had everything in their hands, but there was actually a oriole waiting behind.

Give up the blue gift? Or compromise?

Two options appeared in Neal's mind again, but this time he didn't hesitate, "It's better to be like this, one million pay, and then the third leading actor's treatment."

0.5% of the box office dividend, calculated according to North America’s 200 million box office results, is actually one million U.S. dollars. For such a price, Neal has no reason to refuse, but the difference lies in: one is the payment of film remuneration, and the other is the payment of dividends, which is different for the recognition of Lanli.

If it is a dividend, it also means that Blue Gift needs to bear the box office risk. Although the 0.5% risk is almost negligible, the attitude of the crew is bound to be different, and Blue Gift will be given during the production and promotion stages. More respect. Especially considering the huge crew of "Degree and Passion 5", Lan Li, who has a low qualifications, without this amulet, it is difficult to win more attention if he wants to win more attention.

Neil knew this, and Andy naturally knew it.

"I think the treatment of the third protagonist is a matter of course." Andy didn't worry, and said slowly, speaking at a slower pace than Neal. "But the salary of one million is not the level of the third protagonist. ."

The weight of Hobbs in the script is the third protagonist of the iron hit, but the low salary cannot match it, just like Chris Evans nets starred in "Captain America" ​​only 600,000 dollars in salary.

However, Chris signed with Paramount at the beginning. One sign is six games. The pay is not high, but it guarantees that Chris will be **** with the role of Captain America, paving the way for the actor career. Of course, his first protagonist. The treatment is absolutely guaranteed.

What Andy is fighting for now is the treatment that matches the third leading actor. In terms of film remuneration, it is naturally impossible for Universal Pictures to give Lanli 2.5 million in remuneration. One million is already capped, so An Di proposed an exchange plan, completely gave up the claim for the guarantee film remuneration, lowered his posture, and then replaced the film remuneration with dividends. On the one hand, it guaranteed the "low" pay of Lanli, and on the other hand, it guaranteed Lanli's "low" payment. The third protagonist status.

Compared to Dawn-Johnson, the use of Blue Gift is more economical and affordable.

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Neil's mouth. I have to say that Andy took the most correct timing and made reasonable requests. It can almost be said to be walking on the edge of challenging the bottom line, but it does not make people angry. . Of course, there is Steven Spielberg.

"You're really ambitious, aren't you?" The chaotic thoughts just circulated in his mind for a moment, and Neil quickly calmed down and made a decision.

Andy shrugged and said half-jokingly, "This is Hollywood, and people always say, make your dreams higher."

"How about his schedule? In five days we will restart in Los Angeles." Neal finally got back to the topic, they all know that Lanly is now filming "Love Crazy", if The schedule doesn't match, and the conversation just now doesn't make any sense.

Andy glanced at the calendar, recalled in his head, "No problem." If nothing else, Lan Li should be back in Los Angeles today to complete the rest of the filming of "I'm Crazy." Five days are enough.

"I'll let the lawyer draw up the contract, and then fax it to you." Without any further politeness, Neil said simply and neatly. Now that he has made his choice, he will continue unswervingly.

The two exchanged simple greetings, and then hung up the phone.

But Andy still didn't take it lightly. After the lawyers have drawn up the contract, they need to carefully examine one party, add some details, and then return it. This time between the two parties, it takes almost two to three days. Andy will not forget that Neal contacted Jason Statham. If Dawn had put down his posture within these three days, then things would still fall short. Before signing in black and white, he still cannot take it lightly.

After thinking about it, Andy dialed a few calls and confessed a few words. His approach is very simple, just let Dawn know that Jason has signed with the "Death Squad" crew, which is enough.

Dawn has persisted for so long, and the finish line is close at hand. If he believes that Neil is also making a faint move in an emergency, and choosing Jason is just a desperate fight under the circumstances of helplessness, then Dawn will continue to gritted his teeth and persisted; But what if he doesn’t believe it...

Andy needs to convince Dawn that Lanly is still filming in London and has no plans to return to Los Angeles in the short term.

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