The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2298: Surging

When the Blue Ceremony was absent from the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, it seemed that it was doomed to the end, so that when the results of the awards were announced, people were no longer surprised.

The grievances between Lan Li and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association are bound to continue. For the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, without the Lan Li, the award ceremony can be carried out as well. On the contrary, the absence of Lan Li can be used to reverse the production. Focus; For Lan Li, lack of a Golden Globe trophy, his career has no impact at all, but he can achieve the reputation of Lan Li's high professionalism.

Both sides can continue the stalemate in this way, the well water does not violate the river water, until a certain day, maybe an event breaks the balance, someone will make a change-such as the hacker incident that just ended.

Because it was Michael Keaton who defeated Lanlys to the top, the social network has not yet begun to attack Keaton——

With the image of "Batman" at the time, Keaton always has a crowd; this time relying on "Birdman" to complete his self-deception, finally ended the long career trough, and ushered in hope again. With such an inspirational story, who can take the beak What? Moreover, Keaton’s reputation in the industry is also very good. There are no black spots. This time, he has won a lot of applause. Just like Mickey Locke in 2008, he has been up and down for many years, and finally relied on the "Wrestling King". Rise, sympathy, tribute, admiration, expectation and other mixed emotions are all intertwined, and few people can blame them.

As a result, more doubts swarmed towards the Golden Globes.

This is not the first time, and it will not be the last. It seems to have become a fixed routine. It can be seen from the discussion boom on social networks. Everyone is accustomed to it, and even the posts of complaints and denunciations are far from breaking out. Give enough energy, "Please change the routine for the Golden Globes, okay?"

Compared with condemning the Golden Globe Awards, what people are more concerned and curious about is:

Ignoring the Golden Globes again, what does it mean for the second stage of college public relations? What are the consequences? Under the influence of the hacking incident, can Sony Classic be able to complete the adjustment in time and start again? What profound impact will this have on the final competitive landscape of Oscars? How does the actor Xiaojin finally belong? How do the college judges view the results of the Golden Globe Awards? Do you have new ideas about the attribution of the actor?

And so on and so on.

Unconsciously, everyone's sights projected toward the second stage of the awards season.

According to the usual practice in previous years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will announce the Oscar nominations within three to five days of the Golden Globe Awards ceremony. The most frequently chosen time is Thursday; but this year there was a small accident. The college chose to announce the nomination list ten days after the end of the Golden Globes, which is the second Thursday.

In a hustle and bustle, various rumors appeared on the social network, which colleges escorted Lan Li and left a week to eliminate the impact; which colleges kept Keaton and Eddie's momentum in order to attack Lan Li; What academy is dissatisfied with the existing awards season format, and specifically held internal meetings; what hacking incident has spawned on the academy, the hackers this time aimed at the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences...

Countless outrageous and exaggerated rumors are spreading, and more and more outrageous, the hacking incident is being used again, and the Sony classic has been hacked, and now it is in a terrible situation with a hundred words-you can see Harvey faintly behind it- With Weinstein's handwriting, the second phase of the college public relations battle has already started first.

But in fact, all these speculations are all imaginary. The academy has already set all schedules as early as November. This year’s nomination list announced that the lunch will be arranged ten days after the Golden Globe Awards, and at that time, "Burst "Drummer" has not yet been released, and the hacking incident has not yet occurred. No one knows how the awards season will develop, let alone change the original plan for the second phase of the Academy’s public relations.

More importantly, the deadline for voting for the first-stage nomination list of the college is actually before the Golden Globe Awards ceremony. In other words, the Golden Globe has not yet started, all votes have been sent, and the nomination list is entered. In the statistical stage, this is also the reason why the Golden Globe Award can be regarded as a "weathervane"——

Discover how the judges of the college voted. Did the popular works distinguish the first group and the second group? From the perspective of the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association, make a summary prediction of the industry's rumors and rumors, give a relatively clear estimate of the college public relations achievements in the first stage, and then lay the foundation for the second stage.

Harvey Weinstein changed the academy’s public relations strategy because he heard clues from the Golden Globes. He made his own judgment based on a thread summarized by the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association. He has a good idea of ​​the Oscar nomination list, and he is also aware of the overall trend I already know everything well, so I started the second phase of the layout ahead of time.

This is what Harvey does every year.

However, for laymen, they don’t know at all. Therefore, they thought that the college could “modify” the nomination list based on the Golden Globe Award winners list. For example, the judges could temporarily modify their votes and then send them quickly; With a little push, negative rumors arose.

It's just that these rumors are harmless and have no effect on the academy. As for the influence of others, no one knows.

In short, on Thursday, January 22nd, 2015, Alfonso Cuarón, JJ Abrams, Chris Pine and others attended the nomination luncheon at the Godwin Theater in Beverly Hills. The nomination list has been officially announced, and you can feel it from the guest lineup. The college also has high hopes for this year’s awards ceremony and looks forward to making further progress on the basis of last year.

A digression, after last year’s Ellen De Janis, this year the college chose comedian Neil Patrick Harris as the host for the first time-

This comedian, who has hosted Tony Awards and Emmy Awards for many times, is excellent in singing and humorous. He is affirmed by the comedy "The Romance of Mom and Dad", and is the same as Alan De Janis Get closer to young people; in addition, he and Alan have both come out/closed publicly and are married. This is undoubtedly another breakthrough for the college to improve its public image.

The college expects that Neal will be able to inject vitality into the award ceremony again.

However, there has been some controversy regarding the choice of the host. The main reason is that Alan De Janis performed too well last year. Many people suggested that she should continue to host this year, but the result did not happen.

Why did Allen refuse to host again and voluntarily invite Chris-Rock and Julia-Louis-Dreyfus to be the host, and why were they rejected... And, the rumors Neal is not the first choice of the academy, and there are still some doggies behind the scenes, so what is the truth?

These chaotic discussions have also become a topic after dinner.

Although both the college and Neal came forward to give an official response, including Ellen, Julia and others also gave official responses to clarify the facts, but no one can know the truth behind the scenes, which also made Neil’s There is more and more pressure on him; with the occurrence of the hacking incident, Neal’s opening remarks and cross-cutting remarks are faced with a difficult problem: should they be mentioned at all?

Originally, the pressure to host the Oscars every year was severe, but this year seems to be even better. Even the experienced Neil is somewhat overwhelmed.

The topic is back on the nomination list.

In previous years, the Academy only announced the nominations for major awards such as Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress in the "Early Nomination". The list of technical awards will be updated on the official website simultaneously and then opened Luncheon; however, this year's nomination method has changed. All the 24 awards were announced on the spot. The college stated that this reform is in respect of all film technicians.

On the one hand, the award ceremony is shrinking; on the other hand, the nomination lunch is being extended. The college is indeed making adjustments in all aspects to adapt to the development of the times.

Alfonso Cuarón, who won the best director last year, announced the list of nominations for the main awards. In the highly anticipated battle for the best picture, only eight works were selected successfully, and did not occupy all ten spots. It was a small accident.

"Budapest Hotel", "Birdman", "Boyhood", "Selma Parade", "Theory of Everything", "Burst Drummer", "American Sniper", "Imitation Game".

The above-mentioned eight works successfully won nominations and landed safely at the Oscars, but the ten nominations for Best Picture were not filled.

Among them, Sony’s classic position is undoubtedly the most eye-catching:

"Fox Hunter" is left behind, "Burst Drummer" is on top!

After being severely hit by the hacking incident, Sony’s classic awards season academy’s public relations pace was completely disrupted——

The "Fox Hunter", who was originally in the first group, was accidentally kicked out of the best picture nomination list. This work was once considered to have the strength and ability to compete with the "imitation game", but it turned out to be before the start of the second stage. Left behind has made countless people fall apart.

However, the "Burst Drummer", who was not optimistic about competing for the best film, relied on the strong strength of Lan Li to make it into the final eight. This made Sisyphus Pictures first time. Don't just because of its low qualifications. Underestimate the strength of this company.

No one can 100% confirm whether this is directly related to the hacking incident; but also no one can bluntly conclude that the Sony Classic in the second stage is no longer a concern. As long as you win the nomination, you will have the ability to give it a go. What's more, the "Blast Drummer" is more than just the ability to do it. Looking at the entire nomination list, you can see that no one can underestimate the Sony Classic Dangerous opponent.

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