The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1847: Count up to 1 chip

Renly called Steven Spielberg to inform Thomas Tour's plan to try to hype the scandal.

But it's just a scandal plan. To avoid the importance and neglect the matter of the van. This is called prescribing the right medicine-the same thing is of different importance to different people. Regarding the van, the time has come. When you should know, Stie Wen will know.

What's more, for top producers like Steven, he knows the impact of things but cannot truly empathize like actors. After all, Steven has been too far away from the position of "newcomer director", working behind the scenes. The staff did not dare to stumble him easily, just like Patrick's attitude, which is the same-for them, the topic of "van" is far less important than the principled publicity plan.

"Steven, I just want to take a good shot of this work." This is the truth from Lan Li, but it may not mean showing weakness at this time.

Steven immediately tasted it, and he couldn't help but laugh, "Little guy, there is no need to keep emphasizing this in front of me."

For Renley, Steven can be regarded as watching him grow up all the way, and Renley’s purity and focus also reminded Steven of DreamWorks again. To be honest, he sincerely hopes that Hollywood can cherish the existence of Renley. "Don't worry, leave the publicity plan to me, and you can act well."

Steven's big deal made Lan Li also show a sincere smile, "Thank you."

But Steven immediately saw through Lanly's "trick", "Ha, you called me specifically, didn't you just want me to help you solve the problem? Don't pretend, I know you are a smart guy."

"The strategy still worked, didn't it?" Lan Li didn't deny it either, but admitted the facts frankly, which caused a murky laughter on the other end of the phone, and the atmosphere was particularly friendly.

Steven shook his head repeatedly, his voice a little helpless, and some elders were tolerant of younger generations, "Thomas, you don’t have to worry about it. Just concentrate on the movie. I believe that the performance of this work is for you. It shouldn’t be a difficult task. You can talk to Corindo about the character and the script, and then see how Colin understands and digests it. Maybe you can collide with each other, which is a good thing for the movie."

Steven insists on using Renly to star in the "Jurassic World". Not only does he appreciate Lanly's acting skills and market appeal, he also appreciates the characteristics and temperament that Lanly bestows on the movie, and often possesses himself. The understanding of roles and scripts, this skill is very rare for actors.

Don't underestimate the actors' works for commercial films. "Indiana Jones" and Harrison Ford are each other's models.

Lan Li could feel Steven's sincerity, and he also talked about his views on the script and characters without denying him, and exchanged ideas with Steven. The conversation just deviated from the original track, the two people talked about work sincerely and enthusiastically, and the conversation time was much longer than expected.

When I hung up the phone, the phone was already slightly hot, and Lan Li realized that they had been chatting for a long time without making any adjustments. Lan Li immediately dialed Lang Meyer's phone. Now that the battle has started, Lanly has decided to completely spread the pattern of the war. Just like a game of Go, the early stage layout has begun to unfold in an orderly manner. Then let's see who can have the last laugh.

In the conversation with Ron Meyer, Lan Li's performance was very tough, strongly questioning the rationality and authenticity of the "scandal plan", and emphasized his professional stance. He does not reject the propaganda plan, but he is a little interested in creating a "scandal". nothing. The call time on this call was relatively normal. Ron Meyer confirmed Lan Li's position, and after a polite greeting, ended the call.

Lan Li then called Andy Rogers again, told Andy about the scandal and the van, and informed Andy of his handling methods and follow-up plans, and then Andy proposed one. Very interesting proposal:

"I mean, we should tell Ron Howard." Faced with Lan Li's surprise, Andy repeated his words again.

Lan Li laughed blankly, "Do you mean to complain?" Unlike Steven and Ron Meyer, he complained to the "parents" in a real sense.

Andy nodded and admitted without any psychological burden, "Of course. We have to sue for such a thing."

"Bryce didn't want her father to know." Lan Li was more cautious about her family's treatment-since Bryce had concealed her surname, it meant she did not want Ron Howard to interfere too much with her. Naturally, I don’t want Ron Howard to help deal with these annoying shady. Bryce is still willing to deal with it by himself.

Andy didn’t have Lan Li’s worries, "I know. Even if we don’t tell Lang, he will always know; now, we pass the news to Lang, on the one hand to clarify your position, on the other hand, Friendly notice, as to whether Lang decides to intervene, and how Bryce will deal with it, this is a matter between their father and daughter. Do you think Lang will thank us if we shut up?"

If in the end the crew really decides to create a scandal, the marriage between Blyth and Seth will face challenges or the second, the real core problem is that Blyth’s private life will be completely exposed to the media, and it will be a way of low-level consumption , This is completely inconsistent with Blyth's consistent low-key style, and it is also a serious injury to her life-far more serious than Lan Li.

"I understand. But my suggestion is that even if the news comes out, we should tell Bryce, not Lang." Lanly understands Andy's abacus, but after all, there is no way to agree-because of the Hall family. Because of the complicated relationship, Lan Li is a little careful in handling family matters, but Lan Li is not a kind angel either. Now that he has informed Steven and Ron Meyer, he has no intention of calming things down, "However, it’s just me. After you discuss with Lydia, you can decide how to deal with it."

After all, Andy couldn't fully understand Lanly's thoughts. He pondered for a moment, "I will seriously consider your opinion." That's all he can do; then, Andy went on to say, "As for Thomas, you Is this the intention? Just relying on Spielberg or Meyer's pressure, they can hardly control Thomas completely. It is estimated that this matter will not end so soon."

Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

But Andy actually knows that when the producer reaches the level of Thomas Tour, it is actually like the actor has reached the level of Lan Li. If you want to completely defeat the opponent, this can be said to be difficult to achieve. thing. Unless the investment in multiple consecutive works by Legendary Pictures all fails miserably, Thomas' surplus value is completely drained; otherwise, he will not be completely out of the game. Andy still couldn't help but want to know Renly's plans, especially after experiencing the Van Diesel incident.

"Thomas is not Fan. There is definitely no simple way to solve the matter, but that doesn't mean I will be caught with it." Lan Li was still calm and calm, and the chills that permeated from the words made Andy shudder.

Andy hesitated for a while, and said in a joking tone, "Len Li, since the filming of'Burst Drummer', I think you have become darker and darker?"

To be precise, it was because of the way and the way Renly treated Diesel and Thomas, including Melissa before. This makes Andy have such an idea.

"Ha." Lan Li laughed directly, "No, Andy, in fact, after the shooting of'Burst Drummer', I became more relaxed and more sunny as a whole, and those negative emotions were left behind. In that movie.” It’s a fact, “The reason why you feel this way is just because you saw me outside of the show.”

As he spoke, Lanly's mood couldn't help but become lighter, because he couldn't help thinking that if Edith and Arthur heard Andy's words, they would strongly protest and violently object; even An Dere shouldn't agree. That scene must be very interesting.

"Andy, please rest assured, I know what I am doing, I am not lost." Lan Li narrowed his smile and said sincerely.

Maybe others may get lost in the glamour and darkness behind Vanity but Lan Li will not.

Because of the accumulation and precipitation of hereditary aristocracy, and because his confusion and loss have all disappeared in the party on the night when the Tony Award reached the top of the EGOT, it was the only time he was lost and lost; he is now , Firm enough and wise enough, he can hold on to his heart and won't lose his way.

Andy let out a long sigh of relief, and then I heard Lan Li’s teasing voice, "Andy, you are my agent, but you are like my psychologist now, or you are going to change your career. Babysitter?"

"Go away!" Andy relentlessly fought back with foul language, but the smile in his eyes couldn't help but overflowed. "I'm just worried that you will become a lunatic one day, and then the reporters came to ask me, what is the matter? When did it start, but I can't answer it, it would be unprofessional."

"When this day comes, I will notify you in advance." Lan Li also said solemnly, "So, let us get back to business now, how about?"

Next, Lan Li told Andy all of his plans.

Andy also calmed down, because Lanly's plan still needed his cooperation. Different from Diesel, in this contest between Renly and Thomas, it is impossible to decide the victory or defeat by relying solely on absolute strength or strategizing. Both sides must use all 18 martial arts, in the calculation and counter-calculation. The game makes a difference.

After finishing the call, Andy did not immediately make the next move, but thought it over carefully. He had to admit that Lan Li's wit and calmness were indeed impressive, and it was definitely a better plan; but Lan Li His overall view is still slightly weak, and some details need to be supplemented by him.

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