The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1697: Joined forces

"It also seems to be'Drunk Country Folk Song'." Lan Li said with a smile.

In fact, the release of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" has been very good. Sony Classics attaches great importance to this work by the Coen brothers and Lan Li. The release plan and publicity methods are all top priorities, even though the awards season has a strong literary atmosphere. I still don't catch a cold, but the attention of Sony Classic has made the work ushered in an explosion at the box office level.

But the Coen brothers all understood what Lanly meant. On the one hand, "Drunk Country Folk Songs" lacks the blessing of big-name celebrities, and its prospects in the North American market are bound to be difficult; on the other hand, even with big-name blessings, "Drunk Country Folk Songs" still failed to break the blockade of Xiaojinren's tights and win More respect.

This is also the reason why all independent works want to go to Sundance. Park City provides a stage for self-exhibition. Even if it does not fit the style of the awards season and cannot win the favor of independent publishing companies headed by the Weinstein brothers, they still have The opportunity of self-exhibition allows you to communicate with movie lovers.

What if Sisyphus Pictures had its own distribution system?

Of course, this does not mean that Sisyphus Pictures can break the blockade of theater chains in the North American market. There are still no theater chains willing to show unprofitable works. After all, the United States is different from France; but at least it means the pioneering and innovative art theaters. From the perspective of distribution strategy and promotion, Sisyphus Pictures is bound to be more patient and willing to invest.

The difference in attitude and energy investment are very, very rare for the distribution of independent films.

Take “detachment” as an example. If Sisyphus Films releases, the promotion strategy will not target the awards season, but will be oriented to a specific audience group. More movie viewing activities will be arranged in the art theaters. Interest groups sparked more discussions-Tony Kaye originally filmed this work with the hope of reflecting social issues and influencing the ideas of specific groups. He has no idea about the awards season.

According to such a distribution strategy, perhaps "Delta" will completely miss the Oscar nomination, but it can create more influence and cause more waves among specific groups, generate more artistic aftermath and social aftermath, and then attract more in the art theater. Movie lovers. This kind of work deserves more long-term screening opportunities in art theaters.

Lan Li's simple sentence caused the Coen brothers to exchange their sights, and a touch of surprise flowed through his eyes.

They all know Renly’s talent for acting, but they don’t know that Renly also possesses such a keen sense of touch in addition to performance. This is enough to change the overall market outlook, which coincides with Robert's idea.

Sure enough, without waiting for Ethan to reply, Robert cast his gaze eagerly, and slowly lengthened his voice, "This kind of thought is very dangerous. Publishing is not a trifling matter, it seems that it is a slapstick. You can tinker with something."

Facing Robert's "accusation", Lan Li didn't panic, and a smile came out of his eyes, "You mean, making a movie can be treated as a child's play?"

Joel came over just right, stuck his head out and intervened between Robert and Renly, leaving only the back of Lanly's head. He looked at Robert, but his finger was pointed at Lanly behind, like a complaint, raising his voice. Said, "He deliberately misinterpreted your meaning! This guy needs a good lesson."

It seems that he is still holding grudges.

Ethan stood beside him and laughed helplessly, while Lan Li shook his head slightly, and his eyes grew richer. He did not object or protest, but raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender. Li went on to say, "I know that publishing is not an easy task. It's just another system."

Making movies is artistic creation, but distributing movies is marketing and commercial operation. Naturally, they are different. DreamWorks did not involve the issuing department, but later became passive because of it, and was repeatedly restrained by the partners due to the distribution of the rights of the distribution rights. In the end, it slid into the abyss step by step.

"I just heard about the issue of the issue." Lan Li explained, "I am not responsible for the specific situation. I did not even participate in it. I think this is also the best choice for investors to feel at ease." No business acumen? The little humor of this kind of stitching really makes the rhythm and atmosphere of the conversation completely different. This is the charm of Lanly, "Andre is still responsible for related matters."

Robert lightly chins his head invisibly and expresses his appreciation, "Andre, your partner?"

"Yes, Andre Hamilton." Lan Li finally brought up the topic, "This time, he also came to Park City. I have the opportunity to introduce you to you, although he may not know the famous Robert Reid. What does blessing mean, but I can be sure that he has been looking forward to communicating with Sundance’s words and affairs."

The subtext is... a strong alliance? Or to be more precise, the two like-minded parties further explore the possibility of cooperation?

After all, the current Sisyphus Pictures is far from being called a "strong man", it can only be regarded as a potential stock.

Came to Park City this time, Andre went with him. In addition to the upcoming premiere of "Burst Drummer", Andre also came to join him in person, the main reason is to open up the situation for Sisyphus Pictures-as Lan Li said, he is responsible for the creative part; and the management part , Is Andre’s expertise.

However, during this trip to Park City, Andre just came to listen to the situation and initially test Sundance's future plans and cooperation intentions, because he also went lightly. If there is a real need to establish a distribution channel, Andre hopes that Arthur Hall can come and help. By then, I am afraid that they will need a larger and more professional team.

The future pattern of Sisyphus Pictures may be even bigger than Lan Li imagined, and it is just the beginning.

But no matter what, Robert immediately understood. Obviously, he and Renly were prepared. No matter whether the cooperation can be negotiated or not, at least in terms of attitude, both sides are full of sincerity. This is for Sundance. Said that is good news. Then, Robert remembered the recent industry rumors. He had a hunch: All of them were in the game and thought they were gamers, but no one was sure when they were called pawns.

Lan Li-Hall, it's not that simple.

"Huh, I don't know if I am old or the young man is too aggressive. I think I can't keep up with the speed. Your appetite is too big." Robert sighed with a smile on his face, and did not respond positively to Lan Li. Olive branch, but his eyes and expression still revealed positive signs.

Lan Li was not in a hurry, with a smile flashing deep in his eyes, "Are there any misunderstandings between us? The ambition of this Sundance 30th anniversary event is definitely not that simple. Mr. Robert Redford's thoughts are obviously. I'm already ahead. Wait, or is there something wrong with my understanding?"

Sisyphus Pictures' ambitions are not small, is Sundance's ambitions flat?

Robert and Lanly’s conversation styles are obviously different. The two are confronting each other. There is no hidden temptation, but they continue to seize the opportunity in the open dialogue. The invisible shadow of the sword makes Joel and Ethan on the sidelines. I can't get in. The Coen brothers are real filmmakers by comparison, and all their minds are focused on the film. They can't keep up with the higher level of confrontation.

Joel looked at Renly on the left and Robert on the right. After holding back for a long time, he suddenly said, "Are you arguing? But why do you all have smiles on your faces and they don’t look like arguing?" I hate the imaginary and conspiracy of being in person and behind in social situations the most, but the atmosphere between Renly and Robert is not the same, so he asked directly so aggressively.

Lan Li laughed happily and waved his hands again and again, "No, no, no, we are not quarreling. I'm just saying that Robert's ideas and blueprints are more ambitious than ours. Now let's see if he needs our help. Up."

Robert narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his mouth slightly with a smile, "Help?" It should be mutual benefit.

"In the final analysis, they are all the same, but the expressions are different." Lan Li still said calmly and calmly.

Robert laughed blankly, and then softly chinked his head in agreement, "I also look forward to getting to know this Andre Hamilton and dare to invest in the works of Renley Hall. This requires extraordinary courage. I am now I started to be a little curious about what kind of role he was."

This is tantamount to agreeing! The prospect of Sisyphus Pictures' cooperation at the Sundance Film Festival finally knocked on the door.

"I think he is probably a fool." Lan Li vomited solemnly.

At this time Andre, who was having a video conference in the hotel, sneezed without warning, followed by another sneeze, and other people in the video conference said, "Bless you ( Bless-You, Andre paused, and looked around vigilantly, but after all he didn't have any clues, he could only withdraw his gaze and continue the meeting.

After the forum officially ended, Lan Li still did not rush back, but went to the cinema with the Coen brothers and watched two short documentaries.

There are not many documentaries, but the audience for short films is even rarer. The support of the Lanly and Coen brothers, in a sense, also hopes to attract more viewers' attention. Of course, after the screening, the communication with the creative team also benefited a lot.

Compared with movies, the shooting of documentaries is longer, more difficult, and more difficult. The experience of the main creative team is full of legends and surprises, which is eye-opening.

Both Lanly and the Coen brothers enjoyed this process very much.

By the time he left the cinema, Park City had already entered the night.

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