The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1692: Eggs debut

Sitting on the red sofa, Lan Li raised his jaw and watched quietly at the footage.

Although Lan Li clearly knew what happened afterwards, there was no surprise at all; but he still raised his head and quietly admired the big screen, with a little expectation and excitement in his faint. Movies and photos are the same. Every trace of the years is recorded with film, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, all of which will always be fixed at the moment the shutter is pressed.

Then the smile bloomed.

When his handwriting appeared on the big screen, Lan Li couldn't help but clapped his hands and laughed, applauding the editor of this video. The timing and transition are both sophisticated and accurate. With the psychology of all the audience inhabited, looking around, the boiling and uproar of the audience continued to roll, which made Lan Li also rarely shy.

It was originally a calm and ordinary clip, but in the tumult of the audience, Lan Li was also embarrassed, with thin sweat on his forehead. Recalling the original shooting scene, it was kind of shocking. The excitement and jerky of the heart became clear again, and the smile became more and more wanton.

Lan Li has never let go of his hands and feet like this in public.

The creed of aristocratic education is that you must maintain your etiquette in any form of public occasions, the more people are more important, the more so, because that reserve is precisely the dignity and pride of the aristocracy-only clowns There was noisy noise at the banquet.

Lan Li also developed such a habit.

But today, Lan Li's restraint and restraint have been completely broken, and he has inadvertently revealed the appearance of being in private. The youthful vigor that will be treasured forever is surging between the eyebrows.

He likes moments like this, even if it's out of control, he likes it too.

I cast my gaze under the stage, looking for the figure of Robert Redford and the Cohen brothers, and then sent my tribute and gratitude in the form of applause, because this video reawakened those memories, because this video once again let He appreciates his career as an actor along the way, and because this video allows him to relive his youthful and passionate self.


At this moment, the live streaming of the Sundance Film Festival's symposium has reached an unprecedented level of boiling, like a volcanic eruption, the whole audience burst out.

Not only because of the "Crazy Love" video, but also because Lan Li broke the usual image of a gentleman and showed the true side in private. On the one hand, it was the romance and romance of the "Crazy Love" shooting scene. /Flirting/People, on the other hand, was the reaction of the youthful temperament at the forum.

Such a blue gift is definitely a new surprise. It is the first time that it has shown a true image outside the lens on a global scale. It is sincere and simple, pure and simple, without the aura of Hollywood, the pursuit of EGOT, and the focus of Vanity Fair. , Appeared in front of him as if he were the boy next door.

Under the cover of Lan Li's super popularity and super hot attention, such a surprise, even if it is not a fan of movie fans, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

The screams and shouts erupted vigorously at the forum. They were not inferior to the live broadcast on the YouTube platform, so that the brothers Robert and Cohen could feel the buzzing roar from the eardrums and looked around in surprise. Around, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Every time people think that they have enough understanding of Renly’s popularity, reality will always refresh their perceptions again, once again showing the unparalleled and powerful appeal of Renly in the entire North American market, even at the Sundance Film Festival. Renly also has a unique influence in its independent field.

A cold reception during the awards season?

It doesn't matter, Sundance still welcomes the arrival of the blue gift with the highest level of attitude, even if it can't win the Golden Globe, or even the Oscar, what about it? Now Lan Li, his professional image, his profound background, and his acting talent have firmly occupied a place in the entire film industry. Those college judges don’t buy it, it doesn’t matter, there are tens of millions of others. Millions of practitioners are willing to buy it!


The note drawing on the big screen disappeared again, just as everyone thought that the video was finally over, the final ultimate trick was released, and it was time to end. But I didn't expect that immediately after the video screen appeared again, is there a second easter egg?

In the screen, all the members of the entire crew of "Love Is Crazy" stood in place, as if they were playing a game of "One Two Three Wooden Men", and then a fierce and brutal curse came from the next room—that A wall like a piece of paper can't stop the intrusion of sound at all.

"A bunch of lunatics! Insane! Shameless bastards! Don't you know what time it is? You are still making a lot of noise? You shameless *****, all shameless, all ** *!"

The continuous swear words couldn’t stop, and those sensitive words could hardly be heard. All the crew members who had just been immersed in the atmosphere of fun and joy suddenly stiffened in place, changing from summer to winter in a second , Those violent curses directly ignored the barriers of the wall, as if roaring in the ears, deafening.

Everyone in the room looked at each other. No one dared to move. Even the raised arms held up stiffly. Knowing that it doesn’t matter even if you move your body slightly, no one moved. An inexplicable sense of joy hits his face.

It took three full minutes for the curse to end with a loud slamming door and calmed down. Then everyone in the room stiffened to each other, looking at each other, the smile on the corners of their mouths rose greatly, but there was no sound, just one by one pursing their mouths and smiling silently.

"the end!"

The second easter egg really appeared! And the explosiveness of this egg is not inferior to the previous one, and it creates more joy in the huge gap!

At this time, the big screen was really black, the lights on the forum site slowly turned on, and the audience burst into laughter: From the romantic love scene of yin / 逦 / ambiguous / ambiguous, it has evolved into a brutal and vicious yelling scene. The gap burst out with an unparalleled sense of joy in the hilarious but silent scenes of all the crew members.

With thunderous applause, the mountains surging like a tsunami.

In today’s symposium, all the audiences took what they needed and were happy. Every group was able to meet their needs during the live broadcast process, and gave applause and applause with satisfaction, even those who have no interest in movies. It is undoubtedly a great achievement to appreciate the unique side of Lanli.

The scene lights slowly lit up, Lan Li sat on the sofa, his shoulders trembling slightly, and the smile on his face was in full bloom. Then he took the initiative to stand up and returned to the center of the stage-no need to ask, Lan Li knew that today. Obviously, the symposium was not over yet, and immediately afterwards, I saw the staff moving on the sofa again, confirming Lan Li’s guess.

"When filming this scene, Drake rented a house from a friend due to limited funds. They reminded that the neighbors next door were very, very sensitive, but during the filming process, we all forgot about it, and then we accepted it. Lessons.” Lan Li explained the situation in a relaxed and witty way.

In the light laughter that did not dissipate at the scene, Lan Li then teased, "I'm not sure, whether that gentleman would like to appear on the big screen in such a way. But... I have no contact with him. Way, so I guess, things can only be like this. We can only pray now, he doesn’t know what happened today."

The light laughter suddenly evolved into a coaxing laughter, framed in applause, and agitated again.

Lan Li went on to say, "Before the video was broadcast, I didn't worry at all, because this is part of the actor's job; but now I am not sure, I think it is time to take care of my idol image." That self-blaming ridicule The posture made the laughter on the scene more and more excited, and it was almost impossible to stop.

"So, after today's forum, I should talk to Robert." Lan Li's meaningful words made the film practitioners applaud and burst into laughter. The appearance of leaning forward and backward is really not lively. .

Immediately after that, the line of sight was projected in the direction of Robert Redford one after another, and the roaring sound began to rise little by little, like a rising tide, not hurriedly but at a speed visible to the naked eye. The rise seemed to be just a moment when he turned his head and paused, and the sound had already caused a sensation in the audience.

Under the attention of the public, Robert also stood up with a smile on his face. It was better to obey his orders respectfully. He left his seat and stepped onto the stage with full applause.

Lan Li was slightly surprised.

According to the plan the symposium should be coming to an end, but now Robert is on the stage, which means that the follow-up session will continue, and the duration is uncertain. Although it was Renly's idea to complain about Robert, the development of the matter was obviously not in Renly's expectation.

After taking the stage, Robert and Lan Li shook hands and greeted.

Lan Li looked at Robert's handsome face when he was young, "Did you mean it?"

The corner of Robert's mouth raised an arc, "Everyone says that Lanly is a prankster. Are you still worried about me laying a trap here?"

This is vomiting Lanli...too stupid?

Lan Li paused for a moment, then chuckled happily and shrugged slightly, "Such a prank? Do you have any misunderstandings about pranks?"

An understatement but a sharp counterattack once again demonstrated Lan Li's demeanor. Robert couldn't help but laughed brilliantly, his eyes flashing with mystery, but he didn't say much, just turned his head and looked at the audience. , As if in a demonstration.

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