The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1690: Fan benefits

I feel like I stabbed Louzi. "Robert Redford said to Joel with a smile on his face.

The Sundance Film Festival hopes to make the symposium more topical and discussing on the Internet to enhance the publicity effect, while retaining the professionalism of the symposium itself, and it is best to fit the unique style of the guests of the symposium. , To add luster to the 30th anniversary commemorative ceremony, this is definitely not an easy task.

After many meetings and discussions, the relevant projects were formally finalized. Robert does not want to follow the standardized routines, but tailored the corresponding links according to different guests. Among them, the idea of ​​"filming ng clips and cutting" was proposed by Robert. His original words were "this is undoubtedly the best supplement to the identity of Lan Li's actor".

But now it seems that Lanly’s perfect actor image is about to be broken at Sundance for the first time. It’s not the "Allen Show", nor the "Tonight Show", or even the "Good Morning America" ​​or the "Today Show". But the Sundance of Park City, this is definitely a feat! The whole audience could feel that the kind of turbulent enthusiasm was surging violently.

Joel turned his head to look at Robert, "Do you regret it?"

"Of course not." Robert's answer did not hesitate.


At the same time, gearing has begun on the Internet.

William: I heard that in the "Edge of Tomorrow" crew, the young master is the prankster, and Jennifer keeps making trouble. I wonder if there are any episodes of their pranks today?

Tessa: "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion"! I am curious about the rivalry between Master and Paul, have you all forgotten it? The young master is so charming in that work, okay?

Graham: I am even more curious about the "detached" bus segment. Master and the others have filmed more than 70 times. The whole crew should be impatient, right? How was it filmed?

Lauren: "Love is crazy"! "Love is crazy"! "Love is crazy"! That is definitely the pinnacle of the young master's charm. I wonder how the spark between him and Felicity was born. The set must be super loving!

Graham: You said, we filmed the opening clip of "Drunk Country Folk Song" in Pioneer Village, will it be released?

Hope: Ahhhhh! Have you seen it? Young master's face value and strength praise! Master is really good-looking, good-looking! God, I'm exploding into fireworks right now!

Hope: Why is the young master's expression faintly expectant? He doesn't seem to be afraid of embarrassment at all!

Hope: By the way, the young master himself is a prankster. He likes to see others embarrassed the most. Even if it is himself, he will never be shy.

Hope: Master is really good-looking! Have you seen it? The young master just raised his hand to tidy up his hair, hand! hand! His fingers really look good!

Hope: Master laughs really well! How can the young master be so good-looking!

Hope: I want to call the young master!

William: Huh, is your meeting over? Suddenly start to refresh the screen?

Tessa: That's right, the young master is so good-looking! Please scream with me!

Tyronn: The point! Shouldn’t the point be that the young master is about to release the ng lens?

Graham: Hope is back? Start refreshing the screen as soon as you come back!

Hope: The point is how is the young master! Master! Master!

Hope: The meeting has just ended, I am now hiding in the pantry and looking at my phone!

Hope: It started.

The messages on the YouTube live broadcast platform are completely swiping the screen with a gesture of 5,000 messages per second, even in private chat groups. The ng screen has not been broadcast yet, and everyone has been unable to bear their own words. Excited and excited, screams and roars surged over and over.

Compared to everyone's sensation and enthusiasm, Lan Li himself is extremely calm.

Those ng clips are all I have experienced, and at the same time they are a necessary stage in the performance process. There is nothing worth hiding and twitching; even if you leave aside professional qualifications, when it comes to pranks, Lan Li is even more experienced. There is nothing wrong with fighting, more intense and absurd spoof videos, not to mention sprinkling ng clips video collections?

Lan Li's red sofa moved slightly to the right, and then the lights at the seminar site dimmed, and the video collection started to be played on the big screen behind him.

This is a little unexpected. The spoof videos are played on a computer or TV. Even if it is a large screen, it is only a projector; now it is played directly on the theater screen, and the shock is naturally multiplied. , But Lan Li remained calm enough.

Unexpectedly, the first clip left Lan Li not holding back.

That was the first scene when filming the "Pacific War", and it was also the first scene of Renly's career. At that time, Renly made a low-level rookie mistake: his eyes were completely fixed on the red light of the camera, and the camera There is a confrontation!

The final picture is that he looked at the audience through the lens silly, not looking back and smiling, or breaking the dimensional wall, just a clumsy and simple looking at each other, completely destroying the composition of the lens and the TV. Narrative. The only adjective is... silly.

More importantly, it is directly presented on the big screen in this way, which is more impactful than the small TV screen.

This was a completely unexpected "attack". Lan Li had almost forgotten this dark history. Without holding back, his smile burst out directly: those youthful and energetic years.

Tessa: Hahahahahaha, master, hahahahahaha.

William: What a shame! The young master actually has such a dark history!

Hope: Master! Master smiled and looked good, have you seen it?

Hope: Look at the expression of the young master looking at his ng screen, hahahaha.

Hope: Master's eyes are full of stars!

Tessa: Master's smile is really beautiful.

Lauren: Haha, the young master himself is embarrassed. I guess I have forgotten this ng bridge long ago, right? Haha!

This is just the beginning. Robert, who was sitting in the audience, showed a triumphant smile. When he watched this short video himself, he also smiled. At the shooting scene, the ng bridge is always full of many accidents. No one wants to make mistakes, but mistakes are always inevitable. It is indeed very interesting to understand the other side of Lan Li through these ng.

When filming "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", Lan Li and Paul ran into a ball directly. In order to avoid injury, the two held each other tightly and rolled on the spot. As a result, other actors next to him collectively made a fuss and made a mess. Both Li and Paul were dumbfounded.

When filming "Transcendence", Lan Li appeared again and again, and he himself was very upset. Then he calmed down and discussed the details of the performance with the director, over and over again, tirelessly studying the details of the performance.

Also during the filming of "Transcendence", Sammy Gale, who played Erica, had a scene where he needed to open his shirt button. As a result, Sammy accidentally tore the shirt completely, and then he could see Lan Li's. The movement froze in place, and then the gentleman turned around, and Sammy himself threw himself on the bed, laughing wildly.

When filming "Drunk Country Folk Songs", Lan Li made a mistake in his chord performance during the performance. He couldn't help stopping where he was, raising his right hand to signal, "Sorry", then the audience paused for a while, and finally burst into laughter. When he got up, Lan Li's hand movements were so stiff in the air, it became more and more funny.

When filming "Burst Drummer", before entering the performance, Lan Li continued to beat the drums, but he didn't hold the drumsticks in his hands, just hitting the air. However, he showed an extremely dedicated attitude, "beating the drums". The interpretation was vivid, and the staff nearby had already laughed, and still failed to stop Lan Li's "performance".

While watching the collection of ng clips, the Internet has been thoroughly fried.

Netizen: Wait a minute, why don't I remember this paragraph when I watch "Transcendence"?

Netizen: Oops, the crew of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" looks so happy, why is the effect different?

Netizen: Hahahaha, haven't you noticed that in the "Drunk Country Folk Song" segment, Lan Li has broken the sound again? Haha, that's so funny!

Netizen: Master scolds me! I hope Master scolds me! I really want to see the young master furious!

Netizen: Young Master is really a good man when he loses control of his emotions! Ah ah ah, I want the young master to scold me and cry on the spot! Master, please directly ravage/fail/me me? bring it on!

Netizen: Is the tacit understanding between Lan Li and Rooney at the "Gravity" shooting scene too good? After ng, the two smiled at the same time, and then they exchanged sights, ah ah ah! It feels so good!

Netizen: Has anyone noticed the chemical reaction between Lan Li and Rooney? Their eyes are really dramatic, no, I need to look at "Gravity" again!

Netizen: Lan Li's small actions at the scene are so cute! Be a fan of the blue gift circle in one second!

Netizen: What to do, what to do? The look in his eyes is almost beyond use, the young master at the scene is really so nice!

At this moment, the video highlights were played to the "anti-cancer me" part. After Lan Li shaved his head, he was winking and making strange noises, causing the whole crew to roar and scream.

The smile on the corner of Lan Li's mouth burst out completely, and the laughter burst out indiscriminately. There is no worries, no manners, no restraint, and no restraint, just like this, naturally showing his truest appearance: "I am anti-cancer. "In those years, all the memories came up, and the pain and suffering during the shooting, now that I think about it, I can face it with a smile.

Netizen: Master! Master!

Netizen: The Lan Li at this moment is really an angry watch! How can he be so good-looking?

Netizen: Master’s smile is really healing by the sun!

Netizen: Fallen in one second! God, I only found out that Lanly is so good today for the first time!

Netizen: The heart stops beating!

Netizen: What to I can't look away from the blue gift at the scene, and I can't even see what the video is playing.

Not only was it like a volcano erupting on the Internet, but the forum was also a sensation. Cheers, screams, roars and roars all joined together, making the atmosphere so lively that Robert and the Cohen brothers They all looked around in astonishment:

Isn't this a symposium? Why did it suddenly become a fan meeting? This situation doesn't seem right, what did they miss?

Suddenly, all the messages on the Internet became the same words, swiping the screen vigorously, as if all Don Quixote was blown up:




What happened at the forum?

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