The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1686: Intrigue

William: Hope, are you there? Are you watching the live broadcast of the Sundance symposium?

Graham: Didn't she have a meeting this afternoon? I thought she couldn't watch it.

Graham: God, there are really a lot of people on the scene, it's overwhelming. I don't know if Cecilia has successfully lined up to enter the arena.

Tessa: Didn't you see Cecilia's photo wall? It's really annoying! Ahhhhhhhh, I am mad with jealousy now, in runaway mode!

Tessa: Send photos

The photo came from the "Brando Mania" photo wall account. Cecilia Wilton used a simple black and white sketch to outline the situation at the forum:

A stage, a red chair, a beam of lights, that's all, there is also a handwritten explanatory text next to it: Countdown to the Lanly Hall Symposium! Lined up five hours in advance, the crowd at the scene far exceeded expectations, and almost thought it was impossible to enter the venue, but after all they stepped on the admission line to enter the scene smoothly, waiting for the young master to appear on the scene, than heart!

There is no need to wait for news reports at all. Just look for the hashtags of "Sundance Forum" or "Blue Ceremony Forum" on social networking platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, and you can see eloquent discussions. It seems that the entire network is paying close attention to today's Park City, and the craze of the awards season has to stand aside.

"God! I came three hours earlier, and the team on the scene couldn't see the end at all! What the **** is going on!"

"The staff came to remind me that the number of people in line at the scene has far exceeded the capacity of the venue, and suggested that I should not continue to line up. But I really can't bear it, what should I do? I thought I could have a face-to-face conversation with Lan Li!"

"How is it possible! How can the venue only accommodate 800 people? Even if it is two thousand people, we can easily fill it up! What the **** is going on! Strong protest! Sundance must expand the venue capacity! I want to see Lan ceremony!"

"Unbelievable! Even though I'm mentally prepared, I still can't believe it! At all! I can't see the end! Okay? This queue is simply too exaggerated! Black Friday is not so scary! I think I might want to enter No! I shouldn't have finished the hotel breakfast!"

"Did you see it? Did you see the photo? Just double the situation on the scene and compare the photo. I feel like I'm about to lose my footing now!"

"I think, I can only look forward to Burst Drummer. The team at the symposium is really terrible! Wrong, isn't the premiere of Burst Drummer even crazier?"

"Dear friends, I am ready to enter the venue! I am the 799th entry! Yeah! I will convey my greetings to Lan Li, and thank you for your jealousy and love!"

All social networking platforms are hotly discussing the Sundance Film Festival symposium. There are no fancy rules, it is a first-come-first-served queuing system, simple and rude, even reporters can see it in the personal accounts of some "New York Times", "Los Angeles Times", and "Hollywood Reporter" reporters. When they arrived, they were all blocked out one after another, and they didn't enter the arena without queuing up, and they didn't have any privileges at all.

A reporter from the "Chicago Tribune" posted a picture of a crying face on Facebook, "My editor-in-chief will kill me!" Then you can see the comments from other reporters and colleagues, all appearing Glorious, that scene is also hilarious.

Eight hundred seats, this is already Sundance’s highest configuration, but it still can’t meet the requirements of the masses. A symposium broke out with a fan meeting frenzy, which is indeed the third Sundance Film Festival. A rare sight in the past ten years has become a special moment worth remembering.

The loyal Don Quixotes, William Taylor, Graham Hughes, Hope Baez, and Tessa Briden, have successively entered their jobs after the graduation season, and now they have become society. One of the members can not run around randomly and follow in the footsteps of Lan Li, but can only maintain each other through the network platform between work.

At this moment, they are communicating through the chat group.

William: Hope even missed the webcast, she must be depressed.

William: Even if we get to the scene, we may not be able to enter the scene. Anyway, we can now watch the live broadcast through the Internet. It is better to be content.

Graham: What I am looking forward to is the "Burst Drummer". Unfortunately, there is no way to watch it for the first time.

Tessa: Ah, ah, the master is on the stage, the master is on the stage!

Tessa: Why is the live streaming video of the tubing so scumbag! How is this going! I can't even see the beauty of the young master's flourishing age!

Hope: Here it comes!

William: Welcome!

Graham: Welcome!

Tessa: Welcome!

Hope: I'm in a meeting, I can only mute it, and you can broadcast the text to me.

Hope: God, I see Master!

Cecilia: On the spot. send the pictures

A photo of the forum site appeared in the chat group, just like dropping a deep-water torpedo. The other Don Quixotes in the group were all blown up, and the chat group suddenly became It became very lively, the speed of refreshing the screen was a bit unable to keep up, and the familiar noise came to him again.

Lan Li, the protagonist in the photo, stood on the stage at this time, looked around, and then sat down on the red sofa.

Regarding not preparing a speech, Lan Li is serious.

He doesn't think this is a university lecture or academic exchange. Naturally, he doesn't need to prepare a manuscript to publish his long talk; he prefers this to be an exchange meeting, where everyone communicates their views on art and film on an equal footing, not just the audience. We can learn, and he can also feel a new experience.

After sitting down, Lan Li thought for a while and said, "After arriving in Park City yesterday, I watched a small-cost independent work in an art theater. They are not saints..." Just as he said it, the scene rang out. With the slight movement, Lan Li showed a clear smile, "Yes, this is one of the works of last year's Sundance Master Competition, a work written and directed by David Lowe."

"This can be said to be a work that has been said or not, but the wonderful thing is that every nonsense in it makes me feel right." Amidst a chuckle, Lan Li himself laughed. "I'm serious. If it weren't for the fact that there are so many familiar friends in this work, I think it would be difficult for me to stick to it."

"They are not saints", starring Rooney Mara and Cassia Fleck, Rami Marek and Ben Foster also played important roles.

"But the most interesting part of the whole movie is here. David uses the pictures and sound effects to capture the very, very delicate parts of the actor's performance, and then brings it into the emotional rendering, unknowingly making the audience forget the actor itself. He even forgot the original role of the character, and then fell into emotions. This is a very wonderful movie-watching experience. You may not like it, but you can feel a different experience."

"The only regret is that the lighting is still too little. To some extent, it actually affects the viewing of the movie. I am not sure if this is an act of David deliberately. Maybe I should face him face to face next. Have a conversation."

"The emotional traces left in the movie are very strong, even surpassing the language of the performance and the camera, imprinting the whole emotion in the minds of the audience. Among directors with similar styles, I recently watched Kelly Reichardt and Kelly Reichardt. The works of alexrossperry alexrossperry left a deep impression. In their works, the performance of the actors put forward higher and more difficult requirements."

"My point is that performance is the art of actors, while film is the art of directors. The director captures the actor's performance through the composition of the lens, and then evolves the image and content in the director's mind. How do these two collide and collide? Running-in is precisely the most interesting part of the film creation process."

"Many people think that performance is performance, but the specific implementation is slightly different. How the director captures the performance, as well as the director's expectations for the performance, these are all parts that cannot be ignored. For the director and the actors, seek A balanced point of cooperation is the key to the success of the work."

There is no pause, no speech, just like friends discussing an art issue, expressing their own opinions smoothly and naturally, even with some jumps and divisions, without a clear theme, just talk wherever you think, but it just reflects The background, connotation and knowledge reserves of the person who speaks can be revealed, and at the same time, it can trigger more inspiration and explode the topic.

This is equivalent to throwing a brick to the jade.


William: The amount of information is a bit too big, and the response speed is a little bit too slow.

Tessa: The movies that Master watched are too unpopular, I haven't heard it!

Graham: My first reaction now is "gravity". Isn't the content that the young master is discussing about "gravity"?


The chat group has already started to swipe the screen, and the messages on the YouTube live page are even more dazzling, and the symposium scene is also the same.

Without waiting for Lan Li to continue talking, some audience members raised their right hand high, and Lan Li did not speak to himself, and immediately cast his sights towards the other party. The staff quickly turned the microphone. Passed it, and then the other party asked a question.

"What I want to ask is whether what you just said can be interpreted as a way of cooperation in this work of gravity. Alfonso Cuarón built a real space universe through 3D technology, and at the same time he successfully I captured your performance with the lens. In the process of the performance, your interpretation method and interpretation content also changed slightly?"

Graham: Look! Look! This is what I want to ask!

Lan Li gently chinked his head in agreement, "First of all, Alfonso and the directors I just mentioned are slightly different. Their lens language is very different. These are two things; but second, indeed, I The meaning just expressed can indeed be felt in this work of gravity."

As soon as the opening ceremony began, it was on the subject, without polite and greetings, the forum kicked off like this.

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