The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1682: unstoppable

"Can't wait, it's really cold outside."

Without careful consideration at all, he threw a word hastily, and Joel pushed the door into the cafe violently. It was indeed Joel’s usual style. Ethan, who was still standing in the same place, had long been accustomed to it. At this time, he could only be helpless. He shook his head and walked into the cafe following his footsteps.

Ding Ling Dang Cang.

The wind bell at the door rang gently, and the cold and snowflakes rolled up a small whirlwind. A bit of bitterness was stirred up in the wind bell, and then the door was closed again and was blocked outside. The indoor heating Suddenly, a mist of water appeared on the glasses of Joel and Ethan, and the whole world was plunged into a haze of lemon yellow.

Joel skillfully took off his glasses, wiped the lens with the corner of his shirt, and his vision became clear again; while Ethan walked to the self-service counter next to him, found facial tissues, carefully wiped the lens clean, and looked around for a week. , And then moved towards the position of Joel and Ren Li.

"So, has it been made public now?" Joel Damas stood beside the coffee table with his hands folded in front of him, looking like a black bodyguard-just with a smile on his face. The expression and the sloppy hair are not so professional, "Young people nowadays are really different."

Facing Joel's teasing and jokes, both Lan Li and Rooney were not shy and restrained. They raised their heads generously to meet the line of sight, without the embarrassment and embarrassment expected.

Rooney put on an expression of serious research, "I thought that you and Francis have become accustomed to this way of life."

Francis McDomond, the wife of Joel Cohen, the two got married because of the Coen brothers’ debut "Blood Labyrinth". They became married in 1984. The relationship lasted for nearly two decades. New; Later, the Coen brothers tailor-made the "Ice Blood Storm" for Francis. This work also made the latter win the Oscar for the Queen of the Golden Figure. In 2017, Francis relied on the "Three Billboards" "After the superb performance of the second filming.

Joel and Francis are usually low-key, but occasionally appear in public, they will not twitch, but appear generously in front of everyone. Will not deliberately show affection, and will not deliberately dodge the camera, a natural and unpretentious posture is also a clear stream in Hollywood.

Joel's eyes lit up suddenly, "Compare me with Francis? Has the relationship between you developed to this point?"

Originally thought Rooney would be embarrassed, but she didn't expect Rooney to show a light smile, "If it wasn't, what we did just now is not appropriate, right?"

Joel didn't panic either, and nodded solemnly, "I don't think it's appropriate. In public, you still have to worry about other singles. You didn't even consider the thoughts of other audiences."

At this moment, Ethan had already walked over, and Lanly and Ethan exchanged a glance, and said hello, and then Lanly said to Joel, "I think there is no paparazzi in Park City; now it seems, I'm still too young. In Hollywood, I still have a lot of things to learn."

The subtext is, Joel is equal to the paparazzi?

In a simple sentence, Jolton died down, raised his right hand, depressed and reluctantly lit in the void, "To think of me as a paparazzi, really has no conscience. Are we worried about you? Others took photos and uploaded them to social networking platforms. For a while, the disturbing news will be enough to give you headaches.

"It's just you, not us." Ethan went down beside him. "Len Li and Rooney are both smart people. They act on their own. Why worry about them? I think you are indeed very paparazzi occasionally."

Seeing Joel's dumbfounded look, all three of them chuckled softly.

Joel shook his head repeatedly to express his protest, but did not continue to be entangled in such a problem. His eyes quickly moved back and forth between Ren Li and Rooney for a moment, and then he sat down beside Lan Li.

Joel, who usually looks like a big mess, still shows his carefulness in some details. This style can also be found in his works. Obviously, he is always sloppy and unsuitable for sitting. By the lady's side; Ethan, an elegant gentleman, is a better choice.

Ethan immediately cast a questioning gaze towards Rooney and gestured politely. After getting Rooney's permission, he sat down beside her.

"How about it, is everything okay in Park City?" Because of the ridicule just now, they skipped the greeting, and Ethan now has a chance to express his concern, "I mentioned to Robert before, maybe we shouldn't this year. It's too urgent. You need more time to rest and adjust. Sundance is always here anyway. I missed this year and next year. We know that you care about independent films. This is enough."

First was the accident of Paul Walker, and then the lengthy filming of "Interstellar Crossing". Coupled with the negative public opinion that raged during the awards season this year, Lan Li was always on the cusp of the storm, physically and mentally exhausted. Under such circumstances, neither Robert Redford nor the Cohen brothers put further pressure on Lan Li, but prepared for Lan Li’s absence.

You don't need too much greetings, you can feel the deep concern in the conversation.

"I'm fine, and everything is fine in Park City." Lan Li replied simply and clearly, "Even the blizzard here is good." Perceiving the puzzled eyes of Ethan and Joel, Lan Li added, "Because of the snowstorm, the paparazzi have completely missed this place. Only professional media reporters came here. This is a good thing."

Joel laughed happily, and even couldn't help shaking his hands. Then he realized that this was a coffee house, and he had to turn his head to apologize to the other customers around him.

Looking back, Joel rubbed his cheeks to calm his bright smile, "Where's Christopher? I know his work habits. The most annoying thing is being interrupted by accidents, whether it's shooting or performing. It’s very annoying. I’ve heard before that he even forbids the use of mobile phones in the crew. Now in Hollywood, it is estimated that he is the only director who does not have a mobile phone. Even Robert has changed his smartphone."

"Ha, it seems that the entire Hollywood has a lot of resentment against Chris, not just the film company." Lan Li laughed happily, because without a mobile phone, Christopher's contact and communication became very difficult. If Christopher lives in a remote town Even the "natural humans" in the deep mountains and old forests, then there is no problem; but Christopher is a top Hollywood director, which easily causes all kinds of inconveniences.

"But... don't worry. The crew has officially finished, and Chris can now concentrate on post-production, so there is no complaint or complaint."

The post-shooting of "Interstellar Crossing" went much smoother than expected. Lan Li's excellent performance has become the backbone of the entire crew. In less than three weeks, all filming has been completed. It was originally the heaviest and most difficult stage, but the shooting process was the smoothest and fastest.

As Lan Li said, the entire production team of Interstellar is now engaged in intensive post-production.

Originally, Warner Bros. hoped that this work could catch up with this year’s summer vacation, but now it seems that the schedule is no longer suitable. After internal discussions and adjustments, if no surprises, "Interstellar Crossing" will be on the Thanksgiving Festival schedule. In order to set off a stock market storm during the holiday season, especially with the "gravity" jewel ahead, Warner Bros. is also holding great expectations.

"Huh, this is good news." Joel wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead playfully. "Does this mean that this year Sundance, you can stay here longer?"

"This is my plan." Lan Li nodded and expressed his affirmation. If he can contribute to independent film and art creation, Lan Li will naturally be able to do so; what's more, it can also assist Lan Li's grand plan. He even had no reason to refuse.

Joel immediately got up and shook his body back and forth, expressing his excitement and expectations.

A smile appeared on Ethan’s face, “It’s three days before the premiere of'Burst Drummer', and now the whole Park City can’t wait to start discussing this work. Robert also told reporters yesterday that in Shengdan It seems that Sri Lanka’s history has never seen such a scene. This year’s number of movie viewers has reached a record high, which is really jealous."

Now in the entire North American market, Renly is a well-deserved top deal in terms of popularity and popularity. Even Marvel’s stars are slightly inferior; and the Sundance Film Festival, a mecca for independent films, is even more so.

There is no need for too much publicity and exaggeration, just moving out the name of "Ren Li-Hall", Sundance officially stated that Lan Li will not only bring the new work "Burst Drummer" to attend but also I will participate in a retrospective exhibition of the works of the Coen brothers, personally host one of the screenings, and have a close communication with the audience.

This is enough.

So far, the Sundance Film Festival has just started for three days, and the number of moviegoers during the same period has reached a record high, and it has been nearly 30% higher. This is a gratifying situation for any film festival. .

Lan Li was not humble either, but spread his hands and said frankly, "This is the purpose of your special invitation to come, isn't it?"

"Haha, yes, yes, we can't refute it." Joel nodded in agreement.

Lan Li’s self-confidence and pride are always like this, with an upright calmness, not showing off or arrogance, but a deep foundation that bursts out from the inside out, without any offensiveness, but openly holding on to his position— -The praise that belongs to him, he will not be humble; the glory that does not belong to him, he will not ask for extravagance.

People who like it especially like it, and those who hate it doubly hate it.

Joel belongs to the former.

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