The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1680: gloat

Lan Li's eyes seemed to be warm, soft and hot, falling on the surface of Rooney's skin, involuntarily, the heartbeat began to speed up, and the skin began to heat up, the delicate emotions of cramped and excitement spread at the fingertips, like a hot spring. There was a tingling sensation like water gurgling.

Rooney is trying to stay calm, but her cheeks are still getting hot uncontrollably. She can't believe it. She is like a little girl who has just started her love. She is so flustered and embarrassed. She tries to calm herself down, but Lan Li The scorching eyes didn't really leave much room.

Rooney cleared her throat lightly, straightened her back slightly, and straightened her neck slightly, so that she could face Lan Li calmly, but her chin was still involuntarily drooped slightly, she could only use her gaze. Looking at Lan Li quietly, he never dared to face him, for fear of revealing his shyness and panic.

God, she couldn't believe it was herself!

"Don't you know that I am specifically responsible for solving troubles?" Rooney said calmly, her eyes finally lifted, but her vision still slightly deviated, quietly looking at Lan Li's lips and the curve of her jaw. , Confidently launched a counterattack, "My nickname is'Troublebusters'!"

"Troubled Death Squad", inspired by "Ghostbusters", made a small adaptation to show her humor and fun, but Rooney just finished speaking and regretted it-what is this bad joke?

Immediately afterwards, Rooney covered her cheeks with her hands, and muttered in annoyance, "You are not allowed to laugh at me!"

Even though her sight was blocked by her hands, Rooney could still feel Lan Li's scorching gaze, falling on her cheek like the dawn of early summer, which made her even more annoyed.

"God! I want to kill myself now! I'm really too stupid, like a sixteen-year-old girl! How could I say such a stupid joke! Please give me a minute, I'll go to the bathroom first Come back with a new look. Nothing happened just now! Rewind, rewind now!"

After waiting for a while, Rooney did not hear Lan Li's answer.

She hesitated a little, and then quietly supported the fingers of her hands slowly, peeked out through her fingers, and then saw Lan Li's clear eyes at a glance, like the bright moonlight falling on the clear spring water. The brilliance that came out, soft but bright rippling under the eyes, clearly reflected her reflection.

Suddenly, Rooney realized that all her movements and demeanor just now fell into Lan Li's eyes, and her brain filled the picture from God's perspective. The goose bumps immediately covered her arms, and Rooney immediately moved her hands. When he put it down, his expression returned to his usual coldness, but he still couldn't conceal his annoyance and depression. He almost gritted his teeth and squeezed the words out of his teeth one by one.

"Forget it! Forget everything just now!"

Rooney couldn't believe what she did: all the time, what she hated the most was the coquetry and hypocrisy of girls. That kind of hypocritical shyness was completely a disaster. She had to spend all her energy to suppress her rolling her eyes. The impulse; but she just did it, and made the most annoying and repulsive action.

"Oh. I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach."

Rooney is serious. Her eyes widened, her body couldn't help but lean forward slightly, narrowing the distance between the two people, and then exposed a thick white tooth, gently grinding towards Lan Li, making a creaking sound, although She did not speak, but her eyes and expressions truly expressed her sternness and fierceness.


Lan Li's mouth still wore that shallow smile—to be precise, it should be a smile that was holding back. This is even more annoying than ridicule and ridicule. It's like saying: I have worked hard, I have tried my best, but this is really not an easy task. The details of every expression are flirting with Rooney.

Rooney stared at Lan Li’s gentle and elegant smile, and tried to continue to be fierce, but she broke her power without persisting for long. She herself couldn’t help chuckles, depressed and funny, absurd and helpless. , The crying and laughing appearance really can't continue to be fierce.

Rooney sighed to the sky with great annoyance, and let out a depressed moan/groan, but she was helpless-because if she saw the appearance and posture of others, she would definitely be like Lan Li, gloating. I was overwhelmed with joy, and then stored it deeply in my mind, and replayed it over and over again in the long days to come, just like a handle, torturing that person severely.

"What to do? I think my life has suddenly become extremely dark." Rooney looked at Lan Li with a sad face, and then saw the joyful smile on the handsome cheek, which directly stung her. She looked up at the ceiling and said helplessly, "I hate myself."

"Did anyone say? You are very beautiful." Lan Li's deep voice rang softly in his ears, as if a feather was gently tumbling on the eardrum, Rooney could not help but shudder lightly.

Lowering her head, Rooney once again ran into Lan Li’s lake-like eyes and looked straight ahead, and then she saw a bright and deep touch of / 潋 / 统, just like the quietly blooming top of the treetops in the early spring. A touch of verdant green, tearing away the winter haze, lit up a distinctive bright color in the white snow all over the sky.

Rooney's eyes widened, and she looked at Lan Li in disbelief, "So you like this type of woman?"

This brain circuit...

"Haha." Lan Li chuckled happily, his eyes filled with smiles, "No, I hate such a woman the most. But the person I like shows a different side, which is the most in the world. Wonderful surprise, would you please promise me? Such a small accident will remain between us, as our secret."

A sweet taste slowly overflowed from her chest, and Rooney did not hold back the corners of her mouth. She lifted up lightly, lifted her chin slightly, and said proudly, "Of course! Except for you. Besides, no one can make me panic, okay?"

It was originally a natural word, but after speaking it, it gradually became / ambiguous, and the pink affection spread quietly, so that Rooney's cheeks started to burn slightly-she felt blue Li must be his nemesis. Standing in front of him, everything seemed to be in a mess, even she didn't recognize herself.

But this time, Lan Li didn't let Rooney continue to be ashamed and flustered.

Rooney felt a tingling sensation from the tip of her left finger, like an electric shock, and then she could see Lan Li's slender and broad palm entangled her fingertips, entangled little by little, and finally fingers and fingers There was no gap between the palm and the palm of the hand. The hot temperature surged above the surface of the skin, causing her heart to tremble slightly.

Some panicked, some throbbed, but more happiness and beauty, her fingertips couldn't help but began to gather slightly.

Rooney’s cold and heroic facial lines became softened little by little, the white and jade facial features fainted with a light pink, and the eyebrows were lightly dyed with a thin layer of beauty. Just like an orchid blooming proudly in a winter blizzard, Konggu Youxiang is getting richer and more fragrant in the biting cold.

Lan Li leaned forward slightly, leaning forward, leaving his own mark on the red/yan lips.

Rooney closed her eyes slowly, tentatively tentatively with the tip of her tongue, trying to trace the outline of the lips in the memory, but she didn't expect that such a move would almost trigger an avalanche, and the turbulent musky scent was under her nose. Haunted, mixed with the bitterness of coffee and the coldness of snow, the whole world began to spin.

But after all, Lan Li controlled his impulse with strong self-control, reluctantly separated his lips, and the two supported each other with their foreheads, letting the surging and intense breath slowly calm down. Then you can hear the gentleman's mellow voice with a little hoarse, "Don't play with fire."

Rooney's eyes flashed slightly, but she showed a prank light, "You mean, you can set a fire? What are the consequences? Shouldn't all this cabin be burned?"

Lan Li laughed blankly, "Have you ever said that your jokes can freeze into ice even in Siberia?"

Rooney wrinkled her nose lightly, expressing her protest, "You are the first!"

"It seems that I am the only one to maintain the honesty." Lan Li still did not change his words.

Rooney couldn't help but opened her mouth and her eyes rounded. She couldn't believe that Lan Li was actually unwilling to coax herself with Lan Li shook her head slightly, "It's too late to regret now." The smile at the corner of his mouth rose, "You have boarded the thief ship, and there is no turning back."

Rooney also chuckled lightly, lifted her chin slightly, rubbed her nose against Lan Li's nose, and whispered in Lan Li's ear, "Don't worry, I won't leave, and I don't want to leave." Even if the whole world stands on your opposite side, I will stand firmly on your side. "I do not regret."

There is no oath of a mountain alliance, no sweet words, but the simplest and simplest words, but they are better than a thousand words.

"That's good." Lan Li said softly, and between the exchange of eyes between the two people, a slight smile rippled with each other. The kind of tacit understanding that belongs to each other is a world that no one can intervene.

At this time, the outside of the coffee house was still cold, and the sparse snow began to flutter again, but the warm air inside the coffee house enveloped a quiet and lazy space, a cup of coffee, a book, and A person who loves each other can accompany each other till the end of time, to the other side of time.

In fact, life can be very simple.

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