The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1668: 8 party surging

"I need to understand your decision." Robert said.

This is the cooperative relationship between Robert and Katherine. Although Lucasfilm is affiliated with Disney, Katherine owns the main control of Lucasfilm. In the process of cooperation and communication, the two parties need to maintain mutual respect and mutual consultation. Relationship, finding a balance between disputes and compromises, this will also determine the future prospects of the "Star Wars" series.

Robert's consultation was not a request for permission, but an exchange of opinions.

Naturally, Catherine didn’t take an inch. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders and expressed her thoughts concisely, “My attitude has never been and will not change. Everything is based on the Star Wars series. If Lan Li is willing to put down her figure, then Cooperation is a good thing for us."

This is the advantage of mastering the copyright of the adaptation. Marvel and Star Wars both rely on brands to make their way around the world. They don't need to bow to the actors or directors. Even Robert Downey Jr. can change at any time as long as they want.

"But my personal opinion is that the Star Wars series cooperates with a'Rogue One'. I don't want to see the second Downey." Catherine did not hide her attitude. To be honest, "The Star Wars series has one Harrison Ford is enough. If there is a second one now, it is very dangerous."

"But Harrison is not young anymore," Robert added.

Harrison Ford's participation in "Star Wars VII", his remuneration can be said to be sky-high, not only has a basic salary of 25 million US dollars, but also has a 0.5% box office dividend-in the end this ratio is also Forty-seven million, in other words, just by relying on the performance of one work, Harrison earned 72 million, pre-tax income.

Harrison alone’s salary is more than seventy times that of the two newcomers, even the veteran actors Carrie-Fisher and Mark-Hamill, who returned at the same time. The pay is only one-tenth of Harrison's.

In other words, the sum of the pay of all the actors in the entire crew is not as good as a Harrison Ford-and Harrison is only playing a supporting role.

Harrison's "Star Wars" is more like a logo, a symbol, a monument, connecting the entire series.

Now Disney must also think, if Harrison can no longer continue shooting, then what should the Star Wars series do?

Catherine nodded, "I know. My thinking now is that when Harrison refuses to play Han Solo, we will evolve the entire series into a pure Star Wars. It’s not about Han Solo, but about The entire universe." Simply put, it is to further get rid of the influence of actors on the series.

In the Star Wars conceived by Catherine, every actor can be replaced without any core characters, and all fans are gathered around the series, not around the characters. This is even further than the Marvel series, because the real fascinating thing about the Star Wars series is that it shows the independent worldview of the entire universe.

This is a very, very extreme and risky approach, but it is also the epitome of the current commercial film market.

In fact, this is also the idealized future that Robert is looking forward to, but thinking about it the other way round, no one can deny the complementary and mutual assistance between the actor’s charm and the attractiveness of the role-"Range Solo" has encountered countless castings Attacked, thinking that young actors do not have the charm of Harrison Ford at all. After the movie was released, there was a waterloo.

After "Range Solo", Catherine also publicly admitted: the development of the Star Wars series has been too hasty, they must re-adjust their pace.

However, this is a huge subject. After it has been extended, there are too many contents to be explored slowly, and it is definitely not a simple matter of a few words to complete the explanation. Robert has no intention of continuing to delve into it for the time being.

"What's more, I don't think it is a good idea to choose Lan Lilly to succeed Harrison." Catherine further elaborated on her point of view.

Interestingly, Harrison Ford and Lanly Hall have the same agent, but the acting styles and performance styles of these two actors are completely different in two ways, which also makes Catherine's attitude towards them world wide. The difference; the most important reason is that Harrison can become the mark of the Star Wars series, which has the characteristics of the times, and the situation that Lan Li is facing is completely different now.

Catherine repeatedly emphasized her attitude, which made Robert laugh dumbly, but he didn't make a joke either-his personality is not good at humor, otherwise it would be the best choice to make a joke at this time, but he just lightly chin to express understanding , "You mean, it's just the work of Rogue One?"

Catherine agreed with the head, "As for whether he will cooperate with the company on other works, I think this is still to be discussed." Catherine is only in charge of the business of Lucasfilm. Regarding the business of Disney's headquarters, she only gives advice and will not interfere with Robert. "But as far as my personal opinion is concerned, everyone now values ​​the commercial value of Lanli; but I always believe that his artistic value, that is, the value of an actor, is the most valuable part."

After the Weinstein brothers left Miramax Pictures, Disney's independent film department plummeted, and it has now almost fallen to the edge of the awards season. Although Robert's goal is always clear, he is ready to create a broad world at the commercial level, but his absence from the awards season is always a pity.

Catherine woke up Robert in a small spot.

Robert chuckled. "I thought you didn't like Renly."

"Yes." Catherine admitted frankly, "but apart from the commercial standpoint, I will not deny his acting talent-this is precisely the part I hate the most."

"The more genius, the more trouble. I think Lanly's talent is comparable to Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro, but he is smarter and more cunning than them. I will never forget his hereditary aristocracy. Background, it means that he is more troublesome than those geniuses. However, his performance is truly amazing."

"Do you believe it? If'Gravity' doesn't use him as the leading actor, the box office will be reduced by at least half; and'Drunk Country Folk Song' is even more so, an actor who can perform Levien Davis outstandingly, Hollywood There are definitely not a few, but the only one who can maximize the market benefits of this film is Lan Li. His artistic temperament really makes this film beautiful."

"This year's awards season, in fact, I am personally very optimistic about the prospect of'Drunk Country Folk Songs'. Not long ago, George and Steven chatted, and they both hoped to collaborate with Lan Li on a work.

George Lucas is now in retirement; Steven Spielberg now has countless projects at hand. But they still hope to cooperate with Lan Li. Their commercial attributes as a director collide with the artistic attributes of Lan Li as an actor. This is definitely a wonderful thing.

"Wow, I don't know how high you rate him." Robert was very surprised.

"The more you understand, the more repulsive it is, because I know how difficult it is for him to cause trouble." Catherine said objectively, "Unfortunately, this year's awards season, the entire Hollywood is opposed to him, I don't know if the Oscar will be nominated. "

Robert lightly chins his head, his eyes show a meaningful light.

Catherine then changed the subject, "How do you think they would choose?"

They, competitors.

Robert still smiled, "Same as you?"


Catherine Kennedy and Robert Iger are running for the awards season, and Kevin Tsujihara is no exception.

"Gravity" has been affirmed during this year's awards season and is still in the leading group. As Kevin's first awards season after taking office, he naturally hopes to be able to grasp it firmly.

In the midst of the turbulent crowd, Kevin quietly came under the palm trees in the garden, lit a cigarette, and his thoughts quickly began to turn.

He doesn't like the feeling of being led by the nose.

Abandoning Lan Li and choosing Ben Affleck, on the one hand, it is indeed for the Boston Gang, but on the other hand, it is to get rid of Barry Meyer’s influence. The new official has three fires, and he knows that Barry is staying at Warner Bros. Has an extremely far-reaching influence, and if he wants to start his work, he must eradicate Barry’s forces——

He knows that his actions are more like playing with fire, but he doesn't have much choice, because Time Warner's head office also hopes to do so. He is more like being pushed forward semi-actively and semi-passively.

In the past year, the progress of things has been good or bad, not perfect but not bad. Now the general direction of Warner Bros. decision is shifting towards streaming media and television, which is what Kevin is good at; but the film field is an important source of copyright and works, and he cannot easily give up. This is Kevin’s not. good at.

With the departure of Jeff Robinoff, the film department was in a mess; and Thomas Tour's departure made it even worse. Kevin hopes that the joining of Affleck can temporarily stabilize the film department, but apparently Affleck's influence seems to be insufficient. Now that Lanly has extended an olive branch, should he nod his head and agree?

It seems that this is a simple decision, but the actual situation is definitely not the case.

First, Kevin is trying to get rid of Renli’s influence, but the success of “gravity” has hindered his If we cooperate with Renli now, then the efforts of the previous half year will have to be paid. Second, the so-called cooperation between Lanly and Warner Bros. is actually just using Warner Bros. to deal with Thomas Tour. It is one thing that Kevin and Thomas do not deal with each other, but they are regarded as gunmen, which is another. Going on.

Third, the rumors of Lanly and Batman were raging before, and later Affleck was determined to star in Batman. Warner Bros. and Affleck became the targets of the gun, and they were so badly scolded. Affleck also expressed serious dissatisfaction. ; Now it has finally calmed down a bit, if they take the initiative to contact DC Comics and Lan Li, will Warner Bros. have to bear the second wave of storms again?

Kevin felt a headache.

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