The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1646: Wake up

   Cooper finally remembered.

At the beginning, he himself saw images of light and shadow changes in Murphy’s room, conveying information in a certain pattern. For the first time, he realized that Murphy’s idea was correct. This is not necessarily a ghost, but there must be a scientific law to explain it. , And then began to study in depth, which became the fuse for him to join the space expedition team unswervingly.

   But now, he knows that these images are signals produced and transmitted by himself in the future, which also means that everything has been explained-the most important piece of the puzzle has finally been found.

   "I thought they chose me, but they chose not me, but her." Cooper finally realized the most important point, they chose Murphy!

   "For what? Cooper?" Tass still didn't quite understand.

   Cooper's expression was blooming like the rising sun, and finally he truly understood the ins and outs, his eyes were full of joy, "To save the world!"

He began to walk quickly through the entire five-dimensional space, constantly observing the images, and further explained to Tas, "Everything here is her room. Every moment. This is an infinite space, and they can manipulate infinite time. And space, but all are placed here, not bound by rules. They can't find a specific time and space for positioning, and they can't communicate, so I am here. It's as if I found here."

Because he exists in all of Murphy’s memories, and he knows the sequence of time and space of Murphy’s memories, he can find the time and space that needs to be located anytime and anywhere, and then pass the information he will explore in the future to Murphy, and then Murphy will decode the code and complete the research work. And he is the only one who can travel to the future and relay information to the past.

   So, NASA chose him. Or in other words, he himself guided NASA to choose him to find Murphy.

   "How to do it?" Tas still didn't understand.

Cooper did not answer. Instead, he quickly searched for the target in the long river of time, his head turned quickly, and finally, he finally found the bridge to connect, "Love. Tass, through love. This is what Brand said, I The connection with Murphy can be quantified. This is the key!"

   "What are we doing here?"

Cooper's movements stopped, "find the information and convey it to her." In his sight, he accidentally saw Murphy returning to the room with a watch in his hand. He knew that it was a bridge. Watch!"

Cooper returned to the space at that time, came to the back of the bookshelf, and watched Murphy place the watch on the bookshelf with his own eyes, "That watch! That's it! We use the jitter of the second hand to transmit information!" Cooper's eyes became brighter and firmer than ever before, "Tas, convert the data into Morse code and send it to me."

   "Converting." Tas said, but still somewhat questioned, "Cooper, but what if she never comes back to look for this watch?"

   Cooper had no doubts, "She will. She will!"

"how do you know?"

Cooper let out a long sigh, those thrilling, those magnificent waves, those overwhelming joys, all forcibly calmed down, "Because that I gave to her." That is the bridge and fetters between them, that It is the love between them, that is his Murphy-Murphy who always firmly believes that he will always come back.

   "Received." Tass remained unmoved, still fulfilling his duties professionally, "The Morse code is a little bit tricky..."

   Cooper opened his eyes and focused on the watch in front of him-he knew he would go home, he knew Murphy would guide him home, he knew Murphy was still waiting for him to go home. He did not give up, Murphy did not give up... Also, Paul did not give up either.

   Because Heather never gave up, and Chu Jiashu did not give up either.

Resolute faith gleamed in those light brown eyes, and an incredibly powerful light burst from the depths of the calm eyes. He aimed intently at the watch in front of him, and then, through the influence of gravitational waves, began to set things right. With the vibration frequency of the second hand, the whole body burst out with concentrated energy, and the aura became majestic and condensed.

   The focused and devoted sight, like a craftsman, shining brightly, so that every onlooker can't help holding his breath. The power of love is enough to pass through the shackles of time and space, and evolve into eternity in the long river. In this world, what else can beat time? Maybe, there is only love.

  In an instant, it became eternal!

Faintly, a happy smile appeared in the depths of those eyes, which surpassed my own life and death, and also surpassed my own fear. It was only because of the fetters of the re-establishment of the bridge that it became beautiful and moving, and it was glorious in an instant. , Dazzling. Even the light and shadow circulation in the entire hypercube space cannot conceal the brilliance!


Christopher hesitated for a moment, but still shouted. He knew that the performance was truly wonderful, but he still thought about the editing and connection of the screen more in his mind. It was precisely cut here, just to be able to cut the whole thing. The scenes flowed together smoothly.

  He needs the picture to stay at this moment.

So Christopher interrupted the filming, and the loudspeakers spread his shouts to the corners of the whole studio on the 18th. But after the filming was interrupted, no one on the scene made any noise, just standing quietly and quietly. Earth, let this moment of silence last a little longer.

   will be fine in a little while.

Lan Li was still hanging in the air, closing his eyes slowly, and the turbulence and irritability in his heart finally calmed down. He once again found his beliefs and beliefs, and then became down-to-earth again, even though he is now far from the physical ground. There is still a very distant space, but the sense of solidity and certainty calms the mind.

   He believed, believed that Paul would persevere, believed that Paul would receive the message, believed that Paul could change his destiny, and believed that Paul's life was far from over.

   is like Chu Jiashu and Heather. They are dead but still alive.

   let out a sigh of relief, Lan Li opened his eyes again, and asked into the headset, "Chris, is there anything else that needs to be modified in this scene?"

   Christopher's attention was also slightly withdrawn, "Do you think that this scene is shot from the front, and close-up close-ups are captured, will the effect be better?"

   Christopher is also thinking about whether to use Lan Li's performance to increase the appeal and shock of the plot. The first shot used a close-up shot from the side lens, capturing the entire upper body side into the frame. Light and shadow flow between Lan Li's cheeks and eyebrows, and then outline the sense of sadness.

   But now, Lan Li's performance reveals a heavier and more powerful force, which makes Christopher more inspirational sparks in his mind. It's just that his exploration of performance is very limited, and he is not sure about the effect of changing the position of the camera on the overall picture.

Lan Li thought about it seriously, "To be honest, I don't know. My personal idea, using frontal shooting, is too straightforward and too calm. This is easy to be too sensational and disrupt the rhythm and balance of the whole scene. From the side, It’s already good to capture the footage. But the director’s perspective and the actor’s standpoint are still different after all. You can try and see. I can perform again without any problems.”

   Christopher seriously pondered for a moment, "Let’s take a photo from the front."

   As Lan Li said, the observation angles of the director and the actors are very different. Christopher still needs to further confirm the frame of the picture in his mind and his control over the context of the whole movie.

   Next, Christopher switched three different camera lens angles to try to shoot. In every filming, Lanli maintained an ultra-high level of performance quality, fully presenting Cooper's inner awakening and reincarnation in front of the camera. For all the staff on the set, this is a kind of enjoyment, but it is also A kind of torture.

   No one can imagine how much perseverance it took Lan Li to temporarily suppress the pain in his heart and put himself in the performance over and over again.

After tossing for a whole day, Christopher finally announced that the filming of the scene was completed, but the director decided which lens to use in the final version, the crew and the actors had no idea, and could only wait for confirmation when the movie was released. .

   After finishing all the work, Lan Li was slowly put back on the ground again, and his feet could feel the ground solidity ~ The heart hanging in the air also returned to the chest cavity.

The staff was disarming Lan Li. Christopher came up on his own initiative and looked at Lan Li carefully, but he couldn’t see any abnormalities. "Are you in good health? I mean, Via, you almost Staying in the air all the time, this is not good for blood circulation, are you sure there is no problem with your body?"

   "When the body sounds an alarm, I will ask for leave." Lan Li still did not answer directly, but responded with a smile.

Christopher opened his mouth and thought about it for a moment, "Len Li, I am serious. If you need to rest for a while, I have absolutely no problem. Our shooting can be pushed back, what schedule and what shooting Shed, you don’t need to worry about these issues."

Lan Li raised his gaze, met Christopher’s gaze, paused for a moment, and then nodded, "Okay, I see." There was no courtesy and no refusal, but he simply stated that he understood that this was for Christopher. Concern for the best response.

   Christopher let out a sigh of relief, and his expression became calm again, and he could even catch a smile, "That's good. Go back early today and take a good rest. If you have any questions, we can contact you at any time."

   Although Christopher did not explicitly say, but later, Emma and Christopher and his wife went to the hospital to visit Paul in person, even though they did not have any personal relationships with Paul.

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