The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1643: Stunned young loss

? Lan Li just hangs in mid-air, unable to leave, evade, and conceal himself, so that his fragility and embarrassment are displayed in front of everyone, but he has no time and no heart to worry about this. , The whole person falls apart like the end of the world.

Bitterness and pain, regret and despair, sadness and anger...All the emotions swarmed up in a rush, the mixed thoughts could not be sorted out, he began to doubt himself, he began to question himself, he began to hate himself, he even began to deny himself, When the pain reaches its extreme, I can’t help but start wanting to escape:

If he hadn't been born again, wouldn't it be so painful?

But the most frightening thing is that he has nowhere to escape now, just like a display item is hung in the air. It seems that even the last bit of the fig leaf has been torn away. He has no way to escape the attention of others, and he has no way to escape. Shackled by his own soul, he can only face the violent storm directly.

Even with bruises, there is still nowhere to escape.

Lan Li slumped his limbs helplessly and embarrassedly. He couldn't even lift his hands to wipe the tears on his cheeks, because the helmet of the spacesuit blocked his hands, and the hot tears flowed freely, even the cheeks. They all started to feel aching and faintly aching, and their teeth were about to be bitten off, and they still couldn't control the emotion of bursting the bank.

Gradually, a mist of tears and breath filled the helmet mask, and then the whole person curled up in his shell like a snail, biting his lower lip hard, and you could taste it faintly. There was a **** breath, but it still swallowed all the sound in the chest, and it moved muffled, hitting the heart hard like a drumstick.

What should he do?


There was no sound in the whole set, and all eyes were watching Lan Li, who was crying to the point of silence. The sorrow and sorrow was as if the nose was beaten so hard that the eyes began to flush.

They thought that Lan Li didn't care, they thought Lan Li was invulnerable, and they thought Lan Li was hard-hearted, but they were all wrong. It was not that Lan Li was unmoved, it was just that Lan Li had a better disguise. Under that calm and self-contained mask, the scars were never shown. He just straightened his waist and strode forward.

Vanity Fair is like this, showing the bright and beautiful side in front of everyone, and then turning those faces and figures into enviable happiness templates, but it has never shown the dark side behind the light, even Those wounds and scars were all covered up, and the souls lost themselves on the road to fame.

The scene before him was really cruel.

Especially those staff who questioned that Lan Li was too calm, Yu Xin couldn't bear to look away; but even if he avoided his eyes, the depression of the scene, the silence without any crying slowly penetrated, and the The sorrowful struggles and dullness are outlined so heavily that it makes people almost breathless, and they don't even know what language to use to express their feelings.

People saw that Lan Li lost control under the rage and beat Diesel severely; but people did not see that Lan Li, who was calm, was suffering from the pain of his friend who was still unconscious. For some things, seeing is not necessarily true; for some things, the truth that people know is only one aspect of the whole picture.

However, they don't know what to do?

Should they put Lan Li down? Then all the collapses of Lan Li will truly show up in front of everyone.

Should they keep Lan Li hanging? Then Lan Li suffered all the pain alone and helplessly.

Should they ignore it? Should they come forward to comfort? Should they be fine? Should they express concern? Or should I turn around and leave, leaving a space of my own for Lan Li?

After thinking about it, there is no correct answer. Only then did they understand that even as a bystander, they were all caught in a bewilderment at this moment, let alone the Lan Li who was in it? Even if they exhaust all their imagination and have not really experienced bystanders, after all, they still cannot fully empathize. Their comfort and sympathy are just another trivial injury.

In Studio 18, all work was suspended. Everyone kept their original postures in silence, standing or sitting, and fell into silence collectively, bitter but unable to find an accurate one. Describe the way.


Christopher’s eye sockets were also moisturized, and he tried to say something several times, but after all, he closed his mouth and turned to look at his wife who was wiping away tears. He silently embraced his wife and embraced each other. The warmth of the hug calmed down a little.

"Did we do something wrong?" Christopher whispered into his wife's ear.

Shouldn't they restart work in such a hurry? Even if Thomas Tur urges them harder, they can take things down without pressure or worry; in this scene, Christopher can clearly feel the shock that bursts from the inside out. People can't help but clap their hands and applaud it is wonderful, but hidden behind the performance, it is the truth that is unbearable to explore.

Emma Thomas patted her husband lightly on the back, and softly comforted, "Don't worry, Lanly knows what she's doing." There was a short pause, "Maybe, he just needs to vent; he just needs a little time. "

Christopher didn't say much, he just sighed lightly, raised his gaze again, and looked at the little figure hanging in the hypercube. At this time, when he recalled the ins and outs of the scene just now, his mood suddenly changed. It's hard to describe when it's mixed up.

The two working technicians standing on the side of the studio are responsible for pulling Wia and controlling Lan Li’s every move in mid-air. The sudden accident made the two of them feel a bit at a loss, not knowing whether they should put Lan Li down. ; But without further instructions, in the end, he tried to maintain the status quo.

Looking up at the helpless Lan Li, the two technicians were also sad for a while, and the sigh and helplessness between the crossed eyes could be conveyed without words.

I don’t know how long it took, and Lanly’s voice came from the radio microphone again, "Sorry! Can you put me down first? I need to take care of myself again." The nasal voice leaked a hint of instability. The fragility, the tail trembling a little, but after all, he maintained the overall state, did not collapse again, and expressed his wishes in a relatively calm posture.

Did not deliberately cover up, and did not take the initiative to mention, but in a direct and roundabout way to express the idea, which finally released the magic in the 18th studio, everyone began to move again, panic Overwhelmed, even more chaotic than Lan Li as a party.

After the two Wia technicians got Christopher's consent, they slowly put Lan Li on the ground.

Lan Li just stood on the spot without any special action, waiting for the two technicians to come over and unlock the Via; then waited for the staff to come over and take off the spacesuit and helmet for him.

The whole process was very long and lasted for nearly ten minutes. The technicians and staff seemed a little nervous, clumsy, and the detachment was not able to speed up; but Lan Li was not panicked or irritable, and just stood there quietly. Calmly presented his embarrassment and embarrassment in front of everyone.

The upright, beautiful and moonlight look, on the contrary, the eyes of those gossips who cast their curiosity on it could not help but become shy, shiningly away from the sight, afraid to face Lan Li's face and eyes.

Now Lan Li looks very haggard, red and swollen eyes, sloppy beard, pale face and gloomy eyebrows, wet hair looks very messy, personal quick-drying underwear has long been soaked in sweat, the kind of exhaustion of mental fatigue And helplessness flowed out slowly from the depths of his heart; but Lan Li still straightened his waist, opened his shoulders, and stood calmly and calmly on the spot, waiting for the staff to complete their work, revealing a faint sense of strength.

After Wia and the spacesuit were all taken off, Lan Li nodded to Christopher again, and then took his steps, turned and walked towards the bathroom step by step.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at her pale face, Lan Li tugged at the corners of her mouth slightly, but then sank weakly.

He knows that his current state is very bad, and the messy mood is beyond control. Just standing in front of the mirror, his thoughts begin to fall apart. That kind of helplessness and confusion are constantly impacting his defense line. A little carelessness may completely collapse and burst the bank.

It's like just now.

But he had to tell himself that this was of no avail. He needed to cheer up. He needed to strengthen his faith. If even he didn't believe that Paul could wake up, then who else could believe it? He needs to be like Paul, standing unswervingly behind him all the time, and never flinching even when confronting the whole world.

He needs to cheer up, because this is a contest between death and His fragility and timidity will only make this battle harder.

Although this is not an easy task, as long as you calm down a bit, Paul can't help but reappear in his mind as if he is lying on the hospital bed. The fragility that is fragile at the touch of a touch makes the sense of fear unable to settle at all, and more importantly, , The position where the waist and thighs were restrained by Via began to ache again, and the bruises that had not completely disappeared seemed to start to faintly throbbing again.

But this is one thing that has no room for negotiation. He must cheer up! He must be strong! He must believe it!

This is the promise he owes Paul.

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