The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1635: Calm and calm

"This is my crew! Do you understand? This is his/mother/my crew! I have put all my heart and soul into this crew! I brought this series to the pinnacle! I am the soul of the entire crew! Without me , This series is worth nothing! Now they want to take my rights? Don’t think about it! Dreaming! Even if I destroy the crew, I won’t let it go!"

Diesel on the other end of the phone was crazy, and he poured out all his emotions like a bamboo tube, without giving Fisher any chance to interrupt.

Fisher only felt a dull pain in his head.

What is the difference between Van Diesel and Dawn Johnson? The two people have similar images, similar styles, and similar types, and they overlap each other in all aspects. Even Hollywood's career development curve is almost the same. But why are the career paths of the two people now heading to a different situation?

Diesel, who was the first to rise and dominates, is entering a dead end. Except for the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Affection" series, he can no longer open the situation; while Dawn, who is half-way out and stumbled, is coming from behind, opening up A piece of my own world is ushering in my best time.

It can be said that the mind determines the horizon, and it can also be said that the character determines the destiny.

When Dawn learned of the position of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", he was sadly cut off by Lan Li. He was also furious and furious with his agent, but after the outbreak, Dawn quickly calmed down and listened to the agent. People's opinions, down-to-earth, waiting for their own opportunities, and not languishing because of missing a work.

However, Diesel can always only see within his reach and push all his faults to others, but he refuses to review and reflect, and then firmly grasp the power in his hands, just like holding his own territory. The mother leopard, any strange figure that entered the territory was listed as an enemy, so she completely encircled her territory to death.

It's like this moment.

In fact, Fisher is also furious, but at least he can clearly distinguish the priorities. The most important thing now is to deal with the current tricky situation. If Lan Li has no successors, then forget it; but what if there is?

However, Diesel was very angry, and continued to get angry. Fisher and Diesel were on the same boat. Even if they got angry, they should be restrained.

Fisher simply hung up the phone. He is not a young wife, so why should he endure Diesel here? At best, it was a shot and two breaks, and he didn't lose much anyway.

Then Fisher sat in the boss chair, his ears finally cleared, and began to think seriously about the ins and outs of the whole thing.

He still couldn't understand the reason why Lan Li suddenly went out of trouble without warning? Is it really crazy? If this is the case, it means that there is no backstop. No, Andy Rogers is an old fox. Even if Lanly has no backs, Andy is absolutely impossible to sit back and die. This also means that the follow-up situation still has to wait and see.

"Ding Ding Ding".

The phone rang again, and it seemed that Diesel had recovered his senses, which also meant that the anger was finally over, and only after his sanity returned did he notice the abnormality, and Fisher answered the phone.

"Are you joking? Are you/him/mother joking with me? You dare to hang up my phone..."

A furious voice came from the other end of the phone again. Obviously Diesel was still in a state of furious anger, but before his words were complete, Fisher hung up the phone for the second time, simply and neatly, without any hesitation. Just like that, Diesel's temper was cut off abruptly.

After waiting for a while, the phone rang again, Fisher did not intentionally hang it, and quickly connected the phone, and then he could hear the other end panting, ringing like a bellows, but this time after all There is no swearing, and it seems Diesel's brain has finally calmed down.

Fisher did not ridicule and avoid irritating Diesel again, but went straight to the topic, "Remember our original plan? Act as a victim, express my memory for Paul, and then recreate the public image to win more for you. Multi-viewer support. Now, the plan remains the same."

"Len Li debunked your plan in the hospital. Bystanders must be dubious, some believed, and some doubted. If you stand up now and accuse Lan Li of nonsense, or continue to talk about Paul with great fanfare, Then those skeptical voices began to believe because you are indeed hyping and continue to make more news."

By then, Renly only needs to push the flames behind his back, and Diesel will be in a dilemma; if Renly can persuade Paul's family to stand up and accuse Diesel, then Diesel will really not be able to stand up, and even, The momentum created during the past period of time will also be destroyed.

"But on the other hand, if you stay silent now, just as Lanly asked, shut up completely, put on a'accepting Lanly's threat for Paul's sake,' and even swallowed the humiliation of being beaten. Swallowing it down, then Lan Li has become the one who is reasonable and unforgiving, and you are the one who takes care of the overall situation."

"You need to do exactly what Lan Li said. Don't mention Paul on any occasion. Even on Twitter, it disappears completely. Don't make any movement. Create a phenomenon: Lan Li Zhen Blocked you. All you need to do is to silently pray in the church. I will arrange for ordinary netizens to "accidentally" discover your whereabouts, and then start publicity on the Internet."

"In this way, we can complete our original plan, push Lan Li to the position of the bad guy, and accumulate more sympathy and appreciation for you."

Although Lan Li debunked their plan on the spot and beat Diesel, this disrupted Fisher's layout; in the final analysis, Lan Li did it and fell into their trap. Now it only needs If you change the plan a little bit, the situation will continue to develop in the predetermined direction.

They not only have to create an image of Lan Li's domineering and domineering image, but also give Lan Li a lesson!

Of course, this can't really hurt the foundation of Lan Li. The great success of "Gravity" and "Drunk Country Folk Songs" has made Lan Li invincible. Some negative news cannot make Lan Li disappear completely; but At least, when Universal Pictures considers Lanly to join the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series, Diesel's influence will continue to expand, and now that Paul's life or death is uncertain, Diesel's dominance will become more and more reliable. .

Diesel couldn't look at it sensibly, and said incredulously, "You mean, I'm going to shut up? I just got the fight for nothing?"

"...Fan, we need to look to the future." Fisher has no way to refute, but he can interpret it from different angles. "Are you looking forward to these insignificant disputes? Or do you want to firmly focus on the interests? In your hands? Look at Lan Li. For a little bit, you lost control in the hospital today. So, do you want to do this too? Then you completely lose your advantage and let Lan Li have the upper hand?"

Diesel fell silent.

Fisher decided to add another fire, "Believe me, those bystanders in the hospital, they are bound to start spreading what happened today. Now in the Internet age, things cannot be covered up, and sooner or later they will be revealed. , Not only do you not complain, but you also have to say good things for Lanly, thinking that he is out of control because he is worried about Paul, just like Cody Walker yesterday, so that you can have the upper hand."

"Secretly, I will arrange for other people to contribute to the flames, anonymously condemning Lanly on the Internet for his overbearing and rudeness. After the creation of history, he is now defiant, completely disregarding the friendship of friends, and acting indiscriminately against you. We need to take it one step at a time, understand? Today? It was Lanly who missed it. This is our opportunity, and we can't miss it." Fisher's head has already started to move quickly, thinking about all the next plans.

Diesel opened his mouth and said nothing after all.


After the outbreak of the hospital incident, there was no disturbance, whether it was on the Internet or the news media, everything was calm. The conflict between Renly and Diesel seemed to have never happened before, precisely because it was too quiet. , So that it began to become abnormal.

But there are rumors in Hollywood:

The blue gift is different. On the surface, he looked like a polite and gentleman noble brother, but he was actually a rude boxer with a gloomy mind and grumpy temper. He even shook his fist at his friend.

Lan Li is rampant and domineering. Covering the sky with one hand in the hospital not only forbids Paul's friends to show concern, but also gesticulates the Walker family and acts on behalf of them, which is really disgusting.

Lan Li is moody. In the past, I used to be angry with the staff for no reason in the crew. Now, after continuous success in both awards and box office, there is no one in the eye, and no opposition is allowed. Even in the face of reporters, he uttered wild words, threatening the reporter's life.

In the hospital that day, the fight between Renly and Diesel was full of violence and blood. The scene completely out of control was chilling, and it was far from the usual image displayed in front of the media and on the big screen. It can even be said that it was a huge difference, and all onlookers were frightened.

Renly even threatened Diesel's career and life. After the incident, Diesel, who has always been tough-tempered, chose to swallow his anger and almost disappeared. It seems that the entire industry has been blocked. Does this prove that Lanly is launching a comprehensive blockade in order to cover up his violent behavior. ?

Even the extremely powerful Diesel chose to give in. Does this mean Renly's domineering?

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