The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1632: Heartstrings break

"Bang", the heartstring of reason finally broke!

From yesterday to today, all the negative emotions have been poured down one after another, those who are afraid, those who are worried, those who are exhausted, and those who are exhausted, finally become the last straw that crushes the camel. Now Paul is still on the line of life and death. Struggling, but Diesel was thinking about how to maximize the benefits of this matter. Lan Li threw his sanity into the stove and burned it completely.

Without warning, emotions erupted like a volcano.

The muscles of the whole body were tightened to the extreme, and a lunge slammed forward, superimposing the weight of the body and the inertia of the forward thrust, and hitting Diesel's chest with his right shoulder fiercely, with a muffled "bang", like Diesel's muffled grunt was detonated in the sound of muscle bursting like a thunder.

Diesel was completely caught off guard, and the first reaction in his mind was "Len Li is crazy."

Although everything has exceeded expectations, physical confrontation is Diesel's strong point, and he has already reacted in the conditioned reflex, and there is no strong confrontation at the physical level. Without thinking, his hands clenched into fists, his muscles became vigilant, and he almost subconsciously made a defensive action to relieve his strength.

However, there was a signal in my mind

Don't resist!

Today, he just wants Lan Li to take action. He just needs to be a victim, just like facing Cody yesterday. However, Lanly is not Paul's family and does not have the moral commanding heights of Cody. This also means that between Lanly and his confrontation, as the weaker victim, he can seize more advantages.

He needs to be a victim himself.

The thoughts in his mind suddenly popped out, and Diesel's reaction that had just been made was immediately released again, as if there was really no fight back, and then Lan Li rushed over.

The force of the collision was too fierce, far beyond Diesel's imagination. When the severe pain raged, he realized that Lan Li was really moving. Not only did he have no plans to be merciful, but he still went all out. After desperately, Diesel let go of his muscle defenses and flew out.

Ding Ding Ding.

Diesel stepped back several steps, and then blurted out his voice, "You are crazy!"

Lan Li was indeed crazy.

After the first impact was completed, he still couldn't see the intention to stop, and continued to follow his footsteps. With the inertia/power of the forward thrust, he lifted his right knee and hit Diesel's abdomen hard. After a while, he hit Diesel's shoulder heavily with his left elbow, and hit Diesel on the back of the head with a sweep of his left forearm.

A series of combined blows left no breathing space at all.

Diesel realized only now that he had made a stupid mistake, how could he completely withdraw his defenses like this?

But it was too late to regret it. Diesel only felt that the world was spinning, and in a trance, he returned to the shooting scene of "speed and excitement/emotion" again. The fierceness and burst made him feel a fatal sense of crisis!

What else can he do?

When he took the initiative to give up the opportunity, Diesel could only hold his breath, relying on his thick skin, and stiffly suffered a continuous combination of elbows from Lan Li, from elbows to knees. The ankle, "Bang Bang Bang" hit too fiercely, to help Diesel can taste the blood that permeates the mouth.

His teeth were almost crumbling, and after he abruptly resisted Lanly’s first wave of attacks, he resorted to the most reliable and rogue defense method on the boxing ring, rushing forward regardless of recklessness. He grabbed Lan Li’s waist and used his back to withstand the blast of the gust of wind and rain, and then unreasonably slammed into Lan Li’s front, violently destroying the center of Lan Li’s feet for himself. To gain more breathing space,

When the blow from the back loosened a little, Diesel roared and pushed Lan Li’s waist with both hands, concentrated all his strength and pushed it out directly, finally getting rid of Lan Li’s restraint and winning again. free.

Diesel didn't stop at all, which also threw Lan Li out like a sandbag. He staggered, lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.


Diesel’s entire back and abdomen were extremely painful. Now he can finally launch a counterattack, but he has done a full set of performances. At this time, there are countless crowds around. He needs to finish the performance, otherwise the punches and kicks just now will be completely useless. After suffering, he paused for a while and made a look of embarrassment.

"You are crazy! I just want to visit Paul. What's wrong with you? You madman, don't vent your anger on me! I am Paul's friend, not your punching bag!"

Now Diesel can’t care about whether his words are in place and accurate. In the midst of a turmoil, he just relied on his spirit to make a bold gesture, which is enough; then, this time Diesel. You didn't calm down, nor turned and left, but clenched his fists.

"Since you are going crazy, I will stay with you to the end!"

Just now, Diesel refused to swallow his breath. He must find the place back to see whose fists were harder! He must give that arrogant and rude fellow a good lesson! For this day, he has endured for three years, how could he easily miss it?

Immediately afterwards, Diesel raised his fist the size of a bowl and rushed forward, but he remained vigilant and put on an all-out posture. Adjusted his footsteps slightly, then raised his right foot and kicked it fiercely towards Lan Li's body. The whole movement did not retain any strength at all. He assumed a Muay Thai stance, attacked fiercely, stirred up a gust of wind, and then violently. He hit Lan Li in the waist hard.

That's not all!

The right leg had just been retracted, and then the left leg was raised high, and he stepped heavily towards Lan Li’s abdomen. With such a full blow, if he can really hit the foot, then Lan Li basically Already powerless to resist, Diesel's eyes burst with **** fierceness, and he truly entered a life-and-death state.

Lan Li, who lost his center of gravity and fell down, has no time to react. He can only use a lazy donkey to roll around, embarrassed to escape; but for Diesel's chasing after, Lan Li has already done it well. After getting mentally prepared, he rolled away on the spot, catching the inertia of the body's rotation, and swept his feet toward Diesel's left foot.


Lan Li only felt as if he had hit an iron plate, and the body that was losing control immediately completed the emergency brake. Without any hesitation, he supported his body with his back, raised his legs and stepped forward towards Di. Selfei kicked over, aimed at the lower abdomen, and kicked Diesel out firmly.

After a few consecutive steps of "", Diesel stumbled and began to retreat.

Lan Li stood up and chased Diesel two steps in a row.

Seeing Diesel stood firm and reorganized the resistance, Lan Li immediately sprinted and kicked the ground. The whole person jumped into the air, raised his fist and smashed it from top to bottom. As he continued to accelerate, he hit hard. Defeating Diesel's shoulder socket, before the opponent organized a counterattack, he brutally destroyed Diesel's body center of gravity.

Immediately afterwards, just after his feet touched down, Lan Li took a half step forward, and one bullied himself forward, squeezing the space forward with his own body, and further squeezed Diesel's center of gravity back, and then Diesel He began to back again and again, while Lan Li was pressing harder and harder, leaving no breathing space, one hit and another hit.

Seeing Diesel lost his balance and was caught off guard, Lanly kicked Diesel's left leg fiercely with his right leg. At the same time, the pushing force of the upper body continued to push forward, thus directly knocking Diesel down. On the ground: Being strong means being clumsy, and Diesel collapsed like this.

Lan Li took a step forward, rode on Diesel, and began to swing his fists recklessly.


Punch again!

Another punch!

Every punch was so fierce and cruel, and hit hard, Lan Li's eyes had lost focus and focus, and the whole person was like a madness. The sound of the punch to the flesh burst out with a **** breath, and began It was everywhere, cruel and rude, and even bright blood stains could be seen on Lan Li's fist, so that the onlookers at the scene couldn't bear to continue watching.

Diesel was completely confused, not to mention resisting, even the power to parry was gone.

Once again, Lan Li raised his right fist aloft, grabbed Diesel's collar with his left hand, looked at the swollen cheek, and there was an icy chill in his eyes.

In a daze, Diesel caught Lan Li's eyes and couldn't help but shudder, then another. Stormy waves are being set off in those eyes without any emotion, all the cruelty, all the raging, all the cruelty are all hidden in the boundless coldness, which makes people shudder.

The tyranny in the depths of the pupils is permeating.

He wants to kill him.

Diesel suddenly realized this. The sense of fear and panic began to jump from deep in his heart, and the chilly breath could be felt throughout his back, so that his legs and knees began to tremble, UU Reading the book once again came up with the shooting picture of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5".

It was still those eyes, still that kind of aura, crushed like a billowing air wave, and completely defeated Diesel with every gesture. The fear rooted in the depths of the soul made the whole person start to tremble.

At that time, according to the plot needs, Diesel had the upper hand, but he did not dare to wave his fist down; now, Lan Li had the upper hand, and he could not breed a little bit of resistance, just hiding in a dark corner. Risesse shivered, and the sense of crisis struggling above the line of life and death sounded the alarm throughout the body.

He is going to kill him!

He will really kill him!

How to do?

What should he do now? The whole person began to tremble uncontrollably, and he felt that he had nowhere to escape.

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