The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1628: Escape from the dead

Lan Li stopped Cody, but Cody still couldn't vent his anger, he turned and left angrily.

Caleb tried to help, but after all he didn't know what to say, and finally turned and chased after Cody.

When Diesel left the hospital, there was still a large crowd of people in the family lounge, and the riots only happened in one corner. Only the surrounding crowd noticed the abnormality. Others were still talking in low voices, that kind of buzzing. The muffled sound lingered all the time, and the sight of people coming and going made the solemn and heavy atmosphere surging.

And Lan Li always stood on the spot, just standing quietly for a long time like this, that upright posture is like a green pine, rooted tenaciously, even in the face of strong winds and rains, he has no fear at all, stubborn and stubborn. The earth stands on the cliffs, and grows its vigorous branches toward the sun; but... so lonely, so lonely.

Passing through the crowd, Roy looked at Lan Li worriedly, such a Lan Li is really too abnormal——

Paul’s family members are all on the scene, and Lanly is just a friend. According to reason, things should be handled by Paul’s family. As a friend, he should learn to make concessions. After all, his identity is different. This is exactly Lanly. Usually the most adept at and understands the worldliness of humanity.

But today, Lan Li has crossed the line. Paul's family allowed Lan Li to stay. This is a etiquette; but if Caleb and Cody point to Lan Li’s nose and curse, "nosy", they even directly invite the hospital security to drive Lan Li out and refuse Lan Li to visit Paul. , Lan Li has nothing to do. Even if others hear it, they will definitely choose to stand on the Walker's side.

Roy gave Andy anxiously.

But Andy shook his head secretly to stop Roy.

Andy also felt Lan Li's abnormality, but he couldn't stop Lan Li. After experiencing Heather, Andy knew what a friend meant to Renly. He understood those principles, but he was unwilling to stop Renly. Lan Li needs that trace of hope to sustain him.

Rooney, who was dealing with her colleagues next to her, was always paying attention to Lan Li. She noticed the situation at the first time, but she couldn't get rid of it for a while. She could only force herself to suppress her anxiety and eagerness and chose to believe in Lan. Li, I believe Lan Li can face all situations.

In the hectic situation, Paul's mother Cheryl-Crabtree took the initiative to step forward, opened her arms to give Lan Li a big hug, and patted gently like a kind mother. Holding Lan Li's back, he comforted him low in his ear, and then kissed Lan Li's cheek.

Lan Li's back trembled slightly, and inadvertently, he straightened his spine even harder to conceal the softness and fragility of his heart.

The small chaos was quickly covered up. Not many people noticed the whole thing, but vaguely noticed the tension between Diesel and Renly; in the end, Caleb and Cody returned after all. Now, help send all the guests away, and the family lounge will really quiet down.

The dual fatigue of mind and body spread slowly in the rest room. In just ten hours, it was a long journey and running around, and it was not touching the feet and tired to cope. After a little quieter , The kind of panic and helplessness facing the bottomless abyss, but the exhaustion of exhaustion made everyone wilted.

Rooney finally found a short space, removed all her exaggerated makeup, and then changed into a simple T-shirt and jeans. She became a little lighter and returned to the lounge, but she did not see Lan Li. After searching carefully for the figure, Lan Li was found in the corner near the balcony.

At this time, Lan Li still maintained a standing posture, standing back and forth for several hours, but still did not relax, that upright and determined posture never showed a trace of flaws, perfect etiquette and indifferent smile will all the details of the scene They are all firmly in the palm of the hand, but it is precisely because they are too perfect, it makes people feel uneasy.

It's like... It's like trying to maintain a perfect image, but can't stop, because a little bit of relaxation may be completely broken, collapsed, and then can't be reorganized.

Rooney's heart twitched slightly, and she secretly exhaled, and then she took a step towards Lan Li.

Coming to Lan Li's side, Rooney passed the coffee in her hand and whispered, "You need to add a little sugar."

Lan Li did not refuse. He took the coffee and held it in the palm of his hand. The hot and hot temperature passed through the paper cup in his palm. Only then did he realize that his icy fingers could not be seen at all. They were stiff fingers. The tip has begun to numb, and now it is relieved again by the temperature of the coffee.

He raised the cup, took a sip from his mouth, frowned slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly to make a smile, but couldn't catch the smile at all, "Although I need sugar, but Did you accidentally knock over the sugar jar?" The taste was so sweet that it had a bitter taste, but the hot smell made the body feel the tingling again.

"Vending machine coffee." Rooney explained, and then joked a little. "Maybe the staff accidentally made a mathematical error when setting up the coffee recipe."

Lan Li picked up the cup and took another sip.

Rooney watched Lan Li's movements and did not say anything. Instead, she raised her own cup and took a sip as well. Her delicate eyebrows frowned uncontrollably, and then she sighed in a low voice, "God. , Your endurance is really outstanding." The taste of this saccharin is really shocking, and you can drink it without changing your face.

"Ryan went back?"


"Where is Mei Duo?"


After the brief conversation was over, the two of them fell silent again, just watching the night outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony. The bright lights disappeared little by little in the thick ink, and the whole city It reveals the loneliness and loneliness after the hustle and bustle, and the dense night is pouring down so mightily, making people panic inexplicably.

Fortunately, they are not alone at this time.

The mental fatigue is magnified to the extreme in the passage of time, so that the sense of time is completely lost. The dull depression makes people almost breathless. Almost every time there is a footstep in the corridor, it challenges a sensitive nerve. Over time, he gradually became vulnerable and irritable.

"Lan Li?" When I remembered the call again, I felt as if I could hear the echo in a trance, and even the reaction was slow for several beats.

Lan Li maintained his usual etiquette, turned around slowly, and then saw Derek Sheppard in a white coat.

Lan Li tried to take his steps, but hesitated for a moment. He could hardly take his steps, but the sense of stagnation was fleeting, and then he continued to move forward, politely nodded towards Derek, and prepared for Derek. Before speaking, Lanly stopped the opponent with his eyes, and took the initiative to introduce, "This is Paul's family; this is Paul's chief surgeon, Derek Sheppard."

Caleb, Cody and others all stood up one after another, all gathered in a bustling manner.

Derek stepped back a little, hesitated. According to the regulations, he naturally needed to report to his immediate family members; but from the accident to the present, Lanly arranged everything. Derek glanced at Lan Li subconsciously, and noticed that Lan Li’s eyes were projected toward Paul’s parents. He immediately understood, facing Paul’s parents, and explained everything.

“We completed Paul’s abdominal surgery and brain surgery. Three bleeding spots appeared in the abdomen. Dr. Bailey completed the repair operation as soon as possible and controlled the situation. At the same time, two bleeding spots appeared on the brain. During the operation, two tiny blood vessels ruptured unexpectedly. This forced me to deal with the emergency first. After the repair operation was completed, I went back to the original plan to repair the bleeding point. This was a lot of time. All the work has just been completed, and the stitching work has just been completed."

Derek presented the entire surgical procedure as concisely and concisely as possible, hoping that his family members could understand the situation and not know nothing; but the intricate technical terms and the continuous turn of understatement made people feel confused and frightened. , After saying something, I still don't understand what's going on.

Cody was impatient and asked eagerly, "What then? How is it now? How is Paul now?"

Time seemed to stop suddenly, desperately hoping to know the result, but feared to announce the result now, that paradoxical mood made the heart stop beating.

Immediately after that, time was Derek sounded in his ear with a smile, "Paul is fine! All our operations have been very successful. No other situation has been discovered so far. Next, Paul I will return to the ward, receive postoperative observation, and then wait for him to wake up."

"You mean, Paul... Paul will survive?" Caleb stammered, his voice trembling slightly.

Derek nodded again in affirmation, "Yes, Paul will survive."

"Can we visit him now?" Cheryl asked urgently.

Derek also dedicatedly explained, “Now, Paul is still under anesthesia. The next week will still have to be under close monitoring, brain surgery still needs more recovery time, we don’t know when he will wake up. Make sure that everything is under our control, and it's better not to disturb Paul's rest.

However, you can visit Paul, but for the next seventy-two hours, only one visit per day is allowed, and only one family member is allowed to enter the critically ill lounge at a time. Afterwards, we will make adjustments according to Paul's specific status..."

Paul, survived.

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