The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1626: Side by side

Rooney Mara was shaking slightly, she couldn't control herself.

"Idiot, calm, calm down!" Rooney clenched her fists and stepped on the spot, beating her chest repeatedly, trying to stabilize her beating heart again. Paul needs her, Renly needs her, and Meiduo... She can't panic, her panic will only make things worse. She needs to calm down.

But this is not an easy task.

"God!" Rooney hugged her head in annoyance, even she was panicked like this, she couldn't imagine the current situation of Lan Li and Mei Duo.

Rooney has been auditioning in San Diego for the last two days for her next work. Today is the official audition with makeup, but I heard the news before the audition was over. She didn't finish her audition, and she left the studio and drove all the way from San Diego back to Los Angeles.

She didn't even have time to wipe off her makeup, so she rushed to the hospital-this time the work is a fantasy fairy tale movie. She had to put on a strange and magnificent heavy make-up and at the same time put on a fluffy ballet skirt. It looks like a lunatic who just ran out of the circus.

Amidst countless amazing and weird eyes, Rooney finally found the family lounge where Lan Li and Mei Duo were, but her footsteps suddenly stopped and she took a deep breath and calmed herself down as much as possible. He clenched his fists secretly and kept repeating, "Calm and calm."

Then Rooney walked into the family lounge.

At a glance, I saw Mei Duo lying on the sofa, Ryan sitting next to him bandaging his wounds, and Lan Li sitting stiffly diagonally.

The exhausted, feeble, flustered and silent air grabbed Rooney's heart fiercely. Unpreparedly, her eyes flushed slightly, and the sorrow spread between her lips and teeth.

Ryan, who was directly opposite, was the first to notice Rooney's appearance, and suddenly raised her head. His eyes were filled with sadness, but he still cheered up and put his left index finger on his lips. He made a "hush" gesture, and then gestured to Mei Duo and Lan Li with his eyes.

Rooney walked over lightly, came to Mei Duo first, and re-covered the coat that had fallen down. At this time, the beautiful eyebrows were struggling and twisted together, and the crying swollen eyes were still there. Shaking uneasily, still suffering even in dreams.

Rooney gently and gently patted the back of Mei Duo's hand, like a mother's lullaby, calmly soothing Mei Duo, and then she saw that her eyebrows were slightly loosened, and she seemed to have recovered a little peace, but The tears slid down his cheeks, and into the lips, leaving his mouth full of bitterness.

Rooney's eyes were also sour.

With a light breath, Rooney turned around and looked at Ryan, her gaze fell on Ryan's right arm and asked what was going on; Ryan shook her head and said that she was okay, and then She shrugged helplessly, and explained in a low voice, "Paul is still in the operation, and now he doesn't know anything."

After a short pause, Ryan's gaze turned towards Rooney's back.

Rooney turned around, and then saw Lan Li who was leaning on the sofa wearily, closing her eyes groggyly, the fatigue and pain between her eyebrows were surging quietly, those clear eyebrows Shi was also stained with a touch of melancholy and loss; those pale lips that were not visible at all, even revealed a touch of fragility, as if they might be broken at any time.

Such a blue gift is distressing.

Rooney eased her footsteps and came to Lan Li. She sat down slowly and carefully looked at the tired and pale face. The messy scum made him look decadent and haggard, lingering. Sadness and fear are hidden in the corners of the facial features, even in a deep sleep, revealing a sense of anxiety.

Rooney raised her left hand and tried to get close to Lan Li’s cheek, but she stopped after all. She was afraid that her recklessness would awaken the sleeping Lan Li. She couldn’t bear to interrupt the short rest time, and finally moved her left hand. , Gently covering the palm of Lan Li's right hand.

Slowly overlapping and staggering, wrapped the slender palm with the warmth of his palm, and then felt a biting cold piercing through the skin. It seemed that there was no temperature at all, which made Rooney startled.

Sit up quickly, turned sideways, and observed carefully, but still couldn't see any clues. Then he noticed that the back of Lan Li's clothes had been soaked with cold sweat, and the blood on the entire face was changing. It faded little by little, obviously his palms were as cold as ice, but his body was as hot as a stove.

Rooney raised her head abruptly, trying to ask for help.

Unexpectedly, Lan Li opened her eyes, which made Rooney have to show a small smile, pretending that nothing happened, and showing her confidence firmly.

At this time, Rooney put on a big make-up and a weird hairstyle. It looked a little funny. This made Lan Li gently twitched the corner of her mouth, and a small smile flowed through her eyes, but it was fleeting, in her throat. There was a low voice, "Are you here? How is Paul's situation now?"

That weak and weak voice almost broke Rooney's heart; she had never seen a Lan Li like this, even during the filming of "Burst Drummer". But she knew that the most important thing at this moment should be Paul, the Paul who is lying on the operating table waiting for the fate of the judgment.

Rooney forced herself to calm down and said softly, "The operation is still in progress. You can rest for a while and leave the matter to me. We will work in shifts later."

Lan Li was tired, really tired, so tired that he almost couldn't open his eyes. The warmth around him made his eyelids droop. He closed his eyes again, "I'll take a rest. A little while. , Paul came out, remember to call me..." The voice behind it gradually became low, and finally disappeared.

Rooney clenched her teeth hard, opened her shoulders again and straightened her waist, hiding all the fragility and sadness. She needs to cheer up. Both Renly and Paul are doing their best to persevere, and she cannot be easily defeated. They need to fight side by side and move forward together.

Paul will be fine. Lan Li will be fine too. She unswervingly believed!

Rooney just sat quietly beside Lan Li, because she knew that what Lan Li needed was not comfort or support, but wholehearted belief and company. No matter what the tribulations, she will not waver, just stick to Lan Li's side, walk through the storm, help each other, and forge ahead.

that's enough.

Unconsciously, Lan Li's body seemed to have lost its support, and she slowly leaned on Rooney's shoulders, and her rapid and flustered breathing slowly calmed down.

But despite this, Lan Li still didn't fall asleep for too long. After only half an hour passed, he woke up, sat up straight again, and looked at Rooney who was sitting quietly next to him; Rooney didn't say much, just Facing Lan Li's sight firmly, the two did not communicate, but found similar perseverance in each other's eyes.

Rooney took the initiative to move forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of Lanly's mouth, and said softly, "Paul will be fine."

"Yeah." Lan Li gently chinked his head in agreement, and looked up and down at Rooney, who was wearing heavy makeup, but didn't ask what was going on with this makeup, but said worriedly, "Beware of colds."

Rooney shook her head, "Don't worry about me. I am still more worried about you, how is your health?"

"Skin trauma. It's okay." Lan Li didn't hide it, but just walked over lightly. Before Rooney asked, he immediately changed the subject, "How is the operation going?"

"No news yet. It's still in progress." Rooney whispered, but before her voice could fall, a doctor in a blue surgical gown walked over, "Excuse me, are you Paul Walker's family member? Dr. Sheppard asked me to come over and report to you on the progress of the operation."

Lan Li, Ryan, and Rooney all stood up.

"The bleeding point in the abdominal cavity has been found. We have found three bleeding points in total and successfully completed the repair. Now we are sutured after the operation. There is no problem with this part. You don't need to worry about the bleeding. The point has also been found. Now Dr. Sheppard is trying to stop the bleeding and repair, but found a small blood vessel ruptured in a traffic accident. We still need more time to complete the repair."

The other party’s words were understated, and it didn’t seem to be a big deal, but the faces of the three people in front of them looked very solemn. The visitor paused for a moment, and then added, “This is not an emergency. We are preparing for the operation~www.NovelMTL .com~ All of these conditions have been taken into consideration. Dr. Shepard has prepared for it and is still planning. Please trust Dr. Shepard, he is a well-respected doctor in the entire Los Angeles area. He will concentrate on completing his work. "

These remarks still did not solve the problem, but at least it can ease tension slightly: the situation is still under control, which is good news.

"The operation will take another five to six hours. You can go to the hospital restaurant to have a meal first, and you only need to leave one person here. We will report on the situation every once in a while to ensure that you can know the latest news. But now trust me, Dr. Shepard, we are all doing our best."

After a few simple greetings, the doctor quickly turned around, walked back to the operating room, and went to work again.

The waiting time is always so long and suffering, and now they have to suffer, but Lanly is grateful for the suffering like never before, because Paul is still there, death still has not taken him away, hope still exists.

Hope survives.

This is the best news. Even if the suffering will continue, he will be happy.

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