The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1614: Personally

"Gravity" and "Interstellar Crossing" are two completely different works. Although they both involve shooting in a non-gravity environment in space, the storylines are quite different.

"Gravity" is in a state of weightlessness throughout the whole process. How to present this gravity-free environment has become a problem for the entire crew. Alfonso-Caron spent many years exploring the effects created by lighting and mirror movement. Finally, Only then created the light box and completed an impossible shooting task.

"Interstellar traversal" is almost in a state of gravity throughout the entire process, whether the spacecraft or the two planets in space, all simulate the gravity environment of the earth-because the task is to find an earth-like planet suitable for human survival, which makes the special effects team Focus more on the visual effects production of interstellar crossing.

In the latter's entire shooting concept, the only weightless state appears in the five-dimensional space-time:

Cooper floated in the space-time tunnel and completely lost himself. If he did not find a solution, he would be lost in the five-dimensional space-time forever; then Cooper found the timeline, found Murphy's room, and sent it through gravitational waves. Signal, I hope Murphy can decipher the code.

For such an important part of the filming work, Christopher Nolan naturally completed the idea ahead of time.

Because of the particularity of the five-dimensional space-time hypercube, the turbulent light and shadow from all directions are always changing. Furthermore, the light changes in different spaces will further affect the light floating on the three-dimensional surface where Cooper is located, which is bound to become computer vision. The important task of the special effects group; but at the same time, it also means that the audience's attention will be focused on the hypercube, and the attention of the weightless effect will also be diverted.

Before "gravity", Hollywood has formed a relatively stable system for shooting in the state of weightlessness, mainly using green screen followed by Wia technology to create the effect of characters floating in mid-air, and then using post-production special effects to create the whole Although the atmosphere is not perfect, it is simple and convenient; and for non-professionals, the flaws are not big.

In the five-dimensional space-time, the light fluctuations are very intense and very special, which can weaken the audience's attention to the weightless state invisibly, and put more emphasis on the hypercube, which also makes the WIA technology more effective. To achieve the desired effect in a weightless environment.

This is Christopher's original filming plan.

The lighting problem raised by Lan Li is still within the scope of Christopher's vision-compared with the actor and the director, the director obviously has a more say in the lighting problem; but there is another issue mentioned in Lan Li’s words, "Body "Bulky", this is a part that the director and lighting engineer can't feel personally, which gives Christopher more inspiration.

To put it simply, the question raised by Lan Li started from Christopher's other ideas, and it was straightforward.

Then Lan Li realized that he had opened the Pandora's Box-just like Lan Li's obsession with performance, Christopher's obsession with the picture is no small thing.

It took less than 30 minutes for Lan Li to arrive at the crew, and before he even walked the entire 18th studio, he was arrested as a guinea pig: the Wia experiment and the lighting experiment.

This could have been done by a stand-in, but in Christopher’s original words, “Since Lan Li has just raised the question about his body’s cumbersomeness, then if Lan Li can go to the battle in person, let’s take a look at the weight of WIA. Adjust, and understand Lanli’s sense of balance and state at the same time, that’s the best, isn’t it?"

Christopher is serious. Lan Li did not refuse either.

Therefore, Lan Li put on the WIA equipment, was hung in the air, entered the square box in the center, and began to adjust.

Emma Thomas immediately contacted the more professional WIA stunt team to come to the studio site, joined the original stunt team, and discussed specific solutions with Christopher, the lighting team, and the VFX team. Now they are trying to add Wia, like a marionette, hanging Wia for Lan Li’s two ankles, and then use the Wia technician to control Lan Li’s floating trajectory.

This is not an easy task.

The main Wia is tied to the waist and hip to ensure the stability of the main body; the auxiliary Wia is tied to the ankle to ensure the freedom of movement of the limbs.

When the body moves, then the main torso moves, and the auxiliary Wia needs to relax and return the control of the limbs to Lan Li; when the body is still, because the whole person is suspended in the air, the control of the limbs is If you can't find the power point, the cumbersome feeling described by Lan Li will inevitably appear. At this time, the auxiliary Wia needs to pull up his legs and cooperate with Lan Li's movements to appear floating in the air.

Simply put, actors and technicians need to cooperate with each other to find a relatively stable rhythm and way to make the shooting more smoothly.

At the same time, the lighting engineer and the photographer need to cooperate with each other to find the lighting position, use the light and shadow dislocation to further highlight the floating effect in the weightless state, and reduce the visual effect of body sinking as much as possible; finally, the final computer special effect is used to complete The weightlessness of the entire five-dimensional space-time.

This is a very, very difficult and tedious job.

However, Lan Li was not impatient at all, and conscientiously adjusted his body position with the Wia technicians. Sometimes, everyone stood underneath and engaged in fierce arguments, while Lan Li was suspended in mid-air for five minutes. Ten minutes passed, and it seemed that everyone had forgotten the existence of Lan Li.

Those who have really tried Viagra know that this is an extremely painful thing.

Because the whole body depends on a steel wire rope to maintain, it also means that all the weight is pressed on one's waist and hips. Even if there is no special movement, the feeling of pressure will be squeezed little by little. A lot of bruises will appear on the waist and hips when the muscles are pressed. The skin is worn out. The most serious problem may occur in muscles and bones, which will directly lead to the inability to stand up. If you need to perform movements, then the pain will be painful. Will rise exponentially.

The flying cornices and fairy-style bones seen on the screen of the movie are definitely a severe test of the body and will during the filming process.

In most crews, the actors almost use the substitutes when they can use the substitutes. They really can't use the substitutes before they go to the battle.

Now Jessica Chastain and Timothy Chalamet raised their heads and looked at Lan Li hanging in mid-air, their expressions could not help showing a worried look.

Megan Shanke, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but muttered, "What the **** is Lan Li? These tasks can be done by professional stunt actors."

In fact, the "Interstellar" crew does not have a stand-in. Because there are no martial arts scenes and no dangerous scenes, there is no need for a stuntman at all. But now there is a special situation. If there is a need, finding a stuntman in Burbank is just a phone call; and Lan Li still chooses to go to the battle in person.

"Len Li is now worth more than 100 million yuan. Isn't this embarrassing the crew?" Megan vomited while worrying. The contradictory mood made people laugh.

Jessica couldn't help but chuckled, "He deliberately made the crew a headache, you know, all the expenses can be reimbursed by the insurance company."

The current value of Lanli is completely different. This is reflected in all aspects, not only the remuneration, but also the treatment of the crew. The most important change is insurance.

When Lan Li joined the "Interstellar" crew, according to the contract, they must provide sufficient protection for Lan Li. Warner Bros. purchased an insurance with a very high compensation amount-rumored that the amount has exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars. This insurance will fully cover all problems during the work of the crew, including illnesses, accidents, mental breakdowns, etc. Wait.

For reference, top stars such as Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks have insurance regulations when signing contracts. If the insurance amount is not high enough, then dangerous actions should be performed by stunt actors as much as possible.

In some special moments, it's not that the actors are not professional enough, but the film companies worry that the actors are too professional because they don't want to pay high insurance premiums. Film companies are more inclined to adopt double actors, so things are much simpler-their insurance premiums may be only one-tenth or one-twentieth of the top actors, or even lower. This is for film companies. It's a lot more cost-effective, this is the right business experience.

For example, when Tom Cruise was shooting "Mission Impossible 6", he personally went into battle and jumped off the building while hanging Wia, but accidentally hit his knee and ankle, which scared Paramount into a cold sweat. Not only did it delay the shooting process, but also need to worry about Tom's follow-up health. If possible, Paramount would rather Tom not be so desperate.

Of course this situation is still very, very rare, and more often actors take the initiative to hand over to the substitute to complete the work. What's more special is that, like Van Diesel, in order to show his big-name qualities, he refused to go to the battle in person and pushed everything to the substitute, which made his fellow actors even more embarrassed.

Now, Lan Li's level has also reached the level of top superstars. Not only "interstellar", when shooting other commercial films in the future, this is also a part of the contract that must be guaranteed.

However, Jessica's ridicule was obviously a joke, and Megan was helpless.

At this moment, several other staff members heard low voices behind them.

"...I don't understand either, maybe he was just to gain a reputation..."

"Che, why does he want to blog? If he doesn't, what do you think other people can say? Do you think other film companies don't want to find him? He doesn't need to blog at all, okay?"

"Yes, he is now worth more than 100 million yuan, even if it is for fame, it is not necessary. Have you heard how much his salary income for the "Drunk Country Folk Song" this time?"

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