The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1602: Out of the ordinary

All the Don Quixotes were cheering, jumping, and screaming, and the vigorous sound continued to agitate in the Madison Square Garden.

The turbulent and hot sound waves penetrated the walls and spread out towards the outside of the square garden. The fans gathered outside the venue looked at each other and were itchy. There was no special incident just now. Why did the infield suddenly cheer? What's going on inside now?

Does anyone know?

In the hustle and bustle, the outfield fans finally couldn't bear their excitement. They went to the closed gate of the square garden and asked the security guards about the details. After going around and around, they finally got the news, and then the excitement continued like a gurgling volcano. Broke out:

"Second series! Second series! Master announced! Second series is here!"

It was just the simplest sentence, a stone caused a thousand waves of waves. After everyone was stunned for a while, the entire outfield burst up like this, one after another cheering, everyone was high-fiving, everyone was enjoying each other. Everyone is celebrating.

This is the end of the year party!

In the Madison Square Garden, Don Quixotes were cheering and shouting, and the other fans next to them stared at the weeping faces of joy with sorrow, puzzled.

In fact, fans of Justin Timberlake can also feel this emotion, because Justin has always been out of business in the past few years. The release of albums is getting slower and slower and the interval is getting longer and longer. The voices of fans have never been extinguished. However, when Justin officially announced that the new album was already in production, the fans were also filled with emotion, but... it shouldn't be so gloomy, would it?

Don Quixote is Don Quixote after all. No matter how large the group is, they are still a small group that is not understood by the mainstream thinking of the world. They can only gather together, singing, dancing, and living alone, just like Crazy. Or in other words, maybe they are lunatics.

But they don't need to care about the sight of others, just wantonly carnival and celebration, as if everything else in the whole world is no longer important.

In a trance, other fans became a "minority group", squeezed out lonely and lonely. Those puzzles and confusions still linger in their chests, but a little envious yearning breeds faintly—sometimes, no Need to care about the sight of others and really insist on being yourself, is it happier?

The feeling of envy only stayed in my mind for a short time, then it disappeared, and I cast my sight on the stage again. This is just a concert, so why bother to think about life and happiness? ? All they need is to be immersed in the party atmosphere, what else do they need?

Perhaps this is the difference between Don Quixote and other fans, and it is also the difference between Renly and other artists.

Sitting on the stage, Lan Li could not accurately capture those emotional changes. He just watched the cheers of the Don Quixotes in front of him, and the smiles at the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. This is enough-in the vast crowd, at least It is enough to be able to find a piece of the world that belongs to him.

"So, I guess, the news just now is a late Christmas gift." Lan Li teased briskly. The subtext is that "message" is a gift. As for the album, I will wait and see; Don Quixote on the spot. The Germans immediately uttered a group of low complaints, like a kerosene lamp bar.

Lan Li's eyes flashed slightly, a glimmer of pride faded away, and the corners of his mouth became more relaxed, "According to the normal process, I should sing another song now, but because of my own opinion just now, I hit it. Messing up the plan, this is obviously not the right approach. In order not to grab the performance time of other singers, I decided to invite the next performer to the stage now—oh, my ears are really itchy."

Some people say bad things behind their backs, which makes their ears itchy.

In an understatement, the friends standing at the backstage were hit by arrows collectively.

Justin Timberlake was the first to protest, "Hey! It's not me! It's definitely not me!" But then he found that everyone else was sitting on the ground with a look of old gods, and he was the only one who had acted too much. Excited, but as if trying to cover up, he simply spread his hands, "Please, isn't it? Is it all on Lanli's side, no one is on my side?"

Everyone "betrayed" Justin and "sold" him to Renly. Suddenly Justin became isolated and helpless, so Justin made a joke.

Everyone laughed collectively.

The captain of the Blessed Sons, Marcus Mamford, patted Justin on the shoulder, "There is no way, everyone is stepping on high and low. The reality is so cruel, our hands are also blocked, it is true. There is nothing he can do." After he finished speaking, he still nodded heartily and heartily, aggravating his tone.

Justin is also a life treasure, acting very grandiosely, "Oh! God! I was also a super boy, okay?"

"Justin?" There was a call from the stage, which was the voice of Lan Li.

Justin's movements immediately freeze on the spot, motionless like a wooden man, only his eyes are turning steadily, which makes the appearance even more funny, as if he was caught on the spot by saying bad things about others behind his back.

"No, no, no." Amidst the loud cheers of Madison Square Garden, Lan Li's voice came again, "He is the absolute superstar of the entire bar, he is the most popular in the 1960s and now. The one." From the movie to reality, "So he still needs his own stage. I will invite Ed to the stage first. I believe we should be able to collide with some sparks."

Justin’s expression was very wonderful, because he didn’t know what expression he should make for a while-Lan Li’s words could be called a twist. In a short period of time, he changed several styles. In the end, Justin deliberately made a dumb and eats Huanglian. Looks sad, as if it is expressing:

Sure enough, I was the one to be squeezed out.

Justin is one of the most lively treasures in the entire "Drunk Country Folk Songs" crew. With his own power, he set off the atmosphere of the backstage. Everyone burst into laughter again; but Ed Sheeran has no time to stop and continue to be happy. Picking up his guitar, he hurriedly left the backstage.

Ed quickly walked onto the stage, a spotlight shrouded him, but he had just walked halfway, and walked back again, seeming to be leaving-it looks like stage fright, the audience Dumbfounded and inexplicable, then the staff could be seen walking towards him and handing the chair and microphone stand to Ed.

Laughing collectively.

Ed was also a little embarrassed, showing a shy smile, and ran to the center of the stage quickly. After a while, he set up his chair and microphone stand, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said hesitantly into the microphone. "Hey, everyone, good evening, I'm Ed Sheeran."

"Hey, Lan Li." Ed turned his head and showed a shy smile. His gaze was just a glance at Lan Li, and then he quickly retracted it.

"Hey, Ed." Lanly noticed Ed's nervousness and greeted him solemnly. "If I remember correctly, today should not be our first meeting; or the last time we met. Something unpleasant happened?"

"No, no, no." Eddy waved his hand again and again, denying hurriedly. He couldn't joke as easily as Renly or Justin. This is not his strong point. "I'm just... just a little nervous. This is our first time. Officially staged a cooperative performance. Obviously, many things are different now."

Back then, Lan Li was still a fledgling rookie actor, and Ed was still an obscure street musician. The two met for the first time at the entrance of the Nokia Theatre and they performed the song "Ophelia" together. More precisely, It should be a joint creation; in the short span of a few years after that, the world has been vicissitudes of life, and the lives of the two people have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the two have met many times on different occasions, they never performed on the same stage again.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to this. Maybe we can form a limited combination of temporary duets and stand on stage tonight to perform." Lan Li said with a smile, and he always looked forward to working with Eddy again. , The shooting opportunity of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" was missed, but I didn't expect there would be a concert, so I can't miss it again.

Without too much politeness, Lan Li gently sketched a chord.

"Ophelia? Or Cleopatra?" Renly sent out an invitation.

The former is a song created by two people together; the latter is a song that attracted Ren Li's attention after Ed's street performance. For two friends, these two songs are of special commemorative significance.

Ed immediately understood. Although his sense of humor has not yet been able to show through UU Reading, when he mentions music, he naturally awakens all the memories in his mind, "'Ophelia'?"

"No problem." Lan Li gently closed his jaw, and exchanged a glance with Ed, and the two were hitting the rhythm.

Although I haven't cooperated for a long time, it was the same on the night I met for the first time. The two people have something in common with the melody, rhythm and rhythm of the lyrics. The rhythm was found in the exchange of sight, and Ed began to use it. Hitting the box of the guitar with both hands creates the drums in such a simple way.

Everything is like the night of first acquaintance.

The arc of Lan Li's mouth rose up and hummed softly.

"Ah, ah, when I was young... I, I, should be wiser... but I can't feel the slightest regret, and you don't have the original expectations."

There was no need to call or mobilize. The Don Quixotes in the audience spontaneously began to beat their hands, matching Ed's drums with applause, and accompany Lan Li with vigorous waves.

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