The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1595: Revisit the old place

Friday, December 27th, 2013.

Another year is about to pass. Residents of global villages from all over the world and all over the world have gathered in the palm-sized Manhattan, waiting for the New Year's Eve just before them, bidding farewell to the past and welcoming the future in a carnival of selflessness; so, Christmas The family carnival atmosphere of the festival is still surging in the air, and the wanton and publicity of the New Year's Eve party has quietly spread all over the streets of the city.

This is the most lively moment of the year, and it is also the most active moment. Even the homeless people who wander the streets and lanes of the long night seem to be enjoying the joy and joy of the holiday, but those lonely and lonely backs reveal something. A touch of sadness, there is nowhere to be placed in the cold and the ground, and the cold and warmth in the white snow intertwined with each other, which has become the most special season of the year.

At this time, it was only three o’clock in the afternoon, and the cold wind was rustling in the thin sun. Even wearing a thick down coat, it still could not stop the wind from raging, but gradually, the pervasive biting cold wind seemed to no longer be important, because Attention has been completely separated from the changes in temperature and the chill of the body, but joined the discussion in front of him with hands dancing, mouth foaming and splashing, and the blood began to boil.

Cecilia Wilton sat cross-legged in her tent quietly, listening attentively to the comments coming from the side——

"I saw Lan Li once in Toronto, God, he himself is really shining. I mean, he actually walked up to us in person to condolences everyone who was waiting in line. He even was willing to sit on the floor and discuss the film festival with us. He was serious about the works screened during the period."

"Have you never heard of the young master in Cannes? It suddenly rained, and the young master still prepared coffee on the spot for the reporters who lined up early. Later, someone said that the young master was purely to please the media, but he really understood the young master. Everyone knows that he doesn't need to please anyone at all, and he doesn't bother to please anyone."

"Is Lan Li really perfect? ​​No way... Too perfect always feels unreal..."

"Haha, of course not. Those who say that the young master is perfect, probably haven't had close contact with the young master? Do you know why the young master is a real hereditary aristocrat? His arrogance and coldness have always kept a sufficient distance, even if it is right The same goes for movie fans, he never changes his principles."

"Then... Then why does everyone say he is good?"

"Because only those who really understand the young master can understand his goodness. He is not a youth idol, and he does not need a lot of followers, just like Don Quixote. If you want to know the young master, his movies and music It’s the best way. The young master once said that the things he wants to show are already present in his own work. It is the most authentic and sincere, without the need for social networking platforms to modify."

"Yes, yes, yes, Master's music is really beautiful. Have you heard that song "Say You Will Not Give Up"? Even now, every time I listen to it, I still feel so touched. That's just our Don Kyrgyzstan. Only when Hede can understand the sadness."

"But...I still like Renly's movies more..."

"Don’t tell me something like EGOT. I always think that the young master’s music is the most sincere and purest. You can hear his voice in it. Otherwise, why do you think the album "Don Quixote" is like this. Especially? Those melody and lyrics are about the young master's personal experience; and this time in the performance in the "Drunk Country Folk Songs" is also the case, that is Lan Li!"

"I'm not saying that Lanly's music is not good enough, but I like Lanly's movies more. When he appears on the big screen, his eyes are narrating the character's story, as if you can play with him Communicate and quietly listen to his inner voice. I like "Drunk Country Folk Songs" just like "Love Is Crazy"."

"No, no, you didn't understand what I meant. I mean, the young master is always interpreting other people in the performance, and in the music is the real self."

"Why are you so determined? I always feel that he interprets his own mental journey in the "Drunken Country Folk Songs", and the same is true for "Love Is Crazy". I really fell in love with Jacob deeply. Bu. God, I now think of Jacob’s eyes again. When he looked at Anna, his eyes really filled the world!"

"Have you heard of it? When Jacob and Anna officially dated for the first time in'Love Is Crazy,' what did the two of them write in their notebooks?"

"I know I know! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Later, there was an announcement on the'Tonight Show', it was too sweet, if a man fell for me like this, I would really melt. What's more, it is Lanly Hall! God, that's Renly Hall! No, I'm starting to feel weaker now."


The whispering voices are endless, surrounded by all sides, some agree with others, some are not; some are fresh, some are familiar; some are paranoid, some are fun... Behind those enthusiastic voices, you can really feel them His joy and excitement, even if he didn't participate in it, were enough to make Cecilia's mouth rise.

Cecilia Wilton, her more well-known identity is "Brando Fanatic", as an illustrator, her Lan Li has won numerous praises and admiration on social networking platforms, even though there is now a lot of praise about Lan Li. There are countless watercolors and sketches, but many people say that she is the painter who can best capture the charm of Lan Li, which has also made her reputation more and more prosperous.

Now, Cecilia has changed her job to become a professional painter, and has published her own picture album and created her own life. But the only thing that hasn’t changed is that the Lan Li in her pen is not for money or fame, but purely out of love. She always likes to see Lan Li’s eye contour gradually come to life under the brush, and capture that A touch of charm between Gu and Pan's brilliance.

With Cecilia’s current status and status, if she wants to, she can sit in the signing event by herself. Naturally, there is no need to attend all kinds of fan meetings or movie premieres like small fans. , More often, she is now used to sitting in front of the computer and silently expressing her support.

But after the news of the "Menghui Kerosene Lamp Bar" concert came out, Cecilia couldn't restrain her excitement and excitement. She still remembers the original "One Man Concert", and she dreamed again at midnight. Captured the fragments of those memories, but still burst into tears, unable to extricate himself, warm and bitter, sad and happy.

Without any hesitation, Cecilia decided to participate.

Even if her current status is "different", even if she is now past the age of a little girl chasing stars, even if she does not have to follow the crowd in a crowded line, but standing in front of Lan Li, she is still an ordinary Fans of Tong are swayed by the idol's every move, enjoying the simplest and purest joy and happiness.

She is still the "Brando fanatic".

In order to get the right to enter Madison Square Garden upright, she still took her camping tent forty-eight hours in advance and arrived at the scene fully armed and lined up.

Although Cecilia had already advanced forty-eight hours, Don Quixote's enthusiasm was still beyond her imagination. The queue that arrived at the scene earlier than her had exceeded fifty people, and the scene was spectacular and blue. The high popularity can also be seen. The fans' mood began to jump up before the concert even started.

In fact, Cecilia likes this kind of occasion very very

A group of like-minded friends gathered together to discuss the same topics, similar experiences, and similar views, sharing their enthusiasm and excitement. Just a detail or a small matter can resonate with everyone around you. , The sense of existence and reality at that moment was stronger than ever.

It's like now.

Regardless of whether the discussion topics have been experienced or not, and whether the content of the discussion is realistic or not, Cecilia still enjoys it.

In a trance, Cecilia seemed to have returned to the night of "One Man's Concert", quietly listening to the singing from the depths of Lan Li's heart. That performance belonged to Heather Cross and also belonged to Don Quixote. Yes, every note and melody can easily touch her heart.

"What do you think?" Suddenly, a voice came, and Cecilia didn't care too much. The Don Quixotes gathered around were at least seven or eight. This may be asking anyone, but Immediately afterwards, someone politely reached out and grabbed Cecilia's gaze. She turned her head, and then saw a youthful face with a bright smile on her face, reflecting the appearance of her youth.

Cecilia didn't know why: She didn't participate in everyone's discussion at all, she just listened to Why did the topic fall on her?

"Sorry. I just think that you are also the first Don Quixote to come to the line. I take it for granted that you should also be a loyal fan, so I am curious about what you think. If you bother, then I'm really sorry." The young girl scratched her head, stuck her tongue out, and said with some embarrassment.

Cecilia was stunned, and then smiled, "No, I don't mind." Then, she thought about it seriously, and the memories of that night in Madison Square Garden came to mind again:

Lan Li just bathed in a spotlight quietly. There was no fancy stage or gorgeous costumes. He just sang "Say you won't give up" sincerely and earnestly. He has kept his promise. He only hoped that the girl who fought with death could also keep her promise.

However, her youth is still fixed forever at the age of seventeen.

Then, when Lanly stood on the Grammy stage, he sang a cappella: "So when you are weak, when you kneel down, I will do my best for the rest of the time to guard your vows. , Fresh and real."

he made it.

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