The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1591: Expansion curve

"Drunk Country Folk Songs" was officially screened, announcing the awards season battle to add another general. Although Lan Li is intensively filming "Interstellar Crossing" in Iceland, it completely missed the "Drunk Country Folk Songs" pre-propaganda, but this did not harm the movie The spotlight frenzy, with a posture of creating a historical record of the box office of a single library!

As an art film, in the North American weekend box office battle, it is destined to be unable to compare with the commercial film, but "Drunk Country Folk Songs" succeeded in occupying a place in the North American weekend box office rankings in the second week of December. The miraculous "gravity" is still on the list, and Renly's appeal in the entire North American film market needless to say.

Faced with such a good performance, Sony Classic not only did not get complacent, but also became more cautious. It is necessary to understand the release strategy of Sony Classic this year.

As we all know, the awards season is a long process. Every film distribution company will cast the net widely. Starting from the Cannes Film Festival in the first half of the year, the seed players have been successively included in the banner, until the Telluride Film Festival as a temporary Comma-Although there are still occasional dark horses after this, but after all, it is a minority, and most of the final Oscar winners will come from the previous interval.

In other words, each distribution company will have multiple works that impact the awards season. The Weinstein brothers are the most. They may even include more than twenty works in their hands, and then travel to major film festivals. According to word of mouth Eliminate step by step with feedback, and finally select your own seed players before and after the Golden Globe Awards:

No. 1 seed, No. 2 seed. Occasionally there may be a third seed, but basically two seeded players are selected, and public relations are further carried out based on the competition for various awards. For example, all public relations of "Iron Lady" are concentrated on the heroine, and for example, "Midnight" All the focus of "Paris" falls on the best original screenplay, and only a few works can compete for multiple awards.

This is why people always say "nomination depends on strength, and awards depend on luck", because strength and quality have become secondary factors in the college public relations process. After the issuer and the public relations company have weighed their interests, they will inevitably have a focus. Some strengths Outstanding works may not be the most suitable for public relations marketing, or the parties are not good at public relations marketing, then they are bound to be abandoned, and the nomination has been capped.

This is why the industry has always criticized the Weinstein brothers. Harvey Weinstein made a decisive move and collected a lot of works under his own banner. However, after the New York Film Festival, he began to abandon the abandoned sons. The work didn't even have a chance to enter the public relations promotion in December, so it was abandoned by Harvey, and no one cares about it.

For commercial films, even if no one cares about them, they are still displayed on theater chains or video rental shelves. For art films, once they are abandoned, they are truly dark and no one knows. It is not always possible for professionals in the industry to know the existence of these works, let alone ordinary audiences?

For independent film art creators, being given up by Harvey is basically equivalent to nullifying all their previous efforts. Life is better than death.

Of course, from a business perspective, Harvey's decision is understandable, which is why he was able to succeed. However, without human touch and artistic taste, when everything is reduced to commercial figures, artistic creation becomes useless, and the quality of finished films will naturally gradually decline.

In recent years, even the Hollywood industry has expressed serious dissatisfaction with Harvey, but Harvey's long-sleeved dance and slick face will never offend those bigwigs easily, and those who are under oppression have no way to complain, so he also Increasingly, the family became dominant. Now many issuing companies are secretly uniting, helping each other to support each other, hoping to break through Harvey's blockade above the Oscars and win a little breathing space.

Back to the Sony classic.

The preparations for this year’s Sony Classic awards season can only be said to be mediocre, with the Weinstein brothers before, followed by Focus Films and Fox Searchlight. Since 2010, the Sony Classic’s awards season has been in a deadlock and no breakthrough can be achieved— In 2011, there were two leading works, "A Farewell" and "Midnight Paris". In 2012, only four works were left: "Love in Rome", "Say No to Chile", "Love" and "Looking for the Sugar Man".

In terms of quantity, 2012 was even better than 2011, but why did it regress?

In 2012, with the exception of Woody Allen, who has been cooperating with Sony Classics for a long time, the other three works are all foreign language works. It is also because this work was not favored in the early stage of the Cannes Film Festival, and they took the lead in winning the North American distribution rights in front of their competitors.

Just a year ago, "A Farewell" swept all the most important awards at the Berlin Film Festival. Sony Classics still easily defeated all competitors and won it strongly, but now their situation is becoming more and more difficult.

It can't be said to be a downfall, but Sony Classics does need to find a breakthrough: Otherwise, how can Sony Classics be willing to cooperate with Sisyphus Pictures, who has no qualifications and no experience, and win the co-production rights of "Burst Drummer" first?

So far, there are only four seeded players in Sony’s classic awards season film list—compared to the Weinstein brothers, who easily grabbed the right to distribute double-digit works, it can be said to be shabby; even more bleak. , Three of the four seed works are all related.

Woody Allen's "Blue Jasmine", "Midnight Barcelona" in 2008 is the last work of Woody and Weinstein Films' cooperation in the awards season. After that, from 2009's "Anything "In the beginning, all Woody's works were released by Sony Classics, and the two sides signed a long-term cooperation agreement.

Askha-Fahati’s "Past" and "A Parting" two years ago were the first cooperation between the two parties, and Sony Classics successfully pushed this work to the throne of the best foreign language film, and also Won the nomination for best original screenplay, the pleasant experience promoted the cooperation again this time.

Richard Linklater’s "Love Before Midnight". In the past few years, Richard has never had a fixed partner. Each time it was a small-cost independent work. After it was completed, he would look for a publisher. Chad shot "Love Before Dawn", which was released by Sony Classics.

The last is the "Drunk Country Folk Song" of the Coen Brothers.

It can be clearly seen that the current situation of the Sony Classic is indeed not so good; but the positive factor is that, in this way, they will concentrate all their energy on these four works, and the resources of the college’s public relations will be more concentrated, and the competition for the award season For war, this is a good thing. What's more, the focus of the four works should be different.

"Blue Jasmine" focuses on the best original screenplay and best actress, and "The Past" focuses on the best foreign language films and best actresses—but the latter's heroine Begenis-Beggio's public relations resources obviously fall on Behind the former female number one Cate Blanchett, in addition, "Love Before Midnight" focuses on the best adapted screenplay.

As for "Drunk Country Folk Songs", judging from the current reputation and popularity, the best film, best director, best actor, best supporting actress and other awards can all be competed for. This is bound to become the Sony Classic awards season this year. The highlight.

Now that the first week of the show has received such an excellent response, the public relations department and the publicity department need to be more cautious. If the expansion rhythm is wrong, it can easily ruin the future of an awards season work, similar to the case. There are countless counts, and they naturally dare not take it lightly. The higher the expectations, the more careful planning and calculations are required.

In the third week of December, after careful consideration, Sony Classics still did not rush to expand, and carefully adjusted its pace. It expanded from four theaters to eight, only adding one city in Los Angeles. However, the number of theaters is still concentrated in New York. , There are a total of seven theaters, and Los Angeles has only one, vaguely a little bit of a stone-questioning meaning—

Can the folk petty bourgeoisie story of Greenwich Village be acceptable to Los Angeles?

The East Coast and West Coast have always had different tastes for art and culture, not to mention the rare type of folk songs. Even the popular rap and hip-hop in the United States have an atmosphere of "East Coast School" and "West Coast School", and they have been arguing for many years; then; Needless to say, the preferences of the movie.

Adopting such a careful screening strategy is nothing more than hoping that professional and senior movie fans can enter the theater line for the first time, and then interpret and evaluate the film, bringing more praise, so that other ordinary audiences can be psychologically prepared, or even in advance. The film has more in-depth understanding, UU reading pave the way for subsequent expansion.

Sony Classics is obviously worried about the "negative" word-of-mouth spread too fast, so this has firmly controlled the number of theaters.

Senior film fans in Los Angeles have expressed their strong dissatisfaction. Isn't this an obvious look down on them? Isn't their aesthetic taste inferior to New York? Or think they are only suitable for watching popcorn? But after all, there was no further complaint: it's better to have a cinema chain than not to have it, right?

In comparison, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and other cities still need to be patient, and a small number of fanatic fans in Los Angeles are already very lucky.

Interestingly speaking, this week the North American film market began to lively again. In terms of commercial blockbusters, "The Hobbit 2" officially debuted. In terms of art works, there were star-studded "American Scams" and "Big Dreamers". , The focus is definitely not a few, but "Drunk Country Folk Songs" still dominates the list, as if it has become the new favorite of the hot seeds of the awards season.

Judging from the box office of a single library, Sony’s classic click-through strategy has clearly achieved results:

For the second week in a row, "Drunk Country Folk Songs" once again wrote history!

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