The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1578: Parenting

Not long ago, Mei Duo ran away from home. Fortunately, it wasn't that kind of disappearing without a word, otherwise Paul would directly report the crime.

At the beginning, Paul was able to contact Meiduo, but Meiduo refused to reveal his position, only that he needed to be quiet; Paul was always worried about Meiduo’s safety outside alone, so he could only kill him and hope that Mei Duo comes back soon, everything can be solved face to face.

The teenagers and girls in the youth rebellious period were naturally unwilling to compromise easily, and then Mei Duo simply turned off the phone.

For Paul, worrying about Meiduo’s safety is the most important thing; but in addition, Paul also began to severely blame himself, thinking that after all, he still failed to establish a good communication bridge with Meiduo, which led to Meiduo’s When he ran away from home, he took the responsibility on himself.

There is something special about Paul and Medot. Now Mei Duo is only fifteen years old and she is still a minor. Mei Duo's custody belongs to her mother Rebecca. However, Rebecca respects Mei Duo's wishes and agrees with Paul's sincerity, so she agrees. Mei Duo moved to Los Angeles.

Regardless of whether there is an accident with Meiduo, if Rebecca learns of this situation, she can order Meiduo to return to Hawaii, which also means that Paul and Meiduo can't be with each other. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Paul, and he even began to doubt himself: Is it more appropriate for Medot to stay with her mother?

In fact, Mei Duo ran away from home is the most recent thing. Paul informed Lan Li the first time. On the one hand, he hoped that Mei Duo might be willing to answer Lan Li’s call, or even contact Lan Li directly; It is also seeking the opinions of Lan Li, hoping to find a solution.

Paul, who is working on the filming of the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 7" crew, seems to be restless, and Lan Li can only comfort Paul with a voice: rebellious teenagers are unpredictable and unable to appease, as the only parent can What I did was to wait quietly by my side, and then pray that everything would settle down.

Paul didn't know how to become a qualified father, and Renly didn't know either.

Starting yesterday, Mei Duo officially shut down, and Paul was in a mess; he did not expect that Mei Duo would appear in front of Lan Li in less than twenty-four hours.

Therefore, as Lanly said, he is on Paul's side, and he has no way to help May conceal his whereabouts. At least, he needs to tell Paul that Medo is safe and sound.

At this time, Mei Duo, who was standing next to Lan Li, didn't know that Paul was suffering. The fifteen-year-old girl was enjoying her free time.

Although Lan Li wanted to reprimand Mei Duo very much, after another thought, how could every teenager be like this during his rebellious period? They are fighting against everything: against their parents, against society, against life, and even against themselves. If he reprimanded Mei Duo now, it would be self-defeating if Mei Duo might disappear again.

Therefore, Lan Li adopted a roundabout policy of tenderness. Although he is not a father yet, his relationship with the two children during the recent period has helped a lot.

Listening quietly, Mei Duo's eyes couldn't help but slowly brighten again. In those seemingly simple words, there was a wanton and joyful yearning for freedom, and then she couldn't help but start talking Share your experiences and feelings.

In the past few days, Meadow left Los Angeles and came to Calgary. He started hiking in Banff National Park. He was accompanied by three other friends, all young people living in Los Angeles. High school students-this is the middle of the semester, but they have escaped the shackles of the classroom, eager to breathe free air.

Quietly, under the guidance of Lan Li's needle, Mei Duo poured out all her experiences and stories of the past period of time, and she happily told about the wonderful moments of life, and the ins and outs of things The piece is finished.

After saying everything, Mei Duo realized that she had just explained all of her old bottoms, and looked at Lan Li dumbfounded, "" Knowing what to do, he stomped his feet with a gloomy look at the end, but after all he didn't say anything.

Lanly did not refute or excuse him. He remained calm and said seriously, "You know, you can tell Paul about these things, and he won't object."

Paul himself is an outdoor sports enthusiast, and if Medot is willing to try, Paul will definitely not stop him. Obviously, there are other reasons for Mei Duo to choose to run away from home.

"I know I know." Mei Duo said slightly irritated, but didn't know how to express it. He looked at Lan Li again, seeming to hesitate for a moment, and finally said his true feelings, "I know he is working hard. Everything is very good, very good, but sometimes it is really good. You know, if I really ask, he rarely says'no' and I can always achieve my goal."

Lan Li blinked. This time it was his turn for the confused person, "Isn't...Isn't this a good thing?"

Teenagers don’t just want lawlessness. Parents not only don’t restrain themselves, but it is better to be their backing. That is the best thing in the world.

Mei Duo didn't mean to be joking at all, "But I can't breathe! Do you know? He is so kind to me, I know, he is trying to make compensation, but...I don't need it."

"He may not be a good father, but he is really a very good friend. I like him, otherwise I would not persuade my mother to allow me to come to Los Angeles."

"But, he is really too urgent. He takes care of my thoughts all the time and makes me breathless. I hope...I just want to have some personal space, and also hope that he can restrain me like a father. , Forget it, I... I don't know what I want, I don't know."

The amount of information is some huge and some are mixed, and some are self-contradictory. The preface does not follow the words, and as he speaks, Mei Duo doesn't know what she is talking about, nor does she know what she wants.

It was always like this when I was young, running aimlessly, bumping myself into the blood, maybe one day I can find my pursuit, but maybe I will never find it. But the meaning of youth is that at least I have tried and at least collided. Even if I haven't found it, I won't regret or regret it in the future.

Lan Li calmly cast a glance at Megan, motioned for a while, and then quietly accompanied Mei Duo out of this noisy space; Megan didn't know at all, so she didn't know how to read minds. , How could I understand the whole meaning of Lan Li? I can only vaguely understand that Lan Li and the little girl seem to have known each other a long time ago, and now they need a little space.

Lan Li and Mei Duo didn't go far, they just came to the cornfield not far away. It was enough to ensure a relatively quiet conversation space.

"Medo, have you tried to tell Paul these ideas?" Lan Li muttered for a moment, then said softly.

Mei Duo doesn't know why.

Lanly went on to explain, "I don't know how to become a father, and Paul is studying hard. Similarly, you don't understand what you want, so why not try to communicate?"

Regarding being a parent, Lan Li has no say. Even if he is a human being for two lifetimes, his experience and understanding are still blank in this regard. He cannot give correct instructions, but he has his own understanding.

"Trust me, I understand very, very much what it feels like to be suffocating." Lan Li once again remembered Ding Yanan.

He had to admit that he once hated Ding Yanan, because her maternal love made him breathless and almost suffocated; but after the passage of time, he realized that no one knows how to be a parent, and no one knows how to be a parent. As children, everyone is learning stumblingly. Even if they make a mistake, so what, at least they are still working hard.

When he dreamed back at midnight, he also thought, when Chu Jiashu passed away, did Ding Yanan's world collapse? That family affection made him feel suffocated, so why didn't she let her do everything? Love and hurt these two feelings are always mutual.

"It's because he cares so much that he is overwhelmed. Paul is still learning." Lanly's eyes fell on Meiduo, "Why don't you give him a chance to improve?"

Mei Duo stood there in a daze, did not speak, and seemed to fall into his thoughts just like that.

Regarding the way of getting along with Paul and May, Lan Li is not qualified to speak, because he is not a party and cannot clearly understand all the ins and outs; also because he is not an honest official can hardly break housework, and who can Assert that there is only one correct mode of getting along with parents and children?

"Medo. I will tell Paul that you are okay, you are fine. Including everything today, but I will not tell Paul about your next whereabouts, because I hope you can tell him by yourself. If you still don’t want to, So at least, you can send him a text message or email to tell him that you are still safe now."

Lan Li expressed his decision in a deep voice.

"I'm on Paul's side, but I'm also on your side. If you still feel embarrassed, you can come and find me at any time. I'm here and I won't leave anywhere."

Mei Duo raised her head ignorantly and looked at Lan Li, her eyes still full of doubts and sleepiness. Obviously, things can't be cleared up in a short while, but after all, she nodded hesitantly to express affirmation, "I know."

Slowly, Mei Duo turned around and stepped forward, preparing to return to the fan team, but he seemed to remember something, turned around again to look at Lan Li, and said, "Lan Li...trouble Please comfort my dad, I don't want to hurt him." Inexplicably, Mei Duo's eyes became wet, turned around quickly, and fled the scene embarrassedly.

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