The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1565: Gossip

First it was EGOT, and then it was a box office miracle.

Too many things happened in 2013, which immediately pushed Lanli’s career to an unparalleled peak. Even Lanli, who has experienced countless storms, needs time to digest and recover, and stay in it all day and night. In the hot spotlight and dazzling spotlight, over time, it is inevitable that you will start to lose your way, unconsciously or forget your original appearance.

As a bystander or a layman, I can’t help but wonder why those artists cannot control themselves, are always addicted to all kinds of addictions, and put themselves in trouble, such as alcohol, drugs/drugs, and sex. /Love, violence, speeding, anger... and so on, and so on, the negative news broke every three times, which is amazing and embarrassing.

This is the reason.

Maybe it's because of being under pressure, maybe it's because of suffering from gains and losses, maybe because of drunkenness and dreams, maybe because of vanity, maybe because of all kinds of intricate reasons... But in the final analysis, it is because they live in a colorful light all day long. Surrounded, out of the down-to-earth of daily life, gradually forgetting oneself, bewildered at a loss, had to indulge in the anesthesia and illusion of those addictions, escape the world briefly, and be immersed in his own world.

Every artist has his own method of stress reduction. In addition to addiction, Meryl Streep, Jessica Chastain, Amy Adams, Christian Bell, Christopher Nolan, Jack -Gyllenhaal, Tom-Hardy, etc., they all use similar methods-

They hide their family life from the public, disappear out of the spotlight when they have no work, quietly enjoy the world surrounded by their families, and avoid paparazzi as much as possible, which can make them feel life again Realism.

As for Lan Li, he chose to perform and devoted himself to the world of performance. It's not just entering the world of another character to escape reality; it's also entering a new level through the study and experience of performance, temporarily eliminating all the disturbances, returning to my original dream with concentration, and finding the motivation to perform again.

For others, this is not an easy task; but for Lan Li, who spent ten years on a hospital bed in his previous life, it is not a difficult task.

I ended the "gravity" propaganda and immediately joined the "Interstellar Transition" crew. In the eyes of others, this was really too hard, and there was not even time for buffering and breathing, but in fact, this is exactly blue. Required for ritual. The burnout period at the beginning of the year has passed, and Lanli is now at its best.

Jessica explored the expression of Lan Li curiously, carefully captured the expression between the pair of clear eyebrows, and finally shook her head helplessly, "To be honest, I still can't imagine how you did it. Yes, this is really an incredible thing, those thoughts, those insisting on those ideas...Wow, God, all of this is amazing."

After the amazement, Jessica's high shoulders relaxed, "I envy your talent, but I don't want to be you."

There was a sense of relief in the expression. This is a tacit understanding between artists.

Although Jessica did not elaborate, her words speak for themselves: she knows how much Renly has paid for transformation and progress. Those awards and achievements always make people look up involuntarily. The hatred derived from jealousy makes people ugly, but few people can understand how much pain Lan Li has experienced.

People are always like this. As far as they can see, there is only dazzling beauty, but they ignore the numerous scars hidden under the gorgeous skin.

It is precisely because Jessica understands that she is envious but not jealous, admiring but not looking forward to.

"But who knows? Maybe, this is the difference between you and me. I will never be able to achieve your greatness." Jessica said with a slight joking smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Great?" Lan Li narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to be questioning the accuracy of such an adjective.

Jessica nodded earnestly, "Yes, my adjectives are not wrong. So, can we discuss this performance? I have communicated with Rooney, and she said that before the official shooting, you will The analysis of the script and the characters plays an important role in the subsequent performance and interpretation. If the opponent actors cannot keep up with the rhythm, it will inevitably be a disaster."

"Ha! I can't deny it." Lan Li showed a big smile, "You should have heard similar rumors before. I am a big demon on the crew. Even a senior director like Tony Kaye, I am Dare to confront head-on, everything must be done in accordance with my habits and methods."

Afterwards, Lan Li also showed a look of enthusiasm, “Some people have recently said that the reason why I chose to work with new directors or independent directors is because I am an extremely domineering guy and do not allow other voices to appear. , All shots and performances must follow my rhythm."

At the beginning, Jessica was still smiling, and gradually began to become surprised and couldn't believe her ears.

However, Lan Li pursed the corners of her mouth calmly, "Don't be surprised, the facts are all facts." That frank and sincere appearance made Jessica laugh helplessly, "If I have to look for my career. One reason, now this reason is better than I am a vampire who has lived for five hundred years, and I can accept it."

"Haha!" Jessica clapped her hands and laughed.

There are many popular people, this sentence has been accompanied by Lanli since the "Pacific War" period, and it is no exception now.

Lan Li’s brilliant career can no longer be criticized. From performance to box office, from works to awards, everything has reached its peak, impeccable and uncontroversial. Attacking Lan Li from the perspective of career success will only It is considered jealous to cause trouble, malicious trouble and slander, which has no meaning.

Naturally, the focus was on the reasons behind the success.

Now the industry is always rumored that Lanly is a tyrant and does not allow dictators/dictators with other opinions. He always hopes that the script and characters can be carried out according to his own ideas, even the director and producer have to Listening to his opinion, this situation is getting more and more intense with the upward curve of the career, and the crew has almost become a speech for Lan Li.

The reason why Lan Li chose the "Burst Drummer" is because Damien Chazele is a new director with no roots and no foundation, and he has no right to speak in front of Lan Li.

In fact, everything from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Gravity" to "Burst Drummer" is the same. The only exception is "Drunk Country Folk Songs". The reason why Lan Li chose this work is also very obvious and straightforward. Hope to use the Coen brothers to hit his second Oscar trophy.

Rumors of all things have noses and eyes.

More importantly, there is no news media to report, and even supermarket gossip tabloids can’t find clues. They just spread word of mouth in the industry. It’s like an innovative artist agency has issued a password, and the news media are forced to Lan Li's / lewd / prestige, had to withdraw the relevant reports, and did not say anything.

But this silence made the rumors worse, and it seemed that all the fingers were directed at Lan Li, confirming the truth of the matter.

As Lan Li said, on the one hand, people need to find a reason for how Lan Li, who is about to turn 24 years old, created a glorious reason. Compared with Lan Li’s diligence and conscientious work, such an overbearing reason is on the contrary. More persuasive-because all the works are created to set off Lanli, Lanli used his own advantages to the fullest, and naturally received more praise.

On the other hand, people need to look for a shortcoming, no one is perfect, not even Jesus. In terms of career, he has achieved incredible brilliance. If Lan Li has no shortcomings, it would be too unfair; Lan Li displayed in the public eye has almost no flaws, so people subconsciously are more willing to believe the current rumored version. The blue gift in the house. This is more real.

Even Universal Pictures and Van Diesel took a breather. The direction of public opinion is not so harsh on them, and it seems to have won them a lot of sympathy, and even the Allies. But whether there is the shadow of an international innovation management company behind all this is not known.

The actual situation is far worse than Lan Li’s description. Those gossips can always provoke a saint easily, even Lan Li is no exception; but this is Vanity Fair, where there is light, there must be darkness. Only in this way can the world be able to Create a balance.

Instead of complaining or complaining, it is better to face it calmly.

Jessica can taste the joking and calmness in Lan Li's words, her eyes flashed slightly, "Then can I start looking forward to it now? Looking forward to our cooperation? What do you think of Cooper's role this time? "

"Frankly, I don't have any thoughts for the time being." Lan Li's answer surprised Jessica, and a suspicious look appeared in her eyes. Lan Li nodded again to express affirmation, "Recently, because of the non-stop movement. For the promotion schedule, I really don’t have time to calm down and think about it. This is a fact."

Jessica realized it suddenly and closed her jaw clearly.

Lan Li immediately said, "But before the start of the promotion period, I used to talk to Chris about script roles and so on." Chris is Christopher's nickname. Although Hollywood’s "Chris" is countless, it is placed in the "Interstellar" In the context of ", it specifically refers to the director.

Jessica pursed her lips and chuckled, her eyes filled with "I knew it" jokes, as if she was playing a blue ceremony, but she didn't say much, controlled her smile, and then turned towards the blue. Li gestured, "Please speak. Please speak! I'm listening."

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