The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1556: Ascend to Heaven

Universal Pictures can abandon the blue gift with a broken wrist and relaunch the "Jurassic Park" project. But now the situation is getting more and more difficult. They have to consider Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall. The attitude of the super-branded producer, avoid doing things absolutely.

What's more, today's Lanli is not what it used to be, and the right to speak and control are different. In the process of increasing the salary this time, both inside and outside, advancing and retreating properly, not only the major brokerage companies have contributed to the flames, but even other film companies have not too many complaints. It can be said that Lanly occupies the "moral commanding heights". Universal Pictures Karma is the one that falls into the passive.

Long Meyer still didn't want to tear his face when it wasn't necessary.

Since cooperation cannot be interrupted for the time being, then continuing negotiations is the best choice.

Now the relationship between Thomas Tour and Andy Rogers has reached a deadlock. By simply playing the game with numbers and conditions, Universal Pictures can only be at a disadvantage. I am afraid that the remuneration will not be the current number, in order to win more negotiations. The bargaining chip, in order to ease the state of both sides, the best choice is to start with Lanli.

What's more, Lan Li is the key to the whole thing. As long as Lan Li nods and agrees, Andy will not be a problem.

To put it simply, Universal Pictures believes that Lanly is a person who values ​​love and he can be moved; but Andy and Roy are people who value profit, and numbers are the only weapon.

However, now Lanli has disappeared. Everything is left to Andy and Roy to take care of, and Universal Pictures is immediately caught in a predicament. Within a short period of time, things were in a deadlock.

However, Universal Pictures has stayed on hold for the time being, and other producers will not worry about the face of Ron Meyer and Thomas Tour. The Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers. Those who are good at drilling camp have targeted Andy and Roy, especially It's Warner Bros. Even Kevin Tsujihara has become proactive and willing to take a stab at Thomas Tour at critical moments.

As a result, Andy and Roy became hot. As the so-called seven-rank officer in front of the prime minister, as the agent and manager of Lanli, their voice and appeal in the industry have naturally increased. Especially Andy Rogers.

Last summer, the brokerage contract between Renly and Andy was about to expire, and there was a wave of waves in the industry. Even the creative artist brokerage company was no exception, and there were internal strife.

At that time, Andy fell into a situation of being attacked by the enemy, embarrassed on all sides. However, Lan Li slashed the mess lightly and directly renewed the contract with Andy. Not only did he sort out all the complicated situations; he also stood up for Andy within the creative artist agency and established the position of Andy as a senior partner. .

Andy's partnership and personal relationship with Renly are absolutely beyond doubt.

Now Lan Li is becoming more and more popular. After the "gravity" box office data is released, and looking back on the brokerage contract matters last year, Andy's weight becomes more unusual; and Lan Li still chooses to believe in Andy and Roy, 100% Hundreds of trust gave them everything to deal with, and naturally made them a target for everyone to chase.

It is a bit inappropriate to use this sentence here, because Roy and Andy are not "chickens and dogs"; but the reality is probably the case.

Just as Roy took a seat in front of Andy, the two people’s cell phones rang at the same time, and they exchanged glances, and a touch of clarity was revealed in the bottom of their eyes, and then he checked his cell phone at the same time. Roy directly cut off the phone. Andy answered, and after a few brief words, he hung up the phone and explained to Roy, "Notice of the company's afternoon meeting."

Roy lightly gnawed his head to express understanding, then motioned to his cell phone, frowning and complaining, "Party invitation. God, don't they know that I don't like parties the most?"

From the time when he was a public agent in the Screen Actors Guild, Roy didn’t like parties. He was a pure otaku. He liked to tinker with carpentry and other things at home. Lan Li’s home in New York placed a picture of Luo. A bedside table made by Yi himself. For him, work is already very exhausting, and he needs a little quiet time of his own.

"This shows that their investigation work is still not in place." Andy is still thinking about joking, but the social scenes in the industry are like a fish in water and content for him.

Everyone is trying to please Roy and Andy, and then use them to close the distance with Renly. In fact, let alone them, even Roy’s family and Andy’s friends can feel the craze. Relatives and friends of a table and three thousand miles have also been found through Facebook, looking forward to finding natural common topics.

Roy and Andy are now the hottest party invitations in Hollywood. There are only seven days a week, but Roy can receive invitations to more than 30 parties. Even if he practices clone art, he can’t cover everything. Now he finally understands. What is called "happiness trouble".

But for Roy, it was a bit of a jester.

He knows that he is at best a pedal, a stepping stone to Lan Li; he will not enjoy it, but will carefully check it. In the final analysis, things need to be decided by Lan Li to control the power of life and death. That person is not him.

While talking, Roy’s phone rang again. This time it was a text message. He just glanced at it and ignored it. Then he sighed and shook his head helplessly, "Do you know? There are still women. I took the initiative to stick to the door, God, what are they thinking? I'm not Renly, can't they see it?"

But Andy said with a smile, "This is Hollywood." After a pause, Andy showed a clear expression and said meaningfully, "Actually, I have always been curious about why Lan Li is willing to choose you as a manager. After all, this is a position that requires trust. Now I finally know."

Hollywood is a dazzling vanity fair, and the glitz and prosperous world really make people unable to extricate themselves, and they gradually lose themselves without knowing it. In fact, this is not a shameful thing, because even a saint can hardly escape the restraint of oneself/desire/hope. This is true in any age and any region, and the colorful colors are so hard to resist.

Don’t talk about actors or directors or producers who stand at the top of the pyramid. Even small characters such as managers, assistants, assistants of photography, field recorders, production teams, etc., can always become objects of admiration and flattery. —Not only because the little ghosts are difficult to deal with, but also because they are like small screws, as long as they can find the correct position, they can also play a huge role.

In the past, when Roy was a public agent, he could occasionally encounter young actors taking the initiative to approach him intermittently, perhaps just for an audition opportunity for a movie; but Roy never liked it.

Roy knows that these are the rules of the industry, the rules of society, or the rules of nature. He has no intention of criticizing or changing, and it is impossible to do anything with his own strength; however, he also firmly believes that success and fame will be beautiful and beautiful. There are countless possibilities for life outside—

When I choose to give up some persistence, even if I can get the desired result, things will not be the same after all. Either you choose to persevere and then enjoy life; or you choose to give up and go on without hesitation. After he struggled and hesitated repeatedly, he chose to persist.

So he resigned, unsure of his future.

The encounter with Lan Li was an accident, but it was also fortunate.

Now, as the agent of Blue Li, Roy is once again standing in the whirlpool of Hollywood's Vanity Fair, bathed in the focus of countless pursuits and heated discussions, going round and round, not only did not leave, but also closer to the center. The only difference is that he can still be himself.

Facing Andy's teasing, Roy curled his lips, "If you are waiting for me to praise you now, then you are doomed to be disappointed."

Andy tapped his fingers nonchalantly, "I'm just talking about it, you don't have to take it to heart." He spit out mercilessly, and then said happily, "Have you heard? Now the rumors in the industry , The two of us are the most difficult objects to engage with. If we can have a direct conversation with Lan Li, then things will be much simpler."

"..." Roy showed a stunned expression, as if he had just seen an idiot.

At this moment, Andy's sympathy was aroused, and he nodded with a smile on his face, UU reading www. uukanshu. "Is that right? These guys are really stupid. They didn't even know the matter clearly, so they talked about it. If they deal with Lan Li face to face, then they really want to cry and can't cry."

Roy rolled his eyes and said, "Because they are facing us now, there is still room for maneuver in the matter. Even if they complain, they will complain in private; if it is Lan Li, it doesn't take three rounds, and all of them are defeated. In the next battle, they may not even know what happened."

"Three rounds? No, I think one round is enough." Andy changed his words.

Roy shrugged and further complained, "If you really care about it, they have already lost before the duel. It's like now, aren't they entangled with us?"

Recently, Roy and Andy seem to be the hottest existences in the industry, the most powerful and upstarts, and the pickiness and troubles of the two have also attracted countless criticisms. As the saying goes, there are many popular rights and wrongs. What Andy just said is just an iceberg. Just a corner, the voices of those two people "holding chicken feathers as an arrow" are even more audible.

But Roy and Andy also have a bitterness: everyone thinks Lanly is an angel, but only those who really understand Lanly know that things are far from simple.

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