The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1554: Overseas miracle

"I can't believe what I'm about to say next, but... the reality is that the overseas box office of'gravity' is creating an incredible miracle. It has the hope of becoming the third film history film that has exceeded one billion overseas box office!"

"This is not'Avatar' and'Titanic'. From the very beginning, Alfonso Cuarón looked forward to the appearance of'Gravity' in the main competition section of the Cannes or Venice Film Festival. This is an awards season. The work; but Warner Bros. expects that this work can achieve good results in the commercial box office, and has arranged a release plan in accordance with the commercial film distribution strategy."

"It's just that, even Warner Bros. didn't expect it. Choosing'Gravity', which was released in the fall season, created a miraculous curve that cannot be replicated! Can anyone predict the current situation? Obviously the answer is no. Even if Right now, I still can’t believe this is happening. But maybe, this is the charm and potential of Lanly Hall."

"Yes, audience friends, all this is happening!"

All TV programs including the "Today Show", "Good Morning America" ​​and other morning news programs, all the sights have gathered one after another, and the sound of anticipation and shocking discussions is endless, even if it is witnessed People in the industry who have been born again and again in history are no exception at this time.

"Gravity" is indeed creating miracles!

Following the North American and Mainland markets, the "gravity" overseas market also broke out in a sweeping sweeping posture. With the steadily rising performance of the overseas market, Warner Bros.'s distribution plan has also continued to make adjustments, with the release range from the most The first 38 countries and regions climbed all the way to the last 59 countries and regions, which was the same as last year's "Avengers".

The rising momentum is unstoppable!

In the end, Britain, Japan, France and Russia became the four largest overseas ticket warehouses after the mainland.

The second-ranked Britain, as the hometown of Lan Li, has always had a unique appeal, especially after the background of hereditary aristocrats was revealed, Lan Li has the love of all the people, so much so that "The Sun" Calling him "male version of Diana", the influence is absolutely extraordinary.

The most intuitive example is "Love Is Crazy." This film still maintains a strong vitality in the video tape rental market. It has entered the top five in the rental list of love movies for three consecutive years. Such a lasting continuity is appalling. Other works of Lan Li can always be supported here, and "Gravity" is no exception.

130 million dollars!

"Gravity" has swept a total of 130 million yuan in the box office in the British Isles, which also makes the UK have a box office of more than 100 million works for five consecutive years-

"Avatar" in 2009, "Toy Story 3" in 2010, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2 in 2011, and "007: The Great Destruction" in 2012, this year is the fifth consecutive year This also reflects the continued healthy and vigorous development of the British film market.

Furthermore, the total box office of "Gravity" in the UK surpassed "Toy Story 3" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2, second only to the 50th anniversary of the 007 series of "Breakthrough" and The two works of "Avatar", such a posture is enough to make the British media collectively take off their hats and pay tribute to Lan Li!

Now, in addition to 007, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who, "Renley Hall" is also becoming the most sought after figure in the British local market. Its strong market appeal and artistic influence are incomparable. . This young gentleman of British origin is writing his own legend.

Japan, ranked third, has an unimaginable enthusiasm for local movies and animation films on this land. The box office champion so far this year is Hayao Miyazaki’s farewell to the big screen curtain call "Wind Up". Cumulative box office reached 119 million U.S. dollars.

Interestingly, the performance of the Marvel-adapted film in Japan is slightly lower than expected. "Iron Man 3" is only $25 million, "Avengers" is only $45 million, and "Thor" is only $500. Seven hundred thousand US dollars-can be understood as the cultural difference between American comics and Japanese comics; it can also be understood as Japan's super high requirements for movies adapted from comics.

However, "Edge of Tomorrow", which was released in Japan last year, achieved excellent results. This year, "Gravity" has also made persistent efforts to continue Lan Li's excellent appeal here.

93 million dollars.

More than twice the box office number of "Avengers"! Although it has not been able to replicate "Avatar"'s amazing performance of 170 million here, it easily surpassed this year's foreign language movie box office champion "Monster University" of 90 million, temporarily ranking second in Japan's annual box office rankings in 2013. Second to "Wind Up".

Ranked third in France, the pursuit of Renly on this land seems to have never cooled down. The enthusiasm and madness during the Cannes Film Festival this year are still vividly visible. Renly's accomplishments in art and film have successfully triggered With the resonance and support of the French people, he has surpassed Woody Allen and has become the most enthusiastic Hollywood film practitioner in contemporary France.

"Drunk Country Folk Songs" has been voted as the most anticipated work in France in 2013, but before the release of the Coen brothers' work, "Gravity" took the lead, and the French market's movie-watching craze was called by the charm of Lanly Next, successfully surpassed the repeated bombing of this year's summer vacation and reached the peak of the year.

Seventy million dollars!

This is the total box office of "Gravity" in France. How amazing is such a result? A horizontal comparison will make it clear:

The French box office champion of the year in 2012 was "007: A Great Murder", with a box office number of 60 million; while the "Avengers" released in the same year was only 37 million. In other words, this is a land that is basically immune to commercial popcorn movies. Even if it is a blockbuster visual effects, they need a good story and they will never buy it easily.

Now, "Gravity" can get 70 million US dollars in the box office number here, which has caused an astonishing amount of attention and sensation in the French media. Even the "Cinema Manual" is no exception.

This maverick French professional film magazine never buys it easily. Others praise it, and they can complain without mercy; if others dismiss it, they can also enthusiastically pursue it; in addition, for commercial films, They won't be stingy with their praise, good is good.

Now, the "Cinema Manual" has published an article on the official website, calling "Gravity" a "work worth walking into a movie theater" and thinking it is "enough to keep the audience in the movie theater." ", even the "Avatar" of the year could not enjoy such a level of praise and admiration.

Russia, ranked fifth, just like the mainland market, their space stations appeared directly in the movies, triggering a wave of discussion, and finally the movie box office trend also showed a gratifying trend.

55 million dollars.

"Gravity" has also achieved a proud record on this land, second only to "Avatar", "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" and "Shrek 2", ranking fourth in the total box office of Russian movies since the millennium. , The eye-catching results have aroused countless attention, especially compared with the "Iron Man 3" released in the first half of the year, the box office data has increased by a large amount——

The latter’s box office in Russia was 44 million U.S. dollars, and now "gravity" has risen by 25%, and the results are impressive.

Just the box office of the four major regions of Britain, Japan, France and Russia, "Gravity" easily garnered 348 million U.S. dollars, but this is still not all.

In addition, the cumulative box office of Germany, Australia, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Italy and other eight countries and regions easily exceeded 20 million U.S. dollars, plus another 16 countries and regions The cumulative box office of all have exceeded 5 million U.S. dollars, and the whole line has become popular!

Without a lot of words, you can clearly and clearly feel the box office sweeping ability of "gravity" in overseas markets, especially with the box office champion "Iron Man 3" in the first half of this year, and last year's box office total. The champion "Avengers" compares horizontally and has obvious advantages.

Countless media have begun to discuss seriously, what is the reason for the difference in the overseas market of the two works of "Avengers" and "Gravity"?

In North America, the cumulative total box office of these two films is inextricably decimated. In the end, "Gravity" was only a narrow win; but in overseas regions, "Gravity" has achieved an absolute lead in the main box office market, and it is still The huge advantage of twice or even three times is just falling behind in a small area, and the degree of full bloom is not as good as the "Avengers".

This in the end is why?

If you can interpret the, then the collaboration between Disney and Marvel Pictures, and Warner Bros.’s dominance of DC comics, can immediately weaken the threat, and other major film companies can find different ways. Regain competitiveness-even though "Gravity" was invested by Warner Bros.

In the end, "Gravity" swiftly crossed the US$1 billion threshold in the total overseas box office of 59 countries and regions around the world, and settled at US$1.08 million.

The suspense was finally revealed. After "Titanic" and "Avatar", the third overseas one-billion-dollar work was finally born. It is not "Avengers" but "Gravity". This is really out of the question. Everyone’s expectations.

After experiencing the continuous bombing by Marvel Cinemas, the entire North American market has radiated new vitality. Another work has reached the height of film history and explored different possibilities for the film market. This is for major films. Companies have far-reaching significance. Although the "gravity" overseas box office of 1 billion is still a bit reluctant, relying on long-term screenings, it has passed the threshold slowly, but one billion is one billion, and history is born!


No, this is a myth!

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