The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1548: Wash out the lead

Chu Jiashu has never been out of the ordinary. Even in his life in college, he stayed in the frame properly and did not dare to take a step easily. It seemed that he had become accustomed to the constraints of the rules and forgot that he had forgotten it. The taste of freedom, even the method of resistance has been forgotten.

It's ridiculous and absurd, he hasn't even skipped class, but this is true. From kindergarten to university, there has never been a "trucking class" in his life, and he was even careful to ask for leave when he was sick, lest his body delay disrupted the rhythm of life. All plans were implemented step by step.

Therefore, he has never admired the night view of the magic city, he has never joined a party of young people, he has never squandered his youth arbitrarily, he has never laughed out loud... Never had. When lying on the hospital bed, he hated and regretted so much.

Even though he was reborn as Lanly Hall, the obsession still lingered, until the collapse and reorganization of the "Blasting Drummer", he was truly relieved. Now, he will not be annoyed by what he once lost, but learn to cherish the present constructed step by step in the past, and learn to enjoy the present.

He wanted to see the night of the magic capital.

It's that simple.

Leaving the Sinan Mansion, walking along the spacious street lined with plane trees in the hazy night, the air is floating with a touch of water vapor and unknown fragrance of flowers, under the creamy yellow road lantern cover, a kind of warm/ The ambiguity and vague atmosphere is like the image of the magic capital outlined by Wang/Jia/Wei in "In the Mood for Love". It is retro and quiet, elegant and noble. The most amazing thing is that the contradictory temperament of death and vitality is also Blended together.

It seemed that there had just been a drizzle, but it stopped just before he went out. The air was slightly cool, the ground was damp, and the halo was filled, and the fallen autumn leaves could be seen rotting in the mud on the side of the road.

The streets in front of me are all familiar, awakening those scenes from the depths of memory. At the end of the street, turning around is the famous bar corner of the Magic City. A dozen bars and clubs are busily gathered in the four blocks of parallelograms. It is nightfall. You can see all kinds of young people coming in and out.

If you walk straight ahead in the direction of the footsteps, you can reach Jing'an Temple in about 20 minutes, and enter the bustling business district surrounded by shopping malls and buildings. The neon lights at night outline the thrilling bustle and bustle, but it also reflects Out of the loneliness and loneliness under every light.

However, such familiar buildings and streets showed a different style in the halo of street lights and the long night. This was the first time he had experienced it. The cookie-cutter life shows different appearances and attitudes because of different ways, different perspectives and different attitudes. People always think that they know their own life, their family, and their own state very well, but sometimes, even if it is I will deceive myself.

In a daze, he became Chu Jiashu again, using his feet to explore the unknowns of this familiar city. Those dark and decadent memories became alive again, and then they were filled with color little by little.

He went to a bar, a bar he was always curious about but never visited, like an ordinary young man, sitting under the colored lights outdoors, enjoying a glass of whiskey and a night; he went to Twenty-Four An hourly convenience store, I just want to explore what a convenience store looks like at midnight.

Despite the long journey and the busy schedule, he didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he gradually relaxed; when he went around and walked back to the Sinan Mansion, he couldn't help but hum softly. The incomplete tune was played, and the pace became cheerful.

It's still the incomplete tune. From the later stage of the shooting of "Burst Drummer", this eight-beat melody continued to go around in my mind, and later evolved into two eight-beats, but the problem is that the two eight-beat melody can't be merged at all. Together, they evolved into two different incomplete tunes.

Over and over again, going around in my mind over and over again, but it can't be extended into a complete repertoire.

Until today, the tune of eight beats finally began to reveal more features.

"In the big world, you can never get what you want; First-Things-First, chase what you should get."

This is the lyrics of the eight beats, repeated back and forth continuously, after humming back and forth, the melody gradually becomes complete, and the lyrics flowing deep in the heart begin to become complete.

"Once upon a time, before the troubles of youth and frivolousness came, everything was completely new; the long night, the road of walking alone can't see the end, and the dream is the only companion left behind.

Painfully let go of my pride and persuade myself to choose to forgive against my will. "

He is not a superhero. Whether it is Chu Jiashu or Lan Li, he has tried to give up, and even decided to give up. During the countless long nights walking alone, he was alone and helpless, and then he told himself that he should choose to give up. It is a wise approach, this is a wise approach, and you should forgive yourself.

However, he still couldn't do it after all.

"I don't want to be famous, I just want to sing loudly. So I shouted as much as I wanted:

In the big world, you can never get what you want to do; you must put things first and chase what you should get. "

In fact, his dream is very simple. He doesn't want to be famous, he doesn't want to be famous, he doesn't want to go down in history, he just wants to cherish every day of life, chase dreams, study performances, and sing as much as possible. This is enough. This is all about dreams.

He knows this is idealism.

But as a human being, he really understood that life is impossible to achieve what he wanted. He wanted to dream and want to be brilliant, and he wanted money and freedom. This was too greedy. Everyone is chasing perfection, everyone is trying to succeed, but many times, the secular society is too greedy for the definition of perfection and success, and people should not be so greedy.

He is not a hero. He is just an ordinary person with shortcomings, weaknesses, ambitions, desires and hopes. He has limited abilities. He can only carefully adhere to his dreams, pursue his goals, and look forward to his own efforts to achieve his own goals. Happiness, after making the choice, he went to the end without hesitation, even if he was destitute, even if he fell on the street, even if nothing was achieved, but he still has his own color after all.

So, is this idealism at all? Or is it realism?

The story of "Drunk Country Folk Songs", for some people, is a story about giving up; for him, it is a story about persistence.

In the previous life, he ended his life in the midst of unsuccessful complaints and regrets; in this life, he bloomed in the hardships and sufferings of the drifting away, but along the way, those loneliness, those pains, those difficulties, those frustrations , But it has become the most wonderful scar that illuminates life——

Compared with EGOT, he is more fortunate that he has completed the transformation in the "transcendence"; compared to the Oscar statuettes, the performance experience of the West End stage is more profound; compared to the box office and awards, he can appear in his favorite The work is more worthy of celebration.

Maybe some people say he is lofty, maybe some say he is proud, some say he is selfish, maybe some say he is stupid... But deep down in his heart, he is just sticking to his dream. It is so simple and pure, far from it. It's so complicated as imagined.

"In the big world, we can never achieve what we want; we must put things first and pursue what we deserve."

Over, over, and over again, the eight-beat melody in the chorus makes the footsteps brisk.

When the prosperity is gone, the lead is washed out, after the vicissitudes of life, and suddenly looking back, I understand that in fact, happiness can be very simple, life can also be very simple, and the real complex is just oneself. Returning to this land of countless memories, Lan Li was finally able to confirm that he had completely discharged the burden and truly learned to be relieved.

Extending from an eight-beat to a complete chorus, the tune began to become complete, but unfortunately, the inspiration was not able to continue after all, unable to support the completion of the entire song, and the main song still needs more inspiration.

However, Lan Li didn't feel any regrets either. The creative process was originally a kind of enjoyment. There is no need to rush or be frustrated. You can wait patiently. It is already a surprise to be able to finish the chorus unexpectedly tonight.

Not to mention There is also an eight-beat melody, which is still in its original state. The music creation in the future still has a long way to go. For the first time, Lan Li began to look forward to it. However, if Don Quixote is still waiting for the second album, Lanly can only say that they need to be more patient.


An unexpected exclamation sounded from the cold street. The sound was not loud, but it was rippling in the quiet night. Just when the call came out, the other party directly covered his mouth and cut off the end sound abruptly. , Cast his eyes in disbelief, showing the shock and consternation vividly.

Turning around, Lan Li saw a young girl standing across the street, bathed in the warm light of the street, covering half of her face with her hands. She couldn't see her face clearly, but could vaguely catch her eyes. , The uncontrollable shock spread like ripples, so Lan Li raised his right hand and greeted with a smile, "Hey, good evening. Still wandering outside in the middle of the night, be careful that family members are worried, you should be early Go home and rest."

On the quiet street, Lanli is on the right and the girl is on the left. The milky yellow halo is slowly rippling like water ripples. The sudden shock and excitement made the coldness and coldness of the night gradually soften.

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