The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1544: Overcrowded

"Coordinates: Oriental Pearl Tower Plaza; Character: Master; Event: The audience is about to explode. I'm serious, don't believe you watch the video! I'm on the scene now, I think I'm going to be a piece of biscuits."

"I can't believe it! I can't believe it! The young master is really so handsome and so handsome, no, I'm going to die! Please ignore the idiot smile in the photo, pay attention to the young master, pay attention to the young master! You see the young master's eyes Are there stars? I can’t believe it, all of this actually happened! I’m going to get oxygen first, you guys do whatever you want.”

"Master speaks super super softly, I almost drown in his smile. How can there be such a beautiful boy paper in the world!"

"I'm serious. Master, it looks 10,000 times better than the still photos and the screen! No, 100 million times! I really want to bow down under his suit trousers and hold his thighs without letting go, woo woo woo, master How can it be spicy so good-looking!"

"Fainting alert: This is not onion news. Some girls fainted at the scene. I saw at least two girls fainting directly at the scene, just because the young master showed a bright smile. But how I wish for the fainted one. The person is me, because after the young master saw it, he personally walked over and greeted the medical staff to move them to the side. Ahhhhh! The young master princess hugged it, but the princess actually hugged it! Can the character set be changed a little more? "

"It's not a lie! It's definitely not a lie! The young master really appeared in the Oriental Pearl Tower Square! Without prior notice! He said that just because he heard that there are some movie fans here, he made a special trip to have a look and sincerely expressed his gratitude. The video is proof. Master is really good-looking. Hey, why did I explode into fireworks?"

"I swear: I'm going to brush the'gravity' a hundred times! I'm serious! The reason? Because the master told me that my hair and makeup look really good today! My God, this is definitely not a Marie Su novel. I'm going to die, I'm just in the red heart! The young master did it on purpose, he must do it on purpose! But even if it was on purpose, the sugar is still delicious!"

"Calm down everyone! Calm down everyone! Master has left the Oriental Pearl Tower Square! Master has left! Because there will be a press conference next, he can't stay here for too long. In the end he just stayed for fifteen minutes and then left. Now there is no need for everyone to rush over again! Calm down, everyone!"

"Don't go to the Oriental Pearl Tower anymore! Don't go to the Oriental Pearl Tower anymore! Don't go to the Oriental Pearl Tower again! The important thing is said three times, the young master has already left, if you want to get close to the young master, go directly to the premiere scene tonight. But, Master will appear on the red carpet!"


Lanli has left, but the enthusiasm in the Oriental Pearl Tower Square has not dissipated. The surging crowd continues to surging here. Countless netizens moved after hearing the wind. Even after a half a beat, they were still unwilling to go to the destination, hoping I can feel the space where Lan Li was just now, and hope to communicate with the audience.

The crowd gathered in the square continued to increase. Although the staff continued to evacuate the crowd, the crowd was still surging one after another. At its peak, more than five thousand people came to this small square. , Which directly caused the nearby traffic to be completely paralyzed, and security personnel had to cooperate with the traffic police to carry out compulsory evacuation.

At the same time, Weibo and the circle of friends have been fried, and countless information shows a tendency to explode instantly, starting to swipe the screen frequently with tens of thousands of messages per second, not only for ordinary movie fans, but also for the huge number of fans. The queens of China also participated in it, and in an instant, there was an illusion that "the whole world is refreshing this piece of news".

Although due to time constraints, Lan Li only stayed at the scene for fifteen minutes; and within a short period of time, Lan Li just chatted with the audience and then took a group photo with the audience. There was no regulations and no activities, which was in line with the temporary intention. The situation is just a brief interaction. But the effect of these fifteen minutes is unimaginable.

According to the official Weibo report, the topic of "Young Master Arriving in the Magic City" has broken through 50 million times in less than three hours. There is no calculation error, which is 50 million times. It is undoubtedly a hot topic. The leaderboard, and is still climbing up with the momentum of the rocket, the powerful appeal has no edge at all, and it continues to explode.

On the entire network platform, live video clips, live group photos, etc. spread overwhelmingly, and even the topic of "gravity" began to take rockets, which is unstoppable!

But this is just the beginning.

When Lan Li appeared on the stage of the premiere press conference, the crowded scene still made him stare, and he couldn't help laughing, "What is going on here? Why do I think things are not quite right? Are the reporters at the back sure that it doesn’t matter? Do we need to open the vents?"

The press conference hall chose a banquet hall of the Peninsula Hotel. A rectangular stage was built right in front. Then the spacious hall in front of us could accommodate reporters, with a capacity of about 300 people, but at this moment, the scene was crowded at least by more than five. Hundreds of people are completely overcrowded, and it looks like a large rat nest.

Even Lan Li, who is accustomed to big scenes, can't help but start worrying about the oxygen supply situation at the scene, which reminds him of the grand occasion of the Cannes Film Festival. It is estimated to be even better.

Faced with Lan Li's ridicule, the host was a little nervous and didn't understand Lan Li's humor. Instead, he was worried that Lan Li would give his opinion on the scene.

The situation of the press conference also slightly exceeded the organizers' expectations. They anticipated the high popularity of Lanli, so they made preparations in advance and issued 250 invitations, covering various reporters from magazines, newspapers, digital media, television stations, and self-media.

But unexpectedly, the application letters that came in subsequently far exceeded expectations. All kinds of contacts have been used, and many media are not easily offended, and they are also good for propaganda. During the mediation, more and more invitations are distributed.

As a result, the capacity of the banquet hall of the Peninsula Hotel was not enough, but it was too late to change the venue temporarily, and finally had to choose the following strategy.

Before the press conference, Warner Bros. had already expressed strong dissatisfaction. Although there is no problem with more media, they still hope that they can pay more attention to quality, so that the specifications and quality of the press conference can be increased, rather than evolving into a vegetable market for the sake of quantity.

However, the arrow is on the string, and it must be sent. The situation has evolved into this.

If Lan Li turned his head and left now, then the matter would be serious-the media reporters would not blame Lan Li, they would just push all the faults to the organizer; even if the media reporters threw the scapegoat to Lan Li, this It won't have much impact on Lan Li's fame and reputation, just look at the fanaticism of today's fans.

Before the official appearance, Andy had already greeted him. If Lan Li is unwilling to attend, he can cancel it. This makes Lan Li mentally prepared in advance; however, the actual situation is still beyond expectations, but Lan Li is very important. However, Huaxia's style and way of doing things couldn't be better understood. Accidents were accidents, but they still did not exceed the scope of phenomena.

Lan Li turned his head and looked at the host, but found that the host was a little nervous, and replied in a hurry, "Because this is your first visit here, everyone hopes to win the opportunity to interview you up close. How do you feel about showing the enthusiasm and hospitality of China/China/people?"

The whole response is still a bit chaotic, with only polite greetings on social occasions, without any practical meaning. As a result, Lan Li's ridicule and humor fell through and became meaningless scenes.

"I miss Jay Leno." Lan Li said half-jokingly, but neither the host nor the reporters understood such a humorous way. Everyone looked at Lan Li with question marks, which made him laugh. "I mean, it's my honor to feel such a warm welcome."

Then, Lan Li turned to the reporters and said in fluent Chinese, "Hello everyone, I am Lan Li, I am very happy to come to the magic city. This is my first visit, but I hope this is not the last. Once. Everyone is welcome to come to today’s premiere press conference, the next movie box office promotion will rely on everyone, troublesome trouble."

The scene was a little overwhelming.

When foreign actors came to promote the locals, they said two local words. This seems to be an international practice, even in European countries such as France and is the same. What "hello", what "thank you", what "I love you", these are the basic standard configuration of Chinese.

But now, Lan Li has said so much in a series! Moreover, the articulation is clear, the communication is unobstructed, and the complete meaning and content expression is no longer a simple greeting. This is so horrible that the scene is so shocked that I can’t believe my ears, and it happened for a while. Overwhelming response.

Before the Berlin Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival, mainland reporters actually interviewed Lan Li. Lan Li can speak Chinese and has a deep understanding of Eastern culture. This is not news; but it is one thing to hear about it, and it is another thing to experience it personally. The shock is too fierce.

Lan Li seemed to be very satisfied with the shocking effect he created, turned his head to look at the host next to him, and switched to English mode again, "What's wrong? Did I just say something wrong?"

The host finally reacted, "No, no, but your Chinese is really excellent, it looks like a foreigner who has lived here for many years. We are all a little surprised."

Lan Li chuckled and said seriously, "Indeed, coming to the magic city this time, to me, it feels like going home. Everything is so familiar and familiar."

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