The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1538: Cultural heritage

Lan Li-Hall is coming soon!

Major TV stations and major programs began to contact Warner Bros., hoping that Lan Li would be able to attend his show. They were even willing to go to the magic city to shoot in person, accommodating Lan Li’s time; major public relations companies began to spend money wildly. , Greet the arrival of the blue gift with the highest standard treatment, and arrange the corresponding top-level activities.

Even the major agencies are unwilling to show their weakness and start to get busy, hoping that their artists can appear in the premiere related activities, even if they just stand by and serve as the background, all connections have been scheduled. Get up; and those big-name superstars have also begun to secretly inquire about who can see Lan Li in person.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the biggest annual event in the mainland entertainment industry. Lan Li is the most famous top star ever, and he is still at his peak and heyday, attending the mainland premiere in person. This is like a fantastic dream that no one wants to miss.

Don't talk about others, even the public relations company that won the bid has already begun to get nervous.

Everyone wants to take over the work of personally approaching Lanly, but everyone is afraid that they will mess up the work.

In recent years, the pomp and demeanor of Hollywood stars and actors have long been heard. They have always been out of reach and superiority. Under the indulgence and pampering of many PR companies in the mainland, the treatment and pomp are getting more and more fierce. It seems that Those top-level configurations have been reduced to the lowest standards, which has also created countless difficulties for the follow-up work.

At the beginning, Maria Kelly came to the magic city to hold a concert. Because the arrangements for contacting the public relations company were not in place, this queen-level figure was originally scheduled for two hours on the grounds that his body was ill and his voice was not adapted to the weather of the magic city. Only five songs were sung in the concert. Two of them aimed the microphone at the audience. Everyone completed the chorus, and then the concert ended in a hurry. It caused all the fans to complain and curse, and they still couldn’t. forget.

And the current Lan Li is even more advanced than Maria Kelly.

What's more, Lanli is a traditional hereditary aristocracy, and all requirements must be ultra-high standards. This is a beautiful job, but it is also a miserable job. A little bit of a difference, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

Gu Cailing is also not sure whether she stood out from the crowd for luck or misfortune. The intricate and uneasy mood is really hard to describe in words, but now there is no room for hesitation and hesitation, because she is about to see Lan Li and face this person up close. The man who swept the world.

Just stepping into the VIP lounge, Gu Cailing saw Lan Li sitting diagonally across from him, and Andy and Roy. Their sights were projected over, and they crashed in front of them. They didn’t have time to calm down completely. Once again, his mood began to fluctuate.

She didn't even have time to look carefully, and quickly made a professional judgment in her mind: that was the agent, that was the manager, and that was Lan Li.

Quietly squeezed her fingers in secret, followed in Nathan's footsteps and walked forward. Gu Cailing said politely, "Good afternoon, Mr. Hall, this is Joyce, welcome to China. / Country. This time, I will be responsible for all the itinerary arrangements and contacts during your stay in the magic city. Please contact me at any time for any questions. I mean, any questions!"

After speaking, Gu Cailing politely introduced herself to Andy and Roy, and shook hands to show politeness. As the friendship messenger of the country of etiquette, her appearance was perfect.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Cailing looked at Lan Li again, and was about to start to introduce today's event arrangements professionally.

Unexpectedly, Lan Li took the initiative to stand up, which made Gu Cailing stunned slightly, subconsciously thinking that Lan Li had been impatient for waiting, and was now ready to set off. She moved aside and was about to make a guiding gesture. , Never saw Lan Li's polite smile, "Joyce, it's nice to meet you, why don't we sit down and take a breath, and then discuss the follow-up related matters?"

Only then did Gu Cailing realize that she had remained standing from start to finish.

Generally speaking, subordinates report to their superiors, don't they keep standing all the time? Gu Cailing herself didn't notice any impropriety at all, but Lan Li's reminder seemed so gentle and polite--

He did not invite Gu Cailing to sit down from aloft, but instead stood up on his own initiative, maintaining the same level of sitting when speaking, and then issued a formal invitation. The graceful gentleman's demeanor is like a spring breeze.

Gu Cailing had never encountered such a situation before. The first reaction was actually stunned. Then he saw Lan Li's bright eyes watching him kindly, with a shallow smile and a decent manner, between the eyebrows. Handsome, like a cloudless clear sky in the midsummer afternoon, reveals a touch of thrilling magnificence and vastness.

Gu Cailing couldn't help but squeezed her palm again, only to realize that her palm was soaked, and her cheeks started to become slightly hot uncontrollably, poking! Puff! Puff! The sound of the heart hitting her chest fiercely was so obvious that she began to worry about whether Lanly heard it, and the whole person became more embarrassed.

However, Lan Li still maintained a perfect manner of smiling, keeping his left hand in the gesture of inviting to sit down, and unknowingly, Gu Cailing sat down beside him.

When sitting down, Gu Cailing's tension and anxiety relaxed a little, and the tightness on the verge of the edge did not seem to be so heavy. This allowed her to regain her strength, and she seemed to become energetic again, slightly invisible. After straightening his waist and calming down, he met Lan Li's gaze.

"Thank you." Gu Cailing smiled and expressed her gratitude, but she didn't even realize it, and then she turned her attention away, as if she didn't dare to look into Lan Li's eyes, and she couldn't tell if she was shy or nervous. Or both, her goal is Andy.

"Now that all subsequent transportation arrangements are in place, we can go to the hotel at any time. But..." Gu Cailing was halfway through, and Andy interrupted, "Why don't you introduce it in Chinese? I mean, Your English is very fluent and there is absolutely no problem, but we have a Chinese proficient here. I think Chinese is also a good idea."

Accidentally one after another, Gu Cailing is a little broken now: Chinese? why? She has studied in the UK for four years, and also worked in London for two years. Her English communication has no problems. This is one of the important reasons why the company entrusts her with important tasks. If she can use Chinese throughout the process, she will also have a round. Not her anymore.

Lanly understood Andy's intentions immediately, but he did not rush to refute, but looked at Andy with a smile, "Are you sure? If only I know about it, what should I do next? ?"

Andy was choked directly.

Yes, why did he forget? If Gu Cailing completes the introduction in Chinese, then no one else understands it at all. Are they really going to hand over the task to Lan Li?

Andy glanced at Lan Li speechlessly, his own setting was broken in an instant, but he was still unwilling, "Joyce, at least you can talk about your Chinese name. What is your name?"

"...Gu Cailing." Although she didn't know why, she still answered.

Then Andy and others all turned their attention to Lan Li, including Gu Cailing.

Lan Li shook his head slightly with a dumbfounded smile, a little helpless, has he been too easy to talk recently? So much so that brokers and managers have begun to collectively/rebel/rebel/?

"Cai Ling Cai Ling, at the top of the first sun, people speak for words, but there is no faith. If people speak for themselves, Hu Deyan?" Lan Li started with a Jiangnan accent in Chinese. It is not a metaphor but a fact to recite poems. This is the first chapter of "Guo Feng-Tang Feng-Cai Ling" in the "Book of Songs".

It means to persuade the world not to listen to slander. Those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid, those rumors will eventually come to light.

Lan Li smiled and looked at Gu Cailing, "It seems that the one who named you should be a scholar full of wisdom in life. It may be fate that we can meet here today."

Gu Cailing had heard about it before that Lan Li’s language talent is very outstanding. In addition to being quite good at many languages ​​in the Latin family, Chinese is also exceptionally good; but what is heard is after all, what I saw and heard with my own eyes today, Gu Cailing The shock still burst out endlessly.

"Your Chinese attainments...really outstanding." It's not just pronunciation and wording, but also an understanding of Chinese. This is definitely not something that can be achieved by simple learning-for foreigners, Chinese The pronunciation and fonts are difficult enough; but the real problem is to understand the charm and connotation of Chinese just like the current Lanli.

Lan Li didn't say a word with a smile, just gently gestured with his jaw.

Nathan asked impatiently, with a curious expression, "What were you talking about? Did Lan Li just sing a song?"

Gu Cailing laughed sincerely for the first time, and then secretly glanced at Lan Li, who was watching with his arms folded, and considered the sentence, "That’s right, Lan Li just chanted something similar to Shakespeare’s sonnet. Chinese/Chinese ancient poetry. In the ancient times, we would sing along with the melody. The rhyme and rhythm are very important."

"Wow!" Nathan looked at Lan Li in amazement.

Andy patted his beer belly, always feeling like "lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot". What is going on?

Gu Cailing's mood became lighter again and returned to business. "If you want, we can leave the airport now; but..." Gu Cailing paused, and then cautiously said, "There are a lot of fans making a special trip today. Came to the Pudong Airport to pick up the plane. They have been waiting outside for six hours. They made a special trip to welcome you. I don’t know if you would like to say hello to them."

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