The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1533: Discourse control

"What is your psychological bottom line?" Ron Meyer finally let go. It is not so much that the company's interests have overcome personal grievances, it is more that Lanly-Hall defeated Van Diesel in this protracted tug-of-war. Among them, Universal Pictures finally chose to lower its head and reconcile, but the problem now is--

Universal Pictures chose to back down, so does Lan Li need to nod his head to accept it?

Thomas Tour adjusted his sitting posture and put his hands on the table, "My psychological bottom line is still the same, there is no change." Then he glanced around and noticed the confused expressions of Steven and Frank, and he realized it. By the time they definitely didn't remember, they added, "Twenty million, no dividends."

Steven raised his eyebrows, showing a trace of disdain and contempt; while Frank smiled and looked at Thomas with a meaningful expression. Neither of them concealed their looks and expressions, even if they did not speak, their inner meaning could not be clearer.

For them, Thomas and Long Meyer are both businessmen, not filmmakers. Every decision and choice is full of the copper smell of the supremacy of interests, but they still don't know how to pretend to be gesticulating.

Thomas immediately received the signal, and he straightened his waist, explained and responded without showing any weakness, "I know that Lanly now has box office appeal, what brand image and commercial value, etc., I know, believe. I, I know the corners in it better than anyone."

"But in addition to the basic salary of 20 million, you also need to add box office dividends. What does this mean, you certainly don’t know anything, right? Maybe Lan Li can become a pioneer in changing the pattern of the industry, but we can’t To become the precedent company, we need to keep the situation under control. If Warner Bros. wants, they can raise the price as much as possible. I am very happy to testify to history as a bystander."

Simply put, Thomas does not want to be the one who breaks the laws of the market. Once a precedent is set, it also means opening a door for other actors, and then, the investment cost of the entire market will rise, which is a fundamental and powerful impact for the entire Wall Street forces.

"I am willing to compromise. I am trying to make a compromise." Thomas raised his hands and said that he was giving in. "My bottom line is still the same, but if Lanli insists, I can promise 20 million plus 100. Three-thirds of the box office dividends, but only if the North American box office must exceed 300 million, and the dividend box office can only be the part of 300 million or more."

After all, a businessman is a businessman, and every step of the calculation is extremely delicate.

"If Lanly still insists on such an incredible number, then..." Thomas shrugged, "I don't mind the exposure, let the media and the public see how greedy he is under that layer of hereditary aristocratic skin. Hollywood still has it. Many, many choices."

Steven had anticipated such a situation before today's meeting, and his mentality has always been calm, but now under Thomas's attitude, he instantly felt anger burning.

"Greedy? Do you know what is called greed? Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.'s 50 million! That's greed! In contrast, Lanly's current request is nothing short of charity!"

"Thomas, don't you know the rumors in the industry now? Five giants, including the innovative artist agency, are all putting pressure on Lanly. They hope this time the remuneration negotiation can increase to 30 million basic salary plus box office dividends. Level, don’t tell me, you’ve never heard the rumors!"

Previously, news broke out in the industry that Lan Li had officially increased his salary, with a base salary of 20 million plus box office dividends. In fact, the five major brokerage companies were quite criticized. They believed that Lan Li’s salary standards were too kind and too cordial. , Did not put enough pressure on the film company.

They demanded that Lan Li must come forward and "think about the status and situation of Hollywood's 400,000 actors", "seek more benefits from Wall Street capitalists, and strive for more space for the rise of actors", "I hope Lan Li can afford to meet The great responsibility of one's own status and reputation".

All of the above-mentioned words are real in the industry, just like creating a superhero, the major brokerage companies are forcing Lan Li to get ahead. If they are unwilling, even if it is persecution and kidnapping, they are also forcing Lan Li to act.

But these requirements and ideas were all ignored by Lan Li.

Andy was under tremendous pressure. For this reason, Lan Li even came to the door in person and held a meeting with the senior partner of the creative artist brokerage company to strengthen his position; and said that if necessary, he would not mind rescinding the brokerage contract and leaving the company.

"I'm not a chess piece. I don't have any noble artist character. Similarly, I don't have any noble character. I'm fighting for what I deserve, but I won't be greedy beyond the scope of my ability. Don't use you. The so-called lofty ideals and goals have kidnapped my freedom. You are not fighting for benefits for 400,000 actors, but for more benefits for yourself. By the way. I am not a fool."

This matter is very, very secret, and the creative artist agency has not spread it outside because it involves their own corporate image. After internal discussions, the creative artist agency chose to reverse. They stood behind Lan Li and supported Lan Li's decision. At the same time, they also interviewed the helms of other major agencies to calm the matter down.

Even if Thomas and Steven are at the helm of this level, even if they do not know the internal details of the innovative artist agency, a series of actions by the agency are all in their eyes, and they all know the ins and outs of the matter.

Now, it is precisely because of the retreat of innovative artist management companies that all the agencies are united to exert pressure. Universal Pictures has been placed on a threshold with no retreat. They must nod their heads and agree to the blue gift. The remuneration requirement; this also made Thomas realize that there is no retreat, so his mood today is so irritable and upset.

But Thomas's irritability made Steven feel the anger of being out of the way.

"If you think Lanly's request is greed, then what is your current behavior? Tell me!" Steven looked at Thomas sharply and smirked. "Twenty Million Club? Huh? In you In my eyes, the name'Renly-Hall' is worth only one or twenty million? Indeed, Hollywood has countless choices, but Hollywood has only one Renly-Hall!"

"Steven, don't be prestigious in front of me, I am not one of your producers! I don't like your tone! Please show some respect!" Thomas' tone began to become tough.

In the face of Warner Bros. Barry Meyer and Kevin Tsujihara's strong pressure successively, he has never easily compromised, let alone facing Steven? Leaving Warner Bros. and choosing Universal Pictures, Thomas definitely didn't want to be a bag. Even if Ron Meyer spoke in person, Thomas could talk on an equal footing.

"Respect?" Steven smiled sarcastically, and his eyes showed a look of contempt again, but his tone slowed down a bit after all, "Thomas, are you misunderstanding the current situation? Not Blue Li hopes to appear in our work, but we are begging Lan Li to join the Jurassic Project!"

"You should know that Lanly has never cared about these commercial film projects. What really cares about is always those of us who are trying to make money from movies." Steven included himself and raised his eyebrows at Thomas scornfully. .

"Let me tell you that Lanly’s schedule has expired. It was full before Gravity was officially released; and now I’m waiting for Lanly’s film project to arrive at Malibu Beach, and I’m even willing to sign it. A blank check to invite Ren Li to star in my movie!"

There is no doubt that the right to speak is in the hands of Lan Li.

Strictly speaking, there are no actors who can be compared with Lan Li in Hollywood. If it weren't for the fact that Lanli was too young, it would require careful consideration for most mainstream projects. I am afraid that more than one-third of the projects currently in preparation will flock to Lanli.

Only truly intelligent people can understand the value of Lan Li.

"Then let those who are waiting in line take the lead in grabbing the beach, I don't mind giving in!" Thomas finally said, instead of using Lan Li to star in the "Jurassic Park" restart project, it is better to use other cheap actors, this is him. The real idea.

Steven sneered, "Do you think the others didn't take the lead? I told you that there are countless producers who are rushing to send checks to Lanly."

If someone has already agreed to Lan Li’s invitation to pay, then the situation is completely For Thomas, he is not the first person to eat crabs, things are much simpler, and he can do it again. After consideration, things can still be discussed.

But further thinking, the industry has recently focused all its attention on Universal Pictures. Many people in the industry believe that Universal Pictures is likely to make history, but in the process of their repeated struggles, Someone rushed to the first step, which also means that Universal Pictures’ small family spirit has once again been exposed, which is definitely not a good thing for their reputation——

Especially Thomas Tour, who has just bid farewell to Warner Bros. to join Universal Pictures. This should have been an important step in his process of becoming a good producer. Now he hasn't started the game?

"Who! Who is it!" Thomas immediately calmed down and asked.

Steven refused to answer, turned his head, and didn't intend to bother Thomas at all.

Frank sat next to the theater with a smile on his face, never speaking.

In the end, Ron Meyer said, "Warner Bros. 20 million film pay plus 6 percent box office dividend."

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