The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1527: Contradictory

Garrett stood in the corner of the studio with a slightly cautious expression. He couldn't help but raise his hand to touch here and there. It was either ears, head or chin, and he couldn't stop at all. The cramped and expectant look caused Jay Leno to laugh happily.

"Garret, what's the matter with you? I have never seen you look like this before." Jay Lenoir joked mercilessly.

This is not the first time Garrett has met Jay Leno.

In fact, Garrett is an astronaut familiar to the audience. Because of his humorous conversation and generous behavior, he is represented as a representative in many of NASA's public official events.

After finishing his first space mission in 2008, Garrett attended the talk show as an astronaut representative; in 2010, Garrett attended a "Tonight Show" and had a collaboration with Jay Leno. Although two people can't be said to be old friends, they are just a relationship, but at least they are not completely strangers.

Garrett shrugged. "I don't know." Garrett couldn't help laughing himself. "But... it's Renly Hall, isn't it?"

"I never knew, you actually like Hollywood actors?" Jay Leno showed a surprised expression.

Garrett spread his hands. "I didn't know before today."

Jay Leno shook his head helplessly, but still showed a clear look, "No one can deny that he is indeed a character."

In the entire Hollywood, how many years have you not seen such a special existence? The strong personal charm has surpassed the impact brought by the image of the product packaging. It seems simple and simple but vivid and profound. It really establishes a unique personal image, which makes people involuntarily admire.

Then, the two of them didn't speak any more, they just watched Lan Li quietly.

After the recording of the show, the whole studio took on a different look. All the audience on the scene began to surround Lan Li in an orderly manner, bustlingly asking for autographs, shaking hands, and taking photos. The hot scene couldn't stop at all. And Lan Li stood in place with a continuous smile, patiently fulfilling everyone's wishes.

This is not an easy task, but Lan Li has maintained enough patience.

Until the on-site staff came forward to clear the scene, because the preparation time for the next program recording has come, the studio must begin preliminary preparations. The audience left the studio reluctantly.

Lanly walked in the direction of Garrett and Jay Leno, "Sorry, it took a moment." Then he noticed that Garrett and Jay Leno had exchanged sights, and both eyes showed tacit smiles. However, Lan Li didn't mind, but raised his jaw meaningfully, "I won't ask for the specific reason, and you don't need to tell me, can we go back to the backstage now?"

The righteous response made Jay Leno a laugh.

But Garrett was still not good enough, touched his bald head, and honestly confessed, "No, we were just discussing, you are indeed a different actor. In fact, my wife, Jasmine, is very, very I like you. The conversations in the show just now are definitely not polite words.'Love is crazy' is indeed our favorite movie."

Garrett paused for a while, looked at Jay Leno, as if he was looking for courage, and then said, "I don’t know if I can invite you to leave a signature for my wife. As a souvenir, she will definitely Very happy."

"Of course. No problem!" Lan Li simply agreed. "Let's go to the lounge together. I think there should be some souvenirs from my assistant. Some were brought back from Venice and Toronto Film Festival, and some were brought back from Venice and Toronto Film Festival. It's around the movie this time. If you are interested, we can see if there are any suitable items for Jasmine."

"God!" Garrett couldn't help sighing, "I can't believe it, I'm doing this myself."

As he talked, he chuckled, "When I went to school or gave a speech at an event, they always asked for my autograph or a group photo. I always felt that this was a very strange request, and I couldn't understand it. The reason for the request. But I didn’t expect that I myself was making exactly the same request."

Lan Li also showed a clear smile, "I couldn't understand it before, but it's just a signature and a piece of paper. After all, it doesn't have too much weight. Maybe you turn around and don't know where it is."

Garrett nodded in agreement, and the joy on his brows became alive.

"But I think it is a remembrance after all. Just like those childhood toys, they may disappear with the passage of growth. Some may never be found; some may suddenly be found out one day , Re-awaken those memories. Everything becomes alive." Lan Li said his opinion.

Garrett was slightly stunned, then turned to look at Jay Leno, "Is it my illusion? Anything, after speaking through Lan Li's accent, seems to become very convincing?"

Both Lan Li and Jay Leinault chuckled slightly.


The "Tonight Show" special program is over. Immediately after that, the program was broadcast as planned. After the screening, the social network media was fried again. Although this period of time has become the norm, wave after wave of discussion frenzy is still repeated again and again. Break people's guesses and predictions.

Official recognition from former astronauts and NASA-and Tucao, officially confirmed the status of "gravity". This is the pinnacle of space science fiction movies so far, whether it is based on the restoration of scenes based on the laws of physics or the view of space. The creation of film experience, this work has reached a brand new peak.

Now let’s look back at James Cameron’s praise for this work, "the strongest space science fiction movie in history". This is definitely not polite or polite, but a real exclamation from the heart. The more professional, the more advanced. The more you understand, the more you can realize the miracle that Alfonso Cuarón has created.

Of course, there are still a small number of netizens who still persevere in stalking:

"This must be a cooperation agreement between NASA and Warner Bros., so they are covering each other."

"At the beginning, it was said that'Apollo 13' was cooperating with NASA, but now it seems that the special effects of that movie are not very good."

"It's definitely a cover for each other. Maybe NASA also gets movie dividends, which is the initiative to praise."

"Is it the only one who wonders: Is this movie nothing special at all? Why is everyone exclaiming?"

"I think this movie is very, very boring, please tell me, I am not alone."

"It feels like the whole world is praising this movie. What is going on? Did Warner Bros. do anything?"

"What if it's true? I don't like it anyway."


But these voices are only a small part after all. Among the overwhelming praise and admiration, they are simply a drop in the bucket and cannot cause more waves. They are scattered on the corners of the social network platform, but they are just for this discussion. The frenzy of nutrient fertilizer makes the discussion frenzy more turbulent and hotter.

For the general public, "gravity" presents the most realistic and exciting space experience, and at the same time it shows a movie theater experience comparable to the "Avatar" style; and more importantly, a simple and clear story And the climax/tide rhythm is completely in line with the demands of commercial films, which has become an important reason for every audience to enter the cinema.

After the amazing box office potential exploded for two consecutive weeks, word-of-mouth began to spread word of mouth, whether you like it or hate it, support it or oppose it, whether you are interested or indifferent, participate in it, or stay out of it... but no What one can deny is that "gravity" has officially become a topic for the whole people, just like the "Avatar" in 2013.

The deserted autumn stalls broke out even the summer stalls are willing to bow to the strong discussion enthusiasm!

This is a myth, comparable to the myths of "Avatar" and "Titanic". Now major media dare not easily make judgments and predictions, but the voice of discussion has begun to spread uncontrollably: 500 million? 600 million? Or 700 million? What height can the North American box office of "gravity" reach?

From a rational point of view, the box office potential of the autumn stall has almost been emptied. Even if "gravity" has created a miracle, this is still not a high-yield time slot, and the subsequent box office trends are worrying.

If the next movie wants to hit a higher box office number, or even set a record, then the subsequent holiday file performance will not allow any mistakes, but the reality is-"Thor 2", "Hunger Games 2", " "The Hobbit 2" and other works are coming The situation is definitely not wonderful.

From a perceptual perspective, "gravity" has created countless miracles, and the market potential of the autumn season is blooming endlessly, breaking the limit of imagination time and time again.

The word-of-mouth of the movie has now shown a trend of full diffusion. The desertedness of the autumn file has just become the best platform for film creation, because there is no competitor at all. Before the official release of "Thor 2", the "gravity" remains the same. Demonstrating the absolute dominance of a dominant family.

This is a self-contradictory statement, but it cannot be applied to "gravity" at all, because this work is on the path of creating history. Who knows, what miracles it can create? What surprise can it bring?

Now, the major film companies in North America are still faintly looking forward to it. If "gravity" can completely break the shackles of the autumn season, then can this schedule become another mine for major companies in the future?

In the third week of October, "Gravity" still did not encounter any challenges, and completed the three consecutive championships without any suspense, and continued to be strong. Compared with the championship, what kind of posture is more important to win the championship, the third week How did China's box office decline behave?

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