The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1522: Popular aspirations

The autumn stalls are completely abandoned, and no one wants to appear here. Therefore, "Thor 2: The Dark World" chose the second week of November, which is the week after Halloween, aiming at the huge potential of the Thanksgiving market, hoping to tap the enthusiasm for watching movies in the home market and fan market, and hope to achieve Box office success.

But now the situation has changed.

"Gravity" has squeezed almost all the box office potential for the entire October. It seems that all the movie-watching motivations for the autumn and holiday seasons have been concentrated on this movie, then what? What's more, the holiday file belongs to the holiday file, and the cold winter is about to hit the ice and snow, and the situation is getting worse.

Disney and Marvel Pictures suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

But now there is no turning back arrow in the bow, and there is no choice but to bite the bullet and fight. They can only pray now that the last two weeks of "gravity" will be exhausted.

There is still some time before the landing of "Thor 2", this week there is another work worth mentioning in the North American market premiere, "Captain Phillips".

The film is directed by Paul Greengrass and starred by Tom Hanks.

Previously, after Paul and Lanly ended their collaboration on "Edge of Tomorrow", he immediately invested in the preparation and shooting of this work. In order to shoot this work, Paul gave up the opportunity of "extreme wind/flow" guide tube. In the preparatory stage, Paul once asked Lanly's opinion.

The movie is adapted from real events in 2009. It tells the story of an American ship being hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. This is the first time an American ship has been hijacked by pirates in nearly two hundred years. Captain Richard-Phillips took the initiative. Taking himself as a hostage, in exchange for the safe departure of other crew members, after twists and turns, he finally managed to escape.

The actor, Captain Phillips, is more than half a hundred years old, and Renly's age is definitely not suitable. Paul and Renly are mainly discussing character creation and filling in details. Later, Paul raised the problem of actor selection, and Lan Li introduced Tom Hanks. After his matchmaking, Paul and Tom reached a cooperation.

After "Captain Phillips" was officially released, it ushered in a frenzy of praise, with 83% in the media review, 93% in the Rotten Tomatoes Freshness Index, 8.3% in the mass media, and 8.3% in the Popcorn Index. Eighty-nine, all the data is red, even more so than the "Edge of Tomorrow".

But this is not a purely commercial film, but similar to "Apollo 13", "Forrest Gump", "Beautiful Mind" and other award season biographies with certain box office driving force. This is what Tom is best at. Type of work.

The film did not follow the pace of click-through and expansion, but a large-scale release was held in three thousand theaters from the beginning.

During the premiere weekend, the film won an outstanding score of 25 million, which once again proved Tom’s unique and powerful appeal in the North American market. Compared with the production cost of 55 million, before entering the awards season The future of profitability can already be determined. If it weren't for "gravity" to go too far, "Captain Phillips" could have won the weekend box office championship.

Paul, Tom and Renly also maintained a good relationship, and there was no spark of competition at all.

In the talk show, the host took the initiative to bring up the competitive relationship between the two films. Tom grinned and said, "I should avoid Lan Li in advance. This guy is really annoying and you can watch it everywhere. There is nowhere to escape in his presence."

Immediately afterwards, Paul replied, "I told you a long time ago, we should bring Lan Li over and perform together."

Tom said enthusiastically, "What about Barkhad-Abdi?"

The audience burst into laughter.

Bahad Abdi is an amateur actor from Mogadishu, Somalia. In order to present the most realistic and appropriate feeling of "Captain Phillips", Paul re-screened all the pirates and selected a large number of amateur actors without any acting experience. Bahad was one of them.

Unexpectedly, the true and delicate shooting technique made Bahad shine, and now he has become a strong contender for the best supporting actor in the awards season.

Tom's words just now were obviously mocking Lan Li.

On the other hand, Lan Li also heard such remarks during the promotion. He spread out his hands generously and said, "Well, if it is in the 1930s, I will nod and agree."

In Hollywood in the 1930s, because of the serious problems of species/ethnicity/discrimination/discrimination, there was never a black person who could be on the big screen. When the plot required it, white actors were used to blacken their skin and starred in blacks. This happened not only in the era of black and white movies, but also in the later color movies. Although some black people began to appear in movies later, they were still in the minority.

Until 1939, the "Gone with the Wind" turned out, in which Hattie-McDaniel (Hattie-McDaniel), who played the role of the maid, won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the following year with a brilliant performance. He was the first black actor in history to win the statuette, which changed the pattern of society as a whole.

Why is the authority of the previous Oscars so important? It is because the college can change society through art.

The reason why Lanly retorted this way was because Bahad was black.

The witty and ingenious response immediately became a hot focus item, and it was widely spread on social networks in the form of viral videos, and inadvertently made an important publicity for the two films.

"Captain Phillips" and "Gravity" are both award season works, but the audiences and markets of the two works do not overlap, so naturally there is no spark of competition. What's more, the current strong momentum of "Gravity" is simply unstoppable!

With the full-blown box office explosion in the following week, the "gravity" discussion boom is still on the rise, and the ferocious momentum shows no signs of stopping.

On the social network platform, "How real is the space environment and story details presented by'gravity'", and related discussion topics have completed the feat of refreshing the screen. In less than two weeks, The topic discussion has exceeded three million! And it's still in continuous motion, which is also a height that "Avatar" could not reach back then.

In addition to the important reason that the social network was not developed enough in 2009, the most important factor is that "Avatar" created a Pandora planet, which is an independent world in the universe. All imagination and systems are based on James Card. Above Mellon’s imagination, it is a virtual world after all, and now there is only one story about "Avatar". The whole system is not as complete and large as "Star Wars", which limits people's enthusiasm for discussion to a certain extent. .

But this time the "gravity" is real.

Everything is based on real physics, which not only arouses the enthusiasm of the party, but is also closer to people's lives. Everyone can express their own opinions and join the ranks of the discussion, even NASA officials The social network platforms of the people have become the object of continuous harassment. I hope they can discuss the "gravity".

As a result, the "Tonight Show" keenly captured the opportunity, and Jay Leno invited former astronaut Garrett-Reisman (Garrett-Reisman) as a guest show.

This astronaut, who has actually entered space, performed three missions before and after, and spent three months in the space station; after retiring, he still served in NASA as an astronaut safety trainer and mission assignment commissioner. Always working on the front line of space research.

He undoubtedly has a professional voice in the phenomena of space, the universe, and "gravity", because he has truly experienced everything that Ryan and Alex have witnessed-except for explosions.

Undoubtedly, after the official recording of this "Tonight Show" was announced, it became the darling of the entire social network platform. Numerous discussions have gathered. Everyone is looking forward to this episode. Not to mention the audience, even Jay Leno himself is gearing up.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a show that the people want.

"I can't believe what I will say next, but... now the young people in the United States are beginning to be interested in science and astronomy. God, I thought I was back in the 1980s." Jay Leno's opening remarks It immediately made the audience burst into laughter—this was obviously alluding to the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Jay Leynault let out a long sigh, "Huh, but that's the truth. Even I have started studying NASA documentaries. This time, I watched for two hours before falling asleep. This is also a new record." After the self-joking was over, Jay Leno welcomed today's guest Garrett Lesman with applause.

Amidst a burst of cheers, Garrett appeared awkward and jerky.

The brief greeting Leno officially cut into the topic, "What do you think of it?"

"I think it is the most realistic space movie ever. I mean, the guy named Lanly Hall looks too much like me. Haha." Garrett is also a lively personality. One sentence ignited the audience's laughter.

After the laughter reached a moment, Garrett continued, “Actually, since this movie was released, I have been constantly asked about my opinions about this movie, even in my work base in Houston. I have to be asked dozens of times a day. To be honest, now'how on earth is this movie' is quickly surpassing'how big are you in space', it will officially become the most annoying question for every astronaut ."

"Oh, that's a shame." Jay Leno said with a pity on his wrist, and exclaimed like an audience, but his thoughts are obviously different from those of the audience. "Our next guest will definitely be sad. What should I do? I dare not invite him out now." Then he turned around and looked at the door, "Hey, man, otherwise, you will stay behind and make a video today, what do you think?"

"Okay. Wait, what about today's afternoon tea date?" The door of the studio opened, and Lan Li appeared in front of the audience.

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