The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1509: 8-character mismatch

The gray-blue crowd in front of me was like a breezy sea, and the shallow golden sunlight danced lightly and tenderly above the rippling water, with a soft halo little by little. It doesn’t look like a vast ocean, but more like a color captured from outer space back into the earth’s atmosphere, slowly transitioning from colorless to dark blue, and the gradual halo is refracted like the center of gravity pulled by gravity. Generally, it gradually becomes clear and thick.

Invisibly, it echoes the theme of the premiere of "Gravity".

The smile on Lan Li's mouth could not help but he joked, "What the **** is going on with these handkerchiefs? If they were issued in my own name, then I think you might have been deceived."

Hope laughed happily. Regardless of his tearful and embarrassed appearance, he shouted, "This is the official Warner Bros. peripheral, don't you know? It seems that the preparatory work has not been done well, this Not dedicated!"

The cheerful and bright sound flew up amidst the squeaky noises, just like the startled waterbirds in the midsummer reeds, thumping and puffing out refreshing water vapor, and the turquoise lake was rippling in circles. It seems that even the air is filled with that lazy and comfortable breath, which makes people reluctant and intoxicated.

The surrounding Don Quixotes all chuckled lightly.

But Lan Li didn't care, spreading his hands and shrugging, "For a busy person who has been promoting for four weeks, you really can't ask for more."

"Master, what about the album? When will you release your second album? We have all been waiting for a long, long time!" A loud and strong voice rang out from the crowd, and the voice just fell off, and then the surrounding was bustling. There was a sound of response.

Lan Li had to gently raise his hand and press down, "Calm down, calm down. Let us fix today’s premiere first, okay? If I remember correctly, there is another movie waiting for the premiere. Ying, queuing, everyone needs to line up. There will be bread and milk."

This...Is this a rascal?

The audience hadn't taken the initiative to mention the "Drunk Country Folk Songs", Lan Li himself took the initiative to break the news, and still in an unhurried, restful and restless posture?

Looking at Lan Li who was so calm and so calm, Don Quixotes couldn't laugh or cry. Such a brazen Lan Li had never seen him before, but they were helpless: What else could they do besides waiting?

Don Quixote still had to comfort themselves. In fact, Lanly is already very hardworking. After a period of vacation in the first half of this year, he started working again. In the second half of the year, two films are ready to be released, and another work is in the later stage. Production, and there are a lot of rumors in the industry about Renly's next work, so... wait, wait, what else can they force?

"Master, so, do you mean that there will be an album release in the future?" Someone in the crowd keenly caught the subtext in Lan Li's words and immediately raised his voice and asked, because I was too expecting and too excited, the voice Can not help but tremble.

In an instant, all the scorching and urgent gazes focused on Lan Li.

People thought that Lanly would once again take a few strokes and change the subject in a vague way, but they didn't expect that Lanly nodded neatly and gave an affirmative answer, "Of course. Although I'm not sure when." The audience was stunned. Now, the answer that everyone has been waiting for is so easy to get? This... Doesn't it seem right?

However, Lan Li chuckled lightly, and did not continue to stay. "I have another movie in the process of being on the scene, so I won't stay here anymore. We will talk again after the movie ends.

This joke...a bit cold. It's as if it wasn't the premiere scene, but a friend met on the roadside, and Lan Li was really heading to the cinema to rush to the show.

After speaking, Lan Li really turned around and stepped forward again; Hope and the others were all stunned, looking at the drifting back, everyone looked at each other, and then slowly climbed up with smiles. He closed his mouth and started to cheer again while shaking his head, and the atmosphere on the scene became noisy again.

This time, Lan Li did not leave the red carpet straight away. After all, he slowed down and kept a corresponding distance. He took the initiative to wave to the fans, and the atmosphere on the scene began to heat up again little by little. Even the home games of Venice and Toronto are still not comparable, and the audience's enthusiasm began to boil.

The red carpet, which was less than a hundred meters short, was about to reach the end. Lan Li noticed an interesting cheer card, and couldn't help but pause a little. "Lan Li, mom said, you can wait for me to grow up!" Below that sign There was a red arrow hanging down, aimed at the little guy who held up the cheer card—

She seemed to be only five and six years old, with an ignorant expression on her face, as if she didn't understand what was going on; and standing behind her, she should be her mother.

If this is a means to attract Ren Li's attention, then the other party has succeeded.

Lan Li laughed happily, and was about to step forward to communicate with the little guy. At this moment, there was a crowded dull exclamation on the right hand side. Before Lan Li turned his head, his eyes were out of sight. I saw a black shadow rushing over, and at the same time I could catch the shadow of a blockbuster following it.


Reflexively, the alarm of ominous foreboding sounded again. Did the accident happen again? Lan Li's whole body muscles tightened, and various coping plans flashed in his mind quickly, and the movement of turning his head still did not stop, and he was able to deal with all accidents accurately, but then he was stunned.

This...what the **** is going on?

In front of him, a man wearing a light-colored windbreaker jacket didn’t know how to break through the security guard’s line of defense, got out of the dense crowd, broke into the red carpet first, took off his jacket quickly with his hands and feet, and threw it away. On the side, inside the windbreaker... no fabric was found, it instantly returned to the state when the human was just born, and then sprinted towards Lan Li.


Even the Lan Li, who was two lives, froze in place for a while, and then he didn't hold back, he laughed out of it.

In fact, in sports games, basketball, football or tennis, etc., similar scenes have appeared on the court many times. This has happened in the Wimbledon Tennis Open for many years. It's a headache; and most of them are "professionals" who seem to be simply enthusiastic about it, even though others can't understand their actions.

However, Lan Li did not expect that he would have a day of personal experience. The timing and occasion were not right, but it was because it was too wrong that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Len Li! Lan Li Lan Li!" The man opened his arms, shouting happily and excitedly, and sprinted towards Lan Li's location all the way.

Lan Li didn't evade. He just stood on the spot, spread his hands, cast his gaze in confusion, still couldn't stop smiling, "What do you want?" But the other party didn't respond, but just sprinted over frantically. Lan Li could only look at the other people next to him, and kept asking, "What does he want? A hug? Or what?"

Such a reaction... also seems abnormal.

Seeing that the other party was about to rush towards Lan Li, he took a step forward and moved a little to the side, avoiding the opponent's sprint trajectory, but his face was full of mischievous excitement and playfulness, inadvertently showing It's the hidden side of Lan Li-at least not the side that is often shown to the audience.

However, the other party was unable to get close to Lanli after all, and the staff chased after him five steps and six steps away from Lanli.

Although I don't know how the man discovered the security breach, it must be admitted that Warner Bros. paid enough attention to the security issue tonight. At least four staff members sprinted up immediately. then……

Then it becomes an eagle catching a chicken, or a police/detector catching a thief.

The metaphor is not important, the important thing is that they started running on the red carpet to catch The man's body shape looks a little blessed, but his movements are very agile, he is a flexible fat man, he turns in a hurry. During the stop, the chaser is always a little bit short of it, and it is about to be caught, but it will be missed.

This chasing game becomes funny.

Originally, the red carpet at the scene was still frightened, and there were unexpected exclamations one after another, but at this moment, seeing the scene before me, I suddenly became happy, and some people even started to cheer for both sides, and the development of the story line changed. It's getting stranger.

After going around for a while, the staff with absolute superiority in the number of staff formed an encirclement after all, surrounded the man firmly, and fell to the ground, quickly picked up the windbreaker jacket that had just been abandoned next to him, and reopened it. Cover the man.

"Ran Li! Lan Li! Lan Li!"

Although the man was knocked down, he still kept shouting, not the kind of hoarseness, but the kind that was full of excitement.

Unexpectedly, Lan Li actually responded, "Hey, I'm here." All eyes were projected towards Lan Li, "...Thanks, such a cold weather, wow, I I admire your courage and perseverance, it's really hard work."

Whether it is a football match or a tennis match, those who accidentally break into the court mainly choose summer. After all, without clothing, they naturally lose the means of keeping warm. The strong man in front of him actually chose autumn-although it is still early autumn, the autumn in New York is full of power. The cold wind is like a sharp blade, and he can barely open his eyes. remarkably brave.

But... this doesn't seem to be the point, right?

There is nothing wrong with Lan Li's words, but why does it always feel weird?

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