The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1481: Childhood memories

Reporter: "Lan Li, do you feel sorry for missing the main competition unit of this year's Venice Film Festival?"

Lan Li: "No, of course not. I always believe that the film festival is a special tactical platform. It is important that all films, filmmakers and film lovers gather together to experience the charm of the film. This is the only shining point. . It’s my honor to be able to serve as the opening film for a broad audience to watch this work in the cinema. I still have to thank Venice for the invitation."

Reporter: "Master Lan Li, you have not been able to participate in the main competition unit in Venice this year. This also means that you have no hope of competing for your own Grand Slam of the three major European film festivals. What do you think about this?"

Lan Li: "Ha, a sigh of relief. At least, now reporters won't be bothering me asking about the chances of a Grand Slam. But obviously, I need to wait."

Reporter: "So, will you return to Venice next year to compete for the main competition unit?"

Lan Li: "As far as I am concerned, of course I am very happy. But it does not depend on me, but on the director. My ability still needs to be explored by the director. So, if there are still good directors preparing new works, please Feel free to contact my agent, my latest schedule is open."

Reporter: "There were rumors when Cannes and Venice went through the screenings.'Gravity' is an epoch-making work. In it, you also dedicated a wonderful performance again, even not inferior to the'Drunk Country Folk Song', missed How do you feel about this opportunity for Venice to compete for the best actor?"

Lan Li: "Since the work is so wonderful, I hope the audience can enjoy it in the cinema. This is my greatest affirmation and praise."

Reporter: "So what about winning?"

Lan Li: "I personally hope that director Alfonso Cuarón will be taken seriously. This is a work about directors. All the talents and all the excitement come from the director's whimsy, and I am just a director's work. Part of the whole body. If everyone pays too much attention to my performance, then this is a little regret for me."

Reporter: "Are you looking forward to winning the actor Grand Slam?"

Lan Li: "No, no."

Reporter: "If one day in the future, you can complete the Grand Slam, when do you hope to be?"

Lan Li: "I won't cross my fingers and pray. Compared to the Grand Slam, I look forward to the long-term continuation of my career. Then, maybe one day, things that should happen will happen. And it’s far more interesting than starting to set a certain key goal now. I’m not sure if you know it, but in fact, I’m not yet 30 years old this year."

Reporter: "It can be seen that you are very happy when you come to Venice this time. Is there any special reason?"

Lan Li: "Of course, first, this is a beautiful city. I once left a very good memory here. It is a pleasant thing to be able to come back again; second, the'gravity' is about to It’s released. To be honest, I’m looking forward to it as much as you guys do. Alfonso has devoted countless efforts to post-production, and I have not been able to see the finished product. Thirdly, I just finished shooting a movie, which is a movie. A work worth looking forward to."


Every reporter can truly feel that Lan Li's mood is indeed very relaxed and happy. Between the coming and going interviews, he always maintains a bright smile, his tone is relaxed and his demeanor is relaxed, and the humor between the lines makes Shuicheng’s afternoon dazzling. The sun became softer.

It is a pity that the on-site interview did not last long after all, because the reporters on the scene were shouting collectively, and it was really overwhelming. The question and answer in the sound of the sea waves unexpectedly burst into a kind of singing. Folk song's sense of sight is uncontrollable.

The most funny part is that sound is not difficult for Lan Li, because the basic skills of the stage require Dantian sound. You can’t just rely on the throat to shout and use power to penetrate the sound, but this is not a theater after all. The spread of Lan Li’s sound It’s still limited, and reporters who are slightly farther away still can’t hear

As a result, one by one, they were like lunatics, yelling, and unable to hear, so they were abandoned. In the end, they could only record the grand occasion with a camera, and then obtain news materials from their colleagues, relying on themselves. The ability to write today’s live report manuscript.

The scene is a bit chaotic.

But... this is Venice. After half a century of chaos, it came to the 70th anniversary of this year.

Turning around, Lan Li couldn't help but began to look at the villa in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, ten years seemed to pass away quietly. However, the sea is still the sea and the building is still the building.

The mold spots blooming strangely on the walls like flower bones, the canna that grows vigorously and vigorously at the door, the thresholds and gate fences that can no longer be restored after being corroded by the seawater, it has accumulated layers of mud. The eaves with the rain, and the faint lily fragrance that permeates the air, is always tainted with a hint of imperceptible decay...

The power of time is so powerful that it is almost indestructible; but the power of memory fills the gaps and gaps of ten years with one breath and a breath, and instantly returns to those lush years, as if nothing has changed. Involuntarily, Lan Li remembered the core theme of "Interstellar Crossing".

Following the silhouette of the side backlight, Lan Li saw Matthew standing on the right side of the doorway, and only vaguely saw the outline of a vague face.

In a trance, Lan Li seemed to see them again when they were young, young and immature, youthful and lively, but in his young skin, there lived an old soul, and in a certain moment he sprouted. An illusion from God's perspective; and now, they have grown up, but he seems to be young.

"Sebastian?" Matthew's voice came over in the turbulent waves, from far and near, breaking Lan Li's thoughts, "What's the matter, standing still? Is there something wrong?"

Sebastian. They truly returned to the depths of their memory in one word of address. It seemed that from the time in Venice, they realized that Renly was not used to calling him "Sebastian".

Because George and Elizabeth are always used to address them this way, the so-called middle name is like a barrier that separates closely-connected families into independent individuals. After that, they gradually began to change their names, but on occasional special occasions or important occasions, the name "Sebastian" was given a different meaning.

Nothing has changed, but the people who stayed in the late summer and afternoon have changed.

"You are much older than in the memories ten years ago," Lan Li said jokingly.

Matthew stunned slightly, and replied solemnly, "Eight years."

Lan Li didn't know why.

"Eight years, the last time we came to Venice, it was eight years ago." Matthew explained further.

Sure enough, numbers are not Lanly’s strengths, and his memories seem to have become blurred. He doesn’t mind either, but says with a smile, “You are still the same with obsessive-compulsive disorder in details. I can be sure now that you are still the same. Charles."

Then Lan Li and Matthew walked into the villa in front of them.

Called a villa, in fact, in Lanli's view, it is more like a courtyard house.

When you step over the threshold of the gate, you can see a stone wall shadow wall, even if the door is opened, you can isolate the line of sight from the outside; after bypassing the shadow wall, there is a spacious courtyard in front of you:

A small garden is designed on the right hand side, matched with a small rockery, with a faint feeling of a crude Jiangnan garden, and on the left hand side is an open space. If you like, you can set up a table here every morning and enjoy breakfast in the sun.

On the left side near the gate is the stairs leading to the second and third floors. The three floors are built around a square, forming a spacious sense of space. The first floor is where the servants live, and the second floor is It is the room for the host and the guests. There are two large rooms and four small rooms, in addition to four separate bathrooms; the last third floor has another purpose.

In addition to the two spare rooms, the main space on the third floor is used as a piano room, dance studio and studio Even during vacation, the nobles have their own way of relaxing, especially in Venice.

Coming to the resort, breaking away from the shackles of noble etiquette, drunken dreams, singing and dancing, this is the real relaxation. The noble masters always like to hold all kinds of parties, or in a lazy afternoon, call girls and young women on the street to come to their homes as guests, after undressing, sketching, and then other activities. This is also exceptional indulgence.

"Remember? Andre threw down the suitcase of Dalton's youngest son there. The shirts and **** flying all over the sky are really spectacular." Lan Li couldn't help but think of those young and frivolous trends.

Matthew also remembered, "Then Eaton also said that it's called performance art."

"Immediately afterwards, you instigated that little boy from Dalton's family to throw down Eaton's suitcase." Lan Li smiled chucklingly, as if he could still see the depression of Eaton noodles like the bottom of a pot expression.

Matthew turned his head and looked at Lan Li seriously, "Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the memory?" The person who kept fanning the flames was obviously the demon next to him, and even the conflict between Andre and the group of dudes was caused by this guy. .

"Cough cough." Lan Li coughed slightly, then calmly looked away.

Not far away, James Duncan (-), the old butler of the Duke of Hamilton, accurately seized the opportunity and stepped forward, "Master Lan Li, Master Matthew, welcome home."

"Oh, James, you are always so sweet." Lan Li showed a bright smile, "How is your health? Last time I heard Philip said, you seem to have encountered a little trouble."

"Don't worry, everything is fine." James Duncan bowed slightly.

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