The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1474: Pending

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The hour chime of Big Ben reverberates over the Thames. The simple and powerful bells still seem to capture the charm and precipitation of the long river of history. People can't help but stop, and they will be busy and crowded. Life pauses for a while, quietly enjoying this short moment of pure heart, leaving yourself a moment of tranquility, even if it's just the moment of ringing the bell.

But in actual life, in London, an international metropolis where people come and go, very few people have time or leisure to stop. The non-stop and breathless daily life is like a torrent of torrents, which continues to push forward. , Until a certain moment on a certain day, stop without warning, only to notice that those accustomed fragments in life take a different look.

Both Lanly and Emma became quiet, listening intently to the bells.

It started at nine, and it was already twelve in a blink of an eye.

Being immersed in the conversation, Lan Li did not notice the passage of time at all. Three hours seemed to be just a blink of an eye. The only change was that the coffee on the table had been replaced by a pot.

I have to say that among the stars of Vanity Fair in Hollywood, the Christopher Nolan couple are indeed a heterogeneous pair. They still maintain a normal daily life, and their children and families have always lived a simple and even simple life. The Mu family, Kardashian family, etc. formed a sharp contrast.

Of course, these are two different educational methods and lifestyles. There is no superiority or criticism, only choice and suitability.

When the bell stopped, neither Renly nor Emma had any special expressions or unexpected jerky. It seemed that they just paused and listened to the bell as a matter of course.

"For Chris, this was part of his life from childhood." Emma said with a smile, "So, even if he doesn't have a cell phone or a watch, his life won't be disturbed too much."

Lan Li's eyebrows raised slightly, "Then he must be very, very unaccustomed to life in Los Angeles." Not only because there is no time signal for Big Ben, but also because it is full of all kinds of modern and bustling scenes.

Emma understood it instantly, and laughed happily, "He is not that old-fashioned, otherwise, there will be no way to make the visual effects of the movie. He is just... old school (o1d-schoo1)."

"Of course, for sure. So, what is his opinion on imax?" Lan Li asked solemnly.

imax film is one of the most advanced photographic techniques at present, which can bring the best visual experience, and Christopher is one of the most famous imax strong supporters in Hollywood. During the "Dark Knight" period, imax was adopted for 30 minutes. The film completes the shooting.

Obviously, imax and conservative are two antonyms. The ridicule hidden in Lanly’s words is really profound. This made Emma spread her hands and reluctantly surrendered, and then issued a friendly invitation, "The time is almost now. I don’t know if we have the honor to invite you to lunch?"

Generally speaking, lunch time should be around one o'clock in the afternoon. But the current time point is a bit lagging, and it's just twelve o'clock. It is in a transitional stage where customers can stay and catch customers. After all, Emma chose to stay, although they usually did not have the opportunity to invite a hereditary aristocrat to come to eat at home every day, the ordinary home-cooked cooking seemed a bit rude.

"Thank you for the invitation." Lan Li smiled and gestured, "But unfortunately, my lunch has already been agreed, and my stay time has exceeded expectations. Now it seems that I can only wait for the next time. Hope this is not our last. A conversation, and I hope this is not my last visit. But thank you very much for your coffee and hospitality."

"Really? That's really a shame." Emma expressed her grief sincerely. "However, I also breathed a sigh of relief. I was still worried just now whether the ingredients in the refrigerator are enough. Now I am heading to the market. It seems a bit too late. If the lunch is too simple, it would be too rude."

A little joke, it can be seen that Emma is still a little relaxed compared to when she first met. Between words, Emma still noticed the hidden meaning of the surname Hall all the time; but the sense of tightness and prudence in serious matters was fading. This is a good thing.

"As far as I know, the queen doesn't always taste the delicacies of the mountains and the sea." Lan Li said in a very serious tone. Emma reacted for a moment, and then laughed happily.

Lan Li and Emma both stood up and left the backyard porch.

"Are you going to leave now?" Emma said again to stay.

Lan Li nodded in affirmation, and said in a relaxed tone, "Although the traffic in London is not as bad as New York, it is also a headache. In order to avoid missing the lunch appointment, I need to go out now. What's more, prepare the kids Our lunch, this is definitely not an easy task, I should leave you more time."

"Huh, you are reminding me of a cruel reality." Emma couldn't help holding her forehead.

While talking, there was a mess of footsteps in the direction of the living room. Flora's little bit ran over, and then stood at the interface between the living room and the corridor, her round eyes turning round and round, curious. Lan Li looked at Lan Li, but didn't say much. He turned around without warning, rushed to the stairs on the other side, and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

Emma noticed Lan Li’s surprised gaze, and she shrugged, "I don’t understand what was born. Phew, the children’s world is really far from what I imagined, even if she’s the fourth one, I Still learning."

"When we lost that childlike innocence, do we mean we can't find it again?" Lan Li said briskly, "In fact, sometimes things are not that simple, but they are not that complicated. I don't know if you I have heard of Maurice Sondak (), he once published a children’s illustration book. In the 1960s, he showed the world of children, I think I can find some inspiration."

"Morris Sondak?" Emma cast her gaze curiously.

"Yes, that illustration was shot into a movie in 2oo9, "The Home of the Beast", a work by Spike-Jones." Lan Li sincerely made a recommendation.

Emma relentlessly expressed her understanding, "You can see that you really like children very much."

"They always have what we have lost, youth, innocence, innocence, enthusiasm, and simplicity." Lan Li not only did not deny, but said frankly, "The reason why Peter Pan is unwilling to grow up is that I always I think it’s not because of his greed for the happiness and beauty of childhood, but because of the cruel coldness of escaping from adulthood. However, sometimes I can’t tell the difference between the two."

While talking, the footsteps of Lan Li and Emma had already come to the door, and Christopher also appeared.

"Roy, Oliver, Manus, come over and say goodbye to the guest." Emma's eyes caught the children, and she raised her voice.

Lan Li was not courteous either. He stood there with a smile and waited, and then saw three boys neatly appearing in front of Christopher. After waving goodbye, Oliver and Manus disappeared as soon as they turned around. The next series of laughter echoed in the room, and Roy was a little flustered, and immediately turned around to chase the younger brothers.

Emma and Christopher's expressions were a little restrained, but Lan Li chuckled lightly, "I think, perhaps in the memories Cooper missed, there are such moments, some helplessness and some happy daily life."

After speaking, Lan Li put on his coat again, picked up the umbrella again, and then pushed the door straight open, and walked away under the gaze of the Nolans.

"What? What does his last sentence mean?" Emma looked at her husband curiously.

Christopher let out a sigh of relief, "About the script of the project. I need to call Jonathan."

"He is also an excellent screenwriter?" Emma was slightly surprised. Naturally, he was Lan Li.

"No, he is a terrible screenwriter, and countless fantastic ideas may not really come in handy." Christopher complained straightforwardly, "but he is an excellent top actor. I don't know what he thinks. Something can be collided, but I do need to talk to Jonathan."

Then, Christopher turned and walked to his study.

Emma was still standing at the door, watching the drizzle in front of her, and she couldn't help but start to recollect the little things of this morning again in her mind.

In fact, nothing can be determined now, whether Lan Li can successfully appear in "Interstellar Crossing", and which company should invest in "Interstellar Crossing" How to configure the specific shooting and post-production division of labor? There are also how the cast of other cast members should complete the selection. The most important thing is whether Renly’s remuneration proposal can be passed... Everything is still up in the air.

Emma further thought of Thomas Tour or two other projects directly or indirectly related, "Jurassic Park" and "Degree and Excitement/Affection". The situation is almost the same, which also means that the high-level power of Warner Bros. The turbulence and endurance brought about by the struggle will continue for some time, and the specific results are still unpredictable.

But Emma still couldn't help but start thinking, after Ren Li joined the "Interstellar", what is the scene of the filming work of the crew?

Maybe, this is the charm of Lan Li?

Slowly, Emma closed the door, turned around and saw Roy standing not far away, "What's the matter?"

Roy thought for a while, then turned around, but then stopped again and asked hesitantly, "...The gentleman just now, is he an actor?"

The children of Nolan's family are not isolated from the world, they also watch movies and have an amateur life. It’s just that the works that Lan Li has starred in so far are either independent films with too much literary atmosphere, or action films with adrenaline rush, which are really not close to their movie tastes, not to mention Roy, even Neither Christopher nor Emma watched it.

Emma nodded affirmatively, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Roy did not answer the question, but went on to ask, "So, will he shoot Dad's work next?"

"This is our plan." Emma gave a positive answer.

Roy nodded vigorously, but said nothing after all, turned around and left.

Emma is at a loss: Did she miss something?

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