The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1471: The lion speaks

According to Hollywood industry rumors, Christopher didn't know it, but Emma knew it all.

Among all the first-line actors and top actors, Lan Li can be said to be the most difficult and easiest to cooperate.

The reason why it is difficult to do is that Lan Li’s criticality of scripts, roles and performances has reached an outrageous level, including the six major Hollywood film companies, large and small script projects are lost in Lan Li’s hands. The number of people has been piled up, and there is not even a chance to audition for interview.

Of course, there is a widely circulated saying in the industry that Lan Li’s vision is vicious, and he still maintains a 100% success rate in the selection of works. If any work is appreciated by Lan Li, the chance of success will rise sharply. That's why the "Burst Drummer" attracted so much attention at the beginning, but now the "Nightcrawler" is bound to arouse a lot of discussion.

It's easy to say, that's because outside of the script, Lan Li has almost no requirements-no taboos for co-actors, no requirements for on-site treatment, no list of countless prohibitions, and even the film remuneration has always adhered to it. No good attitude, which is incredible for top actors.

Not to mention those small-cost independent productions, even the "gravity" remuneration negotiation is the same. Warner Bros. was willing to give the green light, and Lan Li was not aggressive, and the whole negotiation process for the remuneration showed a harmonious scene, which is also a rare sight in Hollywood.

But today, Lan Li has put forward a request for remuneration, and it is still straightforward?

What does this mean?

Emma was a little surprised, but she couldn't say that she was surprised.

In terms of stepping back one thousand steps and ten thousand steps, it is an ambition that Lan Li will increase his salary.

In the entire Hollywood today, among all first- and second-line actors active on large and small screens, regardless of age or seniority, Lan Li is the only egot winner, and also has a strong performance of four consecutive movies with a box office of over 100 million in North America. He deserves to be one of the top actors in the current line.

If even Lan Li doesn't raise the pay, how can other actors speak? At the same time, producers and production companies will inevitably get frustrated. The pay standards of other actors are ambiguous. Should they raise pay or press pay? This is bound to break the order of the entire industry.

Whether it’s other brokerage companies, other production companies, or other producers... All eyes are on the pay figures of Blue Gift, which will be more or less pushed behind the scenes.

The only question is: how much money does Lan Li expect? Or in other words, how much is the current blue gift worth?

Regarding this point, the brokerage company and the production company are two positions.

Production companies naturally want to save costs. They don't want to create another Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr. After all, the interests of the actors are divided from them.

The brokerage company naturally hopes that the higher the better, it is best to break the record of Robert Downey Jr. taking "Iron Man 3" and further increase the cap on the film so that they can promote the compensation of other actors.

When Lan Li was filming "Gravity" before, the industry had already gathered a lot of attention, caring about the choices and decisions of Warner Bros., but in the end it was a tepid and inexhaustible agreement: 100% Tenth of the North American box office dividends.

This number cannot be considered top, but it is far from bad. For today's first-line actors in Hollywood, especially for male actors who have an advantage in pay, it is a fairly regular, not bad choice.

On the one hand, the dividend number cannot be compared with Tom Cruise's 15% and 20% ratio, but it still reaches a height of 10%, which can be said to be a watershed; on the other hand, On the other hand, it is impossible to know the market appeal of Lanly in a short time. The box office dividend is not as straightforward as the 20 million club.

Only after the release of "Gravity" can we see whether the Warner Bros. business has lost or earned.

Now, the opportunity has appeared again.

Over there, Thomas Tur got stuck in the pay figures of "Jurassic Park"-what role Ron Meyer played in it is unknown to outsiders; here, "Interstellar Crossing" is very likely to become Renly's next work, how exactly should Emma Thomas control the scale of the pay?

What’s more complicated is that "Interstellar Crossing" is now in a dilemma. Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are vying for the production rights, and both sides are not giving up. The terms of the contract and agreement signed by Christopher Nolan are also very complicated. You cannot simply choose Warner Bros. or Legendary Pictures. Both parties must make compromises.

The problem is that both Thomas Tour and Kevin Tsujihara refused to make concessions, which also led to the temporary failure of the project to continue to promote, and now Emma Thomas's authority is also really limited.

From the kitchen to the backyard, Emma's brains are running at high speed even in the gap between the polite greetings with Lan Li at this moment.

Generally speaking, business negotiations can be simply divided into two types. One is to hand over the initiative to the other party, and the other party takes the lead in "calling all over the sky and paying back the money", and then finds out the psychology based on the other party's bid. Launch an attack; one is to take the initiative in your own hands, set the benchmark first, and then negotiate around this standard.

So, which one should she choose?

Between the lightning and flint, Emma's mind was already vicissitudes of life, and then she made her choice, "So, did the conversation between you and Chris go well?"

"I won't use'smooth' to define the conversation just now, otherwise he won't run away." Lan Li's unexpected answer made Emma stunned a little.

After that, Emma laughed happily, and nodded in agreement, "Of course. Of course! But you can't blame him. Even if I heard about your topic, the first reaction was stunned. Obviously none of us It was expected that the first time we met and talked, we have already come to this stage."

"I didn't expect it either." Lan Li shrugged slightly. "I thought Chris still needs some time to think. Now throughout Hollywood, actors who want to appear in Chris's work should be queuing for numbers. I don't think so. To determine where you are, today’s interview should be just the first step, but Chris directly sent the invitation, and I was a little caught off guard."

So... it's not Lanly's fault, but Chris's fault?

Emma certainly knows that this is a little humor, and she laughed more and more briskly, "But I guess, Lord Lanly must have come prepared this time, otherwise, you would not say that it was a gamble. Then , Let’s weigh it now and see if this gambling is worthwhile or not worth it.”

Emma chose to defend.

Unlike top producers like the Weinstein brothers, Emma is not a pure full-time producer. She is mainly responsible for producing all of Christopher’s works. It is not so much a producer as a director’s royal communication bridge; in Christopher Besides, she was only responsible for producing one movie, "Superman: Man of Steel".

In other words, Emma itself is not a profit-oriented or strategizing type. Therefore, she did not aggressively take the initiative in her own hands, but entered the negotiation with retreat as an advance and defensive instead of offensive.

Lan Li didn't have any politeness, no excuses, and did not explain the ins and outs of the matter. He just followed Andy's instructions and threw out the expected salary figure, "20 million, plus 5 percent of the North American box office dividend."

Emma's expression was slightly surprised, not because the salary figure was too high, but because the salary figure was too reasonable:

There is no rhetoric, no lion speaks, and no skylights, but a down-to-earth figure, which is almost a figure that Emma has no way to refute or refuse.

As a matter of fact, the industry can more or less capture the progress of Thomas Tour, "Jurassic Park" and Renly’s project negotiations; and because Thomas and Christopher have close personal relationships, Emma understands The situation is more clear: about the first 15 million film pay, and the current 20 million film pay, the whole combination of inheritance and transformation is known.

Objectively speaking, Based on Renly’s current industry results, 20 million plus 3% of the box office dividend, this is the psychological bottom line of the film production company. If you wait until "Gravity" is released, The situation will change-if the box office loses, then Blue Li's 20 million club will still be unable to escape; if the box office is successful, then the box office dividend ratio will definitely exceed the current figure.

But from the standpoint of the brokerage company-whether it is an innovative artist brokerage company or other competitors, they are all looking forward to the fact that Lanly can go further and enter the club of "30 million plus box office dividends" and create a new era .

In today’s Hollywood movie market, the pay part has been basically fixed. The 20 million club is an unbreakable shackle. If you want to chase higher pay, then there are two situations-

Either like Tom Cruise, reducing or abandoning the base salary and completely using box office dividends as income. The figures basically start at 15% and capped at 25%. The actor's pay is directly linked to box office performance. It also makes the publicity of Tom Cruise's every movie extremely hard.

Either, like Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr., use box office dividends to "threat" the production company, and then the production company will weigh the dividends and the basic salary, and finally finalize a "will not lose money." The film pay figures, such as 40 million or 50 million, after paying all the pay in one go, the actors give up the right to dividends.

It can be simply summed up as that the interests of the production companies and Wall Street that are willing to give up have reached a bottleneck.

The major brokerage companies are expecting Renly to break this bottleneck, but now, Renly has proposed an extremely reasonable remuneration, because it is so reasonable that Emma can't refuse it.

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