The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1468: Congenial

"What? Paramecium? Damn it!" Christopher was also furious at Lanly's accusation. In a panic, he couldn't help but blurt out his foul language. "You are the first guy to accuse my movie of being Paramecium! Damn! Are you sure you watched my movie? My script?"

Facing Christopher who was furious and frustrated before him, Lan Li still had that unhurried appearance. When arguing, such a gesture and such an expression really made the other party more anger easily-he has already jumped his feet, and the other party is still that way. It's really annoying to look calm and relaxed!

"If I have not watched your movie, nor read your script, and now I can understand all of your core ideas clearly, then, this is not a paramecium, and what is it?" In the course of "Death does not pay for life", Lan Li's grade point should be very good.

At this moment, Lan Li was still sitting on the chair calmly, with his right leg on his left knee, neat clothes, mellow coffee and smiling expression, even no trace of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

But Christopher looked embarrassed and emotional, his big back head drooped messily, his tennis shirt was soaked with sweat, and large swaths of dark color filled his armpits and back.

" are arrogant words!" Christopher is also a bit poor. He is not a personality good at debating. It can be seen from the debut work of "Following". What's more, now the whole Hollywood dares to treat Christopher like this. There are not many actors who make the decision to roar.

But Christopher still did not give up, "I am not saying to give up philosophical speculation, but that there is no need to deepen it! That is just too cumbersome!"

"Too cumbersome, or can't it be done?" Lan Li's retort hit Christopher like an arrow, "Stanley Kubrick didn't put a lot of lines in the '2oo1 Space Odyssey'. On the contrary, he also deliberately streamlined the lines, but through the editing and cohesion of the pictures, the philosophical thinking is conveyed. It is not too cumbersome, nor does it need to be too cumbersome, because the process of constructing these pictures is the process of philosophical thinking! "

"How to construct (ho)?" Christopher replied bluntly. Even when he is extremely excited and impulsive, his mind's ability to think will also be affected.

"I don't know." Lan Li's answer was also straightforward, "I'm not a director, how do I know?"

"But you are not a screenwriter. Why was the discussion so enthusiastic just now?" Christopher also showed his perseverance and perseverance.

Lan Li shrugged, "Why can't we flash back through memories? For example, Cooper's mind repeated the appearance of Murphy running in front of him, or Murphy walking on water in red rain boots, and then Otherwise, it is Murphy seriously holding a pencil to draw. I mean, it's just a small detail that has become the most important concern."

"For Murphy, she can take another approach. When she encounters a book, or sees a certain behavior of a middle-aged man, or else it is a certain deja vu encountered at work. The scene can also be that the small movements Cooper made in the five-dimensional space are really imprinted in her mind, and she can't help but think of her father again. And so on."

"Murphy is different from Cooper. Cooper is trapped in space. He can only rely on flashbacks of memory, but Murphy is still on Earth, and her life can still be full of hints and associations. Even Cooper was in five What you do in dimensional space can also cause the butterfly effect."

"Through these two different ways of montage connection, the maintenance and fetters of family love are presented. More importantly, the dislocation of time is emphasized-Cooper's memory is always Murphy's childhood scene, and Murphy has already Growing up, in Murphy's eyes, she saw images from her father from space."

"What I mean is that, without affecting the rhythm of the plot and without affecting the commercial attributes of the film, after magnifying the power of time to the extreme, the performance of the two actors is used to deepen the emotional bond. As for how to compose the picture, How to think about it, and what kind of mental refraction those images reveal, this is the job of the director."

Lan Li's language is not fast, and he always maintains a special rhythm, clearly organized and distinct.

This time, Christopher did not interrupt, but listened carefully, carefully pondering the feasibility, and then further pondering the composition of the picture.

Objectively speaking, the composition of the picture is not Christopher's strong point, it is his strong imagination, spatial deconstruction and linearity of time. In this regard, Canadian director Dennis Villeneuve has the potential to be among the great.

In the “Scorched Earth City” in 2o1o, Dennis’s lens temperament has been revealed. This year, he and Jack Gyllenhaal have collaborated on two works, “The Enemy” and “The Prisoner,” to take them to the next level; here After that, the three works of "Border Killer", "Advent" and "Blade Runner 2o49" are even more step by step, moving forward on the road of masters.

However, Dennis's shortcomings are also very obvious: rhythm control. He often had to sacrifice his own narrative rhythm for the poetry of the picture and the elaboration of the core, which runs through all his works, which also became the shackles of his more commercial achievements. And this is precisely Christopher's advantage.

As people have said, it is very difficult to explore the limits only at the commercial or artistic level. Not every director can find the key to creation; let alone between commercial and art Finding a balance is an eternal problem.

Lan Li is an actor, he is responsible for telling his own understanding and opinions, but all of this is limited to just talking on paper. In actual combat, he is a complete rookie. The director’s job is definitely not as simple as imagined; now watching Christopher fall After thinking about it, Lan Li didn't bother.

Christopher's expression is very wonderful, excited for a while, depressed for a while, excited for a while and confused, even if it is a one-man show by himself, he is full of joy.

But in the end, Christopher let out a long sigh, "No, no, do you know how difficult it is to build a lens? It's not just as simple as depth of field and composition, every character, every accessory, every detail exists. The significance of this is a very, very large project. If you simply stuff those memories roughly, then the core of the whole theme may become cumbersome."

"When we were shooting Inception, we spent countless efforts to conceive the totem of each person after entering the dream, and all the scenes in the dream. In fact, Jonathan and I originally wanted to be able to Dream scenes are also set to be more meaningful, but this requires consideration of psychology, philosophy, history and culture, etc. It is not so easy."

"I remember that after the movie came out, some film critics said that the entire film of Inception was based on a whimsical idea, but as a director, I still relied too much on the text and failed to extend the meaning of the lens. I scolded the film critic in front of Emma. I was shooting a commercial film, not Shakespeare."

" I understand a little bit. What you mean is that through some screen content settings, there is no need to change the script, and there is no need to be too cumbersome. It means that the director's thoughts are conveyed through the lens, right?"

While speaking, Christopher looked up at Lan Li and cast a questioning gaze.

Lan Li deliberately made a "sudden realization" appearance, "Oh, are you talking to me? Because you just looked like you were talking to yourself..." Christopher rolled his eyes silently, Lan Li did not continue joking, "Yes, that's what I meant. I know that this is a very difficult, very complicated, and very advanced subject, but... Mr. Nolan."


"...Chris," Lanly paused, and the guest nodded casually and changed his name.

"I always think that the reason why you took over the project of Interstellar Crossing is that you want to explore more in the film and at the same time chase more at the level of director art.

I always believe that the reason why a movie is called the art of a director is not in the script or the actors. Even the story must be put in the second place. The picture and the shot are the most important. Scheduling, composition, editing, and setting. Wait, this is the most director's artistry. "

Facing Lan Li's words, Christopher did not criticize or confirm, but chuckled lightly, "According to you, Michael Bay is also an excellent director?"

"Personally, I still really like'Break into Death Island' and'Transformers'." Lan Li replied affirmatively.

Christopher thought about it seriously, but found that he has no way to refute. People can complain that Michael Bay is still a three-handed, but he can't deny that he is still the first-class level in the industry in terms of lens scheduling and blasting scenes.

As a result, Christopher laughed dumbfounded and chuckled softly in agreement. Now he really understands: why people in the industry always emphasize, "Len Li is an actor with ideas."

For performances, roles, cores, etc., Lan Li’s interpretation is indeed unique; more importantly, Lan Li has his own in-depth analysis of the relationship between the role and the plot, which is for the integrity of the film work. , Cannot be replaced. In the process of cooperation between the director and the actors, different sparks can often be collided.

Christopher even believes that even with James Cameron’s collaboration with directors who emphasize visual effects and weaken actors, he can interpret his own characteristics.

It's like "degree and excitement/emotion 5".

"If you play Cooper, do you have any special thoughts?" Christopher mentioned this for the first time today.

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