The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1465: 4 hairs

A black umbrella with a wooden handle, rain water cascading down, jumping lightly and smartly above the umbrella surface, the dark red brick wall and the dark green shade are like ink paintings, and the whole world is concentrated there. Under a black umbrella, shrouded in the figure wearing a light gray windbreaker, tall and majestic, it seemed to be enough to support the vastness of the sky.

The little figure standing behind the black door panel raised his face curiously and inquiringly, staring at the big bright eyes, blatantly and unscrupulously looking at the figure in front of him, without concealing his expression.

Without warning, the little guy spit out his tongue and made a grimacing face, his little head crooked to the left and twisted to the right, and the naturally curly hair fluttered in the wind like a bunch of wisteria vines.

Lan Li didn't mind, because the little guy didn't seem to be four or five years old, his childish face still had baby fat that didn't fade away, and his pink cheeks swelled up because of the grimace expression, as if The cute cartoon characters are mediocre, which really makes people laugh.

So Lan Li squatted down, keeping his sight at the same height as the little guy, showing a shallow smile, and asked in a formal greeting, "Good morning, I’m Lan Li-Hall, may I ask? Is Mr. Nolan home?"

The little girl, like a doll, bit her lower lip, thought about it seriously, then raised her chin, and replied in a loud voice like an adult, "Mom said, don’t open the door to strangers! I don’t know you, so , You can't come in!" As she said, she just closed the door...closed.

Lan Li remained in a squatting posture, completely unforeseeing such a development trend, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But then, the black door opened again, and Lan Li reflexively raised his head and looked over, and then saw Emma Thomas in a set of home clothes, "Oh, God, please forgive us for our rudeness, I I was in the kitchen, dealing with the disaster left after breakfast. I didn't expect that Flora would come directly to open the door like this. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I mean, Your Excellency."

Emma was obviously a little bit burnt, and the sound of a few boys clamoring behind the door panel, simulating the buzzing of airplane flying and shell bombing, was so lively.

Emma showed a touch of embarrassment, "It's time for a break, and they are allowed to play. Sorry, I didn't expect..." Lan Li was so punctual, at nine o'clock, which is exactly nine o'clock. The points are not bad, but there is no word. After speaking, he immediately chopped off, "Look at me getting dizzy when I'm so busy, please come in, Lord Lanly."

Lan Li had no courtesy or refusal, always with a gentle smile on his face. After waiting for Emma's invitation, he nodded politely, and put the umbrella back for a while, then walked into the house and took the umbrella. Put it in the iron bucket next to it, and then took off his wet coat again——

If it’s at Hall’s house or another noble house, the housekeeper will naturally be responsible for hanging up the coat. This is not a necessary process, but a process to show respect or closeness. For example, Lan Li goes to Matthew’s house, and Matthew is willing to put Lan Li’s The coat hangs up, which is a kind of intimacy and familiarity with the guests.

Even without this etiquette, it is harmless. What's more, this is not Hall's or Dunlop's, but Nolan's.

But Lan Li saw the big boy standing in front of him, with the outline and look of Christopher Nolan revealed between his brows. He politely put his hands behind his back and bowed slightly, "Your Excellency Lan Li, may I have this I'm honored to help you hang your coat?"

The older boy looked like he was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and his green face had gradually opened up; behind him, two other small hairs stuck their heads out of the stairs, secretly from top to bottom. Looking at the scene here; and the little Nizi just now is standing at the top of the stairs, watching with excitement.

Such a scene really made people laugh, "Of course." Lan Li did not refuse, and handed over his jacket.

The big boy took the coat with both hands, and then hung it accurately on the hanger.

Lan Li did not rush to step forward, but waited for the big boy to complete a series of actions, then smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Nolan."

The two small hairs next to him suddenly covered their mouths and laughed, "Mr. Nolan! He called him Mr. Nolan!"

Then the little girl also slowed down for a while, and laughed happily, and the silver bell-like laughter reverberated.

The older boy was a little bit shy. He glared at the little guys next to him, and then looked at Lan Li politely, "Roy, my name is Roy, sir. Oh, no, sir."

"Lan Li. You can directly call me Lan Li." Lan Li said with a smile, "I'm trying to make myself look younger."

Roy Nolan, the eldest son of Christopher and Emma. The Nolans have four children, Roy, Oliver, Manus and Flora, three boys and one girl.

Children and his wife are always the most important part of Christopher's life. In order to keep the project secret, many directors often deliberately use strange names as a barrier to cover up their shooting plans to avoid disrupting their filming plans by the pervasive reporters. In this way, even if the secrets are leaked, the reporters will be confused. The same is true for Christopher.

Christopher always likes to name his children. For example, "Batman: The Dark Knight" is "Roy's First Kiss", "Inception" is "Oliver's Arrow", and "The Dark Knight Rises" is " Manus Rex".

This time "Interstellar Crossing" is no exception, "Flora's Letter", this is the current project name.

However, in order to protect the privacy of his family, Christopher never mentions his family in the media, which also ensures that his children can have an ordinary life in school. In fact, even the names of Christopher’s four children are not known to many people. Even if the children’s names are used in the movie project, there is no concept at all.

When he first saw the name "Flora's Letter", Lan Li was also at a loss. Later, after learning about Christopher's habit through Andy, he asked the names of the four children and came as a visitor. Don't be too rude.

At this time, Roy, the oldest, looked at Lan Li, blinked, and then said, "But, you are already very young."

Without much calculation and thought, the outspoken answer was against the general, leaving Lan Li speechless, which is really rare. In the end, Lan Li could only show a big smile, and said, "Thank you!" Interpreting Roy's counterattack as praise.

"Roy!" Emma's voice came over again, and she hurried back to the entrance porch, "Why don't you invite His Excellency Renly in? It is very rude to have guests stand at the door."

It can be seen that both Christopher and Emma grew up with elite education. Although they are not necessarily members of the Lanly circle of life, at least they are not ignorant of the upper class, and they can perceive the truth in every move. .

It is precisely because of this awareness that Emma becomes more embarrassed and rude when facing Lanli, and even more rude to avoiding Lanli. Because this morning, Emma was really in a hurry, and now the whole person looks very embarrassed.

For the nobles, the children are taken care of by the housekeeper and the nanny, so they can stay bright and beautiful every day. Even if the guests arrive early in the morning, there is no problem. They can change clothes and makeup calmly to welcome the guests.

But for most people, mothers have to take care of all the children by themselves. Every morning is like fighting. It is really difficult to have time to take care of themselves. This is also the reason why most appointments are set in the afternoon, like Christopher's choice in the morning, and it is still nine o'clock, very few.

Nolan's family should also have a nanny, but it is summer vacation, so Emma personally went into battle. It can be seen that they still attach great importance to family gathering time-and Christopher, as the host, obviously forgot such details. When he communicated with Lan Li on a fixed phone, he settled on a morning time, unintentionally putting Emma into a predicament.

Now Emma looks very messy, simple t-shirt and slacks, and her hair is simply pulled up with a shark clip ~ ~ completely home style, even a little sloppy. Don't say it is a distinguished guest like Lanli, even ordinary guests are not very polite.

"Ms. Nolan, please don't be too anxious. The rudeness should be mine. Obviously, I have forgotten what happened in the morning when I had four children." Lan Li in turn expressed his apology and thoughtfully relieved Emma. .

But he didn’t continue to polite, because Lanly knew that by staying here, Emma was caught in a dilemma. The best choice was to go straight to the goal, "Please don’t worry about my situation. If you can guide me through Going to Mr. Nolan's location, everything will become simpler."

Like a spring breeze.

In just two conversations back and forth, Emma could feel the difference in Lan Li. Not only was the etiquette proper, but also straightforward, and the intimate actions hidden behind the behavior made her feel happy involuntarily.

Emma didn't continue to shy away from impossibly, "Of course. Roy, can you take Lord Lan Li to find your father?" The subtle difference in the words appeared, father, not father.

When facing Lan Li, Emma's words were obviously adjusted slightly.

In the upper class of London, these details are hidden in them, and everything seems to be taken for granted and taken for granted. When meeting people from other classes, all these details disappear, so there is nowhere to hide. People are curious about how the nobles judge each other's class, and the details of words and actions are the best channels.

Roy looked at Lan Li curiously, "Your Excellency Lan Li, please follow me."

It was "Your Excellency" again. Obviously, Lanly's set just now almost failed, and Emma's words brought them back to the original point again.

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