The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1456: Casting error

The importance of casting is self-evident. Even for Meryl Streep, some roles may not be suitable. Matthew McConaughey is an excellent actor, especially from 2012 to 2014. During the years, he was not the most suitable actor candidate for "Interstellar". From acting style to actor temperament, he could not meet the needs of Cooper's role. "Love←Go÷Small?Speaking→Net.aqxs52o.", provides you with wonderful novel reading.

In a sense, Lan Li believes that the integrity of the final work of "Interstellar Crossing" was destroyed because of Matthew's performance. This is not Matthew's fault, but Christopher's fault because it is Christopher's choice to make Matthew.

As mentioned before, Christopher is not a director who is good at tuning/teaching actors. He has his own unique vision for selecting actors, but he does not succeed every time. On a rare occasion, Christopher hoped to put more weight on the actor, but he suffered a certain degree of loss because of his mistake in judgment.

Of course, this is just Lan Li's personal opinion. In addition to Lanly, after the release of "Interstellar Crossing", many people still liked Matthew's performance very much, thinking that his performance became the finishing touch of the movie. This is a matter of different opinions. Everyone's aesthetics and judgments are different. Is different.

If Lanly chooses the actors, Cassie Affleck or Christian Bale is a more suitable choice. In addition, Michael Fassbender or Russell Crowe are also worth considering. The premise is that Russell Crowe I was willing to lose weight. After entering middle age, the blessing was too obvious, and the quality of performance began to become...greasy.

However, having said that, Lan Li himself is not a casting director, nor is it a director. His opinions and opinions may be taken for granted. On the contrary, they may not be realistic. They are only a reference.

Now, Andy mentioned Lan Li in front of Christopher, making Lan Li one of the alternate actors of "Interstellar Crossing", which also made Lan Li start thinking:

Is he suitable?

This is an interesting question, and the smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth rises slightly.

Andy, who was sitting directly opposite, was naturally unable to detect. Within a short time, Lan Li had already experienced the vicissitudes of life in his mind. He just saw Lan Li’s slightly raised smile, "So, what does this mean? Just because of Christopher Nolan’s name, without even seeing the script, have you decided to choose this work?"

"Even if I want to join, I think Christopher has many choices." Lan Li said briskly. Although the words are humble, the calmness hidden in them still reveals a sense of self-confidence, confidence in his own strength. However, I don’t think it’s the best choice."

"Why?" Andy became stranger. If it weren't for Lan Li’s tone of voice, he would almost think that Lan Li lacks self-confidence now, which is really abnormal. "If you say'Nightcrawler', you I think Jack is more suitable, at least you have read the script; but why is Christopher’s project? I don’t think he can find someone more suitable than you."

"I think so too. We are looking forward to it now, and Christopher can think so too." Lan Li also realized that he had read the script "in advance". Obviously Andy didn't know much about the characters and the script now. Wushui, so he used a vague tone to cover the topic just now.

Leaving aside the way of acting and the image of the characters, Lan Li’s biggest disadvantage lies in his age:

In November this year, he had just turned twenty-four years old, and even if he counted the imaginary age, he was only twenty-five.

The core theme of "Interstellar Crossing" is time, and the power contrast between age and years is a crucial link.

Before Cooper left home, his son and daughter were teenagers, Timothy Chalamet (ti touch thee-), who played his son Tom, was 18 years old, and his daughter Murphy Mackenzie-Foy (makenzie-foy) was 13 years old. ; And Matthew McConaughey, who plays Cooper, is forty-two years old.

During Cooper's space exploration, his son and daughter were grown up. Casey Affleck, who played the adult Tom, was thirty-eight, and Jessica Chastain, who played the adult Murphy, was thirty-six.

Cooper returns to the human survival base, his son and daughter are old, William Dewane (-devane) who plays the old Tom is seventy-four years old, and Ellen-Butyn (e11en-butyn) who plays the old Murphy is eighty-one years old .

It can be easily seen that the age of the actor is not completely fixed, but an age area is still intercepted. When he first appeared on the stage, Cooper should be about 40 years old, and the minimum age should be 35 years old; and then Cooper Always maintaining the same state, the son and daughter have been growing up, first in the middle of their thirties, and then in the elderly over 70.

Of course, these data can be modified.

But in Lan Li's view, the minimum age to play Cooper should be around 30 to 35 years old.

Childhood sons and daughters can be reduced in age. For example, the son is 14 years old and 15 years old, and the daughter is 10 years old. This makes sense for teenagers who get married and have children after graduating from high school.

Compared with middle-aged Tom and Murphy, Cooper is similar to their age, which can create a sense of chaos caused by time travel. Cooper, who was supposed to be a father, is now the same as Tom and Murphy. Facing a midlife crisis, the actor should be similar to Cassie and Jessica.

As for the elderly Tom and Murphy, the influence was not too great. In the final analysis, Cooper, as his father, became a junior. This can create the greatest emotional shock.

"Interstellar" is different from other movies. The power of time represented by age is the core theme. If you don't want to change actors, it is most appropriate to choose actors between the ages of 30 and 45. This also makes Lan Li Young’s youth has become a fatal shortcoming. It would be impractical to ask the entire crew to re-select the cast based on Lan Li’s age.

As I said before, the main force of Hollywood actors is concentrated between the ages of 30 and 45. There are many actors in their early 20s like Lan Li, but their strength, abilities, opportunities, etc., all They are all marginalized people. It is very difficult to select a group of outstanding third-line and fourth-line actors; at the same time, this is not in line with Christopher's usual style of all-star casts.

Even if Christopher is willing, production companies or investment companies are not necessarily willing.

In other words, Lanly’s participation in the performance is definitely difficult, as he said: he is not the best choice.

Choosing Matthew was a casting error, so when he chose Renly, was it another casting error?

Lan Li couldn't answer by himself.

Andy looked at Lan Li carefully, and then he had a flash of inspiration. He thought he understood Lan Li's concerns, and gently chuckled his approval and expressed his own views.

"Warner Bros. is indeed a problem now. Christopher has not yet determined whether this work is invested by Warner Bros. or Legendary Pictures. I don't know the content and terms of his contract. Presumably, Kevin Tsujihara. Neither and Thomas Tour will give up easily, and the subsequent exchange of benefits is also a headache."

Obviously, Andy's understanding went in the wrong direction, but Lan Li didn't correct him either. Such a beautiful mistake is also quite good.

"To be honest, I don't know whether I should hope that Warner Bros. will win the production rights, or Legend Pictures will take the production rights." Andy sighed slightly, facing such a giant-level confrontation, as one An agent, Andy's power is really limited, "Kevin Tsujihara and Thomas Tour, neither of them is easy to get along with."

"They are the producers and I am the actor. After all, the actors are still a job with the director. As for the producers, they can't and just want to squeeze the cost of remuneration. I think there should be no contradiction between us." Lan Li is a forgiving one. It is clear that the restart project of "Jurassic Park" is being suppressed by Thomas, and now "Interstellar Crossing" may face Thomas' suppression, but he still has no burden.

Andy shook his head helplessly, "If there is a chance to talk about this, I mean, in the face of Steven Spielberg or Christopher Nolan, please be sure to stick to the 20 million piece salary and Box office dividends, okay? I need your cooperation, I need you to declare your position to those authoritative directors, I need those directors to put pressure on Thomas Tour and Kevin Lan Li lifted up With both hands, he made a gesture of surrender, did not speak, but a smile on his face was the best answer.

If it’s other things, Andy will take it easy, but the issue of pay is really important, and Andy also understands Lan Li’s personality. He has no idea about pay, so now he has to talk about it again and again. .

"Len Li, I'm serious. If you choose'Nightcrawler', that's fine, even if you lower the pay to star in, I won't say anything at all; but I chose Christopher Nolan or'Jura Ji Park', then I need you to be on my side."

After egot, Lan Li chose the "Burst Drummer", because he was also a producer, so the pay was not the focus of attention at all, and there was nothing worth discussing; but now that he has the opportunity to choose a commercial film, Andy will never let it go easily. .

Even if "Gravity" has not been released yet, the box office performance is unknown, but in Andy's view, the 20 million club plus box office dividends, this is what Lan Li deserves.

Reject the 20 million club? This is also no problem, just increase the box office dividend ratio. Not because Andy is confident about Renly’s market appeal, but because it is an important manifestation of Renly’s position in the industry: he doesn’t care about the potential risks of box office dividends, and he doesn’t care about the number of final dividends. The important thing is that Hollywood must recognize Renli's first-line status.

This is what Andy is fighting for Renly. Even in the face of Warner Bros., even in the face of Thomas Tour, he will never give in easily.

Lan Li could feel Andy's solemnity. He didn't continue joking, and simply gave a positive answer, "Okay."

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