The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1454: Chaotic pattern

"The killer?" Lan Li knew Andy, but if he didn't, he was already a blockbuster. So far, their cooperative relationship has always maintained a harmonious and happy relationship, because the two people's balance of business and art has been walking in a relatively compatible rhythm, so what can be called a killer by Andy is definitely worth looking forward to.

Andy didn't deliberately sell it, but only said one name, but the leaked anticipation and curiosity were already overflowing, "Christopher Nolan."

Each era has its own cultural imprint, and each generation also has its own classic worship. Among these cultures, some have withstood the scouring and tempering of time, and have become true classics, which are widely circulated; some regretfully become mediocre in time, but become unique memories of that generation.

The former is like the "Star Wars" series, and the latter is like the "growth troubles".

It can be said that Christopher Nolan is one of the cultural symbols of the 21st century, starting from the debut of "Follow", to the mature styles of "Memory Fragment" and "White Night Chasing Murder", and then to the "Batman" trilogy. "Fatal Magic" and "Inception" went to the altar, and then "Interstellar Crossing" and "Dunkirk" self-breakthrough... One step at a time, Christopher can be said to come along this way. It is solid and stable.

In less than two decades, Christopher has already had countless fans all over the world, and some people even think that he is the greatest director of our time.

Of course, descriptive words like "the greatest" tend to irritate other senior movie fans, and even arouse countless loyal movie fans who hate Christopher because of this, because "the greatest" is a topic that has countless controversies, and it is obviously fashionable to discuss it now. In the early days, only after the precipitation and erosion of time, and only after the test and tempering of the years, can excellence create classics, and the top can become great.

Regarding whether Christopher can be a god, it is undoubtedly worthy of discussion and questioning; but there is no doubt as to whether Christopher has become a cultural phenomenon. For this generation of viewers, the impact and influence of the two works "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "Inception" is immeasurable.

Lan Li is no exception.

In fact, in Christopher’s work, the director’s style overrides everything. Even actors such as Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio have only left behind in the movie. It’s just a stylized silhouette, all the other highlights fall on the director——

The clown played by Heath Ledger is a special case. The role is a special case, the story is a special case, and the actor is also a special case. The three special cases just collide together. This has created the most classic comic movie villain in film history. This is not directly related to Christopher himself.

During the filming process, Christopher’s habit is to set the frame and context of the character in advance, to make sure that the character can be integrated with the story, the shot, and the picture. The other performance work is left to the actor himself, but he does not need extra play from the actor. , It's like drawing the ground as a prison, just confined to the circle, this is enough.

Objectively speaking, Christopher still left a certain space for the actors to perform well; but the problem is that Christopher’s editing and picture style are really too strong, and the story is the top priority, and the audience tends to ignore the actors. The importance is more often focused on the director's figure hidden behind the screen, so that the actors' performances are good or bad without much impression.

In other words, Christopher is not a director who is good at shooting actors and tuning/teaching actors. He can only say that he is a director who knows how to use actors.

Despite this, there are still countless actors who hope to cooperate with Christopher. Not for the performance, but for the director’s unconstrained imagination, truly bringing the charm of the movie to its extreme——

Whether it is "Dark Knight" or "Inception", or "memory fragments" and "fatal magic", Christopher uses the art of editing and lens to construct an illusory and real movie time, which implicitly implies the director's philosophy , The thinking and exploration of life brings a completely different viewing experience.

This is indeed very rare.

Therefore, the opportunity to work with Christopher is another charm of the actor's work.

Is Christopher Nolan Renly's favorite director? Maybe not; but is Christopher Nolan one of Renly's favorite directors? There is no doubt about this.

If given the opportunity, Lan Li also hopes to be able to star in Christopher's works. "Dark Knight", "Inception" and "Dunkirk" can be regarded as the top three personal favorite directors of Lan Li. At one time, Lan Li was also embarrassed because he regretted missing the "Inception".

Never expected that the name of "Christopher Nolan" would come out of Andy's mouth.

"Wow, are you serious?" Lan Li did not conceal his joy and joy, and the words were full of joy.

On the contrary, Andy remained calm and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Nightcrawler and Nolan, which of these two works do you prefer?"

It's just a hypothetical question, but Lanly still pondered for a while, "Nolan." Such an answer surprised Andy, "Remember that I told you before? I hope to challenge some more relaxed and different roles. ."

"Yes, I remember, you are even willing to challenge a role as a vase." Andy gently chins his head.

"That's what I mean." Lan Li continued, "The script and role of'Nightcrawler' are undoubtedly fatal appealing. This is after'Love Is Crazy', this is the most exciting performance opportunity for me; but now , I hope to challenge some self-overthrowing characters, which can be the dark characters of the villain, or the light-hearted comedy characters. Nolan’s movies are a more suitable choice."

Andy suddenly realized. In the final analysis, it is actually a matter of timing. The influence of the "burst drummer" is now more and more apparent on Lan Li.

"However, the reason why it is said to be a killer is not because of the name Christopher Nolan, but because everything has not been determined for the time being." Andy continued, "Now the whole plan is still in the preparatory stage, my hands There is no script, no project plan, everything is uncertain, I only talked to Christopher once, nothing more."

Lan Li was not in a hurry to interrupt, but listened patiently.

Andy went on to explain.

This film project can be traced back to 2007, when the famous astrophysicist Kip-thorne (kip-thorne) and the producer Linda-Obst (lynda-obst) discussed filming a movie about black holes The movies with Wormhole have constructed the basic theory of the whole story.

Kip is a Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology. As one of the most outstanding scientists in the field of black holes and general relativity, he has a long-term relationship with Stephen-hawking and Carl-sagan. My friend, there is an intuitive example of his status in the industry. In the movie "Theory of Everything", among the three tutors who judged Hawking's doctoral dissertation, one of them was Kip Thorne.

In 2017, Kip Thorne won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The film project was established under the idea of ​​Kip. The original intention was to explain the complex concept of relativity to the public. This is what he has always hoped to achieve during his tenure at the California Institute of Technology-to promote science to more ordinary people. People, encourage more people to invest in scientific research.

At that time Linda Obst found Steven Spielberg, and Steven showed great interest. He found Jonathan Nolan (Jonathan-) to write the script. At that time Jonathan had already After writing the two scripts of "Memories" and "Fatal Magic", after completing the "Dark Knight" script, he began to prepare for Steven's project.

After going round and round, the project has never been able to make breakthrough progress, because Kip hopes that the entire story is based on a real and scientific theoretical basis.

Kip emphasized that all the celestial theories, physical theories and the phenomena that they guide in the movie must be in line with science This not only creates many difficulties for Jonathan's script creation, but also Countless problems were raised for filming. People can't help but think of the work "Gravity". Without sufficient technical support, the film would not be possible, and the same is true for this project.

In the end, Steven withdrew from the project, and Christopher, who had just finished filming the "Batman" trilogy, took the initiative.

After taking over, Christopher came to California Institute of Technology and asked for Kip’s help. It took six months before and after class to discuss, and finally write the script. After all the theoretical knowledge structures were truly constructed, the Nolan brothers Only completed the final version of the script creation, which is far from the original version in 2007 at this time.

In any case, the script is finally completed, the technology seems to have reached the corresponding height, everything is ready, it seems that you can start shooting now; but the problem also arises, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have parted ways.

As mentioned before, Christopher Nolan is a direct-line director discovered by Jeff Robinoff; moreover, all the works he collaborated with Warner Bros. were handled by Thomas Tour.

Now that Robinoff is forced to leave, Thomas is cooperating with Universal Pictures, which also makes Christopher suddenly fall into a predicament——

Should he continue to work with Warner Bros.?

Now, this project is in a chaotic pattern, and it seems that there is no way to sort out the ideas in a short time. Andy and Christopher had a conversation, and brought up the possibility of joining Lanly. Christopher expressed great interest. , But, that’s all, nothing has been determined, because Christopher himself has no way to determine it completely.

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